Liam De Lioncourt - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Liam: *screams*
Miranda: *screams louder to establish dominance*
Vera: …should we do something?
Valerie: no, i wanna see who wins this
Brian: You are literally dating the most beautiful person alive.
Brian: Aka me.
Brian: Earlier I ate a whole bag of glitter so the inside will look as good as the outside.
Liam: You wha— We are going to the hospital.
Brian: Good cause I think I’m dying.
Liam: *seductively takes off glasses* Liam: Wow... Brian: *blushes* Haha... what? Liam: You're really fucking blurry.
Polly: What is toothpaste, if not bone soap?
Liam: Existence is a prison and being your friend is maximum security.

all hail zoe, shipper of classic comics and lover of anime girl shit
Liam: would you say you're independent?
Vicky: [looks at Vera]
Vera: [nods]
Vicky: I'd say so, yes
Scott: It's okay to fall apart sometimes!
Scott: Sometimes tacos fall apart and we still love them!!
Liam, wiping away a tear: Beautiful.
Vicky: Why me?
Liam: Because people like you. You're quiet. You say "excuse me." You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning.
how do you think different love interests would react if you came to lunch with a mug that says "property of *insert character*"
Holy shit if i had the actual balls to do that... djsdhjfhjds
Vera would smirk as if she'd known everything from the start, commenting on how "Brave" I am for "Publicising it"
Scott would ask so many questions; Mainly "How can a person be property?? Are you secretly not a person" but once everything is carefully explained he would be very supportive of my "Newfound love!!!"
Zoe would be furiously scribbling in her notebook, either doodling this new ship or completely re-writing all of her shipping charts.
Damien would start by laughing and roasting the ever loving shit out of me, quickly turning to questions about what happens behind closed doors, trying and failing to act uninterested.
Polly would want to know about everything "All the juicy deets" as she explained it, not bothering to lower her voice at all in any part of the l o n g conversation.
Calculester would be concerned that I am being held against my will, but after a calm and quiet talk he'd be quite interested in the dynamics of bdsm and how it's broadened his views on life and relationships.
Liams more worried about the ethics of being owned by someone so it would be a back and forth argument on whether or not someone can be owned.
Miranda would be so inspired that she'd make an entire line of mugs for all of her people. Of course she'd change the design of the mug to be more glittery, cheerful and threatening!!
Damien: what’s the word for when hands are bisexual?
Vera: ………
Liam: do you mean ambidextrous?????
Brian: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Liam: Killed without hesitation.
Brian: ….no??