Jaehee X Mc - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

mystictober day 8: jaehee x mc / vacation

jaehee x mc + vacation

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Mystictober Day 8: Jaehee X Mc / Vacation

It may have been a passing comment, but it was one that had stuck to you ever since you attended your first RFA party.

“I must ask Sherlocking to retrieve my lost vacation days,” Jaehee says with a little laugh after welcoming the detective and checking the his name on the guest list. It was said lightly, but you felt the truth in her words, especially after the soft sigh that escapes her before you both move on to the next guest.

So naturally, you burst through the doors of C&R one day, fully clad in a detective outfit- complete with a briefcase and a magnifying glass. The borrowed coat you had on was way too big on you, but it only made you look all the more endearing.

“I found them, I found them!!” You exclaim as you enter Jaehee’s office, and she makes a very confused face at you, before looking back and forth between you and Jumin’s door, motioning for you to lower your voice.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Han is currently on a conference call with our associates from Japan,” she says apologetically, using a finger to lift her glasses back to the bridge of her nose. The assistant motions you to come closer. “What was- what was it that you found?”

Her eyebrows furrow as she blinks twice, taking in your appearance. What were all these stuff you were bringing? What in the world was your reason for this attire?

You erupt in laughter for a moment before you remember yourself, eyes widening while your hand comes up to stifle the laughs. As much as Jaehee adored the sight, the sound- she couldn’t tell you not to be quiet.

“I found them,” you say in a hush now, as if you’ve unearthed the biggest secret in the world, as if you held the very key to life in your hands. The briefcase is lifted onto Jaehee’s desk by your hands, an air of importance surrounding you. She tries sitting up straighter, higher to get a peek at what’s inside as you open it, but it’s obscured from her view.

You pull out a folder that held travel documents inside, an all expenses paid week-long trip to paradise as handpicked by you and Zen, and financed by none other than mister director, Jumin Han.

The briefcase is shut as you lay the folder on her table and slide it across in an official manner, like in a movie you’ve watched with her just to see Zen’s cameo in it.

“What is all this… ?” she asks quietly, a puzzled expression on her face.

As she opens the folder, you lean in and grin widely.

“Your lost vacation days!”

You can’t help but giggle again, excited for the overworked assistant. With eyes scanning through the details written down, she slowly begins to smile, but then her mouth falls back into a hard line.

“This cannot be possible. Is this one of Seven’s pranks, are you in on it this time?” She asks in disbelief, once again surveying your outfit.

“No no no, I swear-” you try to explain before Jumin himself walks out of his office, steady beats of his Oxfords slowing to a stop as he reaches the two of you.

“Assistant Kang, this is perfectly serious. We discussed this beforehand, everything has been worked out. Is that any way to show your gratitude?”

“Mr. Han- I didn’t- and,” Jaehee begins to fumble, caught off guard.

“It’s alright,” you swoop in and save her, laughing it off and waving your hand in reassurance. “I see why it would seem too good to be true. But it is true, I asked this guy right here,” you smile as you jut your thumb outwards towards the man in question.

Jumin only nods.

“I- How did you manage this? I’ve been trying to ask for so long…” she responds, still in shock, going through the files in the folder.

“Easy. I have seven cat-sitting days Jumin can redeem whenever he needs them,” you smile proudly, shoulders straightening out as you tug on the collar of your trenchcoat.

The director shares one of his rare smiles too, and gently lays a hand on your shoulder, nodding in approval. He turns to Jaehee and gives her a curt nod as well, before walking towards the elevator without another word.

The assistant finds the tickets and holds them up, staring at her own name printed on them. Like it’s a mirage that’ll disappear. Like it’s a hallucination she’ll snap out of soon.

But she feels the paper in her hands and- oh, why is it so thick?

Her thumb slides forward as her index slides backwards in an attempt, and to her surprise, the second ticket comes into view. Curiously, she places her ticket behind and gasps at what she reads on the second one.

Your name.

“You’re coming with me?” she asks, eyes still glued to the ticket.

“Of course I am!” you say, blushing sheepishly. “What good is a vacation if you spend it alone, am I right?”

Jaehee actually grins this time, finally setting down the documents and looking into your eyes once more. She looks so happy, you think you could almost melt right here, in your entire ensemble and everything. Magnifying glass included.

