Incorrect F1 Quotes - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Seb after getting social media : Lance what is a dilf? I keep seeing people call me one and I don't know what it is.

Lance : uh........*panicing*

Lance in the grid kids GC in distress : Seb is asking me what a dilf is what do I do?????? HELP!!!!!!

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2 years ago

Seb introducing his grid kids:

Seb: This is Mick, he's my sweet little angel baby,

Mick: *waving while smiling like a sweet baby* Hallo!

Seb: and these are Lance and Charles, they're my chaos gremlins.

Lance: *offended noises of indignation* Hey! we're not-

Charles: *right beside Lance looking down in mild shame* No, no he's right.

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2 years ago

Fernando looking for Esteban: Where the hell is he?! He's been missing for 3 hours now!!

Otmar finding a sleeping Esteban who managed to fit his entire 186cm body into a little cubby: HOW THE HELL??????

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2 years ago

Lance : Hey you guys wanna see how confused we can make the older drivers?

rest of the grid kids: Yeah!

*the next day while walking into the paddock*

Lance: No, like it slaps!

Esteban: right! like no cap, 10/10 would recommend!

Mick: like it made me a whole snack!

Lando: Snack?! more like a whole ass meal! Like will you ever take an L??

older drivers: ???????

Nando: what but they have caps on?

Seb: Why do they wanna eat Mick?

Checo: was someoned slapped?

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2 years ago

*Seb batting his eyes giggling at everything that Michael says*

Nico: *scoffs* why is he acting so ditzy and sweet in front of an older driver when he's such a brat.

Jenson and Mark: *Having intense flashbacks to when they first met Nico*

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2 years ago

Rookie Lando: *whispering to himself* Hi! I'm Lando, I'm 19 years old, and I like girls.

Carlos: Hi! I'm Carlos I'll be your teammate!

Rookie Lando: *Malfunctions* 19! I'm like girls, I'm Lando years old, I Hi. *Dies internally*

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2 years ago

Carlos: * panting heavily and very panicked* Mattia! We lost Charles! We've looked everywhere we can't find him! You need to do it!


Angry Lance holding a crow bar: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOU SON OF A BITCH?!?!?

Angry Charles with a baseball bat: WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT OUR DAD?!?!?!

Angry Mick holding a blowtorch: SAY THAT TO MY FACE!!!!

A Petrified Mattia: Where did they get those things?!?!?! Charles come on you need to get in the car!

Lance being dragged away by Seb: YOU BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN MOTHER FUCKER!!!!


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2 years ago

grid kids playing hide and seek

Most of them have already been found, they are now looking for the ones still in hiding

Yuki: *stops in front of a door, sniff sniff, enters a room* I know your here Pierre! I can smell you from the other side of the door!

Pierre: Every time! I can never hide from you!

Lance: *whispering* Does anyone else find it just a little creepy that he was able to find him so quick and just by scent?

Other Grid kids: *nodding* yeah....

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2 years ago

Niki: Hey guys I'm back-

*James and Keke betting which twink will break Alain*

*Ayrton choosing to leave him a broken shell of a man*

*Alain crying of exhaustion, begging to left alone*

*Nigel throwing up from eating too many marshmallows*

*Mika recording it while it happens*

Niki: on second thought maybe I still need more treatment.

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2 years ago

Toto: Valtteri you just lost a race you wanna talk about your feelings?

Valtteri: No

Lewis: Oh! Me! I wanna talk about my feeling!

Toto: *rubbing his forhead* I know Lewis.

Lewis: I feel sad for Valtteri *pout*

Toto: *sigh* I know Lewis.

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2 years ago

*older drivers talking with the retired drivers turned sky sports eye candy*

Jenson: but those days were wild! Absolutely mental!

Seb: yeah they were quite crazy! Hahaha *twinks internally*

Lando: WHAT?!? I get the rest of you but Seb?!? Seb is like the calmest most responsible person I know!

Lance: yeah! His rebellious phase was probably him not looking where he throws his trash.

Other grid kids: yeah!

Fernando and Mark: *still having nightmares of the absolute batshit crazy chaos that Seb used to cause in his RBR days*

Lewis and Nico: *getting Flashbacks to Seb flirting with everything that breathed*

All the older guys that were there when Seb was still in his menace to society era: Yeah No.

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2 years ago

Everyone about Lewis: He is so serious, and is a real racing driver which means he's a man's man.

Meanwhile Lewis: *strutting in wearing the most high fashion outfits while giggling and playing with his toy car*

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2 years ago

Lance: *drops his pancakes with maple syrup, sighs and stares at it* why do I even bother waking up?

Seb: *concerned* are you okay??

Mick: *failing to build his leggos* why was I even born if all I'll ever be is a disappointment, why?

Seb: *in extreme panic* What the hell is happening?!?!?! Why are none of you ok?!?!?

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2 years ago

Toto: When I asked you two to stop with the flirting I didn't mean this!

Lewis: *side eying Nico* Well it's not my fault someone decided it was fun to just be a bitch

Nico: *scoffs and glare at Lewis* No because it just never is, is it? God forbid Lewis Hamilton ever becomes at fault!

*a full on brocedes argument ensues*

Niki in his chair watching this whole thing unfold: hehehehe

Toto: Niki can you PLEASE take this seriously and help me stop them!

Niki: I can't! It's too much fun! I had to suffer this shit with Alain and Ayrton and now you have to suffer it too. *manic laughter*

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2 years ago

Sara and Elena: Okay that's it! be honest, are you guys cheating on us with each other?

Lance: *cuddling Esteban, snuggling deeper in his embrace* No! Why would you guys think that?

Esteban: *kissing Lances forehead* Oui! Your being paranoid we're just friends! Hell me and Mick have done worse!


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2 years ago

AM 2023

*Fernando wrecking havoc on the AM team*

*Lance and Felipe hiding in the shadows wide eyed*

Lance: *whispering* Maybe if we just stay quiet they'll forget we're even here.

Felipe: *quietly nods his head too scared to make a noise*

Lawrence and Mike: *death gripping their hair, on the verge of an impending breakdown*

Nico: *eating popcorn* who do you think will break first?

Jess: *also eating popcorn* I say Mike

Stoffel: * after being handed a popcorn and told to sit and watch* I say both.

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2 years ago

Lando: Hey Lewis can you help me, I wanna learn how to read. :)

Lewis: Uhhh.........Jenson?

Jenson: Uhhh......David?

David: Well.....You know son, as someone who was also a racing driver you don't really need to learn how to rea-

Seb: Nope! Absolutely not! Lando, I will help you!

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2 years ago

In a dark room the door opens and a small shadow stands at the door way.

Esteban: *flinches shaking in fear*

The light turns on, it's Fernando

Fernando: Why is it so dark? Why are you shaking?!?!?

Esteban: *looking around in panic still shaking, whispers* ever since Suzuka I've been hiding from Yuki.

Fernando: Why are you hiding from Yuki?!?

Esteban: *whisper shouts* don't be so loud!

Yuki: * holding a bat* I found you, you fucking baguette! You stole my Pierre!

Esteban: *on his knees crying* please I don't want him! take him back! I'm sorry!!

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2 years ago

Carlos: Hey Charles have you seen my-

Charles: *in a banana costume* yes?

Carlos: why are you dressed as a banana?

Charles: Because it's Halloween!

Carlos: and you're a banana

Charles: Well I've always been a snack so I decided to just make it more specific.

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2 years ago

Charles: Hey I have an Idea! We should-

Carlos: No.

Charles: What do you mean no?

Carlos: I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh!

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