Makkari - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

2 years ago

Random Thoughts Eternals

Which is more likely?

Druig and Makkari getting some actual screen time? Or a buddy comedy starring Kingo and Karun?

Because I would personally love both of those things.

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2 years ago

Just re watching eternals and wondering why no one is talking about how Thor (and maybe even Loki) hung about with the eternals as kids? Like give me a movie. Thor and Thena training?! Loki and Sprite casting illusions?! Welp.

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3 years ago

Ocean Eyes

Pairings: Druig x reader x Makkari

Ocean Eyes

Notes: english isn’t my first language so pls don’t be to harsh at my mistakes. And this is just the second ff I have written. So I hope my writing isn’t to bad. Every like or comment will make my day.

Warnings: druig is kinda mean, fluff, angst

Summary: Reader works in a bookstore and is very in love with her girlfriend. Things get complicated when a group of friends visit out of nowhere.

The morning was cold and rainy as y/n ran through the streets to the next Train station. She had been working at her dream job for 2 months now. But that didn't stop her from oversleeping every morning and arriving at work at the last second. In the subway tunnel it smelled of dust and dirt and Y/ n had often had the pleasure of slipping on something no longer recognizable. Somehow she had a talent for it. The cold air moved through her legs and she was annoyed not to have worn anything warmer. Y/N thought her black knee socks were perfect for any season.

Already she was daydreaming about how she would arrive at her warm workplace in about twenty minutes.

Y/ n worked in the little book store on the corner, which she had always been fascinated by as a child. She loved the books. The warm air that smelled like tea and cookies. The bookstore had always been the place where she felt like home. "Being cozy, reading in silence and enjoying the homemade treats, the store owner apparently makes in her spare time, judging by the little sign next to the almond cookies. Just her and the thousands of stories. She loved to read about the past, about strong heroines, mysterious wizards and especially about outer space. She loved fairy tales and folklore. And even the little corner with handwritten cookbooks made her heart beat faster. Therefore, there was probably nothing better than the moment when she was offered a job there. The pretty owner of the store was just a plus. Her name was makkari. Y n had had a crush on her for ages. She used to tell her best friend that the owner was the Most beautiful wise Woman who also didn't seem to age. Y/ n had often wondered if she had a girlfriend, a family, or even children.

At some point she had asked about it. Slowly the two became familiar with each other, at first Makkari was very shy. She did not like to talk about her past. But she loved to talk about history and the beautiful books in her little store. Y/ n started learning sign language right after they got to know each other. She told her best friend that she was doing it just randomly for general education, although her Friend knew immediately that the reason was clearly Makkari.

After a few months, y/ n finally dared to ask Makkari out. Both were overjoyed and fell in love incredibly fast. Y/ n loved the way her lover expressed herself, she loved her laugh that spread all over her face, and how her eyes started to shine as soon as she looked at y/ n. Makkari was never late.Most of the time she was way to early. Y n sometimes joked that she could do magic or run like the former avenger quicksilver. Makkari just laughed at that.

When y/ n opened the door and got out of the rain and wind, she was immediately greeted by the wonderful smell. But before she could do anything else, someone covered her eyes, pressed her against the door and kissed her. Makkari took her hand from y/n eyes and grinned at them contentedly. She gestured " good morning love, I can't believe you are late again, we open in less than five minutes".

She held a large plate of cookies in her hand.

"Go ahead and try" Makkari gestured with a grin.

Y/n had to laugh when she thought about how impatient the woman in front of her always was. Everything always had to go a little faster.

Y/ n gave her a kiss on the cheek and grabbed one of the cookies.

The morning went on as usual. A few customers came in and out, and the two of them were busy putting away the latest book inventories and talking about last night.

Often, y/ n would digress while working and think about how perfect her life was right now. Nothing could throw her off track right now. Or Could it?

