Meanwhile - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Every dominatrix on earth: *cracks whip*

As the infected sprinted towards me, I quickly swung my bat. It connected and he fell in a heap, crying out in pain. He looked scared and confused, but his humanity only showed for a moment, before the rage took hold again. It appeared that pain made these ‘zombies’ briefly human again.

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5 months ago

My favorite little sportsball trivia to share with both Nerds and Sportsball enthusiasts alike is that there is an equivalent to the Destiel meme in the sport of baseball, and it's hilarious. Every time a major historical event happens or a celebrity dies, Nick Castellanos hits a home run. This list doesn't even include his first HR of note, which was when he hit a HR the day they announced Osama Bin Laden had been killed, because the first one ON this list started a copypasta that became so memed I think Apollo actually did curse his bat with the gift of prophecy.

My Favorite Little Sportsball Trivia To Share With Both Nerds And Sportsball Enthusiasts Alike Is That

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4 years ago

Twitter should have done this four years ago!!

Tonight just keeps getting better and better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

Tonight Just Keeps Getting Better And Better:

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10 months ago

Prompt 28

Jaskier is sure the last hurdle to winning Geralt's heart is to finally make Roach like him. So he gives her apples and sugar cubes, and braids her hair, and cleans her hooves, and brushes her fur, and buys her new tack, and pets her every chance he gets, and he can tell that slowly but surely, she's starting to like him! Now he just has to wait for Geralt to fall in love with him! Jaskier eliminated the one problem that Geralt would reasonably have with them getting together. "If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands!" Ah. Apparently there was... more wrong with Jaskier than he initially thought. Roach meanwhile watches as the flowerman who gives her all the best treats walks past her sobbing. Where's Geralt??? Go fix the flowerman! She waits a while but... Geralt isn't coming. Geralt can handle himself. prettycolorflowerman cannot! He is stupid!!! So she follows him. Geralt returns to what was their camp, already feeling like shit for blowing up at Jaskier, only to find that- What th- Did Jaskier steal his fucking horse!? Jaskier is already a town or two away, and is done performing in exchange for a room, when he looks outside and sees Roach. Did Geralt come back for him!? He always hoped that- Oh.. No. He didn't. It's... just roach? Is he in trouble? No she's certainly in no hurry to leave. Perhaps she just wandered after him and needs to be told to go back to Geralt. She's not moving- Entice her with treats! Not working. Do the special little whistle Geralt does when he needs her! Not working. Shove her toward where she came from. Not working. Fuck! How is Jaskier going to give Roach back to Geralt without... Without seeing Geralt!?

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3 years ago

strongly dislike when people who don't like tomato soup say it's like drinking ketchup. like no, actually, those things are fundamentally different and do not taste the same. just because tomato soup is my favorite kind of soup and I love tomatoes in general doesn't mean I'll hate you or even be at all offended by you for not wanting liquid tomato in large quantities. please just say it instead of coming up with some weird excuse that clearly isn't true.

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1 year ago

Chapter 30

In March, at Kutsukuranto South Highway Road at Vieza Kamino, medicine and fruit are being handed out. Belca and Tenko are there. Belca talks to a doctor who thanks for letting him operate without reporting The Plague, saying doing so would have doomed every person there. Belca says that the doctor is doing the real legwork and the doctor brushes it off, saying he didn't believe he would see the day where The Plague would finally be cured. If only they weren't racist towards the Hokulea...the day would have come sooner.

Chapter 30

Eco then forces the medicine on Belca, saying if he dies, everyone in Kamino will be upset. The medicine tastes awful but hey: everything can't be fruit gummies and Flintstone Vitamins. Speaking of, you're probably wondering why they're in Kamino and not in the Sacred Land, considering it has not been established that they have had their X-gene activated and developed teleportation powers. Well...

At the Heavenly Spire, they heard the song. The Song of The Men Who Came Up From Beyond The Waterfalls. The song that describes Rovisco's and Reitz's story. However, that story had a missing part: there was a woman named Konalia who informed the Hokulea and the people on their side of Reitz's betrayal, causing them to take up arms to fight against him for themselves and the Hokulea. They lost. Bad. The Hokulea were forced to go into seclusion, Konalia's son Muruko being advised to leave and go to the Stone Capital. Muruko says he will leave...but he will never forget the lives that were taken and the vengeance that they're owed. The Hokulea elder tells him to forget it, saying time heals everything but Muruko refuses, disappearing after being given the names of "Robeena", "Kirie" and "Balbareous". These names are only remembered through the song.

Belca says that means that Captain Rovisco's descendant is still alive somewhere. Eco reveals that's how the Lagen family chooses their names; he's only surprised that the tradition stretches that far back. Belca, remembering that Eco's real name is Francesco and that Francie is Azapurade's main port, starts to piece something together...but Eco continues, saying the current head of the Lagen family is Balbaresko who adopted the child of his lover, the only child of Adien, who had his name changed to Kiliko. Belca finally points out that the family that abandoned Eco was the Lagen family, which Eco confirms. Eco says that the family was born from hatred.

