Lab Whump - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Whumpee's strapped to a cold steel table with no room to struggle. Whumper holds a needle staring at them hungrily without hardly blinking.

"This won't kill you..." They say, flicking the mid of the needle.

"But depending on how much you struggle, it will hurt you."

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1 year ago

Lab whumper dialogue

My favorite trope is the sadistic scientist/doctor whumper, so I may have indulged…

1. “The greatest scientific discoveries often require us to step outside of our comfort zones. Are you willing to take that leap with me?”

2. “It will only hurt for a moment.”

3. “My dear, the ends always justify the means. Think of how so many people will find our research beneficial. You aren’t being selfish, are you?”

4. “Morality is just a construct created by society.”

5. “Everything we do is in the name of science… and science requires sacrifice.”

6. “You should feel privileged. Few people have the chance to contribute so directly to the advancement of science.”

7. “I understand your apprehension, but remember, you agreed to this.”

8. “I must admit, darling, I find your resilience quite admirable. You’re much stronger than my previous test subjects. But don’t worry, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to break even the strongest of wills.”

9. “I assure you, I have done this many times before. You will be fine.”

10. “I know the methods I use may seem cruel to the unenlightened mind, but you’ll understand… one day.”

11. “I’ll have to remember to make note of this in my journal. Fascinating.”

12. “The line between genius and madness is a thin one, so go ahead and call me mad. To me, it’s a compliment.”

13. “You signed a consent form, correct? Then you fully knew the risks.”

14. “You’re doing so well, darling. Just a little longer and we’’ll have all the data we need.”

15. “I’m sorry, but the procedure was not a complete success. We’ll have to try again. As many times as it takes. You understand, right?”

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10 months ago

Happy mermay y'all!

Here's a little chum y'all, take it. These characters may pop up after Mermay but they're little goobers with very little backstory right now. Whumpee is a pilot fish merthing btw pilot fish are my favorite fish



It put its eerily human-like hand against the glass while it beat the glass with its black and white tail. The small humanoid had been found beside a far larger shark humanoid, and it kept trying to get to the shark. It also had a tendency to bump against the glass while swimming around, seemingly indicating behaviors it exhibited with the shark.

Korryne groaned, and a tiny shock in the fish's water drove it away from the glass and made it scream while it spun in circles and tried to hide in the too-small decor in its tank. No one had expected it to grow so big in such a short span of time.

Eventually, the aquarium opened, and a group of school children watched it being fed. It had been taught to keep its head below the water, and ignored that teaching, and approached the children. Korryne had to go up there to make sure it didn’t do anything drastic, and it went back underwater at the sight of her.

It didn’t even bother to take the rest of the fish with it, it stayed low to the ground until Korryne had left. 

Korryne needed to examine this further.


Leech. That was what they were called by the horrible people. They stared at the human that often watched them, wanting to go to Rilla. 

Arroyo beat their tail against the clear wall and called for Rilla. Rilla was going in circles, and Arroyo wished they weren’t the only two in their tiny group. Arroyo slammed their shoulder into the clear wall and the human had the sharp pain go through the water. They swam back to their little area, and realized they were bleeding in the tail when it cut against the weirdly sharp rocks.

They swam around, a trail of blood in the water, and Rilla opened her mouth when she saw it.

Arroyo heard someone get in and saw one of the humans with the breathing mask strapped to their face, and the human had a net. Arroyo tried to swim away, screaming and begging, and the human didn’t understand.

Arroyo understood very little of the human tongue, mostly just the words ‘stop, still, and interesting’.

“Stay still,” the human ordered. Arroyo obeyed and took a deep breath as they were lifted into the air in the too small net. It took three people to carry them, and people weren’t even the size of normal sharks. Sharks were somewhat the same size as Arroyo, about an eighth of Rilla’s size, far smaller than Arroyo’s friend, who was part squid and lived close to the bottom of the ocean.

