Mark X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Lento ...
〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida. 〯₊
Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.
Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?
Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?
Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.
Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.
"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.
"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.
"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."
O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.
"Brócolis? Sério?"
"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."
"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.
"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.
"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"
"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.
Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.
"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.
"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.
"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.
Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.
"O que foi isso?"
"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."
Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.
"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"
"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."
"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.
É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.
No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.
[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
Lento ...
〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida. 〯₊
Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.
Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?
Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?
Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.
Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.
"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.
"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.
"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."
O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.
"Brócolis? Sério?"
"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."
"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.
"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.
"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"
"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.
Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.
"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.
"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.
"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.
Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.
"O que foi isso?"
"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."
Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.
"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"
"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."
"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.
É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.
No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.
[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
Lento ...
〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida. 〯₊
Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.
Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?
Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?
Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.
Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.
"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.
"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.
"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."
O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.
"Brócolis? Sério?"
"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."
"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.
"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.
"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"
"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.
Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.
"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.
"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.
"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.
Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.
"O que foi isso?"
"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."
Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.
"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"
"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."
"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.
É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.
No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.
[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
Golden Hour | Mark Lee
Pairing: Idol! MarkLee x NonIdol!FemaleReader
Words: 3.775
Warnings: Conteúdo BASTANTE sugestivo, Mark chamando a leitora de "boa garota", menção básica de amassos e de insinuação ao sexo (se tiver mais alguma coisa, me avisem pfvr:))
Summary: Mark lança uma música nova, e quer ver a reação da good girl dele ao ver pela primeira vez...
N.a: Eu sei que essa é provavelmente a milionésima fanfic que vocês lêem do Mark com Golden Hour, mas eu não pude evitar... Ele tá tão gostoso chamando o fandom de good girl, que foi a última gota. Espero que gostem dessa aqui tbm!
Mark realmente valoriza sua opinião. Toda vez que ele tem um comeback, você é a primeira pessoa fora do grupo a ouvir, e desta vez não foi diferente.
Ele está muito animado com o lançamento de "Golden Hour". Quando ele produzia com seus amigos, ele chegava em casa muito animado porque sentia que era "a" música, e você não duvidou nem por um segundo.
Mas o problema é que Mark também tem outro motivo para estar tão animado para você ouvir, mas ele simplesmente não conseguiu dizer. Ao escrever, ele pensou em você e surgiu uma fala específica, e desde então, ele quer muito ver a sua reação.
Ele fez você prometer que não ouviria até que ele chegasse em casa, e você obedeceu. Quando ele finalmente chegou, ficou claro como o dia, como ele estava animado e cheio de energia.
Mark fez você sentar no sofá, preparou a tv e curtiu o show. Sem saber como ele estava sentado no sofá para observar suas reações, você prestou muita atenção na tela.
Foi bom. Muito bom. É inegável que Mark é um cara gostoso, mas vê-lo naquele videoclipe, sua voz baixa e rouca, sua atitude mais o baixo da guitarra... Foi demais para absorver. E então veio, batendo forte...
"Ladies waited for me, good girl"
E ele viu. Ele viu como seus olhos ficaram um pouco maiores, como sua respiração ficou presa e você se moveu um pouco em seu lugar. Quando acabou, você respirou fundo e olhou para ele. Mark tinha um sorriso malicioso no rosto, e você não conseguia se concentrar em seus lábios. Seus lábios que disseram aquelas palavras pecaminosas segundos atrás.
"Então?" Ele perguntou, inclinando-se para mais perto de você, e mais uma vez sua respiração ficou presa. Tossindo um pouco, você sorriu e pensou em algo legal que pudesse combinar com a casa que você sentia a respeito. "Você é realmente outra coisa, Mark Lee", você disse se inclinando para beijá-lo, mas antes que pudesse, ele não deixou, fazendo você fazer um beicinho.
"Que parte você mais gostou?" Ele perguntou, seu sorriso ficando mais largo. Você quase revirou os olhos, mas queria muito beijá-lo, então disse a primeira coisa que lhe veio à mente: "quando você ligar para o Ramsey"
Mark então riu um pouco, mas só porque ele viu você, mas ele queria saber de você. As mãos dele foram para o seu rosto, acariciando sua bochecha, demorando-a em sua mandíbula, segurando seu rosto com mais firmeza.
A ação pegou você completamente de surpresa, fazendo você suspirar. Lee baixou a voz, tornando-a áspera como na música, "tem certeza, baby?" Assim que ele terminou de falar, seu polegar foi até seu lábio inferior, soltando-o suavemente. "Eu vi você, por que você simplesmente não diz isso?"
"Você realmente precisa que eu diga, né?" Você olha para ele, quase irritada com suas travessuras, mas na verdade, excitada por ela. Ele não precisava responder dessa vez, então você apenas admitiu "tudo bem, gostei quando você disse boa menina"
Mark sorriu, foi a última coisa que você viu antes de ser completamente engolido por ele. Os lábios dele finalmente se encaixaram nos seus, de uma forma carente, mas sensual. Ele estava realmente no momento, aproximando seu rosto do dele, uma das mãos em seu cabelo e a outra apertando fortemente sua coxa.
"Que boa menina" ele se afastou por um segundo apenas para dizer isso, e foi aí que você perdeu o tempo de se controlar. Você então o empurrou contra o sofá e puxou seu próprio corpo para o colo dele. É a vez dele ficar com os olhos arregalados e puro choque, mas diversão. "Merda, baby, se eu soubesse que você gostava disso, eu teria feito a música há muito tempo" ele disse, sorrindo contra seus lábios.
"Se quisesse me chamar de boa garota tão ruim assim, não precisava fazer uma música", você disse depois de deixar beijos pelo pescoço dele. Você segura o rosto dele antes de continuar "tudo o que você precisa fazer é dizer"
Seus lábios não conseguiam ficar separados por mais tempo, e as mãos dele definitivamente adoravam segurar e agarrar suas coxas e bumbum. Fato que você não reclamou nada, já que estava ajudando você a se mexer no colo dele, sentindo a calça jeans dele ficar apertada.
