Loki X Sylvie - Tumblr Posts
Uhhh lovely! I'll enjoy this list very much!!
Sylki Fic Recs - August 2023
So, I finally decided to go through the Sylki tag on AO3 and pull out some of my personal favorite Sylki fics! I may have missed a few, but from now on, when people ask me for fic recs, I'm just going to point them right here!
These are pretty much in descending word count order, since that's how I sorted them on AO3. And I think I stopped around 2k words, so things that are less than that don't appear.
(Fair warning: I included some of my own on there, too.)
Epic Length fics (+100k) – Rated G-T
As Long As You're Mine by Shoalsandsuch*
Welcome to Westview by KaleidoscopeEyez
Heal The Cracks Within My Heart by Chipper99*
Gone, I'm Gone by Shoalsandsuch
Epic Length Fics – Rated M-E
Love & Mischief by Sasquita
The (Mis)Match by Sasquita
skin on skin by Palmarion
Becoming who I was never meant to be (But did anyway) by overIndulgence
A Promise of Peace by neonheartbeat
From Jotunheim With Love by kytsos, Wonderchild90*
Medium Length Multichapters (Up to 100k) – Rated G-T
Baton Pass! (Round 4) - Collab
Of Love and Daggers by litladyloveshp*
Sweet Nothings by Shoalsandsuch
Frost Queen - Collab
Pets are a reflection of the soul by overIndulgence
The Search: A Domestic Adventure by IngridGradient
Life is beautiful by Korsarri, Madam_Violet
Love Child by KaleidoscopeEyez
The Race To Your Heart by navy_bushes
Sylki Advent Calendar (Baton Pass! Round 3) - Collab
Fire & Gasoline by BeanBarn*
The Lost Goddess by KaleidoscopeEyez
Vivaldi Doesn't Square Dance by LunarDust, preserumping
Somewhere Only We Know by KaleidoscopeEyez
Sylvie and The Beast - Collab
To Make a Heart Whole by Adrift_in_thyme, Aritou
Rotational Symmetry by Neolights, PinkCanary
Delicate by Shoalsandsuch
Loki Actually by Padawan_Writer
Adventures in Lokisitting by KaleidoscopeEyez*
Our Shared Eternity - Collab
Medium Length Multichapters (Up to 100k) – Rated M-E
How Sweet It Is by Wonderchild90
Frost and Flame by professnerdiness
Into the half light (and through the flame) by BrightBlackTrees
RE: ARRANGEMENT by neonheartbeat
Wherever You Are by Aevianya
We'll Find A Way by professnerdiness
By the Glow of the Rune by IngridGradient
The Providence We Create by amadness2method (CynSyn), overIndulgence
Perfect Partners by variant001*
Roots and Branches by PinkCanary
Like the Moon Needs Poetry by IngridGradient
Wings - Collab
Not as planned by StrangeNoise*
Seconds from destiny by PicassoPickle
An Heir And A Spare (The Extended Version) by nostalgia
Foundations by BumbleHumbleBee
The Edge of Disaster by PinkCanary
and when you start to feel the rush (a crimson headache, aching blush) by Palmarion
No Prisoners by preserumping
the right kind of madness by Palmarion
Technicolor Dreams by kytsos, Wonderchild90
We're Screwed by kimikokun
Sylki in Suburbia by The_Hourglass_Muse
The strangest power of all by StrangeNoise
Letters to my Beloved by AndySkull
drunk on you by Palmarion*
Concept Art by IngridGradient
The Learning Curve by kytsos*
To Be Felled by You by D_A_Cullum
Torn in Two by UnderwaterArch*
A Marriage Between Realms by professnerdiness
Back to Lamentis by TTerran*
Candy Crush by kytsos, Wonderchild90
i guess that's love (i can't pretend) by Palmarion
The Perfect Lie by Padawan_Writer
The Isle of Mists by preserumping
When I'm around you by AndySkull
One-Shots – Rated G-T
Bright Purpose by daggerlovie
second nature by neonheartbeat
Cravings by KaleidoscopeEyez
Fire in the Sky by KaleidoscopeEyez
Bleeding Hearts by Eithniel, KaleidoscopeEyez
Eyes by daggerlovie
The Loki Trap by KaleidoscopeEyez
10,000 Unhappy Meals by UnderwaterArch
all in the golden afternoon by Palmarion
Lamentis-1, 2077: A Return by KaleidoscopeEyez
Time Keeps on Slippin' (Into the Future) by KaleidoscopeEyez
One-Shots – Rated M-E
Insatiable by catalystcomet
slow (how you wanted it to be) by PinkCanary
the word of your body by Palmarion
Crammed by catalystcomet
but you never go away (so I guess I gotta stay) by PinkCanary
The Prince, the Princess, and the Dozen Cupcakes by KaleidoscopeEyez
* Denotes an unfinished/ongoing fic
And I am like... more Loki? More Loki's ships? Are we doing orgies, now? Because if yes... I am down 😍
Marvel dear,don't be ashamed,ship these two too

I mean Loki is bi and TECHNICALLY they're not the same person so it's not weird right? let's ship 'em, what's wrong?

