Jupiter In 8th House - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



Jupiter in 3rd house: makes one Philosophical. They are good learners.

Jupiter in 8th house: marry money. Partner makes a lot of money.

Jupiter in 11th house: own business. Make money from business. Can influence large groups of people and that's how they make money.

Jupiter in 1st house (if bad degree): alcoholic.

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2 years ago



This series is especially for girls, because that's who I am and can connect to. Since it is astro linked, this is especially true for venus in 8th house/scorpio placements. It can apply to other placements too if you can connect with it. Anyway, what I share on my blog are things I have personally dealt with, so it comes from my heart and soul :)

There is something called "Female Dating Strategy". The first time I read the posts on reddit and elsewhere, it did not make any sense to me. But as I got older and wiser, I could understand everything. Even if you are not interested in dating, venus in 8th house/scorpio ladies, go check out this community. Their tips on self worth, self respect, not being clingy needy emotional will really help you. It is absolute must for venus in 8th house or scorpio because god damn they are emotional, romance obsessed, living in fairytale and taking people at face value.

8th house 💏 Psychology. I have not met a single 8th houser who was not interested in psychology. Even if they did not read books, they were still perceptive, sensitive and emotionally aware. YouTube, blogs, reddit, Quora are full of psychology related testimonials and discussions. You all need to look up what personality disorders cluster A B C mean because feelings are not facts. Just playing mind games is not enough, educate yourself. These natives are the ones to say "Who was looking for a relationship but ended up getting a degree in psychology?"

The ugly truth is that all of us have shadows. If you were born in a narcissistic/borderline family unit, please do not date until you have fixed your shadow. This is why it will help you to do some self actualization, you yandere girls. Dont, dont, dont trust people blindly, not even me.

Beware of old men. No daddy issues please. Old men looking to date young girls because they are gentlemen can go live on mars. Especially for intense women, they will ignore red flags in favour of connection and security. Old men have experience in manipulation and sweet talking. I dont care if your parents were 20 years apart, 8th houser or scorpio are going to learn big lesson if they give themselves blindly to old men. No matter how good they pretend to be. Persona is not reality.

This is it for now.

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2 years ago

Venus in 8th house & relationship trauma

Venus In 8th House & Relationship Trauma

How many lovers have you had and how many did not give you trauma? When did you start dating, btw?

When it comes to venus in 8th, what comes to my mind is a sex magnet, obsessive and devotional. Stop losing yourself in your lover's hands. There is a desire to merge with and consume their lover. The best way I can think of to describe is like cellular fusion in biology:

Venus In 8th House & Relationship Trauma

Reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karyogamy

There is a lot of intense energy looking for an outlet. If not romance, she will direct this energy in spirituality. But before she will know her spiritual gifts, she will go through relationship trauma.

It can be seen that the most traumatizing lovers were similar to each other. I met the first one at age 13 and next one at 21. Both were similar in appearance & life identity. The first one ruined my teenage years. The last one gave me mental breakdown. Both these "lovers" were the most traumatizing points in my life. I was OBSESSED with both of them. Both were "secretive" and I met them in dark ways suddenly without warning. Both were predatory and manipulative. I idolized them both and put them on a pedestal. I did a lot of ego massage & codependent wife like treatment.

In my mom's bloodline, there is history of mental issues and emotional chaos. When I was 13, I hardly knew anything about life. But when I was 21, my life had evolved and I had a career, family life, hobbies. But I was infantile in the sense that I was impulsive and irrational. I could not stand being single and was OBSESSED with romantic relationships. This trauma was an opportunity to heal my generational trauma & psychological inheritance.

After my mental breakdown, I came across this content:

Venus In 8th House & Relationship Trauma

Some quotes from this book:

Romantic love always consists in the projection of the soul-image. When a woman falls in love it is animus that she sees projected onto the mortal man before her.

No aspect of the human psyche can live in a healthy state unless it is balanced by its complementary opposite. If the masculine mind tries to live without its “other half,” the feminine soul, then the masculine becomes unbalanced, sick, and finally monstrous. Power without love becomes brutality. Feeling without masculine strength becomes woolly sentimentality. When one side of human nature grows out of balance with the other, it becomes a tyranny in the soul.