Nervously, you ramble on.

“I don’t know if you saw it yet but we’ll have time to go to some spots where Zen filmed for his latest movie!! He gave us all of the directions, he even helped me fix our whole trip! And there’s lots of cute coffee shops near where we’re staying, they do all the latte art and-”

You don’t notice that Jaehee’s made her way around her desk already to wrap her arms around you tightly, the way they are now. But you do notice the smile on her face and the way she has her eyes closed, the way she holds you tightly and oh my god, she smells so good-

You’re blushing, but she is too. Sighing happily, you tenderly hold the side of her head close to you as you relish in the warmth of your embrace.

“Thank you,” she murmurs most gratefully against your hair, and you’re so dizzy that you can’t tell if its the ghost of her lips that you feel brushing against your temple or the breeze on this office floor.

You secretly hope it isn’t the latter.

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9 months ago


POV you tell the characters you're pregnant as a prank...



Y/N: I'm pregnant...

Yoosung: WHAAAA?!?!??!!

Yoosung: Y/N we're too young to have a baby!!!! Yoosung: Ah, I mean, your body your choice! T_T I didn't mean it like that!!!!! Yoosung: We'll figure this outtogethre

Yoosung: Sorry playinf LOLOL hold on



Y/N: It's a prank ㅋㅋㅋ





Y/N: I'm pregnant....

Jumin: Thank you for contacting Jumin Han. This is an automated response. He will get back to you shortly.

*17 hours later* Jumin: Y/N, I got the message.

Jumin: I've arranged for you to move in immediately, whether we share a room or not is up to you.

Jumin: My driver is on the way to you now, don't stress about packing your belongings. I can organize to have them delivered.

Jumin: We can discuss this further once you're here safe. In the meantime, I'll arrange a meeting with my father to discuss marriage arrangements.

Y/N: It was a prank....

Jumin: *read*

Jumin: *4 hours later* That wasn't funny, Y/N. Please stop hanging around Yoosung and 707.




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

707: lolololol

707: really? what should we name it~

707: lolol how about a mix of our names? like renesmee in twilight

707: u think u can blend honey buddha chips to make baby food?~

Y/N: It was a prank...

707: i know. LOLOLOL




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

*12 missed calls*

Zen: Y/N????

Zen: Y/N, are you serious? haha;;

Zen: I'll be in a scandal... aish...

Zen: Our child might break the internet with its good looks. lol

Zen: You keeping it?

Y/N: It was a prank....

Zen: Heol;; Y/N, I was about to text my publicist;;

Zen: I guess it's a good thing. Our child would be too beautiful for the world to handle~ lol




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

Jaehee: What?

Jaehee: Hm.

Jaehee: Y/N, we never spoke about raising a child. Why so sudden?

Jaehee: My work hours are long these days, I'm not sure if I can handle a child so suddenly like this. Ah;;

Jaehee: Do you plan on being a stay at home mother? I don't see another way for this to work.

Y/N: It was a prank...

Jaehee: Ah..... Y/N, you shouldn't scare me like that... I'm so tired I thought I was imagining things..;;




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

Saeran: HAH.... pregnant...

Saeran: Is that true, pet...?

Saeran: I'll have Rika bring in something to fix this.

Saeran: It's no good to have a pregnant toy, is it? This was supposed to be a last resort.. hah

Saeran: *comes in and kicks ur stomach to abort the baby*

Y/N: *coughs up blood* it.. it was a prank...

Saeran: A prank? HAH........ Hah... when did my toy get so mischevious.... I think I'll punish you for this... *locks the door*



Enjoy dear please send requests in inbox ok thank you~

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4 years ago

Mc spoils the RFA + saeran with their perfect bath

guys i love baths. bath bombs, I got a job at bath and body works because i love their products and lush doesn't have a store near me. baths are beautiful wonderful indulgent moments of relaxation and should be treated as sacred and holy times. so here we have MC giving the RFA their perfect bath.

also my master list grows with every new post so be sure to keep an eye on it.


