Dont Go - Tumblr Posts

Happy Tuesday 🙂
Gonna miss them so, so much 😢 They've all served their county already.
Let go. Just let go. Why can't I just let go?

We made another one, this time a sad one. Enjoy and tell your friends!! UvU

I'll miss you Hange Zoe, my kindest sunshine, and the brightest of all😭

Please don't go. ❤🧡💚💙💜

“It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it. You are beautiful.” ― Stephenie Meyer, The Host 🖤💙🖤
Through a tragic comedy of errors it has now been over a week since I've been on my anti-depressents. And let me just tell you. WITHDRAWALS ARE REAL. Take your meds, wean yourself off, never go cold turkey, it is a terrible idea.
This was not on purpose.

How I wish 😔😭😭
So uh, just went on twitter and saw some leaks for bsd 117! Not fun! Don't go on twitter until you're sure the translation is out or you'll get bombarded with unwanted spoilers!!!
Netflix: We shall wait with the announcing of the She-Ra movie so the fans are more thirsty for fresh, quality content that only we can provide! Noelle Stevenson: <writes “Don’t Go”> kangkangHJ: <animates “Don’t Go”> Netflix: *surprised Pikachu face*
You are still my favorite yet most painful story to tell.
I guess you’ll always be. (via okaysouls)
Slowly drawing my very old ocs
Here is King Nightmare interesting fella let's say, no much about him for now i still work on him, but generaly he is mess, he also like dressing up

Those small starts on top are his followers more about them soon too
It's win bro didn't saw stuff
King Nightmare
Me: Mom, dad, I'm a keyblade master.
Parents: The bible says Adam and Eve, not Simple and Clean.
If any of my friends comes out as transmasc, i without any hold back, start buying T, so they won't struggle with this fuckery, it's not even legal being trans here, so it's a double "fuck you" to the system. And to all closeted, eggs, or open, you are who you are, don't let anyone say otherwise, even those intrusive thoughts, you're valid and loved, even if you don't see it yet. It's not only to trans, or any other kind of queer people, you're all wonderful and capable of great things, even if i can't support you financially or, sometimes even mentally, because I don't have the words, or knowledge of full picture, i still want you to feel supported and valued... Keep going, no matter how hard it gets, take breaks, slow down, run fast, doesn't matter, just don't give up on your life! You matter, no matter who you are! Pun intended...
I went on a fucking supporting tangent again, didn't i?...
Well, you really are all those things, so fuck you, you deserve support!