Zen Mystic Messenger - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

mystictober day 9: theater + hourglass

zen + theater + hourglass

words: 1546 (don't ask why it ran long...)

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!!

Mystictober Day 9: Theater + Hourglass

There is an hourglass on your bedside table that you got from the last flea market you went to with your best friend. She was looking for a certain book that her boss sent her to find, and you had poked around and looked at what else they were offering. The owner said that it didn’t work anymore, but you thought it looked cute- especially since the sand was a pinkish red color that seemed to shine gold in the light and its frame had these diamond shapes that made it unique. So despite what the owner said, you still went ahead and bought it.

You figure the owner must have been mistaken, because when you got home that day and placed it in its spot, you saw the sands trickling down to the bottom half of the hourglass- albeit at a rather slow rate than usual. Whether it measured a week or a month or a year, you weren’t exactly sure. But you paid it no mind, simply content to use it as a decoration.

Most days you never spared it a second glance, but over the course of the year, you’d find that a noticeable chunk had gone missing from the top and fallen into the bottom of the hourglass. You weren’t exactly waiting for the sand to run out, but you wondered when it would finally happen.

Hands blindly search around the table, the hourglass shaking a little when you bump into it on your way to shut off the alarm on your phone. Sighing, you sit up and rub your eyes, blinking them open and awake. As your feet pad their way to the kitchen, you try to remember why it is you set an alarm today when you had no work- but your phone ringing all of a sudden again reminds you why.

“Good morning,” the voice on the other end of the line chirps. Your best friend is rarely this cheerful this early, and despite how groggy you feel, you manage to make your voice sound alive.

“Hey, Jae!”

“I wanted to make sure you were awake,” she laughs. “And you are! Will you be ready soon?”

“Mhm! Just let me eat and shower and all that,” you reassure her as you begin to prepare your breakfast.

“Alright, alright…oh! Did you listen to the-” Jaehee begins to ask you excitedly before you cut her off.

“Yes, yes! I’m ready. A hundred percent ready for the show, all thanks to you!”

“Okay,” you can hear the sheepish smile in her voice through the phone. “Sorry, I’m just really excited…”

“You should be! Now, let me finish up and we’ll meet at the theater soon okay?”

You both say your goodbyes and you finish up your business in the kitchen, staring at the sink for a moment after you put away your dishes. With a deep breath, you exhale and shake your head, walking towards your bathroom to prepare for the long day you knew you had ahead of you.

It doesn’t quite sink in that you’re going to have the full experience of this show, stage door and dressing room tours included, all thanks to Jaehee. You didn’t know how to repay her- getting her to accept your share for the tickets was hard enough.

But now you stood beside her underneath the giant marquee, flashing wide grins as Jaehee’s phone snaps a selfie of you two. The fangirl squeals excitedly and quickly uploads it to the messenger accompanied by some of her emojis before she pockets her phone.

Even though Jaehee had showed you the cast recording and you’d watched a few potato-quality videos on MeTube, nothing could have ever prepared you for the live performance that was happening before your eyes. Your friend was right, and you understood exactly why her adoration and support was so strong and unwavering.

Your eyes are glued to Zen the entire time he’s on stage, his voice absolutely captivating you with every note he sings. Each time he moves, it’s a sight so heavenly- the lights and smoke giving you the illusion that he was dancing on a cloud. And he might as well have been, with the way he glided across the floor. By the time the cast took their final bows, you found yourself wiping at a few stray tears that had escaped as you clapped rather loudly, you and Jaehee joining the others who were giving standing ovations as well.

It takes you a minute to collect yourself, sitting and chatting with your best friend as the rest of the people made their way out of the theater. Fortunately for you, Jaehee had already insisted on buying merchandise during the intermission, so there was no need to rush in line. You both made your way to stage door, the fangirl bouncing rather excitedly on her heels beside you. Swallowing, you turn to face her.

“So, Zen…”

“-Was so amazing, right? Did you see how beautiful his hair was? He didn’t even need a wig for this role! It’s actually that nice, and did you notice…”

You chuckle at your friend’s enthusiastic rambling and nod along, blushing a little as you remember all the details about the actor and his performance that Jaehee brings up again. Before you can chime with any of your own comments, though, a smooth, baritone voice interrupts the conversation.

“Aha, I see Jaehee here has already put in a good word,” the actor chuckles as he places a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly. She bashfully stops mid-speech, turning to face Zen.

“I couldn’t help it,” she shrugs, giving the man a look. “You just did so well!”

To this, you nod, endeared at your friend’s display. You also try to drown out the screaming that has suddenly surrounded you.

“I did my best,” he says humbly before turning to face you. “Now, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Zen.”

He flashes his signature smile and reaches his hand out. You go to shake it, but he gently maneuvers his palm underneath to catch yours. Raising your hand, he presses a gentle kiss to your knuckles.

