11th House - Tumblr Posts
Random observation about "Lucky colours"

Wearing the colours associated with the Sign of each house in your chart will bring more luck to the matters of that house. The following is my personal observations about each house.
The colours of 1st house sign: people notice you more and comment on your appearance more, boost of confidence, high contrast look (the colours seem to make your features stand out)
The colours of 2nd & 7th house sign: look pleasing/harmonious on you, people are nicer towards you, good for going on dates or attract someone, good for meetings involving contracts, exchange, going to the bank
The colours of 3rd & 9th house sign: you feel more adventurous and more carefree, sometimes more impatient, good for exams/ tests, could have some delays or difficulties in traffic though
The colours of 4th house sign: look naturally good on your skin, match your features, comforting, peaceful, great to wear at home
The colours of 5th house sign: feel more exciting, fun, exuberant, boost of vitality, could be the colour you wore a lot when you were a kid
The colours of 6th house sign: increase or decrease of vitality and health, I usually avoid the colours of this house, they feel unlucky to me
The colours of 8th house sign: pretty similar to the effect of 1st house, but people seem to be more bold or in some case, rude when interact with you, I think these colours should be worn in a more private settings, could make you feel heavy and not in a great mood
The colours of 10th house sign: people take you more seriously, you look more professional, could bring some delays or heavy moods
The colours of 11th house sign: lucky colours, things go more smoothly, especially in public places or social medias, great when you need to do a presentation
The colours of 12th house sign: peaceful, great for travelling, also like the 4th house, these colours usually match the colours of your features, they blend and make a soft/ low contrast look

Colours of each sign (just a few examples)

About me | Masterpost

Jupiter in 3rd house: makes one Philosophical. They are good learners.
Jupiter in 8th house: marry money. Partner makes a lot of money.
Jupiter in 11th house: own business. Make money from business. Can influence large groups of people and that's how they make money.
Jupiter in 1st house (if bad degree): alcoholic.
Astro observation about 11th house placements/Aquarius placements

Hello workaholics!
Sun in 11th house natives are social butterflies. They can be the most silent person at home but are social butterflies in public. They also travel a lot. They are travelling all day for job purpose from one place to other. They have natural charm in public. People trust them with their money. People want to do business with them. These natives emit a natural businessperson energy that people want to commit to. For eg, to understand better, people with sun in 7th house attract a lot of potential romantic partner who perceive them as people they want to be with romantically. Similarly, Sun in 11th house people attract a lot of people who want to commit to them for business purposes. This is really fascinating to see how people perceive them as business savvy.
Jupiter in 11th house people also attract people who commit to their ideas. Since 11th house is all about social networking, money and especially business. These natives attract people who want to commit to their wisdom, brainchild, vision and ideas. For eg, Steve Jobs had Jupiter in 11th house (sidereal astro) and he really was a visionary man in whose ideas and visions people invested their money and wanted to do business with him. I am not making it up.
11th house/Aquarius natives are all about work. It is their life theme. They have a long fulfilling work life with late retirement. They always are doing some work. They know how to make money. They know how to grind. They have the potential and caliber. Saturn rules Aquarius: patience, discipline, hard work, long hours. They have that. They cannot retire early and enjoy life. They love to hustle all their lives.
These natives also spend less time at home relaxing and more time doing work or business. They have the caliber to do side hustle. It really comes naturally to them. They are the ones to be doing 2/3 business or work at a time. Making money. Vision, ideas, grit and social charm -- they got it all.
Public places is where they shine. Sun in 11th house or Aquarius natives shine in public settings. They love to be amongst large groups of people. They love the validation it gives them.
But no placement comes without shadow side. Behind their workaholic attitude is an intense self sabotage. I remember watching Jobs movie and Steve's character says "why did my mother birth me if she had to leave me anyway?" I have seen that these natives are workaholic as a way to avoid the shame of self sabotage. They use work to avoid the intimacy in other areas of life. They feel a compulsive urge to work work work! It is the need to individuation in them and run from their self reflection. For eg, some people understand themselves using occult tools like astro and tarot. Whereas others understand themselves by being in a relationship. While others understand themselves through work and business. It is the different areas of life with different tools that people use to individuate. To individuate yourself means to understand all parts of yourself.
These natives understand themselves when they go out in public and do their work. They even wonder why not other people do the same. They wonder why others are not workaholic like them.
Hey!! Can you do aquarius moon culture
Look aloof and out of touch with their emotions
May not be so
They however may feel somewhat different from their rest of the family
Feels no one understands them
They pride in being different and original
They emphasize a lot on individuality
One of the most accepting people
Judgemental too though
Hates being vulnerable
Very progressive
Friends with literally everyone
Yet somehow lacks the close friends
Maintain good standards of making friends though
Not the most emotional sign
Yet gets hurt a lot, but pretends they aren't because 🤖
Robots remind me they are those kind of people that are very social and amiable in parties but so lonely when alone
Honestly you guys can lose it a little and be a little vulnerable
Imaginative and idealist
Likes being eccentric
Maybe doesn't like being touched
Has a idgaf attitude
Can be goofy in a comfortable setting
They has to pretend like they are strong
Probably good at drawing
Hates sharing their emotions
Hides them the best
Analyses situations and emotions too
Most affectionate with pet
Chiron in The Houses : And How it Affects The Opposite House