One of the great paradoxes in romantic love is that it never produces human relationship as long as it stays romantic. It produces drama, daring adventures, wondrous, intense love scenes, jealousies, and betrayals; but people never seem to settle into relationship with each other as flesh-and-blood human beings until they are out of the romantic love stage, until they love each other instead of being “in love".

Jung once quoted a medieval alchemist who said, “Only what is separated may be properly joined.” When two things are muddled together they need to be separated, distinguished, and untangled so that they may later be rejoined in a workable synthesis. This is the correct meaning of “analysis” in psychology; to analyze is to separate out the entangled threads of one’s inner life—the confused values, ideals, loyalties, and feelings—so that they may be synthesized in a new way. We analyze romantic love, not to destroy it, but to understand what it is and where it belongs in our lives. Analysis must always serve synthesis in order to serve life; what is taken apart must be put back together again.

Venus In 8th House & Relationship Trauma

I unlearned all the default things I learned growing up. It was a complete rebirth in the sense of 8th house transformation. The source of my romance obsession was a deep need for self actualization and spirituality. It was a need for looking within and understanding "myself". I talk about "high value woman" but I automatically became a high value woman once I started self actualizing. I was more confident, more assertive, more stable, in control of my emotions, took time to read books, rationalized my feelings rather than be impulsive, analyzed my values, beliefs, character, flaws, failures, weaknesses. I know my insecurities and know how to handle them. It was a journey from a fucked up person to somewhat rational person. I still have my days of chaos but it gets managed.

This is what I suppose 8th house venus looks like. Self destruction and self development. However, is this the last time we go through this.......

Venus In 8th House & Relationship Trauma

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2 years ago

Some more 8th house placements observation:

Some More 8th House Placements Observation:

I am running the antardasha of my 8th house ruler since June & have learned a lot of revelations about people around me. Interacting with people, seeing their real faces, seeing the shock and revelations, I was able to see my own shadow too. Sharing some of my shadow work, mistakes and revelations:

🌸 Trust me when I say this, I am Gemini moon, I was the typical funny, entertainer, chatty, comical, animated personality. But my life circumstances were such that I have become dark and introverted. I have learned to live with the injustice and unfairness. I don't seek revenge even. I am numb and indifferent.

🌸 If you are around a known toxic person, do not assume that you are an exception. You are not special to them. They will just treat you like everybody else when the time comes. No exceptions. You're just in their good books until they find someone better to manipulate.

🌸 Goddamn people lie. I am craving to meet a single honest person. People lie so damn much. They lie confidently, with eye contact and even call you a liar even if you have evidence for your truth. They lie about themselves to make themselves look good. No shame, no remorse, nothing at all.

🌸 I had a narcissistic shadow. I was selfish, entitled, victim mindset, attention hungry, entitled but it was covert and hidden due to my low self confidence. I was a low functional narcissist. When I saw bad traits in others then I started fixing myself too. I attracted toxic people because I was a toxic person inside and unknown to me.

🌸 Studying astrology, psychology, archetypes, spirituality has helped me a lot in mental development. But I still meet people who treat me bad even though I treat them good. The difference is that now I have a strong character & do not take things to heart. There is a "myth of normal and healthy". I don't think that human communities can ever be healthy like a utopia.

🌸 The world runs on a pattern. In astro community, I have learned that no matter if you are born in America or Japan or third world, your life theme runs on a similar pattern depending upon your birth chart, placements, etc. There are different models of occult in different countries but all people in the world have a birth chart & they do have similar life themes. Call it genetic model or birth chart, but humans are not different from each other.

🌸 I don't know what happens in afterlife. I do know that whatever we do have consequences. This is karma. Consequences are carried into next lives. They are also inherited by next generations. People can be short sighted and think that their actions will die with them. They don't know that 3 generations later, their great grand child will suffer from cancer because they committed such and such actions stupidly and selfishly.

🌸 Nature is indifferent to pleasure and pain. Sensory pleasure is not happiness either. Happiness is something else.

🌸 I don't know if nirvana or moksha or liberation are possible. I sure do not want to come back to earth again.

