Lan Jingyi - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Plot twist

Has said fuck before and regrets it: Lan Xichen

says fuck on a regular basis: a-qing, jiang cheng, jin ling, xue yang

does not say fuck but can do so if desired: nie mingjue, wei wuxian, wen qing, song lan, lan jingyi

does not say fuck and refuses to say it: lan wangji, lan xichen, jin guangyao, jin zixuan

legally cannot say fuck: nie huaisang, wen ning, lan sizhui, xiao xingchen, jiang yanli

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5 years ago

modern mdzs: tumblr styles

Wei WuXian:

basically gaud

WWX would be the biggest-gaudiest-patronuses of the mdzs world

Confusing, abstract posts that are both funny and vaguely ominous??

shitposting for days

“this is an uwu safe space”

But he also dispenses really good advice to his followers and genuinely makes them feel better about themselves

also he would 100% eat a whole-ass box of crayons on livestream

This is while he’s sharing a flat with Jiang Cheng in college so JC is just sat on the couch with him, staring into the void as his brother eats crayons

He tags JC in e v e r y t h i n g

*photo of a rock* this is you *anatomical drawing of a bird* ha you *description of lichen* you on mondays lmao

After he starts dating Lan WangJi, endless posts about how much he loves his bae

102% refers to LWJ as “bae” and “boo” exclusively

Posts beautiful drawings of LWJ

Isn’t as active in adulthood but still pops in to antagonize the kids once they get tumblr

Lan WangJi:

Gorgeous calligraphy

Has thousands of followers and 53% of them are WWX on different accounts (he keeps getting blocked)

Not a single reblog to be found

No text, no tags, nothing but photo posts with calligraphy and the occasional painting

Eventually branches out a little and posts audios of himself playing the guqin

“Jiang Cheng listen to this I can’t beLIEVE” “stfu Wei Ying it’s 3am get off tumblr”

When he starts dating WWX he posts a duet of them playing music together. It’s his first video and the first time he tags a post: ‘wangxian’

His followers connect the dots pretty quickly and there is mass hysteria

WWX reblogs it and now his fanbase is screaming too

Each of them gains several thousand followers that day

meanwhile jiang cheng is sitting with his much smaller list of followers watching this and internally screaming

Jiang Cheng:

Everything is purple

Tried to delete his account 13 years ago but couldn’t bring himself to

He didn’t even want to get tumblr in the first place but WWX talked him into it and then he got addicted

His username is sandu-shengshou and WWX teases him about it constantly

“Wow, so edgy~” “it’S CULTURALLY RELEVANT”

Started out as an anti-WWX blog

“this is an uwu free zone”

His header has been “wei ying sucks” since he was 12 and will remain that way until he dies

Eventually he started including general complaints about life along with his many complaints about WWX

Known for his sarcasm and saltiness

Has a infinitely long queue filled with posts about “that one asshole from maths” and “this douchecanoe I met at the supermarket today”

Individual tags dedicated to WWX and JZX (he always saves the most creative insults for WWX)

He barely uses his blog now but the queue is still going

From time to time he still adds to it

Has exactly 714 followers and ¼ of them are porn bots

Now he mostly uses tumblr to stalk Jin Ling

Jin Ling:

Archery and horses

Picture a hybrid of Student Athlete and Horse Girl

idk i just think if jin ling ever met a horse he would love them

Half of his posts are chain arguments with JingYi

Posts tips on archery and sword fighting techniques

Reblogs other blogs’ advice and corrects everything that’s wrong with it

Gets blocked by all other archery blogs

Works part-time at a centre for horse riding lessons and posts stories about the horses there

He didn’t have any followers at first because the blogs that he corrected made a big fuss about him, but some curious people went to check him about and realized that he actually really knows his shit

Then they read his posts about horses and realized that he’s actually very sweet under the prickly and snobbish exterior, and now he’s got a fanbase

One time he accidentally reblogged from JC and then hid at JingYi’s house for three days out of pure embarrassment