Eco says he wrote down all the songs in his poem book so if anyone looks at it, he can just say it's material for his songs. Then he says that all he wanted to do was see if the legend that his family believes was true and, having found that out, he's fine with ending his journey right here. Then Subaru comes up and calls Eco Suisei (comet) and Belca Akatsuki (Red Moon), telling Belca those are their names that she and Renjou came up with yesterday. She then reminds them that besides the Hokulea, no one is allowed to leave from the Sacred Lands before saying those are their new names because THEY CAN NEVER LEAVE.

Chapter 30

Neither Belca nor Eco are bothered by that, Belca instead trying to take the opportunity to ask if Hector got a name like that before Tenko interrupts, saying he checked with the pharmacist and a few of the soldiers have been recovering.

In the present, the doctor says he can't believe the soldiers were just going to watch an entire town die and he's grateful to Renjou and Belca for helping them. Belca notes that the crown prince's territories belong to Orcelito but they are still loyal to Hector. Belca then prepares to head to the Western Clinic, hoping to make the people's day by showing up like John Cena does for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Everyone does like seeing him, even letting Shingetsu beat up Eco for being annoying.

Two weeks earlier in the same place, in front of the city gate, the gate guards were ready to shoot anyone to keep them from leaving quarantine. Then Belca arrived on horseback, showing off Prince Hector's flag. He then orders them to let him in. The guards, while horrified, note he did not say let anyone out and he's a royal so...they obey. The people see Belca coming, thinking he's there to kill them. He assures them he's not, the opposite in fact: he's there to declare The Plague was no longer incurable. The people are like, "Okay...but why are The Hokulea with you? Are they going to use black magic on us?". But they recognize Hector's flag so they let him speak, Belca saying he's there to continue his older brother's work.

They did all they could but they only managed to save half the population. Still, the people regard them as heroes. But The Plague has been fought, at least...still, Spring is coming and the snow on the mountains will melt. The Stone Capital will most likely launch an attack on the Hokulea. Tenko says that even though they can't leave Kamino whenever they like, they can still communicate with birds. He also reports that there has been no headway on the investigation on the relationship between Lord Lagen and Lord Ruebelli and the Succession Ceremony has yet to be performed. Eco says it serves them right. Belca ends the chapter wondering what exactly is going on in the palace...

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2 years ago

ok also michael’s plan to torture them for a thousand years wouldve worked if he’d just paired chidi and jason together and eleanor and tahani together as soul mates. eleanor and tahani.. hoo boy they’re self-explanatory but chidi and jason? chidi would have broken down day 1 from ‘wait my soulmate is a man? im attracted to men? wait is it homophobic of me to be surprised that my soulmate is a man? am i bisexual? am i gay? oh my god is that why none of my girlfriends worked out? did i lead women on bc i was too homophobic to realise my own sexuality? have i been in denial my whole life?’ and jason would have to contend with a beautiful jacked academic begging him for wisdom using words he’s never heard before in his life. and then they (chidi+jason and eleanor+tahani) kiss

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1 year ago

Oh y-yes! My friend…. Uh…. UHM…

Okay I can’t remember her name but that’s okay…. I think…

Well she’s at least 4’2, so technically very small, she has a floating cat head, her fur is grey and brown, she’s wearing an orange sweater I made her, she’s very…. Uh…. Violent at times…. She will technically walk up to any stranger to make friends with them

She- she always gets lost, though if we are in an entirely different city then it might be near impossible to find her….

*there is a voice at the other side of the door*

O-oh dear…. Uhm… shoot usually she would be the one who gets lost…. Alright just knock on the door… no big deal!

….w-what if they get scared though… what if-

No stop thinking about that stuff…..

Oooh here goes nothing….

*A knock on the door, then someone peeks in*

*they are VERY tall, head is just a floating eyeball, and their pupil is a question mark*

U-uh w-would you- no wait…

Do you know what side of the city we are…? I’ve never been around here before…

[Felix looked up curiously. He's a little surprised, but it's mostly the height that startles him.]

Um.. I believe this is the North side.

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2 years ago

i love characters who are like oysters emotionally

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2 years ago

what are your thoughts on madara trans gener (as in trans man) and would u perhaps doodle smth for the idea :? maybe w hashi… only if you wanted tho ofc !!! your art is so lovely n cute

What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The
What Are Your Thoughts On Madara Trans Gener (as In Trans Man) And Would U Perhaps Doodle Smth For The

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #1

Libra: The sun is in my face

Gemini: It's just god smiling at you

Libra: ...well god needs to back off

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