I've noticed that when it comes to the astroid Chiron, there are similarities to problems from the house it's initially in and the house it's opposite from it. Like, many problems Chiron brings to a house can stem from the opposite house's properties and characteristics.

Chiron in The 1st House
Chiron 1st natives could feel like people predominantly judge them from the people they associate with. ( 7th house rules partners, associates, and other people connecting to us ) Like they don't have their own identity and live in the shadow of those around them. These people may rely on their partner/others to shape their identity. And they probably don't feel like their own person, and just an extension of others. These natives probably hate when people point out similarities between them and other people, which will add to their belief that they feel like an extension of others. Some might do absurd or outrageous things to stand out and be different from other people.
Chiron in The 2nd House
Chiron 2nd house natives might always have to worry about themselves or other people ( 8th house rules other peoples possesions ) losing and/or breaking their possesions. People may prefer to use the natives stuff instead of their own. At the same time people may not like sharing their valubles or stuff with the native. Or people may flaunt their possessions to the latter. These natives might feel like they always have to compare what they have to what others have, leaving them never feeling satisfied with what they have. And they may feel like their worth is dependent on other people and what they have.
Chiron in The 3rd House
Chiron 3rd house natives will always look for the deeper meaning in whatever people say to them. And always try to pick apart what people say. It can be exhausting talking to some of them as it may feel like they're trying to force their opinions and beliefs ( 9th house rules opinions, beliefs, philosophy and higher meanings ) onto someone when communicating. This native's childhood however could indicate that this happened a lot to them, with siblings, classmates, and people close to them shoving opinions and beliefs on them when they were young. So this is where they likely got it from.
Chiron in The 4th House
Chiron 4th house natives may feel like they won't amount to anything in life, that their family hasn't already achieved. They might feel like they live in their family's shadow. Could have a very popular, famous, and/or important family member, to where the native lives in their shadow, and the public always associates this native with someone from their family ( 10th house rules reputation, what you're known for, and how the public views you ) Might have been the lesser child and not held in as high hopes as their other siblings by the other family members. And family members could pressure these natives by reminding them of their family's feats.
Chiron in The 5th House
Chiron 5th house natives might seek out groups of people with the same interest, feeling most emotionally satisfied when they find their "flock" ( 11th house rules the groups we hang with, our hopes and dreams for society/our impact on it, and our societal views ) However they could feel like society makes fun of or doesn't accept this native's hobbies and what they do for pleasure because it isn't the "norm". Many people might shame this native for the things they enjoy and make them feel guilty, making them think about how their hobbies and things they enjoy affect society and the people around them.
Chiron in The 6th House
Chiron 6th natives probably feel like they're trapped in their day to day lives. Like life doesn't get more interesting or won't be any greater than what they have. These people likely hard workers, sticking to their vigorous routine, in the hopes that the universe or some higher being will bless them with good karma ( 12th house rules higher powers, the unconscious, dreams, isolation, and karma ). And these natives may actually not know what they want in life or in themselves, except that they don't want to be nothing. Which can lead them down a path of monotony and not doing anything great or dreaming big. Can feel like they can't fantasize or dream big because they have to focus on the now and everyday life tasks.
Chiron in The 7th House
