Lan Yuan - Tumblr Posts
I’m actually really surprised there isn’t more fanart of this ship I think it’s an interesting dynamic : sizhui is calm but probably a bit of a law breaker like lan zhan and jin ling has ✨chronic anxiety ✨ from all his insane uncles
the character growth for these 2 is interesting cuz jin ling could become more mature and chill around sizhui’s energy and sizhui would be faced with someone who (once mature) i feel like would be quite straightforward with his emotions and wants which would push a yuan out of his comfort zone

To be honest it is really hard to be fan of Jin Ling x Lan Sizhui from The Untamted (I still have no idea how this ship found it’s way to my head).
Fanarts of them (with drama design) are almost non-existing (I found 3, I counted).
So I created this little piece for myself and everyone who want fanart with drama appearances :D
I hope You like it!
Okay but like why are there no fics of Lan Shizui dealing with boat sickness and Lan Zhan, being the amazing dad that he is, helping him with it!?

Why we trending peeps?
👉🏼👈🏼 Does anyone have episode 25 with English subs

“Have you chosen a name yet?” “Lan Yuan. Lan Sizhui.”
Inspired by this post
Lan Wangji didn't know where the rumor came from or how A-Yuan had heard about it but he supposed it wouldn't harm anything to give in (It had nothing to do with his son's pleading gaze, honestly it didn't it did).
The house from the rumor, if Lan Wangji is thinking of the right one, was just a few blocks away from the usual path they took home after trick or treating. It wouldn't be that out of the way.
"Alright. We can stop by that house on the way back."
A-Yuan screeched in excitement, "Yay! Jingyi is gonna be so jealous!" He hopped up and down, the bunny ears on his head flapping.
Lan Wangji really hoped this guy was as nice as the rumors made him seem. He'd hate to see his son disappointed.
The man was definitely as nice as the rumors said, he was also absolutely stunning.
Lan Wangji didn't speak much on a normal day but as soon as the man, Wei Ying, he'd introduced himself as, opened the door, all words fled Lan Wangji's brain except four–
'Oh no, he's hot.'
It got even worse (better) when A-Yuan eagerly wished the man a happy birthday and gave him a bunny drawing he made, gaining a bright, beautiful smile.
(A-Yuan informed him it would be rude to wish the man a happy birthday yet not get him anything. Lan Wangji wasn't gonna spend money on a stranger. They compromised on a drawing.)
"Aw, thank you! I will put this on my fridge! Front and center!" Wei Ying beamed, gently setting the drawing down on a small table by the door, "As a thank you, why don't you take a toy as well as some candy? If your dad doesn't mind, that is." Wei Ying glanced at him with a questioning look.
A-Yuan turned wide eyes up at him, expression pleading, "Please, please, please?"
How could he possibly say no when both A-Yuan and Wei Ying were looking at him like that?
A-Yuan jumped up and down with excitement, turning to Wei Ying with a happy grin.
"Okay, little bunny! Pick whichever you like." Wei Ying said as he grabbed a small bucket hiding by the door, it had a bunch of colorful little toys in it. Varying from, what Lan Wangji can identify, bubble blowers, tiny skateboards, small stuffed animals, bouncy balls, and a lot more. It definitely wasn't a small amount. He wondered how much Wei Ying spends on Halloween every year, considering he also had a big variety of candy on offer as well.
A-Yuan took a long moment, seriously debating which toy he wanted, eyes flickering back and forth between items before they apparently landed on the one he wanted.
A small stuffed butterfly.
"A great choice!" Wei Ying praised, his beautiful smile once more appearing. Lan Wangji would be lucky to leave this house with his heart intact. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to.
A-Yuan grinned right back, face flushed with happiness.
Wei Ying noticed his continued staring and looked at him with a, was that flirty?, wink.
"Now, Lan-gege was it? Thank you for bringing this cute little rabbit to my door. It was a wonderful birthday present!" Wei Ying ruffled A-Yuan's hair, right in front of the hood with bunny ears he wore, "Don't tell the others kids but—" he leaned down to stage whisper, "You're costume is my favorite of the night."
A-Yuan lights up like a lightbulb, clutching onto his new butterfly shyly. Lan Wangji felt a spark of pride at the words, they spent a long time debating which costume to get. The adorable bunny costume won by a wide margin.
"Definitely! It reminds me of my own little bunnies." He admits brightly.
"You have bunnies!?" A-Yuan all but screeched, immediately shooting his father a sheepishly look of apology afterwards.
"I do." Wei Ying shifted the bowl in his hands, letting it rest against one hip, "Two of them. They came as a pair, I couldn't separate them even if I wanted to." He laughed, a tingle of something Lan Wangji would rather not identify, but it felt warm and sharp, shot through him at the sound.
"Woah. Can I see them?"
Wei Ying glanced at Lan Wangji, then behind him, Lan Wangji didn't have to look to know there were more kids coming up the drive. He could hear their shouting and laughter getting closer, parents calling after them to be careful, they unfortunately needed to get going.
"Maybe another time, if Wei Ying is okay with that." Lan Wangji offered before he knew it.
Wei Ying was more than okay with that. As soon as the words left Lan Wangji's mouth, Wei Ying was already nodding, "Yes! I would love that! Uhm–" he looked once more at the approaching children, "Why don't you come over tomorrow afternoon? I work from home, so it won't be a problem." He said with a soft laugh, "And you already know where I live!"
Lan Wangji was supposed to have a meeting in the afternoon. He barely had to think before he replied.
"Of course. We will be here around 12."
A-Yuan nodded as well, happily taking his dad's hand as he made way for the other kids.
"And Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji said as Wei Ying started to turn towards the children crowding his doorway, "Happy birthday." he added, earning himself a truly breathtaking smile before gently tugging A-Yuan back down the driveway.
Maybe some rumors are worth listening to after all, he thought as he made a mental note to reschedule his meeting tomorrow, this one definitely was.