He inherited a sword from his father’s family and named his blog after it

He knows that JC stalks his blog to keep tabs on him but he doesn’t say anything because sometimes people send him asks about how his advice really helped them and he lowkey wants JC to see that and be proud of him

Lan JingYi:

Reblogging memes, all day every day

You get to his blog, the icon is screaming seagull, the header is a collage of spongebob memes, the first post is related to the simpsons probably

A few wacky conspiracy theories sprinkled into the mix, no one can tell whether he really believes them

But if you scroll for a while, you’ll start to notice breaks in the pattern

Little aesthetic collages and edits made by JingYi himself

Stuff like the various seasons of Gusu, the mood of a night hunt with SiZhui, Jin Ling, and Zizhen, the atmosphere of Lotus Pier and Koi Tower and all the other sects he gets to visit

Aesthetic boards for his friends, his mentors - there’s even one for Lan Qiren and it’s full out mountains, calligraphy pens, grey clouds, and that lemon guy who says “uNAcEPTtABLe”

And if you look really, really closely, you’ll find that amongst the collages and the edits and even the memes… he’s managed to hide every. single. lan sect rule.

All 4000 of them. Hidden amongst memes, shitposts, and mood boards.

Lan Qiren finds out and doesn’t know whether to facepalm or be impressed

Ouyang ZiZhen:

Book reviews and recommendations

Header is an edit of books against a rainy window (JingYi made it for him)

Tags the other kids in all the most wholesome posts

People discover him from reblogs on the other kids’ blogs and then follow him because of his tags

ZiZhen is That Person who chats in the tags

Half of his posts are in the tags, almost like he’s shy to have all of it out on display

He gives recommendations for books based on specific seasons, moods, themes, etc

Someone sends him an ask one day to ask for a themed rec list and he screams, he’s buzzing about it for weeks, he goes all out and researches the shit out of his library to give the anon the best book list possible

After that he gets lots more asks and it makes him happy to provide other people with good books

Is a mutual with every single one of his followers and loves all of them

Lan SiZhui:

Everything is soft and blue

He was raised by WWX and later on by LWJ as well so the day he joined tumblr was a Historic Moment for the wangxian fanbase

There are bets down about whether he’ll be a shitposting blog like his Meme Dad or an art blog like his Mature Dad (or both??)

In the end he turns out to be an advice/suggestions blog

Every day he posts a wholesome suggestion and responds to anyone looking for advice

His followers: came for the wangxian lovechild stayed for the emotional healing

A lot of his advice asks are just JingYi and Jin Ling complaining about each other on anon

Sometimes he posts a short audio or video for a message he feels should be spoken

Now people keep requesting him to do asmr (JingYi laughs hysterically and tells him to do it) (he doesn’t)

Always promotes his friends’ blogs and encourages his followers to visit their blogs

His whole blog is just super wholesome and nice. WWX and LWJ are so proud.

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5 years ago

HC of mine: LQR wooed LJY's mom but couldn't pursue ist bc of his sect duties/nephews but stayed on good terms with her. After LJY's parents died LQR took him in and is very lenient and soft with him in private. WWX is very confused when he hears LQR call him A-Yi by accident. Also LJY's mom was from the Jin clan and his dad from the Nie clan and his relation zu the Lan sect is through his paternal grandmother. Also LJY actually has a talent for healing.

OHMYGOOOOOD SIGN ME TF UP!!!!!!! asdfghjkdl this was a dynamic i just saw as a joke before but now im actually having feels???