Chiron 7th natives probably surround themselves with people like them; They are the company they keep. ( 1st house rules identity, the self, and how people perceive you ) However when other people come for the native's partner, spouse or associates they're likely get very defensive, as people who come at them can feel like a direct attack at the native. And when in a relationship, they can be hypocritics because they probably share some attributes with their partners that they have ill feelings towards, because as before, these natives surround themselves with people like them, which can make them narrow minded.
Chiron in The 8th House
Chiron 8th natives can feel be abrasive with other peoples values and stuff ( 2nd house rules one's values and possessions ). They might see other peoples possessions or values as their own. And might share the same sentiment that their stuff is for others, or not. But these natives might feel like people overstep their boundaries a lot and might even do this themselves to others. But this can make some natives very possessive of what they own and build up walls to prevent people overstepping their boundaries. Making the natives do a lot of stuff themselves for them self instead of with others for this reason. May hold a lot of taboo values, but keeps this to themselves.
Chiron in The 9th House
Chiron 9th natives may feel all their values come heavily from siblings, classmates, and peers from their childhood ( 3rd house rules childhood, siblings, and communication ), and that it molded many of their present day beliefs, good and negative. Unlike Chiron 3rd house natives, they may not like to or might be scared to communicate their beliefs. These natives may feel like, despite their journey through life and discovering things about the world and themselves, that it's ultimately their past that represents who they are, which might not be good if they were bullied a lot in their childhood. So they might hold some sentiment to things said to them during childhood and the native's view on themselves could be very low, and they could still hold resentment for some people from thier younger years, this is another that placement can indicate being narrow minded.
Chiron in The 10th House
Chiron 10th natives will always have to worry about something and/or someone damaging the publics view on them and their overall reputation. Likely home issues or things from childhood ( 4th house rules home, roots, and foundations ) resurfacing and altering the public's view on them. And/Or they're trying to bury and run away from their roots to appeal to the public. These natives don't want to be defined by their childhood or family roots. Some may even leave behind and/or betray their family for greater things in life like reputation and fame. However this is probably because they will have envious relatives who seek to destroy what name this native made for themselves out of jealousy and/or old family drama resurfacing.
Chiron in The 11th House
Chiron 11th natives probably feel like they can't enjoy their hobbies or anything they like without thinking about how it affects others, and it's impact on society ( 5th house rules pleasure, hobbies, and indulgence ). They probably don't want to or don't like indulging themselves too much, feeling like there are greater things to worry about more than their own pleasures. Or some might have big dreams and visions for changing their society/community, but are too caught up in their own pleasures and indulgence to actually act on them. However some natives could get treated poorly by their group, peers, or overall community, causing them to not care about bettering society or helping people. And in the end, make them only seek out their own pleasure and well being, because if society doesn't care about the native's needs, why should they care about societys'?
Chiron in The 12th House
Chiron 12th natives have very cloudy and active minds. They're big dreamers and probably mostly live life in the clouds of their mind. These natives can feel trapped by the claws of everyday, boring life ( 6th house rules everyday life, routine, and service ). They could have many dreams and goals but probably won't act on many of them, because the fantasy in their heads is good enough for them instead of the real thing. These natives may not get the tasks they need to do everyday done, and probably procrastinate A LOT. They may feel isolated and/or not mentally present at their workplace, and would rather daydream and keep to themselves than interact with peers. These are the people that could fall off the face of the earth and not many people would notice, because they're so private and keep to themselves.