I’ve been wanting to write about Marvel for a while and I think this a great start. I love Loki as a character and I’ve been wanting to discuss the most popular ships with- Loki x Sylvie and Loki x Mobius.
Personally, I don’t ship Loki and Sylvie together. I know they are technically not the same person, but it’s still weird for me. I don’t dislike it enough to boycott the show or stop watching it, though I would prefer them to be friends.
I see Loki’s interaction with Sylvie as a way to reflect on himself and his actions. Kind of like looking in a mirror. Loki and Sylvie can benefit from each other in a way they can recognize their detrimental flaws and work to be a better person as friends.
I’m not a Loki x Mobius fanatic, yet I still think they could be a good couple. Their chemistry is nice and they can benefit from each other. Plus, we can finally get some same-sex representation in Marvel. I might get fully on board when they have more time together.
What do you guys think? 😁💕
Loki pt.2 will come out in a bit!
I'm currently moving to a new apt and getting my dogs so it's a lot 💀
But I'm still gonna give you lil ones what you want🥰
Remember; taglist is available too so text me today and tomorrow!
But... Sylki’s not rushed at all?
As someone who prefers her slow-burn to last roughly 5000 years, I don’t think I understand the complaints about the romance between Loki and Sylvie being rushed and underdeveloped. Does it happen quickly? Sure. But that doesn’t necessarily equal sudden and underwritten (rewatch The Last Jedi if you want a counter-example). The speed with which the two get from “just met” to “twin flames” may be fast, but otherwise their story follows a fairly typical romantic trajectory, with all the usual steps those entail.
After meeting, they banter and act as two antagonistic snarky office workers, a standard romance trope.

More bantering as they interact during an adventure, sharing a new experience together and seeing how the other works.

As they go on, they become more open around one another, actively choosing to get to know each other better. A connection is established based on their shared sense of loss and family relationships.

Loki does a thing for no other reason than to make Sylvie happy. This is where we see an obvious romantic attraction appear as they discuss love and sex, clearly trying to sus out whether the other is dtf. Also, more banter but this time without the snarky edge.

They grow comfortable enough for the pathologically distrustful Sylvie to fall asleep in his presence and Loki to outright woo her with a song.

After Loki screws up Sylvie’s mission, he offers his support, both emotional and practical. In contrast with their first slog through the wasteland there’s no antagonism; they see themselves as partners in crime now and have a perfectly normal conversation. Upon entering the town they verbally verify trust and work as a team.

About to die, Sylvie shares her deepest pain with Loki, he expresses his admiration for her, and she initiates physical contact as they hold hands and gaze into each other’s eyes, ignoring the looming apocalypse and realizing they’re in love.

Bam, the basis of the relationship is established, escalating and deepening from there.
They are worried for one another.

They have each other’s back without thinking.

They attempt to verbalize their feelings.

Loki is Sylvie’s only good memory.

They (attempt to) engage in outright self-sacrificial heroics in order to be together again.

They contrive a scenario where they 100% need to cuddle under a blankie for science or whatever as they discuss their future together.

They refuse to leave each other’s side in a fight.

They protect each other some more.

They hold hands again.

Their bond and mutual trust help them defeat a monster, improving one another and making them realize they’re stronger together than apart.

Bad guy tempts them with a vision of a shared future, Loki refuses the notion of having power without Sylvie.

Revealed as twin souls destined to fall for one another.

A means to an end with no intent to cause harm, their fight ends with Loki expressing deep empathy with Sylvie’s suffering and pleading with her out of concern for her own wellbeing, acting out of selfless love.

Then and only then, after all this stuff, do they kiss.