Somewhere in your darkened apartment, the final sands in the hourglass trickle down to the bottom of the timekeeper as you manage to tell him your name.

“I’d love to get to know you more and catch up with Jaehee, but I have some things to sign,” he gestures to all the people waiting. Zen speaks again before you can even begin to feel bad about holding up the line.

“Will you guys wait for me over here? I promise I’ll be quick!”

“Of course! It’s no trouble at all, right?” Jaehee answers before you can as she turns to you, waiting for your input.

“No, it’s not! We’ll wait,” you smile, linking your arm with hers.

“Perfect!” is the last thing Zen says, then he uncaps his marker and quickly makes his way down the line.

It looks like he’s shining. You’re not sure whether it’s just the sun hitting his alabaster skin, or stage makeup he hadn’t properly taken off yet, or the way he flashed his pearly whites- but he looked almost golden in his element. Jaehee catches you staring, but who was she to say anything if she was doing the same?

Once he’s out of good earshot, your friend speaks up.

“I think he likes you,” she says as nonchalantly as she could, pretending not to observe your reaction.


Zen chooses this perfect moment to spare you a glance, to spare you a smile. Of course Jaehee catches this, too.

“He kissed your hand,” she tells you knowingly. There’s a look on her face you can’t quite read.

“He was probably just being a gentleman,” you quickly jump to his defense, swallowing slowly before smiling back at him.

“He doesn’t really do that to begin with,” she quickly responds. Mentally, Jaehee goes over all the times she’s seen Zen kiss a girl’s hand. Sure, the man was a flirt, but if she didn’t count all the times he did it to a stranger for the sake of formality, well… there was nothing else to count.

Before you can say anything else, Zen jogs back up to you, several gifts in hand. How can he carry all that in one hand?

“Alright, I gotta put these away before continuing. You guys can wait in my dressing room instead, I’d hate for you guys to get cold out here.”

Jaehee is surprisingly silent. She nudges you.

“Ah, that’s alright! Yeah, we can wait there,” you reply, shooting Jaehee a look after he takes the lead.

“After you,” he says, holding the door open.

“Thanks,” you mumble with a blush.

As you pass him by, his scent tickles your nostrils and you think another whiff will make you absolutely intoxicated. Your shoulders brush, and for a moment, you lock eyes- both of your faces falling into soft smiles.

You don’t know what it is, at all. You just met this man. Sure, he was devastatingly beautiful, but there was something else that was there.

The hourglass would never tell its secrets, but you had a feeling you were going to find out anyway.

Tags :
3 years ago

mystictober day 9: theater + hourglass

zen + theater + hourglass

words: 1546 (don't ask why it ran long...)

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!!

Mystictober Day 9: Theater + Hourglass

There is an hourglass on your bedside table that you got from the last flea market you went to with your best friend. She was looking for a certain book that her boss sent her to find, and you had poked around and looked at what else they were offering. The owner said that it didn’t work anymore, but you thought it looked cute- especially since the sand was a pinkish red color that seemed to shine gold in the light and its frame had these diamond shapes that made it unique. So despite what the owner said, you still went ahead and bought it.

You figure the owner must have been mistaken, because when you got home that day and placed it in its spot, you saw the sands trickling down to the bottom half of the hourglass- albeit at a rather slow rate than usual. Whether it measured a week or a month or a year, you weren’t exactly sure. But you paid it no mind, simply content to use it as a decoration.

Most days you never spared it a second glance, but over the course of the year, you’d find that a noticeable chunk had gone missing from the top and fallen into the bottom of the hourglass. You weren’t exactly waiting for the sand to run out, but you wondered when it would finally happen.

Hands blindly search around the table, the hourglass shaking a little when you bump into it on your way to shut off the alarm on your phone. Sighing, you sit up and rub your eyes, blinking them open and awake. As your feet pad their way to the kitchen, you try to remember why it is you set an alarm today when you had no work- but your phone ringing all of a sudden again reminds you why.

“Good morning,” the voice on the other end of the line chirps. Your best friend is rarely this cheerful this early, and despite how groggy you feel, you manage to make your voice sound alive.

“Hey, Jae!”

“I wanted to make sure you were awake,” she laughs. “And you are! Will you be ready soon?”

“Mhm! Just let me eat and shower and all that,” you reassure her as you begin to prepare your breakfast.

“Alright, alright…oh! Did you listen to the-” Jaehee begins to ask you excitedly before you cut her off.

“Yes, yes! I’m ready. A hundred percent ready for the show, all thanks to you!”

“Okay,” you can hear the sheepish smile in her voice through the phone. “Sorry, I’m just really excited…”

“You should be! Now, let me finish up and we’ll meet at the theater soon okay?”