Arroyo could breathe air, though they hated the taste of it on their tongue, so they often chose not to. The humans eventually lowered them into a crate that was barely able to fit them, and they had to avoid panicking so the water wouldn’t go stale and render them unable to breathe.

They set Arroyo in the white room tanks, where they were closer to the circling Rilla, and Arroyo put their hand on the clear wall and knocked until Rilla noticed them.

Someone let Arroyo into Rilla’s tank after bandaging their tail, and Arroyo swam into it and plucked off the tiny things on Rilla’s skin. Rilla looked at Arroyo with glad eyes and directed them to the places where large numbers of infection was.

Rilla twitched her tail to the side, saying, “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” Arroyo replied, and hugged Rilla, barely able to contain their excitement. Rilla didn’t approve of emotional outbursts unless they were trying to mate, which didn’t work very well out of your own group of merfolk, and it was a banishable offense among the merfolk.

Mating season was soon… Arroyo hoped they’d let the pair in the same tanks for that time.

One of the humans motioned for Arroyo to return, and Arroyo’s dorsal fins flared in anger as they bared their sharp fangs and Rilla swam at the human, then slammed head first into the clear wall.

Rilla swam back, grabbed Arroyo in her mouth, and leaped out of the tank. They rolled for a moment, and Rilla stood up. Arroyo wasn’t sharkfolk, couldn’t stand, only a select few merfolk could.

Rilla took Arroyo in her arms and started running, while Arroyo slowly lost water on their scales. A sound went through the air, and Rilla’s movements slowed. Then she fell, and dropped Arroyo. Arroyo rolled again and someone lifted them, then put them back in the lab tanks, and Rilla across from them, still in her human form, wrists up in the air and legs spread wide. Rilla opened her eyes, then stopped moving, and her rock-black eyes went dim as she drifted to the surface. Arroyo screamed for her, and one of the workers opened the cage and she was dead. Didn’t blink, didn’t breathe. 

Arroyo shrieked and pounded on the clear wall and screamed for Rilla, and the human that normally watched Arroyo threw Rilla in. Arroyo held her corpse close and wished they had seaweed to wrap their body in, but this would have to do.

They hugged Rilla and let her drift away while giving her eulogy. They wished they were in the open ocean for this, but impossible.

They eventually took her from Arroyo, and they sank to the bottom of the cage and didn’t move as they watched them examine her corpse. Then they took her skeleton and her fins and put Arroyo in her old cage, where they could fit between the hard rocks. They sank to the bottom, no longer moving, and the human smiled sadistically.

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9 months ago

Happy mermay y'all!

Here's a little chum y'all, take it. These characters may pop up after Mermay but they're little goobers with very little backstory right now. Whumpee is a pilot fish merthing btw pilot fish are my favorite fish



It put its eerily human-like hand against the glass while it beat the glass with its black and white tail. The small humanoid had been found beside a far larger shark humanoid, and it kept trying to get to the shark. It also had a tendency to bump against the glass while swimming around, seemingly indicating behaviors it exhibited with the shark.

Korryne groaned, and a tiny shock in the fish's water drove it away from the glass and made it scream while it spun in circles and tried to hide in the too-small decor in its tank. No one had expected it to grow so big in such a short span of time.

Eventually, the aquarium opened, and a group of school children watched it being fed. It had been taught to keep its head below the water, and ignored that teaching, and approached the children. Korryne had to go up there to make sure it didn’t do anything drastic, and it went back underwater at the sight of her.

It didn’t even bother to take the rest of the fish with it, it stayed low to the ground until Korryne had left. 

Korryne needed to examine this further.


Leech. That was what they were called by the horrible people. They stared at the human that often watched them, wanting to go to Rilla. 

Arroyo beat their tail against the clear wall and called for Rilla. Rilla was going in circles, and Arroyo wished they weren’t the only two in their tiny group. Arroyo slammed their shoulder into the clear wall and the human had the sharp pain go through the water. They swam back to their little area, and realized they were bleeding in the tail when it cut against the weirdly sharp rocks.