I couldn't find one with a quadruple
I didn't forget Ouyang Zizhen, just couldn't find one of four people

“Lan Xichen! In this life, I’ve lied countless times, killed countless times. Like you said, I killed my father, my brother, my wife, my son, my teacher, my friend—of all the evil in the world, what haven’t I done?!...But I’ve never even thought of harming you!”
I just want to put this out there: this quote bugs me because while Guangyao did genuinely care for Xichen, the fact remains that he used Lan techniques that Xichen trusted him enough to allow him access to, to kill Mingjue, who was Xichen's best friend. He also let Wei Ying become a scapegoat to the Cultivation world when Jin Zixun was cursed, even though he deserved it, which led to our Patriarch being driven mad, and soon to his death, which led to Lan Zhan falling into a depression after being whipped for protecting the love of his life from his own Sect. He was willing to kill Xichen's nephew and son (Jingyi is Xichen's son, and no one will take that from me) if it could save himself.
So yeah, Jin Guangyao DID hurt Lan Xichen. He was just too blind to realize how.
So, I dunno how many people actually caught on to this, if it was meant to be easily overlooked, or if I just missed it somewhere.
But! Yuan's courtesy name.
Sizhui: to recollect, and long for.
Lan Zhan gave him a symbolic name after adopting him.

He would always remember the only person he ever loved romantically,

And long for what they could have had together had the Siege not happened.

Yes, they still got it in the end, but there's a wide time frame Wei Ying missed out on while Yuan grew up.
And it both hurts, and warms my heart that Lan Zhan chose a courtesy name out of love for Wei Ying, and Yuan.

** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
MDZS in Korea
Artist : @k_young03

big pant wei ying and big jaket lan zhan (+ a-yuan🐰)

Okay so... I'm giving fanart a try
click for better quality~
What their drunk confessions are like (Pt5)
A/N: Part 5 yay! Hope you enjoy!
Lan SizHui:
Just like XXC, Lan Sizhui is an angel
So he also probably didn't get drunk on purpose
And even when he was drunk, you probably couldn't even tell
It was one warm night in Gusu
After a long harrowing night hunt with the juniors, everyone had decided to stay one night in Gusu to recuperate
So to celebrate the end of the night hunt, the juniors decided to have drinks (even though it is illegal in cloud recesses, Jingyi was able to convince sizhui)
You were a junior as well, from the C/N clan
You were really close with the junior quartet (yes, Zizhen too give my boy some love), having befriended them during the many inter clan night hunts
You were closest with Zizhen and Jingyi, since all three of you were closest since you shared the same sense of humour and all enjoyed playing around the most
SizHui and Jin Ling were slightly more of a mystery to you
Jin Ling was just kinda bratty, and although you two were close friends, you also argued a lot
And SizHui generally didn't speak to you
Not because he didn't like you, no, it was because he liked you a little too much
He had a huge crush on you
And so, he never really knew how to approach you, let alone ask you to court him
So being drunk was the perfect excuse
The five of you had gotten some emperors smile and were now drinking it in a common room you had rented
And now you were surrounded by four drunk boys
Jin Ling and Jingyi were definitely very drunk, arguing over some pointless thing
Zizhen was in a corner, crying his eyes out (he was 100% drunk as well)
And Sizhui sat next to you, downing his fifth of sixth cup, nothing but slight red cheeks to show his drunkenness
You had only had a single cup, since you didn't really like the taste
Whenever you and Sizhui were alone together, you would generally be in comfortable silence
Now that he was drunk however...
“Ah-Y/N,” he started, soft and gentle voice slightly wavering, “We are friends aren't we?”
You looked at him puzzledly, before nodding
“Well, I-”
Whatever he’d been about to say was cut off by a loud Jingyi, as he sat down right between the two of you, effectively separating you
Then he turned to Sizhui and said
“Are you finally gonna ask her to court you?” Then with a huge shit eating grin he added
“Zizhen, Jin Ling! Sizhui is asking Ah-Y/N to court him!”
Jin Ling turned to them, but made no move to come over
Zizhen however immediately smiled and came over to where you were sitting
“Really? I knew you wanted to Sizhui, but I never thought you’d do it so soon!” he exclaimed, coming to sit with them as well
By now Sizhui’s face had reddened so much he practically looked like a tomato
You tried to catch his eye but he seemed to be doing everything in his power to not look at you
He was really embarrassed and although he had been meaning to ask you, this was not how he had meant to go by it
“Well? Are you gonna ask her or not?” Zizhen mumbled, clearly impatient
Sizhui looked like he was about to implode
You knew you had to do something to save your poor friend
And so you did
“If Sizhui wants to ask me something, he can do it whenever he wants to. Stop pressuring him”
You could see Sizhui relax, even if it was only a bit
Jingyi and Zizhen however in turns annoyed and let down
“Fine then... Come on Zizhen.” Jingyi muttered, getting up along with Zizhen and going to whisper to each other on the far end of the room
Which left you and Sizhui alone
The comfortable silence that you had was now long gone
Somehow, Sizhui was the first to break the silence
“I’m sorry I put you in an uncomfortable position...” he said softy, almost a whisper
“Nonono! It’s okay!” You you scrambled to say, tripping over your words in a rush to get them out
Only then did he truly look at you, and you could see something a little but like hope in his eyes
“Was Jingyi telling the truth or...” you muttered, unsure if you should continue the topic
Sizhui looked away, blushing more now, but he managed to nod all the same
And that was all the confirmation you needed
Since he wasn't looking at you however, you had to grab his hand to get his attention
“I would like that. To, um, c-court y-you i mean. I would like that a lot...” You mumbled
Now it was your turn to blush
But the smile that appeared on his face after he’d understood what you’d said was so bright that you almost entirely forgot your embarrassment
You just looked at each other, sharing a tender moment, until
Jingyi and Zizhen (and even Jin Ling) congratulated you on your courtship for the next hour, until they all passed out from drunkenness, and you and Sizhui were finally able to share your first kiss
Thank you for reading!
Wei Ying and his Little Lan Bunny

Shenanigans at Yiling Wei