You both say your goodbyes and you finish up your business in the kitchen, staring at the sink for a moment after you put away your dishes. With a deep breath, you exhale and shake your head, walking towards your bathroom to prepare for the long day you knew you had ahead of you.

It doesn’t quite sink in that you’re going to have the full experience of this show, stage door and dressing room tours included, all thanks to Jaehee. You didn’t know how to repay her- getting her to accept your share for the tickets was hard enough.

But now you stood beside her underneath the giant marquee, flashing wide grins as Jaehee’s phone snaps a selfie of you two. The fangirl squeals excitedly and quickly uploads it to the messenger accompanied by some of her emojis before she pockets her phone.

Even though Jaehee had showed you the cast recording and you’d watched a few potato-quality videos on MeTube, nothing could have ever prepared you for the live performance that was happening before your eyes. Your friend was right, and you understood exactly why her adoration and support was so strong and unwavering.

Your eyes are glued to Zen the entire time he’s on stage, his voice absolutely captivating you with every note he sings. Each time he moves, it’s a sight so heavenly- the lights and smoke giving you the illusion that he was dancing on a cloud. And he might as well have been, with the way he glided across the floor. By the time the cast took their final bows, you found yourself wiping at a few stray tears that had escaped as you clapped rather loudly, you and Jaehee joining the others who were giving standing ovations as well.

It takes you a minute to collect yourself, sitting and chatting with your best friend as the rest of the people made their way out of the theater. Fortunately for you, Jaehee had already insisted on buying merchandise during the intermission, so there was no need to rush in line. You both made your way to stage door, the fangirl bouncing rather excitedly on her heels beside you. Swallowing, you turn to face her.

“So, Zen…”

“-Was so amazing, right? Did you see how beautiful his hair was? He didn’t even need a wig for this role! It’s actually that nice, and did you notice…”

You chuckle at your friend’s enthusiastic rambling and nod along, blushing a little as you remember all the details about the actor and his performance that Jaehee brings up again. Before you can chime with any of your own comments, though, a smooth, baritone voice interrupts the conversation.

“Aha, I see Jaehee here has already put in a good word,” the actor chuckles as he places a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly. She bashfully stops mid-speech, turning to face Zen.

“I couldn’t help it,” she shrugs, giving the man a look. “You just did so well!”

To this, you nod, endeared at your friend’s display. You also try to drown out the screaming that has suddenly surrounded you.

“I did my best,” he says humbly before turning to face you. “Now, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Zen.”

He flashes his signature smile and reaches his hand out. You go to shake it, but he gently maneuvers his palm underneath to catch yours. Raising your hand, he presses a gentle kiss to your knuckles.

Somewhere in your darkened apartment, the final sands in the hourglass trickle down to the bottom of the timekeeper as you manage to tell him your name.

“I’d love to get to know you more and catch up with Jaehee, but I have some things to sign,” he gestures to all the people waiting. Zen speaks again before you can even begin to feel bad about holding up the line.

“Will you guys wait for me over here? I promise I’ll be quick!”

“Of course! It’s no trouble at all, right?” Jaehee answers before you can as she turns to you, waiting for your input.

“No, it’s not! We’ll wait,” you smile, linking your arm with hers.

“Perfect!” is the last thing Zen says, then he uncaps his marker and quickly makes his way down the line.

It looks like he’s shining. You’re not sure whether it’s just the sun hitting his alabaster skin, or stage makeup he hadn’t properly taken off yet, or the way he flashed his pearly whites- but he looked almost golden in his element. Jaehee catches you staring, but who was she to say anything if she was doing the same?

Once he’s out of good earshot, your friend speaks up.

“I think he likes you,” she says as nonchalantly as she could, pretending not to observe your reaction.


Zen chooses this perfect moment to spare you a glance, to spare you a smile. Of course Jaehee catches this, too.

“He kissed your hand,” she tells you knowingly. There’s a look on her face you can’t quite read.

“He was probably just being a gentleman,” you quickly jump to his defense, swallowing slowly before smiling back at him.

“He doesn’t really do that to begin with,” she quickly responds. Mentally, Jaehee goes over all the times she’s seen Zen kiss a girl’s hand. Sure, the man was a flirt, but if she didn’t count all the times he did it to a stranger for the sake of formality, well… there was nothing else to count.

Before you can say anything else, Zen jogs back up to you, several gifts in hand. How can he carry all that in one hand?

“Alright, I gotta put these away before continuing. You guys can wait in my dressing room instead, I’d hate for you guys to get cold out here.”

Jaehee is surprisingly silent. She nudges you.

“Ah, that’s alright! Yeah, we can wait there,” you reply, shooting Jaehee a look after he takes the lead.

“After you,” he says, holding the door open.

“Thanks,” you mumble with a blush.

As you pass him by, his scent tickles your nostrils and you think another whiff will make you absolutely intoxicated. Your shoulders brush, and for a moment, you lock eyes- both of your faces falling into soft smiles.