What are yalls thoughts? Did any of this resonate with you? If not, check your Chiron sign and use it's sign's ruling house. ( Ex. if you have Chiron in Aquarius, read Chiron in the 11th house )
💕 Masterlist 💕
Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

Having your SR Ascendant in the same sign as your natal chart's planet ruler sign will mean you'll likely have a lot of growth and prosperity that year. I have Sagittarius Rising (My Jupiter is in Scorpio). I've had SR Scorpio Rising twice in my life, and both times I did I went through many transformations and had a lot of good luck during those years. Possibly the best years of my life.
Having Jupiter or Saturn in your 4th house could mean you move houses that year.
Having Venus and/or Mars in your 12th house could make people obsessed with you and want to learn more about you, this is probably because you appear mysterious to them even if you're a generally open person, and they wanna get to the bottom of the mystery.
Whatever house pluto is in for that year will be where you change the most. For example if you have 5th house pluto one year then you may get a new hobby or something about your original hobbies will change durastically. Or 8th house pluto could mean you have a sexual or spirital awakening, maybe a near death experience, or you feel like a part of yourself died inside you.
Mars in the 11th house can mean you're more outgoing and even aggressive amongst friends and peers that year.

When the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction, there is a new moon. So those who have this placement that year will likely have many moments of realizations about themselves and be in very in tune with their emotions, wants, needs, ect. This is a very self aware period in your life but also an AMAZING time for manifestations to occur, you may literally speak some things into existance this year! When you align your emotions with your goals, and vise versa, great things will happen for you!
Along this note, check what house(s) this conjunction falls in! If they both are in different houses, it may weaken the manifesting power. However, if they are both in the same house, look at that houses themes to see what you'll need to focus on and to build up your karma for so you can more properly manifest!
Uranus aspecting North Node could mean a huge change in your plans or destiny that year at any point. For example you could be working on your art hobby and career but suddenly you get more chances at a cooking career or find yourself more interested in baking as a hobby, if that makes any sense.
Lilith in the 1st house, 10th, and/or conjunct to any of your personal planets can indicate being an over all social pariah that year. People may betray or break off relations with you, you may slowly realize some people are becoming more hostile to you, you may be seen as a bad guy in every situation, people might make you feel ashamed of yourself, ect. This is NOT a fun placement to have.

However, having Sagittarius or Gemini in your top 3 for that year though could mean making a lot of friends that year and learning about a lot of diferent peoples lives.
Having beneficial planets or astroids like Venus, Jupiter, Ceres, or Pallas conjunct to your Midheaven means you'll likely have a very prosperous and lucky year in your career and workplace. Things may feel like they just come easily to you.
Wherever your Sun and Moon are placed in the chart can show where most of your emotional and over all focus will be for that year. For example if you have your Sun in the 11th house and your Moon in the 2nd, many themes that you'll focus on that year will be finding your self worth in the groups you're in, standing up for your personal values, and trying to find what your place is in social circles.
Sun in the first house can indicate needing to focus more on yourself that year. More self care and less about other people's problems.
Having a Pisces or Scorpio Ascendant, and/or personal planets in the 8th/12th house are other very powerful placements for manifestation.
Saturn in the 4th house could mean something terrible or life changing is going to happen to you that year. You'll likely learn a lot of life lessons and karma will come to you, good or bad.
Speaking of the 4th house, this probably goes without saying but 4th house sign will show what kind of life to expect at home for that year, Mars or Saturn ruled signs will likely be malefic in this house and can cause some issues for you that year.
I don't know if this is because I'm a Sagittarius rising or if it's just because Jupiter is a lucky planet, but in all the best years of my life, Jupiter was strongly aspecting my ascendant (conjunction and opposition).
Venus aspecting Mars in SR 🤝 being the center of attention wherever you go and having everyone fawn over you for that year. This can also indicate a huge glowup, not just look wise but also socially as well. You will likely gain some level of popularity or positive recognition this year, even you're a more private and not outgoing person.

