Loki Friggachild - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

yes yes yes yes

Thor slowly wearing Loki’s clothes to cope and each scene we just see new accessories that are clearly from Loki’s closet. One day he just straight up wears Loki’s helmet and Valkyrie has to step in and be like “okay you need to talk? You’re wearing the sad horns, again.” And when Loki and Thor reunite, the first thing they argue about is Thor stretching out Loki’s Chanel boots and wearing them to a battlefield.

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1 year ago

I love this fucking fandom 😭

So my partner has a theory…

So we have all seen the photos of Loki’s… gigantic appendage, in Thor 1 before it was removed with the magic of CGI (Gaussian blur go brrrr)

And I told my partner about this and how ridiculous it was that no one said anything before filming and my partner theorises the bulge is so prominent and uhhhh mobile because Loki is not wearing underwear underneath the costumes so the bulge basically has free will to do what it wants.

My partner then proceeded to demonstrate this, a few times actually, and well, I’m convinced.

Loki doesn’t wear underwear.

So My Partner Has A Theory

Side notes:

Yeah my partner gave me permission to discuss this they aren’t ashamed of their body.

Tom is also not ashamed of their body so I can totally see him doing that and being chill about it.

You can see in Ragnarok where the appendage is not totally contained and just flopping about doing it’s thing and nearly taking people’s eyes out.

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2 years ago

Peter:Ayo shures,u seen dis new song?

It really is lit and gives weird and cool vibez? Liiiike y'know whadda mean!

Shuri: ya homie! Like when it first came out! I snapped! I snapped when dat beat dropped bro!


Thor: Are they- loki did we learn this unique language on Asgard because I don't think I can recall a 'Hoomee'

Loki,looking up from his phone:

They are speaking the language of the gods..brudda

Thor,voice breaking: tHeN aM I nOt A gOd

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2 years ago

“Valentine's Day.

The worst day of the year...for you anyways.

Everyone you see is all lovey dovey with each other as they stare at each other with love filled eyes.

It made you want to throw up.

Okay maybe your overreacting a little but it's just not nice to be single on Valentine's Day.

This doesn't mean your going to ruin it for everyone else...”

Is your dream man going to sweep you off your feet or will valentines end bad for everyone?

Loki/Tom Hiddleston One-shots  - Loki- Valentines Day
Read Loki- Valentines Day from the story Loki/Tom Hiddleston One-shots by K_writer17 (Hiddlestoner1615) with 122 reads...

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11 months ago

I don’t understand the people who think it’s weird I drew Loki barefoot as if they aren’t barefoot in the comics ??

I Dont Understand The People Who Think Its Weird I Drew Loki Barefoot As If They Arent Barefoot In The


LOKI IS THE BAREFOOT FLAVOUR OF AUTISTIC [/hj, they swing between hating being barefoot and only being barefoot]

I Dont Understand The People Who Think Its Weird I Drew Loki Barefoot As If They Arent Barefoot In The
I Dont Understand The People Who Think Its Weird I Drew Loki Barefoot As If They Arent Barefoot In The



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