-        He has been so stressed its affecting his sleep

-        So tonight your bound and determined to get him to relax

-        He doesn’t usually take baths he’s a shower guy

-        His bathtub is HUGE though (mostly because he knows you love baths)

-        The water is so hot his skin is a little red but not so hot that hit hurts

-        Hot water helps relax the muscles you point out

-        you use a bath bomb that colors the water a deep purple with eco safe silver glitter

-        it’s scented with cedar wood and lavender oil

-        you even dimmed the lights and played cello music to create the optimal relaxation

-        he starts soaking as you pour both of you some wine

-        he asks you to join him saying that it would be “terribly boring” without you

-        you chuckle and slip in with him leaning against his chest

-        he tells you about a new cat business

-        you tell him about teaching Elizabeth the 3rd to do the obstacle course you and he set up

-        you mention that the water looks like the starry night sky and move to kiss him

-        he smiles and catches your chin in his hand to deepen the kiss

-        he thinks he will indulge in baths more often if you will be joining him like this


-        he knows that girls like baths but he’s never really enjoyed them

-        he gets antsy if he sits still too long and shows just seem easier

-        so you decide to show him the light

-        the bathtub at his place isn’t big but you can manage since there isn’t an easy solution

-        the water is another problem it doesn’t get hot enough to be relaxing and certainly not hot enough to stay relaxing through the duration of the soak

-        so you fill up what you can from the tap and add boiling water to bring the overall temp up

-        you have to be really carful to not get it too hot

-        you use a light blue bath bomb with gold glitter its shaped like a shooting start and has a tiny toy inside

-        you do not tell him about the toy the toy is yours

-        its smells like freesia and honey, fresh and lightly sweet

-        you play the LOLOL equivalent of the LOZ great fairy fountain music

-        he grabs your hand as you go to give him privacy and won’t meet your eyes when he asks you to join him

-        you share a bottle of cold cherry flavored sparkling water

-        he tells you about the upcoming LOLOL event and you laugh at his animated hand guesturse splashing around

-        you give him a bubble beard and when you kiss him you pull away with half the bubbles on your own face

-        as great as the bath itself was his favorite part is towel drying your hair because of how messy and super fluffy soft it becomes


-        broski neglects himself when work gets bad

-        he can get nasty

-        you draw him a bath with the hottest water possible

-        you use a bright red bath bomb with black and gold glitter

-        it smells exactly like fruit loops

-        you also add several rubber duckies (one looks like him and one looks like you)

-        you were not planning to join him really

-        but he splashes you and I mean you where wet already so when in roam

-        you too may or may not play act with the rubber ducky versions of you

-        you pour Dr. pepper into those plastic fake champagne flutes and toast to honey buddah chips

-        you have to ban honey buddah chips from the bath

-        you share memes on each other’s phones

-        and play soft 8-bit music as background noise

-        you wash his hair and hum a lullaby

-        he tries not to get sentimental about a childhood he never had

-        but you can tell he’s getting a bit sad so you squish his face and say “my name is Saeyoung and I deserve love” you have him repeat after you while his face is squished until his laughing again

-        you wrap his hair in a towel hat then laugh when he forgets and his hair dries all crazy

-        bath time becomes a really happy routine for you too


-        he is familiar with baths they are good for your skin every once in a while

-        he’s read all about the benefits, the pros and cons, what to add what to steer clear of

-        he insists warm not hot water “zen hot water feels the best” “it can irritate our skin jagi!”

-        you concede because he’s basically a human furnace anyway

-        you choose a dye and glitter free bath bomb

-        but it does have seaweed extract, coconut oil, and Epsom salt

-        it smells like rose, lemongrass, and mahogany

-        he puts his hair in a bun to wash separately (what’s good for skin isn’t always good for hair)

-        you both do face masks during the soak and there’s something you really enjoy about seeing him in a face mask

-        it’s one of the few times he looks genuinely silly

-        you talk about the new part he just got and he admits he’s nervous

-        “it’s a romance Jagi what if I can’t act it properly because I’m too busy thinking about you?”