"Querido, você tem um problema muito grande" você usa a letra dele contra ele, depois de fazer o rosto dele se afastar um pouco do seu, agarrando o cabelo dele, fazendo-o gemer.
Mark sorriu pela nona vez naquele dia, antes de se levantar, e te pegar de surpresa, levando você com ele "Minha boa menina vai me ajudar?" Ele dá um tapa forte na sua bunda, fazendo você gemer em seus ouvidos, rindo antes de dizer "enquanto você continuar me chamando assim, você pode o que quiser".
Golden Hour | Mark Lee
Pairing: Idol! MarkLee x NonIdol!FemaleReader
Words: 3.464
Warnings: VERY suggestive, mark calling reader "good girl", a basic mention of making out, and also insinuation of sex (if there's anything else, let me know:))
Summary: Mark release a new song, and wants to see his good girl reactions to it...
A.n: that's probably the 1.000.000 fic about golden hour you see through tumblr, but I just couldn't help myself. He's such a hottie calling cezienne good girl, it was my last straw! So I hope you enjoy this one too!
Mark really values your opinion. Everytime he has a comeback, you are the first person out of the group to listen to it, and this time it wasn't different.
He's really excited for the release of "Golden Hour". When he produced with his friends, he got at home really excited because he felt it was "the" song, and you didn't doubted for a second.
But the thing is, Mark also have another reason to why he's so excited for you to listen to it, but he just couldn't say it. When writing, he thought about you and a specific line came up, and since then, he really wants to see your reaction.
He made you promise you wouldn't be listen to it until he got at home, and so you did. When he finally made it, it was clear as a day, how excited and energetic he was.
Mark made you sit at the couch, prepared the tv, and enjoyed the show. Unbeknownst to how he was sitting back at the couch to watch your reactions, you payed really good attention to the screen.
It was good. Like really good. It is undeniable that Mark is a hot guy, but seeing him at that music video, his low raspy voice, his attitude plus the guitar bass... It was too much to take it in. And then it came, hitting you hard...
"Ladies waited for me, good girl"
And he saw. He saw how your eyes got a little bit bigger, how you breath got stuck, and you moved a little bit in your spot. Once it ended, you took a deep breath and looked at him. Mark wore a smirk on his face, and you couldn't not focus on his lips. His lips that said those sinful words seconds ago.
"So?" He asked, leaning in closer to you, and once again your breath got stuck. Coughing a little bit, you smiled and thought about something nice that could match house you felt about it. "You are really something else, Mark Lee", you said leaning in to kiss him, but before you could, he didn't let you, making you pout a little.
"What part you liked the most?" He asked, his smirk getting wider. You almost rolled your eyes, but you really wanted to kiss him, so you said the first thing it came to mind: "when you call Ramsey"
Mark then laughed a little bit, but only because he saw you, but he wanted to hear from you. His hands went for your face, caressing you cheek, lingering it to your jaw, holding your face more firmly.
The action completely took you buy surprise, making you gasp. Lee lowered his voice, making it rasped like at the song, "are you sure baby?" Once he done talking, his thumb went to your lower lip, letting go gently. "I saw you, why don't you just say it?"
"You really need me to, right?" You look at him, almost annoyed from his antics, but in reality, aroused by it. He didn't need to answer you this time, so you just admited "fine, I liked when you said good girl"
Mark smile it was the last thing you saw before being completely engolfed buy him. His lips finally made into yours, in a needy yet sensual way. He was really into the moment, bringing your face closer to his, one of his hands in your hair, and the other one strongly squeezing your thigh.
"What a good girl" he pulled away for a second only to say that, and that's when you lost the whiling to control yourself. You then pushed him against the couch and pulling your own body on his laps. It's his turn to be eyes wide, and pure shock, but amousement. "Shit baby, if I knew you liked that I would had made the song a long ago" he said, smiling against your lips.
"If wanted to call me good girl this bad, you didn't had to make a song," you said after leaving kisses through his neck. You holder his face before continuing "all you had to do is say it"
Your lips couldn't stay a part for longer, and his hands definitely loved holding and grabbing your thighs and butt. Fact that you didn't complained at all, since it was helping you to move on his lap, feeling his jeans getting tight.
"Baby, you got a really big problem" you use his lyrics against him, after making his face get slightly apart from yours, griping his hair, making him moan.
Mark smirk for the ninth time that day, before getting up, and taking you by surprise, by taking you with him "Is my good girl going to help me?" He slaps hard your but, making you moan in his ears, gigling before saying "as long as you keep calling me like that, you can whatever you want".
The difference between Mark and Chenle 😂
hii can I request an Nct Dream text where you fall down the stairs and end up in the hospital and they don’t know, but when they find out they get super worried and start panicking
! dreamies find out your in the hospital after falling down the stairs !
thank you for requesting !! i hope u enjoy it😋
mark, renjun and jeno :
haechan and jaemin :
chenle and jisung :
PAIRING! mark lee x f!reader
GENRES! fluff﹒crack﹒slice of life?
WARNINGS! as per usual, it is not a yeonjunszn smau without my sailors mouth — so mature language, coffee shop!au cause i work in one and couldn’t resist myself, this smau is actually a recreation of a yeonjun smau called cool it! by my bff past tumblr user yuitaru, manager mark era, kinda dumb reader (affectionate) era, milf lover jeno, insane jaemin and hyuck, chenle in his nepotism baby era tbh, there’s a fight scene somewhere, also annoying fluffy cute disgusting scenes here and there, an overt amount of coffee shop/barista references bc i am a master at my craft, mr. choi yeonjun has a cameo to pay homage to the original cool it!, ignore time stamps cause i was lazy lol, lmk if i missed anything!
