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"Give me therapy I'm a walking travesty But I'm smiling at everything." ~Therapy || All Time Low #ownpoetry #yesimstillalivesomehow #itriedwritingagain #itsucks #imsorry #depression #anxiety #hopelessfeeling #suicideonmymind #suicide #sleepdeprived #instapoetry #igpoetry #poetofinstagram #poetscorner #depressedpoetry #brokenhome #imtiredofthisfighting #poemporn #poemsporn_ #poemgasm #poetryisnotdead #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #poetsandwriters #ownpoetry

"Give me therapy I'm a walking travesty But I'm smiling at everything." ~Therapy || All Time Low #ownpoetry #yesimstillalivesomehow #itriedwritingagain #itsucks #imsorry #depression #anxiety #hopelessfeeling #suicideonmymind #suicide #sleepdeprived #instapoetry #igpoetry #poetofinstagram #poetscorner #depressedpoetry #brokenhome #imtiredofthisfighting #poemporn #poemsporn_ #poemgasm #poetryisnotdead #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #poetsandwriters #ownpoetry
© Lulu’s Secret Desires by Veronika (Nika) Jensen

Touch me. Not my body… My soul. Undress me. Not my clothes… Take the years of longing for you, layer by layer. Kiss me. Not just my lips, but the very essence of me. Call me. Not by my name. Call me Yours. Need me. Not today or tomorrow. Always. Love me. Not because of who I am, but who you are… ~ Lulu © Lulu’s Secret Desires

© Lulu’s Secret Desires by Veronika (Nika) Jensen

© Veronika Jensen || Lulu's Secret Desires

Chavvi, a curious girl, finds herself in company of Ayush, a mysterious boy, in the world where Music and Arts are erased from the pages of history and only Science prevails. While they uncover history of the world they live in, they're targeted and most likely in danger. Will they sustain in such a world? Will this world accept something so magical and powerful even if it is introduced to them? Will the world understand their fight towards it? 🎶 #miracleswords ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #musicmystique #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Mystique)

A map of SARAS through which Chavvi's story travels. 🎶 Chavvi, a curious girl, finds herself in company of Ayush, a mysterious boy, in the world where Music and Arts are erased from the pages of history and only Science prevails. While they uncover history of the world they live in, they're targeted and most likely in danger. Will they sustain in such a world? Will this world accept something so magical and powerful even if it is introduced to them? Will the world understand their fight towards it? 🎶 #miracleswords #musicmystique ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Mystique)

2 years ago • "Do you think birds have a language difference as we do like one language for one species?" Vigyan asked. "Maybe, but I think they'll all be bilingual since they keep migrating or they just talk in the same code that is the same in all the regions," Chavvi said scribbling some notes. "Well, there's code in everything for the data scientist. Even now you're figuring out some algorithm." "If the university gives me permission to cut open their brains and check it. I could give some promising result without any algorithm." Mridula said drinking her coffee. "Hey, Vig! You could shoot some for me. I'll get the Grant and permission from my University." "That's just cruel, Mrid! You're a neurologist for God's sake. Not Dr. Mengele," Chavvi said while Mridula chuckled. "And Gyan, their voices in the morning are just... There's a word for this. Yeah! So calming like some sort of magic! Don't you dare shoot them." she said gazing at the birds returning home. "Hey! I just build weapons. I don't use them in real life," Vigyan said defensively. "By the way guys, the only magic in this world is science. Everything is explainable," Mridula countered. "Everything that isn't cut open, decoded or the concept of "God" Chavvi believes in." Everyone laughed. "I just know that there's something balancing the universe. Some power and I call it God while you call it a Force. Just different perspective. We don't know who's right," Chavvi said packing up her things. "Yet and you call it "Kanha"," shrugged Vigyan. "Fine! Let me know when you've discovered the "Force" and name it. I'll worship it," Chavvi said sipping her tea. Though what they hadn't discovered was the two men wearing long coats, listening to their conversation intently without drinking their--now cold--coffees. 🎶 #miracleswords #MusicMystique ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Mystique)

I don't know if to continue or to rail through it for I know I got talents but is it enough? Doesn't luck matter? Doesn't money matter? Of course it does! It's not just the societal norms but also a criteria for a good and well acknowledged life. I hate how's the world running now but I don't even know if I'm right. In this world, who knows what's right and what is not? In this world, who knows what's good or bad for them. In someway or the other everyone relates to each other but yet we don't like others. In someway, we're all the same. Selfish. Selfish as in not ruin the whole world selfish but haven't we in some way messed up things without thinking or giving a second chance or showing kindness to others as well as ourselves? It's crazy how we run our minds. It's just a whole other world in there but it's almost the same compared to the outer one. Don't take this rant seriously but it's good to free up the inner world as to change the outer world. If not in a large scale, just the peace and quiet of your surroundings isnt enough for you lead the life you've dreamt of? Because every thing and every one count as you're a social being or else you're just a sociopath out in this psychotic world. 💕 #miracleswords ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writtenword #love #dream #rant #instawrite #instawriting #instawriter #quotes #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Cubbon Park Bangalore)

He wasn't the brightest brightest of stars but still his eyes twinkled. I don't know why I write about him for he's just my imaginary fool. He is a confidant with whom I feel at home. ✨ #miracleswords ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writtenword #love #dream #rant #instawrite #instawriting #instawriter #quotes #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm

You have your pillow as your tears-friend, why not have another as your talk-friend? Maybe yourself! Just try to know yourself. Listen to yourself before expecting others to listen to you. ✨ #miracleswords ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writtenword #love #dream #rant #instawrite #instawriting #instawriter #quotes #instapoetry #instapoet #instapoem #spilledink #wordgasm (at Namma Bengaluru- ನಮ್ಮ ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು)

“Almost all good writing behinds with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.” - Anne Lamott ✨ So before any of you get any ideas, no this isn’t me working on my book. It’s just me stirring up my knowledge in history and starting to take writing seriously. Someone once said to me that if one has to succeed in Writing or Speaking, one has to know his Mother Tongue very well. So here’s me taking the first step to dive deep into the my love and pride, my mother tongue, Kannada. I’ve written about “Mysore’s Legislative Assembly” which is the first ever step taken towards democracy in India in 1881 by Diwan C. V. Rangachalru. After 3 hours of Research, 4 hours of first draft, 2 hours of editing and one and half hour of rewriting, the piece is finally ready and I’m so proud of it. I’ve learnt so much that I’m immensely proud of and to have written about it makes me feel even better. It’s always a good day when you close your tired yet satisfied eyes.
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. - Sylvia Plath ✨ #miracleswords ____________________________________________ #write #writing #writings #deepthoughts #writers #writersofinstagram #wordstoliveby #words #wordporn #poems #poemsofinstgram #poemsporn #poetry #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writtenword #love #dream #wordsmith #instawrite #writerslife #instawriter #wordswithqueens #instapoetry #instapoet #spokenword #spilledink #wordgasm (at Bangalore, India)