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✨Jack In The Box✨

I received my Jack in the Box album last week, and although I believe we all got the same photocards, it’s still fun the share 😊 Blue version of course ^ and the photocards are so SKSLSOZKDNW, ya know 🙂
I love the energy and the cohesiveness of the whole album. I’m so proud of Hobi for taking this huge step in his music career. He’s so brave and has done so well with Jack in the Box; I only wish that he can continue to ride this wave and express himself in other ways. He will always have my support and I’m here for it all 😚
I know for sure that you can't help all families from Gaza that want to be evacuated from here but at least you can help those who come across your life. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. Asking for help is not easy. But when thinking that the price is my family's life and getting out of here safely, it just pushes me more and more to do this until i reach my goal, be able to attend my university abroad and achieve my doctoral degree dream after awarding prestigious PhD fellowship. Please donate and share to support us standing at this hard time. https://gofund.me/d597b8e2
I'm a minor so I can't help but others can 🙏

"This is the first day of my life. I'm glad I didn't die before I met you. But, now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you
And I'd probably be happy"

wonder where he learned to talk back like that
inspired by @jasontoddiefor and their concept of plant-loving desert kid Anakin Skywalker. all of their fics are absolutely lovely, their writing is beautiful and I look forward to every update!

august is finished, summer is drawing to a close. I hope to have my play finished by the end of the week, I'm waiting on a publishing contract for my contribution to an anthology. Life is changing.
I have been spending my time on a variety of essays, exploring ideas from philosophy and mathematics mixed with contemporary topics and culture. Currently I am trying to find a place or form to finalize these strings of essays into a finalized project. I have been considering here, youtube or perhaps a seperate site.
At this point I feel as though I only need a little push to propell me forward, to put a definite stop to the previous stage of life and move to the next. It's wonderful to feel it so concretely, perhaps daunting but I've learned to manage fear. Whilst the possibilities of the future rush past me I want to take a final moment to appreciate this last august breeze.
Oikawa Reacting to you Asking Him to Rail you | 1/46

Pairing: Tōru Oikawa x f!reader
Notes: So, as you can see on my masterlist for my texting series, under the incomplete chapters I didn’t have the parts down. I did that on purpose because long ago I decided I was going to make this chapter longer than just one little photo and I knew it’d take more than 2 for some. This was on my old blog and I’m using my old baseline for each of the chapter while still adding things on! Unlike my “Accidentally sending them a message meant for someone else” series, I changed the names for the boys in this series. I didn’t know before that it was quite so easy to change their names, so from now on, if there’s a chapter where you’re just friends, I will change the name to make it a bit more realistic
With all of this being said, I will be doing this entire series in order of the characters who are in the normal texting series line-up. So, next will be Iwaizumi! I won’t rush these so that they can all be as great as I can make them. They won’t all make it to 10 chapters, maybe none of them will, but they will all be above 3 photos!
In the future, I may do more series like this (especially if it is from my old blog because they were such long chapters), however for a normal reference I will keep my texting series with the parts and normal line-up, this is just a fun difference!
If you want to see the other Haikyuu chapters I have done as well as catch up with this series as I post new parts, you can follow {this link} to my Haikyuu texting series masterlist!

Keep reading
Im grabbing at and gazing into every frame

Encounter in the moonlight part 3
In which Y/N finally gets to do their job and the old one gets concerningly giddy...
Moon is too shaken to actually fight back again after they get out of the communication space, going straight for grabbing y/n & getting outta there
just a quick question, how have you been lately, has life gotten any better?
oh, hey!
How Very Kind of you to check in on me again!
Things are a Little Bit better, exams are going smoothly and the internet stuff has cooled down.
My family's still crazy, but I guess thats just how it is
I hope everything's okay with you. And thanks for making sure I'm okay, I really appreciate it :)
Izumi is giving her counterpart a plate with delicious three-coloured dango. "I...I hope you like it!"
Izumi’s eyes sparkle with delight at the sight of her favourite sweet snack.
“How did you know I—?”
She stops mid-sentence and giggles, offering a playful wink as she does so.
“Of course you know I love these! Thank you very much!”
She gratefully accepts the plate of tri-coloured dango and offers one to her counterpart.
“Lovely food is always better with lovely company~!”
👁👄👁 you don't like mangoes?? That's okay, I'll eat all the mangoes for you 🥰 I hope you have a good day! Manifesting good vibes and good vibes only for you🥰
AJDKAKDKAKW PLS you're the only one accepting me with my hate towards mangoes </3
Thank you baby AYEE I'm also manifesting the bes vibes for you!
Once I went to an anime convention with my friend and someone came up to me like every hour and told me they loved my cosplay. They seemed so genuinely excited every time it made me so happy
Literally every time I saw them, they went "I love your costume!!🥰" and I'd go "thank you!! I love your costume too!!🥰" and then we just didn't say anything else
I rlly wish I took a photo with them bc I think about that interaction nearly every week

"It will be our little secret"

hold this