FEAT! the rest of nct dream, yangyang + xiaojun + hendery from wayv, chaewon from le sserafim, sumin from stayc, mingi + the rest of the ateez ‘99 line, and yeonjun from txt
SUMMARY! you’re not exactly the best barista at zhong coffee, but for some unknown reason (his massive crush on you), mark thinks you can do no wrong. sick and tired of his favoritism and your lack thereof due to absolute obliviousness, your coworkers are determined to fix this problem. asap.
STATUS! completed!
BEGINNING! june 1, 2023
END! august 31, 2023
MORE! HELLOOOO im back bffs 😵 did u miss me??? i have a quick little disclaimer for u guys so i don’t get accused of stealing 😻😻😻🫶
thank u so much to rina my bff bestie soulmate for giving me the rights to recreate cool it! and sort of bring back such a fun smau </3 i’ve been working on asap! for quite some time now, between work and school, and i’m so excited i can finally share her with all of u 🫶 i do plan on going back to all my works that are on hold (including my 1k event LOL) but i was sort of burnt out for a while which is why i did all this in absolute silence 😋👍 anyway!! i hope i did her justice <3 send an ask to join the taglist!!
PROFILES! mark’s biggest haters | espresso patronum | the rest of chenle’s coffee maids
ONE! please no tweeting on the clock, y/n!
TWO! manager zoned is crazy
FOUR! go work at mcdonald’s or something
FIVE! common chenle L
SIX! i always knew u were a furry
SEVEN! call me karen from mean girls
EIGHT! mark antis 1 - mark 0
NINE! the best ever (1.1k)
TWELVE! i don’t owe u shit freeloader
THIRTEEN! force and sheer determination
FOURTEEN! yoooo mark how it be? what it do?
FIFTEEN! pick me choose me
SIXTEEN! lunch break (499)
EIGHTEEN! hey guys this is god
NINETEEN! i will force his hand into a blender
TWENTY! chocolate croissant (841)
TWENTY ONE! #xiaojun_out
TWENTY TWO! grinders and coffee beans (951)
TWENTY THREE! what is a marky/n
TWENTY FOUR! shaking shivering sobbing
TWENTY FIVE! every summertime (1.08k)
TWENTY SIX! worlds worst barista. fired.
© yeonjunszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
Guys…i cried even more akhfkahd
dude, but like romantically
Characters: Mark Lee & female reader
Setting & genre: college au, friends to lovers, ‘and they were roommates’, slice of life, fluff, comedy
Summary: You expected nothing but stress from your last college semester, so when Mark Lee came along and called you dude, you had to re-calculate everything.
Warnings: semi-typical college parties, alcohol consumption, Mark is precious (#SoftMarkLeeHours) and a funny drunk, he also ruins eggs like a pro, slow burn, stressing out your friends with your obliviousness like it was graded, i know nothing about basketball and it shows, includes discussion about the stress and uncertainties of being a senior at college, bunch of nct and 99-line cameos
Words: 10k
Author’s note: this in no way tries to represent korean universities’ last semester since i wrote it based on my own alma mater. the whole thing actually started because Johnny said Mark plays the guitar shirtless in the dorms
This is dedicated to @restlessmaknae because I thought a college au with a 99-liner would be quite fitting today. Congratulations on officially graduating! <3
Mark Lee was a friend of a friend.
Sure, you had seen him around before. You had known of him just like anyone else who wasn’t living under a rock during their college years since he was not only a player of the university’s basketball team (Go Eagles, the crowd would cheer enthusiastically) but he was also part of Johnny’s crew which meant he was at every social get-together this campus had seen.
So yeah, you had probably run into him at some party, maybe even clinked your shot glass to his once without caring too much about who sat at the table, maybe bumped into him on the corridor of the apartment complex close to college where most of the residents were students you knew hence where half of the house parties you had attended had taken place. You had heard that he was a funny drunk, that he had the most random philosophical questions at 2AM in the morning, that his history with eggs had gone deep (whatever that meant, you didn’t dare to ask) but most of all, that he was overall a nice guy. Nobody had ever breathed a bad word about Mark Lee, so that was the only reason why you were contemplating on agreeing to this ridiculous idea despite not even knowing the guy.
“Come on, it’s not like you have to move in with him until you go to retirement. You need a place to stay and he needs a new flatmate to share the costs with. I’m pretty sure he would be down for a short-term stay too,” Johnny pushed the plate of snacks towards you as if he told you to stop moping and just take this opportunity that had presented itself in front of you.
“And you’re not saying that only because you feel bad for ditching him for your girlfriend?” you raised a brow challengingly which earned you a snicker from said girl.
You and Sohyun had shared a few classes and became quick friends despite her being a year above. It was through her that you had gotten to know Johnny and his broad friend group at all. The couple decided to move together now that Sohyun was about to start her masters and that left Johnny’s old flatmate alone.
“Well, it’s not me crying over my French fries in a diner because I have a shitty landlord kicking me out, am I?” Johnny retorted and you knew he was right.
You needed a solution and you needed it quickly because your landlord apparently got the offer of the century and would sell his apartment to some big corporation to build an office there. You got exactly two weeks to move out and you had already spent one panicking. At this point you really just needed a place to stay until you figured your shit out and found a proper place to live because the new semester was coming up quickly.
“I hate it when you’re right,” you muttered under your breath, sipping on your shake with a resigned sigh.
“Then you must hate me a lot. Don’t worry, Mark is a great flatmate. Just don’t ask him to cook for you because he’ll end up burning the kitchen down or poisoning you,” Johnny shrugged and it made you chuckle until you realized that you were the only one laughing. It must have been a joke… right?
Or maybe not, because the moment you stepped into the flat for the first time, you could already smell something burning. Luckily, there was no smoke or any other worrying factor but still, you froze out in the hallway, toeing off your shoes tentatively.
“Hello?” you questioned in a small, uncertain voice while pulling your suitcase after you.
Mark Lee apparently agreed to you moving in to his empty room without even meeting you before because to quote Johnny ‘yeah, he was cool with it’ which was crazy to you but maybe it was just you, overthinking everything and being paranoid about sleeping under the same roof as people who could turn out to be serial killers. Okay, not to be so drastic but still. You are moving in with a stranger though, so maybe you’re just as crazy.
