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🇵🇸 Help Marah's family restore their lives!
I want to introduce you to the Baloushaa family, who are currently living in Gaza. The family lived in a beautiful house, and Mahmoud owned a shoe store that was doing well. Marah (@freepaleatine95) was studying computer engineering at Al-Azhar University, a subject she has a lot of interest and passion in. Mahmoud's business was successful and Marah's studies were going excellently. Their parents were proud of them for all they accomplished, and they had great dreams for their futures.
But even before the recent aggression starting on October 7th, this family had experienced profound loss. They lost their older brother in 2006, a stark reminder that the violence inflicted on Palestinians did not start within the past year, but has been a continued effort to wipe out their people. With the most recent escalation in violence, this family has been forced to experience loss again. They lost the beautiful house they lived in, and they lost the kittens that they cared for dearly. Mahmoud's business was destroyed as well as Marah's University and their lives have been frozen.
The picture above is their current living situation, they are trying to survive without proper shelter, exposed to the weather and illnesses. Their mother and father both suffer from diabetes, and their father has high blood pressure, the medicine for which is near impossible to obtain in Gaza. As winter approaches and the temperature drops, they will need proper clothing, blankets, and a heater. Their ultimate goal is to move the family to Egypt so they can access proper care for their parents, Marah can continue university, and they can rebuild their lives.
$10,393 / $50,000
Verification: the old account was shared by 90-ghost here. The GFM linked in this post is the same as the one above.
🇵🇸 Help Marah's family restore their lives!
I want to introduce you to the Baloushaa family, who are currently living in Gaza. The family lived in a beautiful house, and Mahmoud owned a shoe store that was doing well. Marah (@freepaleatine95) was studying computer engineering at Al-Azhar University, a subject she has a lot of interest and passion in. Mahmoud's business was successful and Marah's studies were going excellently. Their parents were proud of them for all they accomplished, and they had great dreams for their futures.
But even before the recent aggression starting on October 7th, this family had experienced profound loss. They lost their older brother in 2006, a stark reminder that the violence inflicted on Palestinians did not start within the past year, but has been a continued effort to wipe out their people. With the most recent escalation in violence, this family has been forced to experience loss again. They lost the beautiful house they lived in, and they lost the kittens that they cared for dearly. Mahmoud's business was destroyed as well as Marah's University and their lives have been frozen.
The picture above is their current living situation, they are trying to survive without proper shelter, exposed to the weather and illnesses. Their mother and father both suffer from diabetes, and their father has high blood pressure, the medicine for which is near impossible to obtain in Gaza. As winter approaches and the temperature drops, they will need proper clothing, blankets, and a heater. Their ultimate goal is to move the family to Egypt so they can access proper care for their parents, Marah can continue university, and they can rebuild their lives.
$10,393 / $50,000
Verification: the old account was shared by 90-ghost here. The GFM linked in this post is the same as the one above.
we shouldn't have to feel grateful for so much of this, man. as valuable a virtue as gratitude is, i don't want the world we've made to be one in which my prayer of thanks for anesthesia at the dentist is anything more than a novel acknowledgement, rather than resultant of seeing so many people lack that "privilege." i'm a senior at a polytechnic rn; i don't want to be grateful for the continued existence of the school, the fact of its concrete walls still standing. i don't want to be aware of the fact that the toddlers in my family are in one piece; i don't want a contrary example of limbless infants to live in my mind. the softly-suffered deaths i've mourned have provided more than enough suffering on their own!
but such is the world we've built. while some well-fed mouths in the imperial core shut their eyes and cover their ears and make crude jokes and question whether such suffering really is realistic at all, the virtuous of us, those interested in good, refuse to look away until we've changed it. part of exercising that continued gaze is providence. if your life has ever been happier on account of a living sibling or a standing university or a cat sleeping on your stomach or a warm home, see whether you can't provide for miriam baalou, who, like me, has a tumblr account-- @freepaleatine95 -- and who, younger than i am, has had all of these things taken away as collateral for the continued comfort of the imperial core.
in this empire, whose current is an evil one, even to remain in one place requires discipline, labor, capital. to do good requires even more. but let us work heartily against the worst selfishnesses of our worst ancestors.
the baalou's campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost, who's work in making palestinian campaigns more legible to outsiders i am grateful beyond words for.
we shouldn't have to feel grateful for so much of this, man. as valuable a virtue as gratitude is, i don't want the world we've made to be one in which my prayer of thanks for anesthesia at the dentist is anything more than a novel acknowledgement, rather than resultant of seeing so many people lack that "privilege." i'm a senior at a polytechnic rn; i don't want to be grateful for the continued existence of the school, the fact of its concrete walls still standing. i don't want to be aware of the fact that the toddlers in my family are in one piece; i don't want a contrary example of limbless infants to live in my mind. the softly-suffered deaths i've mourned have provided more than enough suffering on their own!
but such is the world we've built. while some well-fed mouths in the imperial core shut their eyes and cover their ears and make crude jokes and question whether such suffering really is realistic at all, the virtuous of us, those interested in good, refuse to look away until we've changed it. part of exercising that continued gaze is providence. if your life has ever been happier on account of a living sibling or a standing university or a cat sleeping on your stomach or a warm home, see whether you can't provide for miriam baalou, who, like me, has a tumblr account-- @freepaleatine95 -- and who, younger than i am, has had all of these things taken away as collateral for the continued comfort of the imperial core.
in this empire, whose current is an evil one, even to remain in one place requires discipline, labor, capital. to do good requires even more. but let us work heartily against the worst selfishnesses of our worst ancestors.