Y/ n had just come out of the small storage area next to the cookbooks with a stack of books in her arms when the door opened. A young man stepped in. He had short dark hair, a big nose and a mischievous grin. Makkari ran up to him without noticing that she almost caught Y/N with her stack of books. The two greeted each other and the man told her that an even bigger surprise was waiting for her outside.

Y/N began to pick up the books she had dropped from the floor. The man looked down at her with a teasing grin. "Well, you don't really seem to have yourself under control," he said, and disappeared out of the store following makkari.

Flustered, y/n looked after the two of them.

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3 years ago

Ocean Eyes

Chapter 3

Pairing: Druig x Reader x Makkari

Warning: explicit language, not proofread

Notes: hey friends. Here is part 3. hope you like it lol. I hope I can finish writing part 4 this weekend. Keep up your nice comments. And if you have a story request feel free to send it. Love, Mai🍄

Ocean Eyes

Y/N looked at her girlfriend with a blushed face, but she just took her by the hand and ran after the others. They decided to go to a bar near the bookstore.

Makkari had recommended it, she had been there several times and loved the atmosphere. Y/N had always admired the small bar, but only ever from the outside. It was an old brick building. The windows were darkened and only the candlelight from inside could still be seen through them. If she had known at that moment how the evening would end, Y/N would have turned around immediately and gone home. But even though she was exhausted, tired, and a bit overwhelmed with the whole situation, she had still gratefully agreed when Makkari tickled her to convince her to stay.

Makkari's hand was in hers as the two stepped through the small entrance into the bar. Phastos was visibly having trouble stepping through the small entrance behind the two. Y/N could still hear him complaining. The big man was the last of the group. He was late because he had been on the phone with his husband, so he was the last to make his way to the bar. Makkari held her hand tightly and looked around the room searching for the rest of her family. The Eternals were seated at a large table in the back room of the bar. All but Sprite already had drinks in hand and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Especially Ikaris and Sersei were in a good mood and looked longingly into each other's eyes the whole time. Sprite sat annoyed at the other end of the table, building a tower of beer coasters with Kingo. Karun was cheering for the two of them and at the same time trying to keep his camera straight, which he visibly failed at. Makkari and Y/N went to join the others at the table, Thena slid a bit on the sofa to make room for them. Phastos joined Druig and Ajak and immediately began to talk about his family. "Can you believe that next week is my son's birthday again?"

Ajak looked proudly at Phastos. "Of course, of course, as if we could forget. We'll pay you and your family a visit if that's okay?"

Y/N listened intently to the conversation. Phastos had been the most kind so far. He had proudly told her about his husband and child and how difficult it was for him to be openly queer at first. Y/N loved listening to him. She hadn't often met other queer people and especially hardly any who could actually live a happy life. Too many still faced hate and ignorance on a daily basis. Even though she and Makkari hadn't been together long, she had caught herself thinking what it would be like to marry her one day. And maybe to live in a small family home with her, children and a pet.

Makkari unexpectedly snapped her out of her thoughts with a kiss. " isn't she cute?" she signed to Druig and Gilgamesh who were just talking on the other side of the table, enjoying a shot of tequila. Confused, Y/N looked back and forth between the two. She would have loved to know what they were talking about. "Everything's fine? you look like you're worried" Makkari signed.

Y/n couldn't really answer this question. But she didn't want to lie, she couldn't think of anything better than to flee from the situation. "I'll get us something to drink at the bar" she said instead and went outside the room without waiting for an answer.

She felt horrible as she waited at the bar for her drinks. She had been acting terribly out of line since druig showed up. Makkari was just being friendly and Y/n was ruining everything. Someone behind her tapped her shoulder.

"Hey you, Makkari's friend !, sorry forgot your name. Will you order me one too? I know I look young but I'm old enough. Honestly. I'm not lying, I promise. But I really can't stay sober with those two back there." Sprite pointed to the couple cuddled up on the sofa. Ikaris and sersei were now sitting in the same spot she and makkari had been a few minutes ago.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea Sprite."