- when LQR took him in, he initially thought it was just his sense of responsibility kicking in and then this tiny kid just looks up at him and beams with gaps on his teeth (up to this day, LQR believes he’d die for that kid right there and then)

- while LQR does have an experience in raising children (lwj and lxc) - ljy was a whole another experience altogether BECAUSE HE WAS JUST THE MOST UN-LAN THAT HAS EVER LAN’D IN THE HISTORY OF LANS like ljy has this favorite stuffed toy (maybe a teddy bear???) that his parents got him and he refuses to part with it even if said attachment is technically forbidden in the cloud recesses

- LQR tries to curb that attitude of his at first but little jingyi is just all over the place and has so much feelings and is bursting with so much color and LQR doesn’t have the heart to tell him to stop

- one day, young ljy hears some senior disciples talking about this newly arrived lan kid (obv him) who doesn’t act like one and must be stressing out LQR and baby!jingyi just sort of deflates bc he really reallyyyyy likes the old man and so he tries to be less unruly and talks less and is basically restraining his very nature

- LQR notices and talks to him about it but young!ljy doesn’t want to trouble his favorite person in the world and just smiles and says “i’m going to make you proud!” and he does try to be less of what he was before and then one time, when they met with other kids from different sects, someone ended up destroying (unintentionally/intentionally) his stuffed toy and LQR only hears about it when he hears the other young Lans talking about it when they got back to the cloud recesses

- LQR rushes to where young!LJY was (oh, he’d write the lan sect rules 50 times for that rule breaking later) and finds him in his room trying to put back his toy together and keeping his tears from falling and LQR has had enough and gathers the young one in his arms and says, “let it out” to which the kid replies, “can’t…being overly sad isn’t allowed…and i promised to make you proud” and LQR feels his own heart breaking (he adds another 50 times in writing for his own overly sad feelings) and then he looks at young!ljy straight in the eye and says, “i’m proud of that little boy who was all over the place, the one with so much feelings, the one who ran everywhere, the one who broke his tea cup, the one who laughed loudly - the one who was true to himself” and ljy starts shaking and lqr says again, “let it out” and ljy breaks into tears

- and so LJY is back to himself but is also trying to not cause too much trouble and does all these tiny things for LQR which he thinks may be nonsensical but something that LQR absolutely loves (his badly burnt tea, his writing materials being haphazardly prepared, and the like) 

- (ljy finds his teddy bear sewn together like it was from a surgery and he grins when he picks it up and whispers to it, “you had a good doctor” - and now he doesn’t only love that bear bc of his parents but bc of LQR as well)

- whenever LQR gets really mad, there is a collective agreement between the lan disciples to send LJY over to him bc it’s a public secret that LQR is very soft for that boy

- LWJ may be LQR’s favorite student but LJY was his favorite child

- grabbing that statement of LJY being good at healing - yes, but at a certain cost >>> when he does some “miraculous” healing, it’s at the expense of his own health as he ends up absorbing the negative energy from the other people’s sickness and LQR secretly detests it when LJY does it bc holding a quiet and frail LJY in his arms is one of his running fears


- im also here for a very confused WWX but as usual, WWX easily gets over it and starts teasing LQR about his softness over the boy to which LQR makes him scram away

- whenever the junior disciples return from wherever they’ve been assigned to, LQR is the first person LJY visits and he just regales everything to him (LJY being so animated while telling his adventures and LQR beside him with a small smile on his face as he watches the kid)|

- after yi city arc, the whole cave saving incident, and basically after the main novel - LJY declares the Yiling Patriarch to be “very cool” and LQR chokes and curses the name of Wei Ying to his ancestors (he stole his favorite student - there is no way he’s going to steal his favorite child >> and thus the “Stay away from Wei Ying” rule was established)


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2 years ago

I'm 99% sure that none of my mutuals or followers are here for the untamed and word of honor content but anyways the juniors genderbent

I'm 99% Sure That None Of My Mutuals Or Followers Are Here For The Untamed And Word Of Honor Content
I'm 99% Sure That None Of My Mutuals Or Followers Are Here For The Untamed And Word Of Honor Content
I'm 99% Sure That None Of My Mutuals Or Followers Are Here For The Untamed And Word Of Honor Content
I'm 99% Sure That None Of My Mutuals Or Followers Are Here For The Untamed And Word Of Honor Content

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2 years ago

I'm watching the untamed with my dad and two things have happened so far as of him getting to ep3

1. Got a headache from me trying to explain all the relations between characters

2.hes highly concerned where the bunny on a stick went and is concerned about if jyl ate it

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1 year ago

fuck man, you didn't have to do us like that.