They swam around, a trail of blood in the water, and Rilla opened her mouth when she saw it.

Arroyo heard someone get in and saw one of the humans with the breathing mask strapped to their face, and the human had a net. Arroyo tried to swim away, screaming and begging, and the human didn’t understand.

Arroyo understood very little of the human tongue, mostly just the words ‘stop, still, and interesting’.

“Stay still,” the human ordered. Arroyo obeyed and took a deep breath as they were lifted into the air in the too small net. It took three people to carry them, and people weren’t even the size of normal sharks. Sharks were somewhat the same size as Arroyo, about an eighth of Rilla’s size, far smaller than Arroyo’s friend, who was part squid and lived close to the bottom of the ocean.

Arroyo could breathe air, though they hated the taste of it on their tongue, so they often chose not to. The humans eventually lowered them into a crate that was barely able to fit them, and they had to avoid panicking so the water wouldn’t go stale and render them unable to breathe.

They set Arroyo in the white room tanks, where they were closer to the circling Rilla, and Arroyo put their hand on the clear wall and knocked until Rilla noticed them.

Someone let Arroyo into Rilla’s tank after bandaging their tail, and Arroyo swam into it and plucked off the tiny things on Rilla’s skin. Rilla looked at Arroyo with glad eyes and directed them to the places where large numbers of infection was.

Rilla twitched her tail to the side, saying, “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” Arroyo replied, and hugged Rilla, barely able to contain their excitement. Rilla didn’t approve of emotional outbursts unless they were trying to mate, which didn’t work very well out of your own group of merfolk, and it was a banishable offense among the merfolk.

Mating season was soon… Arroyo hoped they’d let the pair in the same tanks for that time.

One of the humans motioned for Arroyo to return, and Arroyo’s dorsal fins flared in anger as they bared their sharp fangs and Rilla swam at the human, then slammed head first into the clear wall.

Rilla swam back, grabbed Arroyo in her mouth, and leaped out of the tank. They rolled for a moment, and Rilla stood up. Arroyo wasn’t sharkfolk, couldn’t stand, only a select few merfolk could.

Rilla took Arroyo in her arms and started running, while Arroyo slowly lost water on their scales. A sound went through the air, and Rilla’s movements slowed. Then she fell, and dropped Arroyo. Arroyo rolled again and someone lifted them, then put them back in the lab tanks, and Rilla across from them, still in her human form, wrists up in the air and legs spread wide. Rilla opened her eyes, then stopped moving, and her rock-black eyes went dim as she drifted to the surface. Arroyo screamed for her, and one of the workers opened the cage and she was dead. Didn’t blink, didn’t breathe. 

Arroyo shrieked and pounded on the clear wall and screamed for Rilla, and the human that normally watched Arroyo threw Rilla in. Arroyo held her corpse close and wished they had seaweed to wrap their body in, but this would have to do.

They hugged Rilla and let her drift away while giving her eulogy. They wished they were in the open ocean for this, but impossible.

They eventually took her from Arroyo, and they sank to the bottom of the cage and didn’t move as they watched them examine her corpse. Then they took her skeleton and her fins and put Arroyo in her old cage, where they could fit between the hard rocks. They sank to the bottom, no longer moving, and the human smiled sadistically.

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8 months ago

Here some whump. its been drifting in my google docs for a while, but here

its part of a larger series but won't be on tumblr


I lay on my back, reading the book Doctor Harland had just given me. I liked it thus far.

He kneeled next to me, petting my stomach while he hooked me up to some kind of machine. I dropped the book, remembering the page number, and I found myself unable to move.

“It’ll be over in a minute,” he whispered. I didn’t respond as my brain went foggy and I closed my eyes.

He bashed me in the side of the face, and my eyes flew open. 

I stared at him, and he said, “Begin test number G-1-7-8-8,”

My muscles tensed and I went numb as something inserted itself in both sides of my neck and my muscles spasmed and I thrashed abou-

I came to with my muscles stiff.