"oh come on, please, I really thought you were cool. I really don't feel like seeing Ikaris like this all night."

Y/n briefly wondered if she should ask why Sprite was so Stressed out about the two. But without knowing her, she still kinda knew. Sprite felt much the same way she did.

"Alright, but just one beer! If you want another one you'll have to beg someone else." Sprite looked annoyed, but was still satisfied that she got what she wanted.

"I'd ask Kingo if I were you" Y/N pointed in the direction of the movie star. He and Karun had already emptied a few beer glasses and were now singing a birthday song for Phastos son for their somewhat strange documentary. Phastos just tried to get them from climbing on one of the tables. Even though this situation was funny and somewhat absurd, Y/N preferred to look past the two very drunk men. On one of the other sofas, Druig and makkari were now sitting and talking excitedly. The two of them looked so happy, she thought. Druig had put his hand on Makkari's arm while he was laughing. Y/N thought they looked beautiful together. They were the perfect couple. She felt a different feeling slowly spreading through her. Quite different from the angry jealousy of the afternoon,now she felt only anxious. What if Makkari would leave her. What if Makkari would rather have him? Druig was handsome and strong. And apparently he even was funny and friendly, even if he was only that way to Makkari. Fuck he was perfect for her. Even Y/N had caught herself thinking about his fucking ocean eyes over and over again throughout the day. And when he had taken off his leather jacket, she had to force herself not to look too long at his trained bizeps. The two of them would be better together than Y/N could ever be with anyone. Her hands began to shake and tears formed in her eye. "Excuse me, I'm going to step outside for some fresh air. Y/N picked up her glass and left the building as quickly as possible for the second time that day.

Y/N stood there for quite a while. She already finished her drink and also the one she had ordered for makkari. The alcohol helped, she told herself, while she thought about going back to the bar and getting another drink. But she also knew that she wouldn't be able to drink very much. She had hardly eaten and had been a bit overtired all day, all these factors were not a good basis for drinking away your sorrow. The wind was blowing through the streets again and she was annoyed not to have taken at least her jacket from the sofa, where sersei, Ikaris and Thena were sitting. But she refused to go inside like that. She had been gone from the table for half an hour already and makkari probably hadn't even noticed. She couldn't imagine her pretty girlfriend wandering around the bar looking for her. She was probably still sitting in Druig's arm laughing. Why did he have to look so good? Why didn't Makkari have any ugly, annoying or boring college friends?

"Well, Y/N, are you thinking about me?" said the voice with the thick Irish accent.

"What? Me? No, why should I?" she said, perplexed. She hadn't noticed how the man had opened the door and stood next to her.

"I was just kidding beautiful beautiful Y/N" he said as he lit a cigarette. He held the pack out to her, but Y/N just shook her head.

"Makkari likes you very much. She told me a lot about you before our visit. She even said that your book taste was better than mine." He laughed softly. "And to be honest, she's really right about that." Y/N had to smile. She turned her head and looked Druig in the face. His smile was beautiful. Why couldn't she stop staring at him.

"Makkari always said you were as loving as Sersei, as caring as Ajak, as stubborn as Sprite, and as beautiful as Thena."

Makkari had said something like that about her? Y/N hardly believed what Druig was listing. Did her girlfriend really think so well of her? Perhaps the doubts from before had not been necessary.

"Of course, I didn't believe her at first, how could a human being ever fulfill exactly that? But to be honest, I changed my mind. She forgot to mention how clumsy you are, but I think she was right about everything else."

Y/N's face began to glow. He was just being friendly after all. But then why was this warm feeling spreading through her stomach.

"Wow, you seem to be really cold, you are probably too stubborn to get your jacket.“ he winked“ Well wait, here put mine on." he held his jacket in front of her face.

"No, no, it's okay, it's not that cold."

