Gay Pics - Tumblr Posts

New year, old pictures.
Had these stashed away and kinda forgot lol

Gotta go, dude! Don't tell anyone I was here

Some sketches by the ever so talented and cool dude fuzzyinternetcollect
Thanks man! You rock! 😁
Big Gulp! 👿

I didn't have much time to think of a proper idea for a photo this week, these books kept me very busy

(I suck at graphic design so here are the fake book tittles from left to right, top to bottom)
-The Heir's Secret Slave
-Summer Love
-The Musician
-The Biblically Accurate Angel's Lover
-Seducing my Gym Trainer
- The Boss's Affaire
You can go and see the full pic on each link.
Which one would you like to read? 😏

"Forgive me: I have slept. To sleep is not to live. Peace to all men. To live is not to sigh, nor to glimpse words which may still live us. To live in words? Words die, are beautiful to hear, but unenduring. Like this clear night. Yesterday at dawn. Or when the completed day draws out its final beam, which falls upon your face. It seals your eyes with a single stroke of light Sleep. The night is long, but already it is past."
Vicente Aleixandre, The Poet remembers his life

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is WHAT YOU DO!!! Stay focused on what you want and where are your dreams!!! Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #ypotw #nitpt #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogabible #profissaoandorinha #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga @yoga_insp #yogaiscalling #bendyguys (at Aveiro District)

The best sunset!!! Hanumanasana variation.

@out_jazz na melhor companhia. Grande música, bons amigos, melhor paisagem. O que se quer mais? #jazz #outjazz #livethelifeyouwant #liveeverydaylikeitsyourlast #profissaoandorinha #bewithfriends #torredebelem #lisboa #festival (at Jardim da Torre de Belém)

Asana it’s a posture that must be steady and comfortable. It also means that we must resolutely (steady) reside in a good (comfortable) space(Yoga sutra 2,46). “It means that you have to avoid the sensation of tiredness, stress of body parts. In this part physiological processes begins, and the attention is going to be concerned exclusively with the fluid part of consciousness. It may be uncomfortable but with training can be turned in a meditation pose”(Mircéa Eliade). Photo taken by @artsousa_

A photo shoot session is a hard thing to do. Holding the pose for hours 🤣 waiting for the photographer to take all the photos he wants. And sometimes when he is studying the light it’s kinda boring (see last photo 🤣😂). But it’s a great time to meditate and feeling what’s happening in your body

You have always to Challenge yourself to grow in confidence

“If someone tells you “You can’t”, they are showing you their limits. Not yours. “(Unknown)
No one can say what you are capable of. No one can say that you can’t live your life as you want. No one can say that you can’t follow your dreams. You have your own path and no one can live your life neighter can you live others life. Follow your dreams, listen your heart and you will find peace.
Photo taken by @andrewproxy

5 years of difference between this photos. 5 years ago I met one of the the most wonderful person of the world. You came in and suddenly my life changed a lot. Thanks to you I could start developing myself to become a better person. I love you @andrewproxy. You are special, I’m special but together we are amazingly special..