Technically, Sizhui could be anywhere in the Cloud Recesses. There are even a few places outside the Cloud Recesses – in the woods, or down in Caiyi town – where he might have gone. He’s quick even on foot, and while Jingyi doesn’t think Sizhui would go sprinting through the Cloud Recesses in the dead of night to get to wherever it is he’s been going, Sizhui is already breaking curfew and sneaking out, so. Who knows, really.

But Jingyi has been Sizhui’s best friend for as long as he can remember, and he thinks he has a pretty good idea of where to find him.

The rabbit hill is still and mostly empty this late at night, the little bunnies curled into their little burrows to sleep. There are a few rabbit friends out and about though, white puff balls converging around a much bigger white shape in the center. Jingyi mentally pats himself on the back. He may not know Sizhui well enough to figure out why he’s been so weird lately, but he knows where he goes when he’s upset.

He approaches on silent feet, less because he actually thinks he can sneak up on Sizhui and more because he doesn’t want to startle away any of the bunnies. Petting the little fluff balls is incredibly soothing when you’ve had a bad day, and Sizhui has been having a bad… uh, month? Jingyi noticed him being upset a couple weeks ago, but knowing Sizhui he was probably stewing for a while before he started to let it show, so… Jingyi is gonna tentatively go with “month,” and then adjust the timeline as new information is revealed.

Sizhui… doesn’t look up as Jingyi settles into the grass beside him. Concerning! Jingyi does not like that! He does nod his head in greeting though, so that’s something, at least. He – oh.

It’s hard to tell, in the thin, silvery moonlight, but. His eyes look a little bit wet, not like he’s been crying but like he’s thinking he might start soon.

Oh, no. Jingyi should have followed him the same night he caught Sizhui sneaking out of their room. He should have forced Sizhui to tell him what was wrong weeks ago. Jingyi is the worst friend ever.

Well. He can fix this! He can. He can try to start fixing this, anyway. He doesn’t bother with any of the obvious questions, like are you okay (obviously not) or do you want to talk about it (if he did he would have already.)

Instead what he says, more to the rabbit burrowing into his lap than to Sizhui, because Sizhui kind of reminds him of a rabbit right now too and Jingyi feels like too much attention will make him startle away – what he says is “Can I help?”

Sizhui takes a shaking, hitching little breath, shock and sorrow. He bows his head. They are, for one absolutely agonizing goddamn moment, completely silent.

They’re sitting in silence for so long that Jingyi starts to wonder if maybe Sizhui won’t talk to him after all. That would be… fine. That would be fine! Sizhui is allowed to have secrets, even if Jingyi is stung by the thought that Sizhui would keep secrets from him. But they’re grown up now and secrets and normal and that’s fine.

“Can I… tell you?” He’s so busy reassuring himself that he won’t be upset if Sizhui doesn’t say anything that he almost misses it when Sizhui finally does say something. Jingyi blinks, and sits up straight. (The bunny in his lap startles and hops away.)

“Of course! You know you can tell me anythi–” “Jingyi.” Oh. That’s. Sizhui has never looked at him like that before. Sizhui has always been the one reaching out for Jingyi, ever since they met, scolding the other kids for bullying him when he struggled in class and helping him study when the teachers moved on before he could understand a concept. Sizhui brought Jingyi to the Jingshi when Hanguang-Jun was still in seclusion because he thought Jingyi needed a grown-up, and Jingyi was welcomed to their table and into their house and into their lives.

Jingyi spent most of his childhood nights curling up to sleep in a-Yuan’s bed, listening to Hanguang-Jun play them both a lullaby, just because he didn’t like sleeping in the orphan’s house. He has always thought of Sizhui as safety, and stability, and home.

And now, Sizhui is looking at Jingyi like he’s a stranger. Sizhui is looking at him like he’s afraid.