You don’t know what it is, at all. You just met this man. Sure, he was devastatingly beautiful, but there was something else that was there.

The hourglass would never tell its secrets, but you had a feeling you were going to find out anyway.

Tags :
4 years ago


Deje mas para su cumple  😁✨

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4 years ago
I Want To Say Poor Zen During Jumins Route, But On The Other Hand, MC And Jumin Are Two Consenting Adults,
I Want To Say Poor Zen During Jumins Route, But On The Other Hand, MC And Jumin Are Two Consenting Adults,

I want to say poor Zen during Jumin’s route, but on the other hand, MC and Jumin are two consenting adults, so what if she’s at his place xD It’s really fun to call him during those days though XD

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3 years ago



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3 years ago



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3 years ago

I had to reject a call from Hyun (Zen) cuz I was in class bruh 😭😭😭😭💀

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3 years ago

⚠️ MM Zen's route spoilers ⚠️

You guys im so sorry but Zen's profile after he gets framed by Echo Girl of sexual assault feels like those fake depression kids that make those bart simpson edits 😭😭😭😭😭 ( i feel so bad for Zen tho like he didn't even do anything )

 MM Zen's Route Spoilers

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9 months ago


POV you tell the characters you're pregnant as a prank...



Y/N: I'm pregnant...

Yoosung: WHAAAA?!?!??!!

Yoosung: Y/N we're too young to have a baby!!!! Yoosung: Ah, I mean, your body your choice! T_T I didn't mean it like that!!!!! Yoosung: We'll figure this outtogethre

Yoosung: Sorry playinf LOLOL hold on



Y/N: It's a prank ㅋㅋㅋ





Y/N: I'm pregnant....

Jumin: Thank you for contacting Jumin Han. This is an automated response. He will get back to you shortly.

*17 hours later* Jumin: Y/N, I got the message.

Jumin: I've arranged for you to move in immediately, whether we share a room or not is up to you.

Jumin: My driver is on the way to you now, don't stress about packing your belongings. I can organize to have them delivered.

Jumin: We can discuss this further once you're here safe. In the meantime, I'll arrange a meeting with my father to discuss marriage arrangements.

Y/N: It was a prank....

Jumin: *read*

Jumin: *4 hours later* That wasn't funny, Y/N. Please stop hanging around Yoosung and 707.




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

707: lolololol

707: really? what should we name it~

707: lolol how about a mix of our names? like renesmee in twilight

707: u think u can blend honey buddha chips to make baby food?~

Y/N: It was a prank...

707: i know. LOLOLOL




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

*12 missed calls*

Zen: Y/N????

Zen: Y/N, are you serious? haha;;

Zen: I'll be in a scandal... aish...

Zen: Our child might break the internet with its good looks. lol

Zen: You keeping it?

Y/N: It was a prank....

Zen: Heol;; Y/N, I was about to text my publicist;;

Zen: I guess it's a good thing. Our child would be too beautiful for the world to handle~ lol




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

Jaehee: What?

Jaehee: Hm.

Jaehee: Y/N, we never spoke about raising a child. Why so sudden?

Jaehee: My work hours are long these days, I'm not sure if I can handle a child so suddenly like this. Ah;;

Jaehee: Do you plan on being a stay at home mother? I don't see another way for this to work.

Y/N: It was a prank...

Jaehee: Ah..... Y/N, you shouldn't scare me like that... I'm so tired I thought I was imagining things..;;




Y/N: I'm pregnant...

Saeran: HAH.... pregnant...

Saeran: Is that true, pet...?

Saeran: I'll have Rika bring in something to fix this.

Saeran: It's no good to have a pregnant toy, is it? This was supposed to be a last resort.. hah

Saeran: *comes in and kicks ur stomach to abort the baby*

Y/N: *coughs up blood* it.. it was a prank...

Saeran: A prank? HAH........ Hah... when did my toy get so mischevious.... I think I'll punish you for this... *locks the door*



Enjoy dear please send requests in inbox ok thank you~

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2 years ago
V And Little Choi^^
V And Little Choi^^
V And Little Choi^^

V and little Choi^^

I finished drawing them literally just now^^


And unfortunately, I'm not really in the mood to draw a lot lately, I have a great desire, but no inspiration :(

Especially since my dear cat met his fate under the wheels of the car this week and I feel very terrible.

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2 years ago

(Read the comic from left to right)

(Read The Comic From Left To Right)
(Read The Comic From Left To Right)
(Read The Comic From Left To Right)

Tw self harm.

It's about acceptance, not self-harm. Don't be self-conscious, and if you feel you need help, see a doctor. People say that "self-harm will make you feel better", but consulting a professional will help you better.

Take care of yourself, you are beautiful, your life is precious even if you don't feel like it right now.

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