“Hey!” A boy, familiar enough but not quite, walks out of what you assume is the kitchen with a plate and a huge grin plastered on his face as if he didn’t wear his tee inside out and had bed hair while doing so. His round glasses sat on his nose a bit lopsided but it only added to his casual home-y look.
“Toasts?” he offered the content of the plate in hands and ah, so it was the smell, you note, glancing at the black spots on the bread.
“Uhm, no, thanks,” you mumbled slowly, not wanting to offend him by rejecting his kindness right off the bat but you also tried to keep yourself to Johnny’s advice which for once didn’t seem unfounded. Who let this guy into the kitchen when he could burn even his toast?
“Wise choice, man, I’m not even sure this is good for my health to be fair,” Mark Lee giggled, honest to god giggled, with a boyish smile stretching across his face and bit into the toast anyways before he showed you to your room, mouth half-full with bread.
He didn’t ask dozens of questions like why you were looking for a room, how long you were planning on staying, about your habits like the owners of all the other places you had checked out had done, instead he kept apologizing about the state of the room because he hadn’t really cleaned it since Johnny had left. He even helped you carry one of the suitcases after he put down the rest of his burnt breakfast. He told you about the neighbours (like the scary girl with the barking dog across the corridor and the Chinese students right next door) and house rules about the apartment like the recycling principles and how they had this system with Johnny about taking out the rubbish.
“Not that I expect you to adapt to everything I used to do with Johnny, just you know it seems fair,” he quickly explained, looking a bit anxious about this whole rules thing until you told him that it was okay, he should have continued living how he had done before and you would go along with it. You didn’t want him to make exceptions because you weren’t friends or just because you were a girl. You believed in equality, so you could take out the rubbish just as much as he could clean the bathroom after himself. Mark chuckled at that and nodded with a wide smile before remembering his poor coffee that must have gone cold on the kitchen counter. You told him you would be okay alone, packing out, and you would look for him if you had questions. The boy who had previously said that he was cool with you moving in seemed way too relieved hearing that, so maybe you weren’t the only one worrying after all. It started off well though.
Maybe it was because you had never had close guy friends before – since you only tended to befriend guys through your friends already – but living with Mark was a much simpler affair than what you had thought. You had all these crazy what ifs about boy and girl cohabitation and the awkwardness of it but the first time the boy saw you in your shorts and Harry Potter tee you used as a PJ he was like yo dude, which house would you be in? I’m a Hufflepuff. So maybe it was rather just his personality, making everything nice and casual, so all your previous stereotypical fears about living with a guy had disappeared once you realized your flatmate straight out dude-zoned you.
"Yeah, that sounds like Mark," Mina laughed when you met for the first time since your move in with the boy. She had known him because they had shared a few classes and because she had to interview him after last season's winning match for the university journal. “He is practically friends with everyone.”
And he really was. The basketball team was one thing but you once went to the corner coffee shop together on your way to the campus and he was on first name basis with the baristas then you ran into some upperclassmen who were clearly fond of the boy and he had mentioned so many names and programmes (dinner with Jungwoo on Friday, Ten needs him for something on Saturday then helping Jisung with an assignment on Sunday and so on) only a few days into you living together that you wouldn’t have been surprised if he knew the whole university. He seemed to have a social battery incapable of running out and seeing how easy-going he was with everyone, you were not really surprised when he asked about going to a party together only a week and half into living together. You were actually in the middle of doing your makeup when there was a knock on your door and inviting him in, Mark peaked in.
“Hey, are you coming to Johnny and Sohyun’s housewarming party?” he asked and when you told him that you were just getting ready actually, his whole face brightened like fairy lights during the festive season. “Cool, wanna go together?”
“Sure,” you nodded because you didn't see anything weird in it. Actually, it would have been even weirder if you went your separate ways when you lived at the same place and your friends knew.
Mark disappeared from your door then and came back not much later with a white tee with a funny print and a black sleeveless band shirt, holding them up for you to see.
“Which is better? I mean, I like the white one but I’m a bit afraid things will get out of hands tonight and I will spill something all over it, but it’s not that hot to–”
“Wear the black and put on a jacket,” you decided before Mark could have gotten into his long psychological rants about the subjectivity of body temperature. You honestly doubted he would have gotten cold wearing a sleeveless shirt at a party while based on what you had heard of him, you could indeed see him ruining his white clothes with something sticky and colorful. Mark didn't even question your choice though, just went with it with a thumbs up and you had to admit he looked good in that varsity jacket he had thrown over the tee.
There was no awkwardness in the air as the two of you were riding the subway, unlike what you expected, because Make made it easy to talk about even the ridiculous things. He told you funny stories about Johnny and in exchange you told him how you had gotten to know his girlfriend and once you two had gotten to the apartment, greeted by the hosts with wide smiles, you gave Sohyun the kitchen supplies kit you had brought (and Mark helped you carry with more enthusiasm you would have expected from someone who hated the gym) thinking of the girl’s shock at the lack of proper equipment at their new place. Sohyun beamed at you and nudged Johnny in the side who in exchange offered you two welcome drinks.
Afterwards, you parted ways with Mark, him being swept up by Jaehyun from the basketball team and you looking for your friends. It was like any other loud and fun party, you were pleasantly buzzed but not too much because you knew your limits when you ran into your flatmate later that night again. Or rather he bumped into you, literally, and over the course of the night you had to realize that Mark’s tipsy antics were indeed funny.
“And then… then d’you know what Jeno said?” he tripped over his own words so immersed in the story half of which you didn’t even catch while trying to help him keep his balance. Gosh, being an athlete wasn’t he supposed to hold his liquor better? Or maybe he did, it was just that everyone seemed to push drinks into his hands and he was too nice to reject them.
