Jaskier | Dandelion - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Witcher Pokemon Trainer Au

Spawned from the image of Horse Girl Geralt™ surrounded by horse themed pokemon.

The Witcher schools are Pokemon Sanctuaries for injured and abused pokemon. Professor Vesemir founded the Pokemon Sanctuaries with a group of friends when he was younger. As they got older the friends split off to open Sanctuaries in other parts of the world so they could reach more pokemon.

Geralt: Kaer Morhen Pokemon Sanctuary Trainer. He travels around rescuing abused or injured pokemon. His specialty is dealing with the really weird cases.

Nicknamed the White Wolf (because people have compared his skill in tracking down injured pokemon to a wolf hunting prey). Does not have any wolf themed pokemon. They are all horse themed. Except the jigglypuff. The Jigglypuff pulled a Jaskier and started following him one day then just never left.


Rapidash (Galarian form)





Jaskier: Musician from the Kerak Coast. After he met Geralt he does work for Kaer Morhen, offering them free advertising while he travels around with Geralt.

Most of Jaskiers pokemon chose to follow him around without being caught in a pokeball. Hes only ever actually caught the ditto, and he thought it was a chikorita at the time.







Yennefer: Researcher/Pokemon Healer from the Aedirn Region. Works for Kaer Morhen. She was offered the job after helping Geralt and Jaskier heal Jaskier's hurt Meloetta.

She had just left a job at the Artuza Science Institute. Sick of being denied the grants that would allow her to focus her research into healing rare and endangered pokemon.







Ciri: Trainee of Kaer Morhen. She is originally from the Cintra Region. Her mother was good friends with Geralt. When Pavetta realized how dangerous Emhyr was she sent Ciri off to live with Geralt.

Xerneas formed a bond with Ciri when she was a baby. Her father really wants to get his hands on the pokemon.







Eskel: Kaer Morhen Trainer. His specialty is dealing with the larger pokemon that need rescuing.

Nicknamed the Dragon of Kaer Morhen due to his affinity for dragon type pokemon. He also has a love for fluffy/sheep themed pokemon.




Gogoat (Named lil bleater)



Lambert: Kaer Morhen Trainer. His specialty is dealing with agressive pokemon. He's also in charge of communicating and coordinating with the other sanctuaries.

The others tease him about his Sylveon but honestly everyone thinks its sweet.







Vesemir: Kaer Morhen Pokemon Sanctuary Professor. Stays in Kaer Morhen year round. He spends his time caring for the pokemon.

He does Pokemon PSA videos. And gives lectures to future trainers on how to properly care for their pokemon and what to do if finding an injured pokemon in the wild.







Nilfgaard is like a Team Rocket type org only like 100 times worse. The Church of the Eternal Flame and Emhyrs ultimate goal is to take over the world. Hes trying to find pokemon that will help him accomplish that goal.

Geralt and the other witchers thwart him at every turn by simply doing their job and relocating or taking in pokemon that hes trying to capture.

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1 year ago

Ok so we know Ciri and Yen share a bday (May 1st) and Geralt's is supposedly May 5th (according to the fandom wiki but I'd have to do some digging or if someone would like to correct me pls and thank you) (happy birthday you dolt) but no confirmed for the others so I am assigning them zodiacs.

Geralt, Ciri and Yen are all canonically Taurus

Jaskier/Dandelion, whichever version you decide, either way is a Scorpio

Lambert is an Aries because well. Look at him.

Eskel is a Libra

Vesemir gives Capricorn vibes

Coën is a Sagittarius

Triss is a Pisces

These r just the vibes they give off to me and I think it makes for some pretty funny dynamics. if any of you have any to add feel free to reblog and add to the list!!!!

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4 years ago

May I request a prompt from the All genres in one post? Like number 7 and number 18?

7. “Can we get a dog?”

18. “How strangely nonchalant for someone who almost just died a minute ago.” 


tags: fluff !!!!, family fluff


“Can we get a dog?” Geralt hums from where he’s working on the sofa, Ciri looking up at him with Roach in her hands.