“Jingyi,” he says again, so, so quietly. He’s turned now so they’re properly facing each other, and Jingyi can see that he isn’t empty-handed. He’s holding an old, fraying red ribbon in his lap, stroking it with careful fingers. “That – that’s what I need. That’s how you can help. Jingyi, can I tell you?” His hands twitch, curl into fists. He clutches the ribbon to his stomach. “Can I trust you?”

And – well. Fuck. Obviously there’s only answer to that!

Jingyi is slow and careful when he reaches out to put a hand on Sizhui’s, but is neither slow nor careful when he says “Yes,” with his whole chest behind it. “Whatever it is, Sizhui, you can trust me.”

It’s true. Jingyi is already wracking his brain for what big secret Sizhui could possibly be about to reveal. Did he kill someone? Sizhui wouldn’t do that without good reason, and Jingyi can’t imagine what that reason could be or when it could have happened but he’ll help cover for Sizhui, he’ll do it, he’ll hide a body and be an alibi if he has to. Oh, huh, but if the person is still a ghost they’re gonna have to deal with that. Eugh. Jingyi will do it, because he’s a cultivator and that’s his job, but–

“I’m a Wen,” Sizhui says, and the entire world promptly stops making any sense.

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1 year ago

Art for one wonderful fanfic "Shadow of Life"

Art For One Wonderful Fanfic "Shadow Of Life"
Art For One Wonderful Fanfic "Shadow Of Life"

Арт к одному замечательному фанфику "Тень жизни"

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1 year ago

Even today I felt the urge to draw 😊

Even Today I Felt The Urge To Draw

Чет сегодня меня потянуло на порисовать😊

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1 year ago

Y/n: No we cannot. Scooby-Doo is always right!

Lan Jingyi: in Scooby-Doo, secret tunnels are always behind shelves and shit.

Jin Ling: Could we not base our decisions on what does and doesn't happen in Scooby-Doo?

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1 year ago

Wei Ying is a proud uncle!

Lan Wangji: What do we say when making bread?

Lan Jingyi: [glumly] That's the dough rising.

Lan Wangji: And what do we not say?

Lan Jingyi: [sadly] That's the yeast fucking

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1 year ago

so no cussing and yelling in cloud recesses right ??? now i have this very funny thought of jingyi pausing mid argument with someone, dragging them outside the cr gate and yelling you dumb fucking bitch and then walking back inside like nothing happened.

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1 year ago

Commission All/JC for @spriteofmushrooms

R.I.P. Jin Ling

Commission All/JC For @spriteofmushrooms
Commission All/JC For @spriteofmushrooms
Commission All/JC For @spriteofmushrooms

This was the most interesting commission I've had in a long time. I LOVE drawing silly comics. Thank you for this opportunity!

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You know what i wanna write?

The juniors take a history of the cultivation world class and they reach the Sunshot campaign

Wei Wuxian teaches it

And he asks the kids "what do you think we did wrong?"

And the kids tear into the politics scathingly

The most critical of them all? Lan Jingyi.

"It's bullshit, Wei-qianbei, because the-"

And he goes on a tirade about allyships and treaties and such

And everyone is shocked at how incredibly smart and occasionally ruthless Lan Jingyi can be

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How Not To Sit On A Sofa With The MDZS Gang
How Not To Sit On A Sofa With The MDZS Gang
How Not To Sit On A Sofa With The MDZS Gang

How Not to Sit on a Sofa with the MDZS Gang

//commentary by JGY, getting increasingly unhinged

//styling by Mianmian //refreshments by OYZZ

//the yi city kids are off doing yi city things


How Not To Sit On A Sofa With The MDZS Gang

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2 years ago

wei wuxian : ah the juniors must be a little wary of me now, considering they know my true identity and everything.

the juniors, standing outside his door with blankets and pillows : hanguang-jun said we can have a sleepover at your place if we behave properly.

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2 years ago
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation

The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation

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