“I don’t know. What did he say?” you questioned, partly actually curious about the end of the story and partly just to not ruin the mood for the boy. But Mark’s reaction, all wide eyed and genuine, made you chuckle.
“Huh, dunno that’s why I asked you,” he blurted out, looking honestly confused while you not only had no idea what Jeno had said but you didn’t even know who he was.
“Okay, buddy, it’s time to get you home,” you told him and felt like the responsible friend when you had to convince him by promising to buy ice cream because he got all pouty and whiny about wanting to stay because he had so much fun. But you had seen Johnny carry him home before, so you took upon this flatmate duty and left together with him before Mark could have burnt himself (or set something on fire) with the flaming shot he saw Ten making in the kitchen. By the time you made it to the bus stop, Mark stopped whining. Instead he asked you why Johnny didn’t come and you had to remind him that they weren’t living together anymore.
“Oh, right,” Mark mumbled, dozing off on your shoulder as soon as you found a seat on the bus. He looked so cute and peaceful you felt almost bad for waking him up when you got near your neighborhood.
You helped him stumble into his room, preparing painkillers and water for him, helping him take off the jacket he was ready to sleep in before leaving him in his room. You just got out of the shower, ready for bed when you saw Johnny’s text, thanking you for taking care of Mark. The elder might have acted all cool and casual but you got to know pretty fast that he basically looked at the boy as his baby brother, so no wonder he was worried. But lucky for him, you believed it was only human decency to make sure your flatmate got home safely.
Mark though seemed awfully embarrassed by his actions the next day, promising that he wasn’t always like this and swearing he could actually take care of himself. He also insisted he would treat you to something as a thank you and even though you kept saying it was nothing, who were you to say no to free food?
Weeks passed and you eased into this comfortable situation so well that you stopped looking for other apartments. For one, you didn't really have time besides your studies and internship to stress over something like housing and Johnny was right: Mark was a good flatmate and you got along. Other than having questionable attempts in the kitchen, letting his sweaty stuff go for too long sometimes before doing the laundry and occasionally leaving his stuff wherever, you had no complaints. Being seniors and having other things to do (mainly basketball for him and work for you), you didn't interact more than necessary but didn't awkwardly avoid each other either when you ran into each other in the common areas. Instead you used those chances to catch up.
Since Mark was a creative writing major with a music minor and had been in his very last semester the same as you, you both complained about how many assignments they had made you do. If you had to write another English essay about the difference between the USA's and UK’s political system apart from working on your thesis, you would surely throw a fit. But it’s not like you had a choice, so you wanted to start off your morning with something warm to keep you awake through it. However, you didn’t calculate with Mark being in the kitchen, trying to cook. Emphasis on trying because whatever he was making, it didn’t look half decent.
“What’s this supposed to be?” you found yourself asking after setting up the machine and seeing the egg white smeared in the pan, its edges were already burnt while the middle was watery. Mark in his oversized white tee, face still wrinkled by the pillow, sleep in his eyes, turned to you, confused.
“Sunny side up,” he claimed but even his voice had some uncertainty.
“Nah, that’s not it. That’s disrespect for sunny side ups,” you remarked with a smile hiding in the corner of your mouth and crunching down to find another clean pan and some eggs to demonstrate how it should be done. “I don’t know how you managed to make it stick there but you need to add a bit of oil first. Then wait until the oil gets warm but not too hot, so keep the heat low, and then you can put the egg there. When breaking the egg, be careful not to hurt the yellow part. Like this, see? Then you just wait until the white is set.”
Mark looked at you after your totally normal looking sunny side up as if you were a Michelin star restaurant chef and the sparkles in his eyes and his enthusiasm to try it himself were both endearing. Somehow he still managed to mess up his first two attempts but his third was definitely decent at which he got so proud he snapped a picture for his mother.
“You know if you wanna try making new things in the kitchen, you could just let me know and I’d gladly help. I like cooking, so it’s no bother,” you told him while you finished the eggs as your breakfast (Mark insisting that you should only eat the ‘pretty’ ones). Mark sheepishly agreed and kitchen adventures became the first official flatmate thing you share.
The next thing was the movie nights.
It turned out neither of you went home for the autumn break to be able to work on your thesis properly and Mark had basketball practice too but before you could go crazy because of the amount of academic articles you had to read, you needed some time to forget about schoolwork. The boy must have felt similarly because one night, tired already, he asked if you wanted to watch something and that something ended up being the one of the Spider-man franchise installments at which Mark got so emotional he had to sniffle into a tissue.
"It's just so unfair. Why do good, innocent people have to suffer?" he asked you as if you could have ever answered such a philosophical question. Instead, you just offered him some leftover popcorn and Mark seemed relieved enough (or maybe it was his unstable emotional state) to take it with a small, embarrassed smile. It was actually cute that he didn't try to put on a front, acting all cool and manly as if he wasn't touched (heartbroken) by the scene, you liked that he was so open and sincere. Maybe that was why anxiety wasn't eating you up when you felt tearing up a bit later too. You just knew Mark wouldn't tease you with it, you could really be yourself around him. Just as he was his usual self with out of blue thoughts voiced out when the credits finally rolled.
"If you could have a superpower what kind would you want and how would you use it?" he blurted out and it was such a Mark-like question, random and funny, but deep if you really thought about it. So you gave it a thought now because you never really wondered before. You ended up saying something that hopefully would help with your constant overthinking.
"It would be nice to have a hunch whether I would regret a decision I'm about to make. So maybe a 6th sense about the future. What about you?"
"Oh man, I like that one! It's cool!" The boy shot a smile at you when you turned to him, clearly glad that you indulged him with a proper answer. "If I were to have a super power, I would want to see through walls and other objects. It could come in handy to avoid awkward situations or possibly dangerous situations. I mean my eyesight is pretty bad, it would definitely help though," he chuckled and you joined in but mostly because his laugh was so addictive.
After that you kept asking each other if the other wanted to join for a movie whenever one of you was free and somehow you ended up watching either Marvel movies or those thought-provoking drama ones over the weeks.