“Why? Is Roach not cutting it anymore?” She gasps, holding the stuffed horse protectively to her chest.

“Don’t listen to him Roach, I could never get bored of you.” Jaskier nods solemnly from the other side of the couch, hiding his smile behind his notebook with the pretense of adding the final touches to his song. In reality, he’s waiting for The Cue.

“Good advice, Geralt has no idea what he’s talking about, Roach, pay him no mind,” he says and Jaskier grins as Ciri leans into her stuffie, ear pressed against its mouth.

“Roach says you’re right, daddy Jas, she also says that daddy Ger is a meanie!” Geralt frowns before looking down at her.

“We can’t get a dog.”

Ciri sets her little fists on her hips and Jaskier watches on in great interest as their daughter parts her lips.

“Actually daddy, we can. Daddy Jas told me you needed some con— coninc—”

“Convincing,” Jaskier whispers, ignoring the way Geralt glances at him as if he’d stolen the last bit of chocolate ice cream.

“Convincing!” Ciri yells, her tone victorious. “So we’re going to convince you,” she finishes with a solid nod. And there it is, The Cue.

Jaskier quickly jogs to their room, hiding snickers as he grabs two pillows; he hears Geralt ask Ciri just how they’re going to do that— oh and is his husband in for a surprise.

“Weapons at the ready, Ciri?” She carefully sets Roach on the Tv stand before grabbing one of the pillows, Geralt looking on in mild amusement.

“Ready, Jas!” Their daughter looks utterly ridiculous, one foot forward and the another behind her, her face so focused as he takes up the same position.

“Pillows raised!! And... chaaaarrrggggeeee!” Geralt’s eyes widen as they run the short distance to him, bringing pillows down on him as he curls smaller, laughing as Ciri grunts and trash-talks— you’re going down! Down like Valdo Marx in a singing competition against Daddy Jas!

Fuck, does Jaskier love them both so much. 

“Fine,” Geralt grumbles, a properly put on frown gracing his face though he has tears from hiding his laughs. “Fine!”

“Yield!” Ciri screeches, smacking him again, and Jaskier is so proud of her.

“I yield! I yield, leave me be—” Ciri and Jaskier back away, panting and sweaty as they look on at Geralt’s form still curled up, shaking with quiet laughter.

“You’re a bad influence on her,” he grumbles, and Jaskier raises his pillow in a threat.

“How strangely nonchalant for someone who almost just died a minute ago, Geralt.” Geralt bursts out laughing, shaking and teeth bared as he closes his eyes. He’s so beautiful that it makes Jaskier’s throat dry.

“So?” Ciri asks, her pillow raised to smack her dad again, eyebrow raised in challenge. “Can we get a dog?” 

Geralt groans. “Fine, we can get a dog.” 

Jaskier’s quite sure the neighbors hear Ciri’s squeal before she hides her face in his stomach. Geralt grins and rolls his eyes in retaliation to his wink.

They spend the rest of the evening looking for names.


rb if you liked it so other people can read it too!! 

Send me a prompt x

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4 years ago

Let’s make a list of things Jaskier does because of ADHD. This is coming from a person with adhd and anyone is free to add things, anyways—

Sometimes while walking, Jaskier could be talking about this amazing song he’s come up with and after taking a small pause he will forget whatever he was going to say and the topic he was just talking about

He may forget the face of someone or their name after just meeting them, but if you ask him about an historical event, he’ll go off

Don’t go to the market with Jaskier, because he’s very quick at planning on what things he needs and finding the fastest way to get to one tent to the other

(Geralt has lost him more than once)

He can also multi task very, very well. Geralt saw him having a conversation while writing a letter for someone else

But, if you give him anything to read like a book or contract, or have him count money, give him a second sometimes it takes reading it over and over again for him

Sometimes inside voices doesn’t exist for Jaskier

Before getting to talk to someone for contract information, Jaskier will do a shake down, just kind of shakes his head, shoulders, and hands

When he’s got a lot of energy inside, sometimes he’ll bounce his leg so hard he forces himself to stand up, walking around helps too

Another thing when he sits, he’s sometimes gets really happy or excited about playing, so he taps his feet(sometimes without realizing)

Geralt learns some very interesting facts about music and the instruments and history behind them, It’s one of Jaskier favourite topics to share

Along with music, he will also share, in detail, information about how boats stay afloat, what certain ropes are for, slang they use, etc.