Having the astroid Nessus conjunct to any of your personal planets or points could make you a target of abuse and bullying for that year. However having Nessus or Uranus in the 3rd or 6th house could also generate the same effect.
Whatever house Uranus is in will be where you can suddenly lose and gain something of those themes all year long. For example, having Uranus in the 7th or 11th house could mean suddenly losing friends and/or close ones but also suddenly gaining them. Another example is Uranus in the 4th could mean having a family member die unexpectedly, or suddenly finding out a family member is pregnant.
Having Moon in the 10th house can indicate spending a lot of time working to advance in your career. You'll likely make big steps towarda your goals because of all the thought and soul you're going to put behind it this year. Same goes for Mars or Saturn in the 10th.
Speaking of Saturn, wherever Saturn is placed in your chart can show what you may have difficulties with or lose this year, but after working towards fixing it and learning from it, you will likely be awarded for your efforts in the end with getting back what you lost or gaining something better. Saturn is breaking you down and building you back up stronger and wiser. Saturn represents our life lessons for this year and makes us appreciate what we have by taking it away from us, but giving it back after we learn and grow.
Pluto aspecting the Moon or Ascendant will make you more sensitive but give you more emotional perseverance. You may become a person for people to lean on and look up to because of how emotionally strong and intelligent you'll likely become this year. But you may go through a destructive period this year that changes your perspective and warrants this change in your emotional psyche. Like Saturn, it'll tear you and all that you know down, to build you up stronger and wiser.
However, if Pluto is harshly aspecting your Sun, you might go through a long period of hardship or some kind of long lasting difficulty. This is because once Pluto starts aspecting your Sun, it'll stay in aspect of your Natal/Transit chart AND in many of your SR charts to come. So having it harshly aspected to your sun sign is NOT ideal. Pluto aspecting the Sun in SR will likely stay that aspect for 10+ years. You will have to change and transform a LOT during this period of your life, when either you want to or not.
Neptune in the 5th house could mean you focus on not very important things a lot this year. You'll likely focus a lot on yourself and what you want, but not what you need. You may neglect a lot of things you have to get done and procrastinate a LOT.
Uranus 9th house can indicate stepping out of your comfort zone and traveling a lot in general this year. You'll likely discover some new places that you like but never went to before.
Saturn 6th house can be a depressing placement for the workaholics, and over all anyone out there because it may feel like in the beginning of having this in your SR that no matter how hard you work that you're not getting anywhere with it and you're stuck in one place. You may feel more unaccomplished and/or unsuccessful during this year.

“Your soul purpose (different from your life purpose) is a secret wish you have that you share with your kindred spirits.“ Naomi Goldrich
Am I the only one who has been having a pretty sane, and chilled 12th house profection year like idk I hear so many people talk how unhinged and rough it could be but my 11th house profection year is where all hell broke loose, anybody else have similar experiences ?

