Liberty - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 years ago

Quiero hablar sobre lo que siento, pero no se como hacerlo, nunca había tenido tanta libertad.

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5 months ago

“Well… this is certainly unusual…”


The Muse


Well This Is Certainly Unusual

(Art by @tmntluvr1408

Age: 16 (in gargoyle years)

Occupation: Scholar, sorceress and protector of Manhattan

Personality: Bookworm, loyal, curious, levelheaded, fights only as a last resort

Interests: Reading, learning sorcery, flower pressing

Relationships: Goliath (clan leader), Hudson (mentor), Broadway, Brooklyn and Lexington (rookery brothers), Elisa Maza, Matt Bluestone (human allies), Angela (Rookery sister)

Enemies: David Xanatos (formerly, still on shaky terms), Demona, The Pack (what remains), Macbeth (more neutral)

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5 months ago

(Hi, mun speaking here! I wanted to reinterpret this scene as if it were Liberty in Brooklyn’s place, how she would react in this scenario, so please bear with me ^_^u

I feel that, just like Brooklyn, Liberty would be conflicted. Demona has not shown herself to be entirely trustworthy, but she DID save her life from humans (I imagine in Liberty’s case, it would be a book club who happened to be meeting outside… and carry firearms 😅)

And the way Demona talks, it makes sense, plus her former standing in the clan lends her some authority over the younger gargoyle, who already looked up to her, at least once, as a mother figure.

And in here lies Liberty’s biggest flaw:

She’s a people pleaser.

She has a trend of going along with whoever’s in charge (Goliath, Hudson, even Elisa to an extent) and this trait has been part of her since their original time period, meaning she would innately defer to Demona, out of habit.

Demona knows this, counts on it even, and uses it to her advantage, presenting herself as remorseful, as looking out for the clan’s best interests, and offers Liberty something she craves: knowledge.

Knowledge that could protect their clan, after all, that’s what GOLIATH would want, right?

Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling
Brooklyn Looks So Defeated During All Of This. A Lot Is Going On For Him I Think. He's Still Feeling

Brooklyn looks so defeated during all of this. A lot is going on for him I think. He's still feeling really awful about his experience. He also wants to believe in Demona and that she could truly be looking out for gargoyles, but he KNOWS he shouldn't. He doesn't want to believe Demona's claims about humankind, but he's afraid from what he's experienced that she may be right. He doesn't think he should give Demona a chance, and yet he wants to believe that they could be clan again together so badly that, against his own best instincts, he takes her hand.

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1 year ago

Embracing Freedom: A Year of Liberation Shaina Tranquilino February 12, 2024

Embracing Freedom: A Year Of LiberationShaina TranquilinoFebruary 12, 2024

In the journey of life, each passing year brings with it unique challenges, triumphs, and lessons. For many, the concept of choosing a "word of the year" has become a powerful tradition. This word serves as a guiding beacon, encapsulating aspirations and intentions for the months ahead. In 2024, as the world continues to evolve and reshape itself, the word that resonates deeply with many individuals is "Freedom."

Defining Freedom: Freedom is a word laden with profound significance, transcending its mere dictionary definition. It embodies the essence of liberation, autonomy, and the ability to live unencumbered by constraints. A year of Freedom, therefore, beckons us to explore various dimensions of personal and collective emancipation. Freedom of Mind: Embracing a year of Freedom invites the liberation of the mind. It encourages individuals to break free from self-imposed limitations, fears, and doubts. This journey may involve introspection, mindfulness practices, and a commitment to fostering a positive and open mindset. As the mind expands, creativity flourishes, and the capacity for resilience grows.

Freedom in Relationships: A year of Freedom extends its influence to interpersonal connections. It encourages individuals to build relationships based on mutual respect, understanding, and support. This may involve setting healthy boundaries, letting go of toxic connections, and cultivating an environment where people feel free to express themselves authentically.

Financial Freedom: Economic empowerment is a vital aspect of personal freedom. This year, individuals may strive towards financial independence, breaking free from the shackles of debt and cultivating a secure financial future. Budgeting, investing wisely, and exploring new avenues of income can pave the way toward lasting economic freedom.

Freedom of Expression: In a world that values individuality, a year of Freedom urges people to embrace their authentic selves. This might involve expressing one's thoughts, beliefs, and creativity without fear of judgment. Whether through art, writing, or vocal expression, the pursuit of authenticity becomes a cornerstone of personal growth.

Social and Cultural Freedom: On a broader scale, 2024 as a year of Freedom can also be a call to engage with and contribute to social and cultural causes. It may inspire individuals to advocate for justice, equality, and the rights of marginalized communities. By participating in collective efforts, one can contribute to the broader pursuit of societal liberation.

Choosing Freedom as the word of the year is an empowering decision. It signifies a commitment to self-discovery, growth, and the pursuit of a life that aligns with one's true values. As we navigate the complexities of 2024, let Freedom guide us towards a year of liberation, breaking down barriers and unlocking the full potential that resides within each of us. May this year bring about a profound sense of freedom in all aspects of our lives, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

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I love walking into a bookstore. It's like all my friends are sitting on shelves, waving their pages at me.


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2 years ago

If you’re a permatriggered soft loser, almost everything in this picture will make you mad.

I assure you Men like him (and Me) do not give a FUCK

elitealphaman - Elite Alpha Man

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8 months ago
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Крылья— свобода, только когда раскрыты в полёте, за спиной они — тяжесть.



Wings are freedom only when they are open in flight; behind the back they are heaviness.

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