“Test failed,” Doctor Harland remarked. “We need to deal with the epilepsy,”

He fastened an oxygen mask over my face and put an IV in my skin.

“We’ll feed you tonight, ‘kay? Just sleep off th-,”


I opened my eyes in my bed, and Doctor Harland entered a few minutes later.

“Sit up,” he ordered. I obeyed, and he handed me my book again.

“I’ll get you a treat for sitting quietly and letting us test our new device on you,”

I didn’t respond, immersed in the book’s world. It was about a girl who discovered she was the daughter of King Oberon from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Doctor Harland said he would get me the rest of the series after giving me a modern translation of the play so I could better understand it.

He held out something that smelled sweet and I took it, then ate it, my tail wagging happily.

He pet my head and I purred.

“One-two-seven-three, any strange feelings?” He asked.

“No,” I chirped. 

“Good. Good. Nausea? Tiredness? Breathing normally?”

He checked my heart rate and breathing for any abnormalities.

“Normal. Okay. Darling little test subject, we’re going to try and treat the illness that made this test fail. We’re going to cure it,”

“What illness?” I asked.

“You- have a reaction to certain things, and it causes you to stop existing for a minute, meaning we can’t do certain tests. We try to treat it and you don’t respond to medications, so we need to cut it out,”

I felt something cold on my wrist and whimpered, “No, not again, don’t look at my brain- please!”

“What? No. The procedure requires you to be awake or you’ll die, we’ve already tested it, and it’s painful. We’d give you painkillers, but that’s unsafe until after,”

I shuddered and hissed when he brought his hand to my tail. I tried to bite him as he tied it under the bed and shackled my other three wrists and my ankles to the bed.

“Please! NO!”

“It’ll all be over soon,”

He called for Doctor Fletcher and Doctor Amatris. Doctor Amatris held my chest down and Doctor Fletcher attached electrodes to my skull, and I felt like I exploded a few minutes later. I shrieked and thrashed around, when I heard something snap.

“Oh shit!” Doctor Amatris shouted.

I felt the pain dull a bit, and Doctor Harland whispered, “Its over, you’re going to have morphine tablets now,”

“Okay,” I mumbled before changing form to my more human self and laying back, my forehead caked with sweat. They undid the shackles, and Doctor Amatris took my hand in hers and the trio set my leg in a splint. 

I cried out and whimpered, “Hurts,” when Doctor Fletcher shoved a capsule into my mouth and held my lips shut until I swallowed, then gave me water.

I rolled to my side and shivered, still in deep pain. I started crying and Doctor Harland sat me up and started hand feeding me between each sob. It was cold, barely seasoned chicken, like always.

When I was done, I dove under the bed, where it was calmest, no one trying to talk to me, even though it was dark.

“One-two-seven-three, don’t be like that,” Doctor Fletcher said. “Do you want to undo all the progress in training out that habit?”

I hissed at him and swatted at his ankles, then curled into a ball and continued crying into my fur.

Doctor Amatris kneeled in front of me and held out her hand. I didn’t take it. She very gently petted the fluff on my neck, and I continued sobbing, though it made me feel a bit better.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “The pain’s over now,”

She very slowly pulled me out, as though acclimating a fish from one tank to another. At one point I had a couple fish and a snail, and in a rage, Doctor Harland smashed the tank, killing all three of them. I cried for weeks after that, as at that point, I’d been taking care of them for four years.

“There, how do you feel?”

“Hurts,” I croaked, my voice raw. It felt like the color red to speak.

She lifted me and set me back on the bed, tucked me in like a mother would her child, and kissed me on where my forehead would be, and when she left, Doctor Harland inserted an IV into my skin. She wasn’t allowed to see it, for some reason, I wasn’t even sure if she knew.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

What was supposed to be a dreamless sleep became a nightmare, one where I was playing with a child, and we were about the same height. It was all flashing lights and pain and fear when someone grabbed me, and-

I woke up, screaming for someone whose name I didn’t remember. The IV had broken.