To be fair, Johnny warned you. You just thought he was joking, just to annoy you. Apparently no, because Mark Lee was indeed playing the guitar shirtless in your living room.
“Sometimes he picks up his guitar and just plays it half-naked,” Johnny had said once and since it had already been weeks since you had shared a living space with Mark without seeing him like that, you had waved it off as a silly joke but Mark just had to prove you wrong.
He looked like he just woken up, his hair was still like a bird's nest and he only had sweatpants on. He had his guitar on his lap and his phone in front of him on the coffee table as he was humming along while playing. He definitely didn't do it on purpose, he probably didn't expect you to be back from your morning lecture so quickly but it was canceled last-minute, so you had to go back if you didn't want to spend hours in the library until your next class.
So there you were, back in the apartment, standing awkwardly in the hallway before reminding yourself to snap out of it. Staring at him was just so rude and so shallow, not to mention it wasn't like you hadn't seen guys shirtless before, it was just surprising because you had only seen him stroll around the apartment in oversized shirts and hoodies. No big deal, really, so you shouldn't have turned it into one.
"Hey," you cleared your throat, getting the boy's attention. "Class got canceled, so I made my return trip worth it," you said, putting down a cup of his to-go coffee from your favorite store on the campus.
"Oh, hey, uhm... thanks," Mark mumbled, visibly flustered, pulling the guitar to his chest as if it could have hidden him, or well, his embarrassment.
It didn't work but you didn't want to make him more uncomfortable, so you just shrugged, telling him that it was no problem and turned your back on him to go back to your room. Later, when you came out again, Mark was already decently dressed, supposedly going out later since he wore nice jeans and a button up over a simple tee. You didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward, not when you felt comfortable around each other in a way you wouldn't have expected from just any flatmate.
"I didn't see you play the guitar before," you commented, curious as you lifted the tea pot and refilled your mug. Sure you heard guitar playing since living together it was inevitable but you knew for a fact that Dejun from next door also played it, so you couldn’t be sure who it came from.
"Ah yeah, I got rusty lately, I need to get back into it. I can play a bit of piano too but I'm better with guitar," the boy admitted sheepishly and honestly, your not musically talented person was already impressed he could play one instrument. So since Mark seemed happy to talk about it, you inquired whether he was practicing for a class or it was just something he wanted to learn and the boy answered with so much enthusiasm! Oh gosh, he was all big movements with his arms, his face expressive as he was talking about this one prof causing most of his sleepless nights and time flew so fast, you only realized you you had to go to uni when your phone buzzed in your pocket, the calendar notification clear over your lock screen.
After that ‘incident’ you didn't catch Mark shirtless much more, mostly because he seemed slightly embarrassed and not because you had any problem with it. It was his home after all, he should have been comfortable, though now that the colder weather creeped in, it probably didn't matter that much either. But now that he knew that you didn't mind his impromptu guitar sessions, sometimes he knocked on your door just to show you something or ask your opinion about a melody he just came up with. You knew nothing about music, so you doubted you were any help but he came to you anyway and you were happy to listen.
You shouldn't have listened to him, however, when he told you beer pong against (samurai) Yuta and (vampire) Jaehyun would be fun at the Halloween party. You didn’t even know why you let him convince you to play with him (okay, it was his pout’s doing) but you were losing at an embarrassingly quick rate. Not only did you have shitty aiming skills to begin with, it didn't help that (Detective Conan) Mark who was supposed to be a good basketball player became a giggly mess with worse and worse aim with every cup of beer you two had to drink.
You had experienced it last time as well but he became very clingy when drunk, so you weren’t exactly surprised how he draped himself over your back, chin on your shoulder just to be able to watch the game in a more comfy position, only to whine at every hit his friends had made. You felt a bit buzzed from the cheap beer by the time Jaehyun and Yuta finished off all of your cups but you weren’t competitive enough to get frustrated over losing a game like this, not even if the guys teased you that they barely got anything to drink with how many shoots you and Mark missed. Your flatmate whined, high-pitched, and you had to admit it was cute how his hyungs babied him even if it was just a ruffle of hair. Small affections like this seemed to make Mark seek more warmth and comfort, cuddling on the couch with his friends just as you excused yourself to find your own friends.
“Hey, girl, where have you been?” Jungeun pulled you into a hug immediately, cheery, loud enough to hear above the music.
“Sorry, I’ve been swept by Mark’s friends, playing beer pong,” you explained, not paying attention to the knowing look the blonde girl exchanged with Jinsook next to her.
“I thought you don’t like beer pong.”
“I don’t, it’s a silly drinking game,” you shook your head but you had to admit, you had fun with the boys. Not necessarily because of the game itself or the alcohol but their company was amusing enough to make up for your dislike towards the silly rules. So maybe Mark was right and you had a good time but before your friends could have interrogated you more about it, you bombarded them with questions and the conversation shifted towards this flirty guy at Jungeun’s dance class and Jinsook’s troubles with her terrible thesis advisor.
After a dozen songs you danced to with the girls and your throat started hurting from trying to speak over the music, it was late enough for you to call it a day and you said bye to the girls. When you checked your phone, you found a bunch of random texts with million typos from Mark and a video of him saying sorry to a door frame after bumping into it as courtesy of Johnny. You laughed hard even though it wasn’t that funny and you decided to look for Mark, but in the end it was him finding you.
“Look, look, look, my tongue turned blue,” the boy stuck his indeed discolored tongue out like a child first licking a colorful lollipop and you raised a brow at him, suspicious.
“What are you drinking?” you pointed at the cup in his hands that held a dark drink and Mark’s smile was innocent as he furrowed his brows, trying to remember.
“I dunno. Hyuck gave it to me saying that it’s blueberry juice.”
Gosh, no wonder his friends liked to tease him so much, he was just so gullible he made it easy for them.