the baalou's campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost, who's work in making palestinian campaigns more legible to outsiders i am grateful beyond words for.
we shouldn't have to feel grateful for so much of this, man. as valuable a virtue as gratitude is, i don't want the world we've made to be one in which my prayer of thanks for anesthesia at the dentist is anything more than a novel acknowledgement, rather than resultant of seeing so many people lack that "privilege." i'm a senior at a polytechnic rn; i don't want to be grateful for the continued existence of the school, the fact of its concrete walls still standing. i don't want to be aware of the fact that the toddlers in my family are in one piece; i don't want a contrary example of limbless infants to live in my mind. the softly-suffered deaths i've mourned have provided more than enough suffering on their own!
but such is the world we've built. while some well-fed mouths in the imperial core shut their eyes and cover their ears and make crude jokes and question whether such suffering really is realistic at all, the virtuous of us, those interested in good, refuse to look away until we've changed it. part of exercising that continued gaze is providence. if your life has ever been happier on account of a living sibling or a standing university or a cat sleeping on your stomach or a warm home, see whether you can't provide for miriam baalou, who, like me, has a tumblr account-- @freepaleatine95 -- and who, younger than i am, has had all of these things taken away as collateral for the continued comfort of the imperial core.
in this empire, whose current is an evil one, even to remain in one place requires discipline, labor, capital. to do good requires even more. but let us work heartily against the worst selfishnesses of our worst ancestors.
the baalou's campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost, who's work in making palestinian campaigns more legible to outsiders i am grateful beyond words for.
we shouldn't have to feel grateful for so much of this, man. as valuable a virtue as gratitude is, i don't want the world we've made to be one in which my prayer of thanks for anesthesia at the dentist is anything more than a novel acknowledgement, rather than resultant of seeing so many people lack that "privilege." i'm a senior at a polytechnic rn; i don't want to be grateful for the continued existence of the school, the fact of its concrete walls still standing. i don't want to be aware of the fact that the toddlers in my family are in one piece; i don't want a contrary example of limbless infants to live in my mind. the softly-suffered deaths i've mourned have provided more than enough suffering on their own!
but such is the world we've built. while some well-fed mouths in the imperial core shut their eyes and cover their ears and make crude jokes and question whether such suffering really is realistic at all, the virtuous of us, those interested in good, refuse to look away until we've changed it. part of exercising that continued gaze is providence. if your life has ever been happier on account of a living sibling or a standing university or a cat sleeping on your stomach or a warm home, see whether you can't provide for miriam baalou, who, like me, has a tumblr account-- @freepaleatine95 -- and who, younger than i am, has had all of these things taken away as collateral for the continued comfort of the imperial core.
in this empire, whose current is an evil one, even to remain in one place requires discipline, labor, capital. to do good requires even more. but let us work heartily against the worst selfishnesses of our worst ancestors.
the baalou's campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost, who's work in making palestinian campaigns more legible to outsiders i am grateful beyond words for.
Help Marah and her family achieve a better future
Any donation or participation in the campaign makes a difference in our lives
İnsan öyle kibirli bir vatlıktır ki, Tanrı'nın yerine bile göz diker.
Sosyal medya, mutsuz insanların mutluluk maskelerinin arkasından gelen çığlıklarla doludur. Çünkü her gülümseyen dudaklar gözyaşlarıyla yıkanmıştır, çünkü her kahkahanın ardından bir çığlık doğmuştur.
Çünkü, ilişkiler bizim yarım kalan yerlerimizden tamamlanma umudumuz* olduğu gibi, hikayeler ya da postlar da yardım çağrımızım duyulması umudumuzdur.
Mutsuz değilim ben. Sadece yorgunum. Mutlu olduğumu gösteremeyecek kadar yorgun...
Bir eksik var
Nerede bilmiyorum
Belki ruhumdadır belki kalbimde,
Belki hayatımda ya da anılarımdadır.
Ah, bir eksik var Tanrı'm...
Alıp götürdüğüm ve bırakıp gittiklerimde.
Ben biraz yorgun
Biraz da kırgınım
Fakat hepsi kendime;
Düş kırıklıklarım, ıslanmış hayallerim
Hepsi kendime.
"Keşke ben de böyle bir insan olabilsem." Dediğiniz insanların baskın olarak kullandığı bütün özelliklerin hepsi sizde de var. Hepimizin içinde sayısız kişilik, sayısız yeni bir 'ben' bulunmakta. Hepsi sizin potansiyelinize göre ya ortaya çıkar ya da hiç açamayacak bir tohum gibi toprağın altında çürür. Eğer ona su verirseniz, istediğiniz kişi olabilmeniz mümkün olabilir.
Fakat hangi tohuma su verdiğinize dikkat edin, aksi halde benliğinizi kaybedebilirsiniz.
Evet, büyük bir dünya küçük bir dünyaya sığabilirdi; ama büyük dünya küçük olana hiçbir zaman sığamadı.
"Çocukların en büyük düşmanı ebeveynleri çünkü çok seviyorlar"
Umudunu kesmek, umut etmeye korkmaktan çok daha iyiydi.
Her yeni bir şey, bir olayz bir duygu ya da bir davranış öğrendiğimde içimde tamamen o duygudan oluşan bir kişilik daha oluştu. Annem bana bağırdığında sevgisizliği, haberlerde bir katil gördüğümde acımasızlığı, kocaman gülümsendiğinde mutluluğu içimdeki bedenlerden birinde var ettim. Kim olacağımı kendim seçtim.