"Don't talk such bullshit, take my jacket before you freeze to death. Or are you afraid that if you smell my good scent you'll fall in love with me right away?" teasingly he leaned a bit towards her. She was still looking into his blue eyes when he put the jacket around her. The two were now standing very close to each other. All the anger she had felt all day was gone. Maybe she wasn't mad at Druig at all. Maybe she was just mad at herself, how could she dream about this man all day long even though she was in a happy, loving relationship. A man who was a complete stranger. Y/N felt like Druig was a magnet that attracted her, and as she lowered her eyes and they caught at his lips, she couldn't help but imagine kissing him.

"Is that okay?" he asked. Without knowing what exactly he was getting at, she agreed by nodding.

He kissed her like it was all he ever wanted. Y/N had no idea what was happening to her, she just knew she wanted more. Their lips touched gently at first and then with more and more pressure and passion. His lips were warm and soft. They felt so similar to Makkaris. Makkari…

"Fuckkkk. What the hell did we just do." Y/N broke away from Druig aprubtly. She cursed over and over. And paced back and forth in front of the bar.

"I thought that was okay? I'm sorry I definitely didn't mean to pressure you, I thought we felt the same." Apologetically he took another step towards her. Y/N just pushed the jacket into his hand.

" I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I love Makkari. We are really happy. I can't just ruin my relationship like that. I..."

Y/N gestured wildly. What the hell was she thinking. She really had to destroy everything. She hardly realized how drunk she was after all when she tripped over the sidewalk the second time that day.

Before she could fall onto the street, Druig held her by the wrist. "I got you, love. Please stay. Let's talk about this…“

But Y/N didn't want to talk. "Sorry I...I better go home." she said. He let go of her wrist and she ran across the street between the parked cars. Past the bookstore towards the Train station. Tears flushed her face and blocked her view.

An hour later, she sat in her kitchen, somewhat calm. She had just thought about todays events. It was like an awful nightmare.

Y/N made her favorite tea and sat on her bed. When she got up early in the morning, she definitely didn't think that the day would end like this. She took another sip. And her thoughts went from the beginning through the whole day again.

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2 years ago

This is gonna be a weird headcanon/theory but in the eternals we know how some of the characters were referred as Greek gods because through out history the people who lived in Greece saw them and made the religion around them.

Thena is Athena Goddess of War.

Ikaris the boy who flew to close to the sun, I wouldn’t be surprised if people though he was Zeus too.

Phatos low key sounds like Hephaestus.

This low key got me thinking, what where Makkari and Druig saw as. Then it clicked, Druig probably wasn’t around humans a lot and he was always wearing black and always brooding by himself. People most definitely saw him as Hades.

Makkari was probably seen as Persephone. She is known for being super kind and patient. The only time we see her genuinely mad was when she thought Ikaris killed Druig. But I wonder how people saw Makkari and Druigs relationship if they were related to those gods.

It’s dumb but it would be interesting

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2 years ago

This is a joking rant so don’t mind me

I love Drukkari fanfiction, they’re usually so cute and adorable. But some of it is so unrealistic. Like what do you mean Makkari was living peacefully in America during 1775? I’m not sure if people remember but that’s when slavery was around. Also, why don’t people ever mention slavery, homophobia, or ableism in this fanfics. Like how do you wanna write about World War Two, the plague, etc but not slavery. You can’t write them thought out all of history but ignore racism because I’ve seen fanfictions where they’re in certain years and they talk about how Makkari or Phastos was chilling in America like why are you lying?

Also I low key wanna see the eternals jump some racists for Makkari, Phastos, Kingo, etc. like jump them like the characters in JJK be jumping curses.

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3 years ago

druig with makkari vs druig with every other eternal

Druig With Makkari Vs Druig With Every Other Eternal

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2 years ago

The Eternals of my Marvel/DC/Sky High Crossover Universe











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1 year ago

My thoughts on the Eternals SPOILERS

Two years late, I finally got around to watching Marvels “Eternals.” And I obviously have to write a ridiculously long tumblr post on what I thought about it.