🌸 Fire sign placements can be really egoistic, super liars, arrogant bullies. They need to mature the most because their hypocrisy and self centeredness is appalling. The world is not their toy. People are not toys.

🌸 8th house is all about sudden and unpredictable twists in life. One day is peace, next day medical emergency, 3rd day sudden expenses, 4th day betrayal by family member, 5th day sudden loss of money, 6th day encounter with a manipulative person, 7th day sudden money gain, 8th day peace, 9th day again problem. Same happens yearly. Every year is a challenge for them. 8th house placements are hell of a ride.

🌸 Beware of energy suckers. Predatory people love victimhood. I have dealt with victim mindset, feeling sorry for myself, equating sympathy and pity with love for so long. I kept going from one predator to the other. I keep my expectations low while recovering. If someone does something for me it is a pleasant surprise but I did not expect that.

🌸 Finally, life is complicated. Shadow self is a funny thing. I hate traits in others but I have them within me. Hate them or hate myself? Self introspection is a constant journey.

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2 years ago

What is Fate?

What Is Fate?

When we hear of 8th house in astrology, we often hear of "fate", but the question comes what is fate? What exactly is fate? Here trying to think about it:

Fate is something that the native did not intend to happen but it happens anyway = this is why it is called inevitable. Intention leads to thought which leads to action (even if you are not self aware, this is how we work).

Native was preoccupied with some other goal but something else happens that changes the track of life. This is why it feels predetermined.

Any event that drastically changes the life path or/and character of the native. Like a toxic relationship that changes you forever

Free will feels like = I intended it to happen so it happened. But fate feels like = I did not intend this but we are dealing anyway.

Like I was intending X to happen but instead Y happened.

Extremes of good luck (fortune) and/or bad luck (doom) is definitely fate. For eg, suddenly losing loved one/a job. Suddenly gaining a lot of inheritance/a lot of money in lottery/marrying to a rich spouse.

Fate is things which are beyond human control = A deadly cancer tha does not cure. Marrying into royal family. Being born in a rich parents house.

As for the question whether destiny applies to everyone or some people have free will, I don't know really. Some people do seem to have their life under control so their perception is that they have free will. Some people do seem to have bouts of twists and turns so their perception is that life is fated. Not everyone faces extreme events or feelings (8th house placements) so they cannot empathize with others. While some like 8th housers or mature scorpio people feel their feelings too intensely so they can empathize with the dark themes in life. In these subjective perceptions, the objective truth gets lost. Or like Nietzsche said "there are no facts, only interpretations".

As for question if life is predetermined or random or future is not certain yet or future is already happening, again questions are too many. We can hypothesize, believe, hope, experience, debate but the answer is as uncertain as "what happens after death?" "why I was born?" "what makes me, me?" Some intuitive and psychic abilities people tell that we are born to pay off our karmic debts and settle past life accounts. Some say that we keep taking birth in similar family like your brother was your father in past life, your mother was wife etc. Some say that life is complicated than that, the stranger is the bus was your mother in past life, the past life husband is someone you do not even know in this life etc. Some say that we choose our own parents, hardships, life plan, life events before birth. Some try to explain with science that everything that happens in nature is in chain reaction caused by previous triggers. Some explain with psychology that feelings, thoughts, beliefs cause our actions. Some explain with philosophy that determinism is the causal link between action and the outcome of events.

As for question, should 8th housers be depressed and sad because of fated events? No. You could choose to stay depressed and victimized but it is not very good for mental health. It is the law of nature to construct after destruction. It sounds rude to say this to someone who is clearly going through a tough time but look deep within yourself and you will see that little feeling of "influence". This is I think why 8th house is also concerned with psychology. When you study psychology and self introspection yourself, you realize that even in the face of the most painful misfortune, there is some influence that we have. Yes my dear, you read it right. It sounds pretentious to say this because depression is really tough to handle. When you are going through a tough time, things don't make sense, mind stops working, no ideas make sense. If you stick it out and come alive on the other side, you would feel something within you. That inner strength. That inner power. That peace. That ability to handle the next misfortune. That numbness of emotions. Ability to rationalize intense feelings. This little thing is perhaps what we call the essence of life.

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