♡ North Node Edition ♡

DISCLAIMER: this is only based off my experiences/observations from my surroundings!! none of these are facts so take everything with a grain of salt!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* play music *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a song for you to enjoy while you read <3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* session starts *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
aquarius south node-leo north node are often confused whether they actually do care about specific humanity issues or do they just care about humanity in general.
aquarius south node-leo north node also have at least culturally appropriate like ONCE in their life. however, it is often overlooked when they pursue in their north node.
sagittarius north node tend to come off as culturally appropriating when really they are culturally appreciating.
: this is because sagittarius includes diverse cultures so one of the soul mission includes learning/appreciating different cultures.
e.g. #1 perrie edwards was accused of culturally appropriating when she decided to get "henna" then further explained she educated herself on the topic, which is why she decided to get it.
e.g #2 ariana grande was also seen culturally appropriating the japanese aesthetic by some when she herself has studied japanese.
a way to achieve your north node usually depends on the house it's in. once you pursue in the house, the north node sign will fall into place.
: e.g. #1 i have a friend who's leo north node in the 9th house. the more they pursue in sagittarius oriented things (higher educations, wanting to travel, sharing their wisdom/knowledge), the more they are able to creatively express themselves and shine.
e.g #2 i have a lot of friends who are taurus north node in the 12th house. when they started getting into spirituality, they managed to achieve stability in their life.
saturn-north node synastry: saturn person is usually more aware of the influence in comparison to the north node person.
scorpio north node often struggle to pursue in their north node because of the ego they obtained from taurus south node.
libra north node struggle to pursue in their north node because they have strong integrity and belief system due to the aries south node and having to adapt to a community makes them feel like they're throwing it all away. (you aren't, you're just compromising and tolerating.)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* short break *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
your south node often come as a reward when you pursue in your north node.
e.g. once leo north nodes pursue in their north node, they often start to have a group of people who supports them and allow them to shine (aquarius south node).
air north nodes (gemini, libra, aquarius) means learning to listen to others and being involved in your community.
i notice that earth north node (taurus, capricorn, virgo) centers a lot around working for what you want.
pisces north node is about staying and creating your own world. the mindset "what if life doesn't have to be so bad?" can often help.
romanticising your life is not encouraged for virgo north node/ north node in the 6th house. doing so would be a very pisces/12th house south node thing to do. instead, accept life as it is and just live it however you want to live it.
a lot of your mistakes/faults can be overlooked by a lot of people when you pursue in your north node.
this is why a lot of celebrities can avoid getting 'cancelled'/disliked and stay validated when they pursue in their north node. once they fall back into their south node, that is often time when their mistakes are very apparent to the public eye.
if you were liked by the public when you engaged in your south node, you're most likely going to be disliked by the public when pursuing in your north node.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* end of session *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
— okiee besties!!! thank you so much for making it this far!! i hope this was a good read!! please do share your opinions, i would love to hear from all of you!! take care and stay safe, loves <3