It’s all there, from the flirty bickering and mutual attraction to opening up and deep bonding. Nothing is missing. The boxes are checked off fast, but they’re still there to be checked off. And the absolute best part about it is that the romance manages to stand as an element of its own and develop the characters while staying true to them and their individual stories. These new feelings don’t magically correct Sylvie’s crippling trust issues in a single blanket-sharing session and they don’t make her stray away from her mission. They’re a complicating factor and facilitate both current and future development instead of hampering it. The story takes precisely as much time developing its individual aspects as it needs to, not hesitating to put its characters in a conflict with each other if required.
So again, please, where is that rush I’m meant to dislike? Because the fact that all this happens in the span of four episodes, all the while moving the plot along, developing side characters, and seeding future plots while packing one hell of an emotional punch the entire time? That’s not rushed. That’s fucking great filmmaking, my guy.
in hindu mythology the only thing that stopped a rampaging kali was shiva, her husband, lying down on the ground unarmed and unresisting, and her stepping on him. out of love, she stopped before she could hurt him


POV: Y/N Stark...
Representation in Loki
Ok so does anyone else feel like queer representation in Loki was a bit of a double edged sword? Like on one hand I’m thrilled that we finally have queer and gender diverse characters but on the other hand they didn’t do much with it? Like they teased Loki’s gender fluidity in the beginning and mentioned Loki and Sylvie’s bisexuality once but beyond that there wasn’t much. I was hoping that we would see Loki using different pronouns, switching up weather they present masculinity or femininity etc throughout the show.
And don’t even get me started on the heteronormativity. On one hand I think it’s really important to show bisexual characters in opposite sex relationships but on the other hand I really just want a same sex couple in the MCU! I was hoping they would just kind of ignore romance like they did in Ragnarok. But Sylki happened. It seemed kind of forced and selfcest-y to me. I really wanted them to have a sort of sibling dynamic.
All in all I’m super excited that we finally have lgbtq+ representation in the MCU but the way they did it seemed slightly preformative. It had so much potential and I’m disappointed they didn’t utilize it.
Loki fandom game: pic your hero!
(! don't forget to blame other players for their highly immoral choices !)

MCU isn't place for healthy relationships 🙄
can't even believe that discussion about morality of pairing choices exists in 2021 OMG 😆
New: Tom and….
Bobby Hiddleston
Seen out for a walk in London 💙

He sure does love that outfit 😆
Tom BTS of Loki season 2!!!!

#sylki #Loki #sylvie

What other ships were you in to?
I had been into the Kylo Ren and Rey ship from Star Wars for a bit, the Loki and Sylvie ship from the Loki show a little, and then I also shipped Kind Sombra with Radiant Hope from My Little Pony... There may be more, but I don't remember lol, I had actually forgotten some of these until a friend brought them up a while back 😂 Lol another one I just remembered, for like a second I was like, omg Shaxx x Mara hehehe... But yea, all these ships ended up fading for me after a bit unlike Eris and Drifter hehe 🙃
It's like, some of them felt too forced I guess... Like, Kylo and Rey, or Loki and Sylvie, it felt too rushed and kinda silly with the romance (I mean, at the time I didn't think so lol, I was just like "omg they love each other soooo much hehe") but now looking back at it I'm like, ehh there's not much making these characters and their romance really stand out, y'know? Absolutely not dissing on anyone who does like these ships, this is just my personal opinion ofc, and who knows... maybe I'm a lil biased cause I can't give away any attention from my fav ship ever... Drifteris
Lol but yea, those are some of the other silly lil ships I had been into :))
Loki Series Headcannons
because why not?
-Loki’s Pansexual. I know this was already touched upon in the series, but it was so brief that it didn’t mean much. In Asgard, gender and sexuality aren’t really a defining thing. Sure, the Asgardians know what they are but they don’t really care.
-Mobius was a jet ski nerd. I feel like whoever Mobius was before the TVA was the 90’s equivalent of a sneaker head, and habe a silly mental picture of Mobius hugging his favorite jetski, and talking to them like pets.
-Loki and Mobius developing a brotherly bond during their time at the TVA. We never really see what happens betwen all of the research that they do, but I imagine that they became close in the constant hours of doing things, WHICH MAKES THE FINALE SO MUCH SADDER.
-Sylvie being more of a touchy-feely person in relationships (due to her never having enough time to make a bond with anyone while apocalypse-hopping,) while Loki being more of a romantic gestures person, (from growing up with Thor always trying to literally drag him to training when he wanted to read,) but them both respecting each others boundaries.
-Hunter B-15 mourning all of the people she kills. This one is a little sad, but since we already know that she keeps track of them, it isn’t much if a stretch to assume she thinks about them and remembers who they are.
Feels free to add tour own hc’s. And PREPARE YOURSELF FOR SEASON 2!!!!!!!!