I took off my oxygen mask and sobbed in the dark. Normally Doctor Harland stayed to make sure I felt safe at night, it was too dark for me. I wished I had control of my lights, but past lights-out, they couldn’t be turned on unless Doctor Harland or someone else swiped a keycard.

I heard rapid footsteps, and a woman in a dark blue uniform with a thick black stick and a big spiky club opened the door, then said into a strange black box, “False alarm. One of them woke up, over,”

A garbled voice came from the box, “How?”

“Its IV looks broken,”

“Which one?”

She stepped back and looked at the sign that said my room number with a beam of light that came from a black stick. 

I ran over and took the lightstick after a bit of back and forth, then clicked the button on and off as she said, “It just took my flashlight,”

I called, “Room 5-6-6 B!” and went back to playing with the ‘flashlight’, then grabbed my book and started reading with the concentrated beam of light.

The woman repeated the room number I gave her and said, “I’m gonna need back-up to get it back into bed, its strong,”

I got under my bed and continued reading, until someone else in a dark blue uniform grabbed me and bashed me with a spike on their club. I dropped the ‘flashlight’ and-


I came to with my upper wrists shackled to my bed’s headboard and my entire body numb.

“Okay, so, two hundred million watts can cause seizures. Duly noted,” the one who’d hit me with the spike muttered.

“Seizure? Watt?” I parroted, trying to get feeling back in my tongue. “Why’d you do that?”

“Holy shit it talks,” the woman said. 

“Yes I talk, why wouldn’t I talk? Also, I’m not an it, I’m- I’m a girl,”

“Someone get one of the night shift doctors,” the woman ordered. Another person left the room.

“It’s dark!” I complained.

The woman groaned and said, “Deal with it, how old are you, seven, eight?”

“Thirteen, fourteen in four months and two days,”

“How are you that old? Why haven’t you committed suicide yet?” the man asked.

“Suicide?” I’d parroted. I knew what it met at a base level, but in books they always said it in association with a stupid battle plan. 

“You know, killing yo-”

“I know what it means, I just thought it only went with wars?”


“In books,” I chirped. I motioned to one that said it, then said the page number.

“Oh-kaaay, you can read,”

“Isn’t that normal? Well except illiteracy rates in fantasy places, but isn’t it normal now?”

The man who’d left returned with Doctor Amatris.

“One-two-seven-three, what’s wrong?” she asked.

“I had a nightmare,” I replied.

“Come here,”

“I can’t,”

She took a key from one of the security guards and unlocked my manacles, then lifted me into her arms, though it was much more awkward than when I was little, considering I was about as big as her now.

I laid my chin on her shoulder, and she carried me away, off to another room, this one with more light.

“We oughta get you a nightlight,”

“Nightlight?” I parroted. “What’s that?”

“Its a little light that plugs into a wall and makes the room brighter,”

She unhooked a little square that glowed blue until it exited the wall, “Normally they come in fun shapes, but until I go shopping tomorrow, we can use this one. I’ll get a bunch of them and let you pick them out, okay?”

“Okay,” I chirped.

She carried me back to my room and lay me on my bed, and I grabbed her arm and whimpered, “Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone,”

“I have to go back to work,”

“I’m scared,” I whimpered. 

She turned back around and fastened my oxygen mask on my mouth and nose.

“You’ll be fine. And if you wake up again, I’ll come back and keep you company ‘til you fall asleep again. Now close your eyes, goodnight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,”

“What’s a bed bug?”

“You don’t want to know,”

She shuddered and tucked me in, then kneeled next to me and rubbed my forehead to calm me. But sleep would be a long time coming. I didn’t fall asleep until all the lights turned back on.

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5 months ago

Writing Share Tag!

I wanted to share a snippet of the backstory scene I'm working on for Jordan and Chase from Scrapyard Boys, so here we go! Be warned it is bleak.