I am not a professional astrologer, just based on my personal experience.
🍏 TAURUS MOONS have difficulty accepting changes, they can become defensive and even criticize before changing.
🍏 SCORPIO MARS natives, when they are angry, they do not explode at the moment, they manage to keep their anger and it accumulates like a snowball.
🍏 THE 11TH HOUSE is what I like to call the house of ego. Your favorite artists and songs live in this house.
If you have LEO in this house, you probably enjoy expressive and extravagant artists. Beyoncé, Kylie Minogue, Gwen Stefani, Grace Jones and Lady Gaga.
This is also the house of social media, you most likely to follow influencers, models, musicians and makeup artists.
You also love to post mirror selfies 🪞
🍏 MARS IN THE 2ND HOUSE tends not to share their things. If they are eating and someone asks for a piece, they will probably say no, or maybe yes, depending on what sign they are in. But deep down they didn't want to share.
(It's not only strictly to food though, it could be clothes, money or objects. This does not mean that they are selfish, they are just more attached and careful with their things.)
🍏 3RD HOUSE VENUS natives loves writing, their minds can go to imaginable places. Words and inspirations sometimes arrive at less unexpected moments, they love to be inspired by relationships and personal traumas. I'm not surprised that Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks have this position.
that's all for today.
Virgo rising
Chart Ruler: Mercury
Reactive, intelligent, technical, youthful. Synthesising mind with material, the needs of the self with other
Spends money like: A Libra
Interacts with surroundings: As a Scorpio
Psychological base energy: Sagittarian
Creative energy: Capricorn
Work energy: Aquarian
Attracts: Piscean energy
Approaches death with: Aries energy
Finds meaning in existence with: Taurus energy
Dreams of becoming: A Gemini essence
Befriends: Cancer types
When nobody is looking: A Leo
Attraction placements
Attracted to foreigners
Sagittarius/Aquarius/Aries/Gemini/Pisces Venus.
Jupiter/Uranus in the 7th house.
Aries/Sagittarius/Air signs/Pisces in the cusp of the 7th house.
Venus/Mars in the 9th/11th house.
Venus/Mars in any aspect to Uranus/Jupiter.
Attracted to older people
Capricorn/Libra Venus/Moon/Mars.
Saturn in the 7th house.
Capricorn/Libra in the cusp of the 7th house.
Venus/Mars in the 10th house.
Venus/Mars in any aspect to Saturn.
Attracted to intelligence
Air signs/Virgo/Capricorn/Sagittarius Venus/Moon/Mars.
Mercury/Uranus/Jupiter in the 7th house.
The air signs/Virgo/Sagittarius in the cusp of the 7th house.
Venus/Mars in the 3rd/6th house.
Venus/Mars in any aspect to Mercury/Uranus/Jupiter.
moon in the houses
hardest to truly know:
moon in 8th | moon in 12th | moon in 10th
most self-involved:
moon in 1st | moon in 2nd | moon in 5th
most sacrificial:
moon in 4th | moon in 6th | moon in 7th
most intellectual:
moon in 3rd | moon in 9th | moon in 11th
Theatre club 🎭
Sun in the 11th: Theatre club
Moon in the 11th: Mother's group
Mercury in the 11th: Book club
Venus in the 11th: Scrapbooking club
Mars in the 11th: Competitive sports club/RSL club
Jupiter in the 11th: Mile-high club
Saturn in the 11th: Future Business Leaders group
Uranus in the 11th: Online group/protest group
Neptune in the 11th: Healing support group
Pluto in the 11th: Secret society
Please hold onto your hope, as it is in such limited supply around the world these days. Hold onto it and be proud that you are one of the ones that does
Sun in the 11th house (via astrolocherry)
She got the power in her hand, to shock you like you won’t believe
Sun in the 11th house (via astrology-aesthetic)
Aw damn it, I got my sun/mercury in Leo, venus in Cancer, sun in 11th, mars/pluto in 3rd, neptune/uranus in 5th, sun trine mars and pluto, sun opposite uranus, mercury trine mars, mercury opposite uranus, venus conjunct jupiter (other aspects like quincunx, semisextile, ect but I don't remember all of them by mind), and finally sun conjunct mercury 😂😊
I've found my dream work !
Hello, what are good placements for a comedian to have?
- Sun/Mercury/Venus in Gemini/Cancer/Leo/Virgo/Sagittarius/Aquarius- Sun/Mercury/Venus in the 1st/3rd/5th/7th/8th/9th/11th house- Mars/Jupiter/Neptune/Uranus/Pluto in the 1st/3rd/5th/7th/9th/11th house- Sun/Mercury/Venus in aspect to Mars/Jupiter/Neptune/Uranus/Pluto- Sun/Mercury/Venus in conjunction to each other
(Based on like 20 famous comedians’ charts I briefly reviewed)
My kind of intelligences:
Musical: Neptune in 5th, Cancer Venus in 10th (maybe, it's linked to art so)
Social: Leo Sun in 11th, Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in 10th
Linguistic: Sag Mars and Pluto in 3rd, Gemini moon in 9th
Sun in 11th ☀️
💎 People with 11th house planets are supported by universe to make their dreams come true. It’s because their dreaming is done on behalf of humanity, envisaging utopias and oasis building the architecture that will benefit everyone on earth. And in the 11th house there is no one that will remind you of realistic limitations, these people live in the Aquarian world of possibility with the shared belief that the impossible is possible
~Sun in the 11th: shines upon the inherent goodness of people and humanity ~Moon in the 11th: a surrogate parent to abandoned, lost, and threatened children ~Mercury in the 11th: changes the collective narrative of humanity ~Venus in the 11th: reminds people that the world is a beautiful place ~Mars in the 11th: fights against the evils of the world to ensure that love and goodness always wins ~Jupiter in the 11th: a blessing from heaven that grants gifts of charity and opportunity ~Saturn in the 11th: a surrogate parent with responsibility toward those who are literally or figuratively orphaned ~Uranus in the 11th: subconsciously implements future life memories into the present and brings the possibility of utopia closer ~Neptune in the 11th: inspires, soothes, and heals with symbolic creativity that touches the spirit of humanity and collective vault of memories ~Pluto in the 11th: a cloaked angel that has surrendered to expectation and walks in bare feet on the fringes and the abyss with the people society wants to ignore and forget