He won’t share how or why he knows this.

Did i basically write down things I’ve done because of ADHD for Jaskier? That’s for me to know. Again, anyone is free to add stuff.

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1 year ago

Hear me out...

-fanfic idea Yennefer x Tissaia !! 💯

Hear Me Out...

Imagine this; Yennefer has the actual voice of an angel.No one really knows she can sing except for maybe Triss,Jaskier,Ciri and Geralt.She likes to keep it that way,having a reputation to maintain and blah blah blah.

BUT.. one morning she's geen given an invitation to attend a ball at Aretuza,courtesies of Tissaia.She reluctantly goes along with Jaskier who's ofc no doubt the entertainment for the night.

We all know what'll happen,tipsy as she is,she eventually agrees to sing along to Jaskier's song Her Sweet Kiss.BAM! revealing to the entire room she has a voice.Then literally Tissaia just completely mind blown;falling head over heals for her. ( You Carry On From There ! )

Listen to the song : The Closest Thing To Crazy - imagine Yen singing that!!

NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this, change it up to however you want it.

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1 year ago


Emperor of Nilfgaard, Emhyr var Emreis, recognises Yenn's power,sent an invite to Yennefer saying like come to Nilfgaard.Basically asks her to work for him as a trainee to be General of his new second army and she accepts knowing she'll know his plans to get to Ciri but he doesn't know she knows Ciri.

Like how she'd learn to adjust by betraying all her friends and even Ciri,Geralt and Jaskier oh and Tissaia too!They think shes a traitor but shes actually doing it to help them.Yeah I'm bad and summarises but you get the picture.

NB !! you don't need to create a story exactly like this one, change it up however you want to



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1 year ago

Fic idea for the writers out there !!

(The Witcher characters!! )


Yennefer,a woman most people such as friends know she's is in the military.But is her job as simple as just being in the force.No.It's not.In fact her job is more than that when it turns out she's a trained assassin along with Geralt,Renfri and Sabrina;carrying out different tasks for the people she works for.

Tissaia De Vries,a chief surgeon meets this woman through Triss and Sabrina and blah blah you fill in the meeting and greeting stuff;with no idea what her actual job is.Until the day she finds her own life being threatened by an unknown threat and Yennefer along with her other assassin friends take up the to protect her from another highly trained assassin that's being ordered to kill her by Stre-


Fic Idea For The Writers Out There !!

NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this one, change it up however you want to.

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1 year ago

I feel like pastries🥐🥯 so here..idk,make it a modern AU or Wither series time AU; do whatever you'd like. 🙃

Simple; Yennefer feels like baking and asks Tissaia to bake with her.

I Feel Like Pastries So Here..idk,make It A Modern AU Or Wither Series Time AU; Do Whatever You'd Like.

NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this one, change it up however you want to.

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1 year ago

Y'know,i love myself some funny pranks😈;just when it's not pulled on me. 🤣🤣

Here's an idea:

Yennefer pranks the Rectoress(Tissaia dV),just for fun,but enlists the help of ofc. Rita and who ever else you decide to use.

I think it would be funny because Tissaia is someone with a metal pole stuck so far up her ass,that it's majestic.Ofc. Yen wants to bend that pole to a 90°C angle for the fun of it.

OH! it would even be so funny if she got the Aretuza students in on it too !! 🤣🤣😎

NB*you don't need to follow this idea exactly, change it up and do whatever you'd like with this idea to your liking. 🙃

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1 year ago

Fic idea ig. 🌹

When Tissaia returns to her office from chapter meetings or classes, she finds a bouquet of roses.Only it's no surprise because on Monday mornings there's always a new bouquet with a note.

Of course she knows it's from Yennefer. (they can be in a relationship or not,you do whatever :)

Fic Idea Ig.

NB!! you don't need to follow this idea exactly.Change it up to whatever you'd like to do.

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