“It's definitely not blueberry juice, buddy,” you snorted, amused because Mark with his tongue poking out, eyes wide full of wonder and dreamy smile was rather cute. Or maybe it was just tipsy you’s thinking.
“Don't call me that,” the boy snapped but it wasn’t harsh at all. Instead, there it was again, his pout and big doe eyes looking at you until you didn’t give in. You sighed quietly because you really couldn’t be mad at him, his actions were way too endearing.
“Okay, Mark, what about heading home?” No response. You tried again. “Markie…”
Mark’s face lit up like Christmas lights, his smile splitting his face in too as he nodded, following you outside of the building. He was telling you a story about the basketball tournaments with much enthusiasm but the moment he spotted a stranger walking their dog, he got super distracted and by the time you got on the bus he was insisting to call his friend Chenle and ask about Daegal. You didn’t know the people in question but they probably wouldn’t have appreciated a call at 3AM, so you bribed Mark into calling them later with the promise of scrambled eggs and soup in the morning. Tiredness must have suddenly hit around that point because you were in the middle of reminding Mark about the trash he needed to take out when the next thing you knew was his head over your shoulder, his light snoring making you smile.
You let the boy sleep one stop more than you should have, so you got off the bus a bit late and had to walk back to your apartment complex. Mark didn’t seem to mind though as he suddenly had enough energy to play basketball.
“Pleeeease, just 5 minutes,” he was there again with those pleading eyes and gosh, you should have really learned to say no to him but five minutes wouldn’t hurt, he was about to get tired soon anyway.
“Fine, 5 minutes. But then I’m leaving you here,” you warned him before following him to the public basketball field you walked past on your way.
Sitting on the bench by the side you realized that you haven’t seen Mark play before despite living together for two months because it never occurred to you to visit his matches. You usually knew when they were because he usually told you when he would be back late. So you knew close to nothing about the sport, you found it impressive that he didn’t trip on his own foot this time. Not to mention, it was pretty cute that he kept checking if you were still there, paying attention. No wonder he had to act extra when you let him know that he only had 30 seconds left.
“This is for you, flatmate!” Mark yelled and at his next shoot he totally missed the basket and hit the backboard instead. You couldn't help but chuckle because he had been so confident and now he was pouting. On the way back to the apartment he kept telling you that he was better when he was sober and you believed him since you had no reason not to.
You felt the boy’s eyes on you while you juggled your keys out of your purse and opened the door for you, not moving until you pulled him inside.
“Cuute~” he cooed at you as he tugged on your Hufflepuff scarf and suddenly, you didn’t know what to say but apparently Mark didn’t expect you too because he had already turned his back to you, walking towards his room.
“Don’t get on your bed like that, you have beer stains on your shirt!” you called after him, not sure if he took it seriously before shutting yourself in your room with a sigh. Yet, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
Mark might have been childish and reckless when he drank more than he should have but overall, he was a pretty dependable guy. He never forgot when it was his turn to get the groceries or clean. He was considerate of your sleep schedule even if his was crazy sometimes. He got you your favorite green tea even if he hated it and complained about it smelling like grass. Not to mention, he was there for you when you fell sick at the worst possible time. Two weeks until your thesis deadline and fever decided to hit then. You were a shivering, aching mess, barely having enough energy to go out to the bathroom and Mark, the sweetheart he was, made sure to refill your tea and water mugs in the room, setting up the humidifier in the morning and he even offered to make you some easily digestible food.
“Please, don’t burn the kitchen down,” you pleaded, tired but with a weak smile.
“It’s just soup,” Mark huffed out, taking no offense as he disappeared off to cook. While he was away, you must have dozed off because he was back way too quick and the air was already filled with delicious smells.
“Eat up. I promise you’ll feel better if you don’t sleep on an empty stomach,” Mark spoke up, patiently waiting for you to sit up before giving you the tray with the bowl and a spoon. You tentatively ate a spoonful of the hot soup, painfully aware of the boy’s eyes on you. When you gulped and reached for another spoonful, Mark leaned closer, his doe eyes wide while watching your expression. “Is it good?”
He sounded nervous and you felt like chuckling..
“So good,” you admitted, letting the soup’s warmth spread all over.
“Thank god, I followed Jaemin’s foolproof recipe step-by-step,” Mark let out a relieved sigh and probably because you were sleep-deprived, tired and sensitive, you felt tearing up. Last night when you struggled through hours alone, not wanting to wake him, you felt really weak and alone but now there he was, caring for you. You didn’t expect him to, he offered willingly and it made you feel touched.
You ate the soup diligently and followed Mark’s advice on trying to get some actual sleep afterwards. Your limbs and head still hurt, so it wasn’t easy but you didn’t wake up shaking and shivering this time. Your fever went down or so it seemed but you felt sticky and gross all over, so you took a shower and tried to make yourself look presentable even if Mark had seen you much worse before knocking on his door.
“Hey.” His smile was so soft, so caring as he turned to you right away. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better,” you shot him a shy, grateful smile. “I just wanted to thank you and ask if we have more of that soup.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll bring some–” Mark stumbled onto his feet no matter how much you protested that you could do it on your own if he just told you where he put it.
You followed him to the kitchen despite his objections and there, you suddenly understood why he didn’t want you there. The kitchen counter was a mess, the sink had a cooking pot with burnt marks on the bottom in it
“I didn’t want to wake you up by cleaning up,” the boy scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and even though you normally disliked messes like this, it was different. He was considerate and sweet, trying his best instead of ordering in even if cooking wasn’t his forte, you appreciated it a lot.
“It’s okay,” you smiled and heated up some more of the soup before settling by the dining table with two blankets over your shoulders while Mark put the kitchen back into its original shape. You almost finished with your bowl, swallowing down each tasty bit of it by the time he sat across you, a smile tugging on his mouth.
“So cute,” he blurted out when he saw you all bundled up and his words could have been teasing yet they sounded fonder than anything else. If you felt heat rising up in your cheeks, you blamed it on the fever.