PHANTOM Labs Holding Facility, 6 years ago

"Experiment 551 - you have been selected for the next batch of cybernetic enhancement procedures. Head to the operating room immediately."

Inside the cold, sterile cell they called a room, Chase felt his blood run cold. For a moment, the air seemed to still, as if a vacuum had sucked out all life around him into an empty void. He could hear his heart thundering in his chest, his pulse ringing behind his ears ominously like a ringing phone - he had always feared this day would come. And now… it had.

A part of him wanted to scream, to plead and cry on his knees, anything to get out of this nightmare, to keep the integrity of his body, to not be changed into one of the labs twisted creations. But he knew it wouldn't do them any good. The scientists wouldn't listen, they never did. His pleas would fall on deaf ears, as if he were mere cattle - which, for all effects and purposes, he already was. Chase chewed his lip, trying to breathe, but unable to. If he showed any sign of defiance, the scientists could turn their attention to Jordan, and choose his cousin instead of him for their sick games.

He couldn't allow that.

The scientist standing by the door watched him, unamused. "Experiment 551 I expect an answer. It is protocol." The woman prodded, her voice cold, calculating, completely detached from the fact that she was requesting a literal teenager to sign up for the demise of the person he was, of his spirit, right now. Or even to his possible demise, given the 50% death rates all those procedures had.

As if he had a choice in the matter to begin with.

Chase took in a shaky breath, his long, lanky fingers digging into the edge of the hard cot he was sitting down on. In the corner of the room, he could see Jordan, his twelve year old cousin, watching them with wide, horror-stricken eyes. The boy's usually pale face now looked whiter than the paint coating the walls around them, and he could tell Jordan wanted to interfere, to say something, but the words kept dying on his throat much like they did on his.

Not giving the kid a chance to intervene, nor the scientist the time to grow annoyed, Chase nodded, firmly, his eyes now glued onto the woman standing by the door, her face unchanged. "I-" His voice broke, and he had to try again, "Of course, Handler." He finally responded, words barely more than a defeated whisper.

The scientist acknowledged his response with a hum, straightening her lab suit and typing something onto a holographic screen floating in front of her like a clipboard, before it disappeared into thin air with a beep. That beep might as well have sounded like a guillotine's blade falling onto his neck, with the way it kicked the air out of his lungs, the finality of it all making Chase's skin crawl. "Good." She answered, the ghost of a smirk tugging at her waxy red lips, before it was swallowed by cold professionalism, "Then get moving."

Chase willed his legs to move, no matter how they felt like jello beneath him, or how the room seemed to spin around him like a twisted merry-go-round. With a trembling, faltering hitch in his breath, he managed to stand up, leaving the pseudo-safety of the hard cot and walking up to the scientist by the door as swiftly as he could. He knew the drill. So, without the woman needing to say a word, he extended his arms forward to be cuffed.

Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit

@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers

@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid

@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams


@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG

Taglist for Scrapyard Boys below the cut 🧪

Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,

@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea

@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,


@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix

@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives, @differentnighttale @wyked-ao3

Let me know if you'd like to be added!

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3 years ago

Prompt I

Whumper brushed softly over whumpees bruised and scraped shoulders, studying the size, the shape, the depth of the wounds.

“Did you know that a large, widespread, superficial wound on your skin hurts a lot more than a deep, small wound as significantly more nerves are injured.”, he murmured as he examined one particularly deep spot, pressing his finger inside it, eliciting a suppressed gasp from the bound figure beneath him. Looking at the trace of blood on his index finger and rubbing over it with his thumb, he let off the wounds and started to circle the chair with slow, deliberate steps, folding his hands behind his back.

“However, the former are much safer. If you start to not have pain anymore, then you have a real problem. So when I hear you scream I know that you are fine. And of course I only want the best for you. Surely you do too.” He stopped in front of the whumpee, stepping closer, too close, bent down and stared at whumpee with cold, unyielding eyes.

„but it excites me, it teases me, you know? what happens when you have a real problem.”

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