I think something that made me appreciate it a lot more on a rewatch was realizing that this was never supposed to be a standard Marvel movie. My first watch had me complaining that more than half the film was spent getting the gang back together, instead of on cool action scenes. But “Eternals” isn’t an action movie at all, though its actions scenes are great. It’s a film about family.

Second: let’s discuss the characters, who are at the heart of this story.

I don’t agree that every character was completely underdeveloped. They all have very distinct personalities, for starters: Ajak, the mom of the group; Ikaris, the little bitch--sorry, I mean PERFECT SOLDIER--Sersi, the goody-two-shoes; Phastos, the smart one; Druig, the hangry one; Makkari, our fave speedster/hoarder; Sprite, the sarcastic one; Gilgamesh, the lovable giant; Thena, the badass-who-still-struggles-with-mental-health, the quiet but strong type; and Kingo, the funny one who loves his family and is SUPER extra, as befits a Bollywood star. HOWEVER, they definitely needed more than a 3-hour movie to develop them.

For example: Why was Ajak the Prime Eternal? Her power is healing, not fighting. While I liked that deviation from traditional superhero roles, why did Arishem choose HER instead of, say, Ikaris to remember their past lifetimes and lead the team? I love Ajak a lot more than Ikaris and she seemed to actually be a great leader. I just want to figure out Arishem’s motivation.

And speaking of Ikaris, WHY was he so devoted? The others got the whole “duty, no interfering with humans” spiel from Ajak, but they still have critical thinking skills. Why was Ikaris so ready to turn against the people he considered family and kill a leader he seemed to genuinely respect and love as a mother figure? Why did he leave Sersi? Why was everyone so happy to fight him at the end? Like, Ikaris is annoying as shit (this post is not Ikaris-stan-friendly, I’m sorry), but the movie’s whole thing is family??? But...they all wanted to kill the one guy who turns out to be a villain at the end? Thena already seemed a little annoyed with him in Babylon at the beginning of the movie, but how about a few glimpses of the others getting annoyed with his know-it-all-ism?

Sersi. Sersi, Sersi, Sersi. I wanted to love you so bad. My main problem with Sersi, after careful consideration of why i found her character annoying, really isn’t that she’s softer than say, Thena, or cries more than Makkari; it’s that it feels like she doesn’t really have...more than three emotions? Happy, confused, and sad. For example, when Ikarkis reveals that he’s killed Ajak, she kind of just cries until he goes away. She looks at him kind of sadly when he’s defeated and flies into the sun. How about some anger through those tears? Let her cry and stuff for her ex-husband of 500 years. But show me that she can have “uglier” moments, too. I did love that they showed her moving on with Dane, though. We love a gal who knows her worth. I also would’ve loved to see her standoffish from Ikaris when he comes back. The guy abandoned her with seemingly no explanation 500 years ago. Keep him several arms’ lengths away, girl.

No notes on Druig. I love him so much. I’ve been converted into a Barry Keoghan stan and I have no regrets.

Makkari I felt like was also pretty cool. We know she’s a speedster, a hoarder, the only person Druig can tolerate for more than thirty seconds at a time, is generally the cheery one, but also has her dark side, like (rightfully) trying AND ALMOST SUCCEEDING to kill Ikaris after he almost kills Druig. My only criticism is that the deleted scene of her talking to Sprite was cut! Like, that was so good! More on that in the Sprite section, but we get a bit of Makkari’s motivations for wanting to stop the Emergence.

Phastos was also cool. I feel like we got what we needed to know about him--the dangers of technology and how it’s used, how he regained his faith in humanity, etc.--but not really his relationship with the other Eternals. That’s actually something that could’ve been improved on in general. They all really feel like a family, but there’s not much in the way of their individual relationships (Makkari and Sprite, Phastos and Druig, Ikaris and Gilgamesh...)