-        he either drinks bear or lemon cucumber water depending on if he has an audition tomorrow

-        if he drinks beer he shares the can with you since he’s trying to cut back for you

-        if it’s the lemon cucumber water absolutely runs the bottom of the ice cold glass against your neck to see you shiver and shudder

-        but then you wiggle against him and he’s starting to have a hard time controlling the beast


-        this girl needs a tropical vacation bad

-        but since you don’t have the money or time you decide a staycation will do

-        bath water is hot enough to steam but you give it time to cool a bit before she gets in

-        you use and orange, yellow bath bomb with gold glitter that looks like the sunrise

-        it smells like guava and mandarin to give it a tropical feel

-        you play ocean sounds and quiet ukulele music

-        you make chamomile and lemongrass ice tea sweetened with honey

-        she chats idly about all the benefits of such a drink and debates whether to add it to the café menu or not

-        you can’t help but chuckle at her workaholic nature as you turn to kiss the tip of her nose

-        you even move a laptop with its webcam covered because everything with the RFA hacker has made y’all hyper aware of the vulnerability of technology

-        to the bathroom counter so you can watch Zen DVD’s while you relax

-        afterwards you paint her nails and discuss new cakes for the café

-        she’ll admit it’s no trip to Hawaii but it was very relaxing


-        boy refuses to admit he needs some serious TLC

-        but you coax him in if you say you want to share a bath with him

-        you bring fresh flowers into the bathroom and make sure everything is perfect

-        you use a deep red bath bomb with black glitter

-        its shaped like a skull and he enjoys watching it fizz and bubble before you two get in

-        it smells like a bouquet of gardenias, roses, and lilies

-        you play nature sounds with gentle harp music

-        you make sweet hibiscus tea to share with him

-        he tells you about his latest therapy appointment and you ask him idle questions

-        “did you end up planting all the tulips?”

-        “maybe we should build a bird house! Or install a flower box on the window sill!”

-        “are you gonna dye your hair again? Or let it grow naturally?”

-        A lot of your conversations used to be one sided since he was so unused to make his own decisions

-        So conversations where you gently guide him to find his own ideas are helpful

-        Especially in safe and relaxing environment like this.

-        “I think I’d like to keep it bleached until it grows out” he says cautiously

-        “I think when it grows out on its own it’ll feel like the last of mint eye being washed away, and I hope I’ll be better by then. I hope you’ll stay with me until then.”

-        “always and forever” you assure him kissing his cheek and giggling at his light blush

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4 years ago

RFA + Saeran and MC on a snow day

so where i live it does not snow often. it gets cold but we don’t usually get enough moisture to get snow.  so as much as i would love do do more snow activities tis but a futile dream. maybe when i move. i don’t know. point is i don’t know much about snow day activities so a lot of activities are repeated but hopefully each character is different enough for everyone to enjoy.

oh also so I changed my ask box so y’all know i do take requests for mysme writing. my only current rules are that I don’t write for V and NSFW stuff will be kept vauge. oh but i do LOVE writing for jumin so def hit me up if you got anything for him.

and as always feel free to check out my master list!


He spends it learning about what other people do on snow days so it’s a little bit of everything

-        You know this man has a real fireplace because that is classy and cozy (at least I think so)

-        Imagine sitting on the floor across from Jumin with Elizabeth between you two

-        Your take turns teasing her with toys as she jumps and plays towards one of you then the other

-        When you do go out you’re in super warm clothes and even then he’ll have his arms around you to keep you close and warm next to him

-        He is not prepared when you pull away from him to run through the snow like a child but he chuckles watching you practically frolic

-        Until he see’s you tumble into a pile of snow and rushes to help you out

-        But when he gets there your giggling like a mad woman and you pull him down to kiss him in the snow

-        “have some fun with me MR. Han”

-        “if you insist MRS. Han”

-        You show him all the commoner Snow day activities

-        Snow angels, snow men, snow ice cream, maple syrup snow candy

-        At the end of the day your curled against him in a big armchair by the fires he’s reading to you while you both warm up


His day is all about fun fair play with intermittent kisses and cuddles he’s just happy to be with you

-        This boy may not have a fireplace but just imagine curling up with him under a heated blanket

-        Also he loves snowball fights. He goes all out building himself a snow wall to hide behind and creating a war cry before popping up to pelt you with snowballs

-        You sneak around and tackle him into the snow peppering his whole face with kisses

-        Y’all try to build an igloo

-        Y’all fail to build an igloo

-        You build an entire family of snowmen to live in your collapsed igloo

-        You and he name each snow man and even try to make them a little snow meal

-        Then you start sneezing and he notices how red your nose and cheeks are from the cold

-        He rubs your hands in his and breaths on them to warm your finger

-        Eskimo kisses while sipping hot chocolate

-        This boy makes the absolute best hot chocolate complete with whip cream and red and green Christmas sprinkles

-        you put your cold hands on his face hot blushing face and laugh when he lurches backwards its less fun when he does the same


he might take the snow fun a bit too far. But hey you both had fun so it’s cool right?

