Just Don't - Tumblr Posts
*cough*Richard Rahl*cough*
What do you call the male version of a “Mary Sue”?
The protagonist.
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E to do it.
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
Also without even talking about cultural appropriation, if you don't have the appropriate hair type the braids could damage your hair.
Also also- if I may, could we compare it to neurotypicals making stim toys a trend? 'Cause that gives me the same vibe.
Every nonblack with dreads is really the equivalent to every non-Uchiha with a sharingan
My mother actually keeps used oil and fat in a separate jar, but it's not for any reusing purposes. Used oil is always burned to some extent and doesn't have the same nutritions and benefits of an unused oil. It might even increase chances of cancer but I'm not sure. So whenever my mother keeps any amounts of used oil, it's just to dispose of it properly and not to cause any pollution. So please don't reuse the same oil.
out of pure curiosity because i’m frying chicken for dinner and using one of the many jars of fry oil my mom has saved
I blocked so many gabi haters, my girl doesn't deserve this
am I gonna have to block the gabi braun hashtag or are yall gonna behave and not celebrate her death
hey new users, censoring swear words is actual cringe & being “cringe” is based here, also be gay freely & don’t censor that either
Also don’t say unalive (or other tiktok mannerisms), make your likes & following list private. We don’t do that shit here. We do reblogs.
Also you can turn anon off for asks! You can also pin a post to your blog!
You’re not an influencer. You’re just some blog. Follow count doesn’t matter here. No one cares.

I’m too lazy to explain what happens in the third sketch, take it as given. У меня был ник хагги вагги

i usually draw lynk with their prosocollar on and/or helmet off. have them with their helmet on and prosocollar projection off!
I am no longer aro
I am very gay for a very specific type of guy
Honest mistake
So uh, just went on twitter and saw some leaks for bsd 117! Not fun! Don't go on twitter until you're sure the translation is out or you'll get bombarded with unwanted spoilers!!!

Graham in the new DW episode like
you know Johnny Depp? he got so many hate messages, his daughter couldn't post a photo of him without getting death threats. and then it turned out his opponent was BS, and he was the victim. James Charles? He didn't do anything, but people hated him so much, said so many horrible things, he almost killed himself. I remember there was another girl, 16? who make a comment about someone being annoying, and the person commiting suicide. People were calling a 16 year old a murderer for saying someone was annoying. And it turns out, the girl wasn't even dead!
So sometime this decade let’s normalize
Holding celebrities accountable to a high standard of ethical behavior
Holding celebrity news responsible to certain standards of respect and privacy, and not blowing things out of proportion
Not harassing celebrities or bullying them online and acting like it’s okay because they’re “never going to see it”
In general let’s normalize the opposite of whatever celebrity culture is rn because it’s toxic for everyone involved, including us audience members
Tolkien's characters: *minding their own buisness* Me, holding the Trans Hammer: *ba na, ba na, ba na, ba na, terrible Jaws theme continues*

The woods are lovely, dark and deep 🍃🍂
i just google searched 'miku' and that showed up im having violent flashbacks
As much as I (kinda) love Yae Miko please for the love of god hoyo don't make Jiaoqiu similar to her