Sprite’s thing about being in love with Ikaris was stupid and cringey. Her conflict about not being able to grow up and experience what she wants is a lot more interesting, but for some reason, they decided not to explore that! It should’ve been her ultimate motivation and set up from the start of the movie. Her deleted scene with Makkari has her talking about how Babylon was their only real home on this planet, again setting up how Sprite’s never really fit in here.

Gilgamesh didn’t last long (*Sob*), but we get a pretty good feel for who he is. But why didn’t they mention his death again apart from Thena? Like...Makkari and Phastos never reunited with him! Why didn’t we also get their reactions to his death as well as Ajak’s?

I LOVE THENA. No notes.

I also love Kingo. I love how they kind of went in a grey area with him, with him being devoted to Arishem and not agreeing with stopping the Emergence, but refusing to hurt his family the way Ikaris did. I thought that was an unusual and much-appreciated angle to take.

Ikaris and Sersi, obviously, had no chemistry, and while I agree that in present-day, they’re probably SUPPOSED to feel like an awkward, divorced couple, even in their Babylon love story they feel like...two actors who are being forced to pretend to be in love for a paycheck. Like, I’m sure Gemma and Richard are great actors individually but together it doesn’t work. Was I supposed to feel sad that they broke up and wonder why the hell Ikaris left? Nah. I cringed. I skipped over their dry sex scene. I looked for Druig eating fruit during their wedding.

Druig and Makkari though? THEY HAVE MY FUCKING HEART AND SOUL AND MIND AND BODY. I love them, I love them, I love them. I will always love them till the day I die.

I also loved how Thena and Gilgamesh’s relationship can be interpreted as ride-or-die besties or old-married-couple or a mix of both, rather than a romance being forced down your throat. Refreshing angle to take, once again.

This movie was refreshing for phase 4 because, unlike CERTAIN FILMS (*cough* thorloveandthunder *cough*), there’s dialogue outside of cheap comedy. A visually stunning movie. I didn’t think it was as bad as a lot of people said, but I also think it would’ve been soooo much better as a miniseries, with more time to explore each eternal.

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Guys I dreamt that I was an Eternal and it was so cool. We were fighting a Celestial. I had telekinesis and I could also fly. There was a part where I even saved Makkari. However whenever I tried to fly , my brain was there like " girl sit your ass down. You know damn well humans can't fly". When I woke up, I just laughed and the sad part is I haven't watched Eternals yet, I just saw the trailer and some snippets.😭😭

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3 years ago
I Can Sense Vibrations. Even The Tiniest Movement. Including Your Voices When You Speak.
I Can Sense Vibrations. Even The Tiniest Movement. Including Your Voices When You Speak.
I Can Sense Vibrations. Even The Tiniest Movement. Including Your Voices When You Speak.
I Can Sense Vibrations. Even The Tiniest Movement. Including Your Voices When You Speak.
I Can Sense Vibrations. Even The Tiniest Movement. Including Your Voices When You Speak.

I can sense vibrations. Even the tiniest movement. Including your voices when you speak.

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Ok, time for a drukkari theory: makkari is like the light to druig’s darkness. Their outfits have the same color palette, but makkari’s uses lighter shades while druig’s uses darker shades

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If They Are Not Canon In The Next Film, I Will Fight Kevin Feige Myself

If they are not canon in the next film, i will fight kevin feige myself

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Im so ready for the day someone writes a tower fic with the eternals and shang-chi included

Ah Yes Its All Coming Together Cant Wait Till January 12th When There Will Undoubtedly Be A Influx In

Ah yes it’s all coming together 😌 can’t wait till January 12th when there will undoubtedly be a influx in fanfics when eternals comes out on Disney plus

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Hey kev, we’re gonna need some more drukkari content soon. I’m warning you now, so don’t be surprised when we all collectively storm marvel/disney HQ or whatever.

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Druig: I do know one way we could get the money

Makkari: You’d make a decent prostitute

Druig: I’d make an AMAZING prostitute

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with disney+ having all of these marvel spinoff shows, could i get one about makkari and druig just fucking shit up throughout history and being the best couple ever pls

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