-        he didn’t know it was snowing until you dropped a half melted snowball on his head while he works

-        he makes a freaking snowball machine gun, his cat robot fights by his side

-        you are out numbered and out gunned but he refuses your surrender you are now a prisoner of snowball war

-        he DID make an igloo (for snowball war prisoners) and you and him bring blankets and watch movies on his laptop while all cuddled up together

-        igloo make outs, until Saeran comes to check on you two

-        not only does he stumble into some ridiculous booby trap Saeyoung made

-        but when he finally makes it through you guys are making out and he tells you two to get a room

-        “we have a room! I built it myself!”

-        Saeran calls Saeyoung an idiot but does tell you to come inside before you catch a cold

-        You make you and Saeran tea, Saeyoung tries hot DR. Pepper (spoiler alert it’s not good)

-        You make soup for everyone and you all have a movie night


Romance. He will romance the pants off you. quite literally. It wasn’t his plan but he’s not complaining.

-        Boy legit does not get cold so he lends you his coat

-        But it’s so big on you, like floppy sleeves and knee length big. He thinks it’s so cute.

-        And then your nose and cheeks all flushed from the cold.

-        He’s dead, you killed him. Zen doesn’t live in that body anymore, now only the beast remains.

-        He’s afraid you’ll catch a cold so he keeps you inside the rest of the time

-        you and he absolutely go sledding (he’s not gonna miss a chance to hold you that tight against him)

-        it’s hard to control himself when y’all tumble over each other at the bottom of the hill and he ends up laughing on top of you

-        you nose scrunched with your laughter at the crash and pillowey snow around you

-        he sings you “walking in a winter wonderland” as you two get take out from a nearby restaurant

-        hot showers (interpret that HOWEVER you want wink wonk) to help you both warm up


its cozy and warm and peaceful. You spend most of it in shelter watching the snow fall from inside.

-        snow days are actually really good for y’alls business because everyone wants hot drinks when its cold out

-        she bundles the heck up. Coat gloves scarf hat boots earmuffs hat all of it

-        she looks so cute all bundled up you just have to kiss her nose

-        after the café crowd dies down you make her a drink and you two sit letting the drinks warm your hands as you watch the snow outside fall

-        she gasps. You know what would be perfect for cold weather like this? molten lava cake!

-        You gasp. You know what would go perfectly with that? fresh snow ice cream

-        You both get to work and make what is hands down the best dessert you’ve ever shared

-        It won’t work in the café obviously but your both glad you got to enjoy it together

-        On your way home you hold her gloved hand and she kisses your cheek

-        You spend the night watching DVD’s of Zen’s past Christmas plays


It’s all about balance on this day, balance Saeran’s two different sides and balancing him and his brothers sometimes oppositional personalities.

-        Hot tea with all his winter flowers (you know he’s planned his garden with flowers that bloom at all different times)

-        you and he try to catch snowflakes on your tongues and make snow angles

-        he probably gets irrationally angry when something knocks a tree branch and dumps snow on his head

-        you calm him down and promise you two can gang up on Saeyoung in a snowball fight

-        you two forgot he had a snowball machine gun and end up hiding behind a snow pile

-        you call a truce once Saeyoung runs out of ammo and drag Saeran inside so he doesn’t catch a cold

-        you make him chicken noodle soup and snuggle with him until he’s warm again

-        you hear Saeyoung come in and Saeran tells him that if Saeyoung dares touch him with anything cold he will personally throttle Saeyoung with an icicle

-        you hush Saeran gently because that’s not nice besides Saeyoung knows better you say sending a harsh look at a Saeyoung who has a large snowball melting in his hands

-        Saeyoung decides that he probably shouldn’t go against you and Saeran together (clever boy)

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