“Not cute, I’m still sick,” you whined but you could hardly blame the way your heart skipped a beat on your sickness when Mark reached over the table to put his hand over your forehead in order to check your fever. Maybe you should have got that checked out though, just in case.
After recovering, you spent the following two weeks worrying about every single thing in your thesis – like what if someone will excuse you of plagiarism because of a weirdly worded phrase, what if the formatting is totally off and you will end up losing way too many points or what if the judge will simply dislike your topic and evaluate it negatively? – but once you handed it in, there was no way back and you refused to even think about it until you had the results. Mark finished up pretty last minute (but with two majors, it was still impressive that he didn’t faint out of fatigue at one point) but once both of you had this rock off your chests, you celebrated with ice cream. Eating it out of the tub on the living room couch made you nostalgic.
“Do you ever wonder if things will change after graduation? Like you know, the big adult life… Sometimes it just scares me. I still feel like a kid not knowing a thing,” you spoke up, not ashamed to talk about such things in front of Mark. You knew he would have never judged you for thinking in a certain way.
“Really? But you look… so well put together, like ,you know, someone who has their shit together, knows what they want and stuff,” the boy gaped at you, surprised at which you let out a small, embarrassed sound which made him continue. “But yeah, I get that, man. Like I might pay for my own stuff but still. I don’t want to grow up yet.”
Being young adults in your early twenties there were so many expectations thrown at you by family, friends and society, it was almost impossible to meet them all. It was nice that someone else understood it, your concerns but not in the YOLO kind of way but he actually took it seriously. He encouraged you when you told him about your worries about regretting your choice of major later on, and how you felt about the job market. In exchange, he told you how afraid he was drifting apart with his friends after college won’t give them a reason to meet up frequently. Or that he would miss playing basketball once he wouldn’t be part of the team.
“Maybe that’s why I’m so nervous about the game on Friday. Honestly, I don’t even care if we win or lose, I just want to give it my all and have fun. It will be my last time with the whole team after all,” he confessed, mixing the melted ice cream with his spoon.
You were sure nobody would stop him from going back to practices since all of the guys seem to adore him. You had seen that buff guy, Jeno, get flustered when Mark had bought him pain relief patches. Or how that tall freshman, Sungchan, went all ‘hyung, you didn’t have to’ when Mark treated him to a meal in-between classes. Mark really cared so much about the people around him and he probably didn’t even notice but you were sure everyone would miss his presence. You sure would. So you told him all that, determined to reassure the boy but you just ended up getting flustered yourself as you watched his ears burn red.
“Khm… actually I wanted to ask you if you would like to come to the game? You know, to show you that I can actually play,” Mark laughed awkwardly and even though you had never really been the sports kind of person, after that drunken mishap of his on Halloween you were actually curious about how he was on the field. Plus you would have never said no to an invitation to the season’s last game which was so important for him.
“Sure. Should I do anything special? You know those war marks on cheeks or something like that? I don’t know how basketball games work around here and I don’t think I have anything in the uni’s colors,” you admitted and you were ready to ask Yuqi what she usually wore in case Mark wasn’t helpful and said whatever or ‘you don’t have’ but he did none of that.
“I mean, you can wear my extra jersey,” he blurted out the offer and even though it was supposed to be nonchalant based on his casual tone, the way he avoided your eyes made it endearing.
“Okay,” you answered softly and Mark’s eyes widened as he looked up at you in disbelief.
“Okay?? I mean, yeah, okay, cool,” he muttered, stuffing his face with more melted ice cream and you could barely suppress your smile, heart beating as if you just ran after the bus.
You weren't exactly sure when this thing between the two of you started shifting. Or maybe it was just your perspective but lately you had been catching yourself noticing things about Mark you haven’t before. Like those adorable moles on his cheek and neck, the way he squinted sometimes even with his glasses on, that crooked smile of his when he found something amusing or that he always wore hoodies so big, the sleeves were too long even for him. You got fond of ridiculously mundane things like him slipping into English mid-sentence, slapping people around him when he laughed so hard or that he just couldn’t shut up during movies. The number of things he did that made your heart flutter became alarmingly high as well when he started covering you with blankets or his sweaters during movie nights, letting you fall asleep on his shoulder in the living room and instead of waking you up, he suffered a neck pain the next day without complaint or singing you songs as lullaby when you couldn’t sleep. Add giving you his freshly washed jersey to the list as well.
Yuqi was the first one to point it out as you were getting ready for the basketball match. She helped you style the jersey, tucking it inside black jeans and making a high ponytail out of your hair to show off the Mark 02 written on the back.
“Do you like him?” The girl asked, straightforward as always and you blamed the yelp you let out on a particularly harsh movement of the hair brush.
“I… is it that obvious?” you asked, bashful, because you felt like it was useless to deny in front of Yuqi. She snorted, raising an eyebrow before grabbing an eyeliner off the table, ready to attack you.
“You do realize only you find even his dumb jokes funny, right?”
“What, why? He’s hilarious!” you protested, really thinking so, and the girl laughed as if she just proved a point.
“Don’t worry, it’s cute,” she reassured you and before you could have asked what was so cute, your crush? she ordered you to close your eyes and let her work her magic.
So you did, feeling blush creeping on your cheeks under the thin layer of foundation she applied. Smokey eye shadow, pink lip gloss and lilac-gold lines over your cheeks later, Yuqi said you looked so good Mark would be stupid to not feel lucky. Honestly, you weren’t so sure about that since you knew Mark didn’t care about looks that much and actually it wasn’t your appearance that made you feel uncertain around him. It’s just… he was so casual and friendly with everyone, you weren’t sure whether he would have acted like this around every girl he ended up living with or you were a tiny bit special and you didn’t want things to become awkward between you two if you misread the signs and he didn’t feel the same. It could have made living together very uncomfortable.
An hour later you arrived at the basketball field of the campus and feeling a little out of place, you just followed Yuqi and joined some other friends in the standee area. You tried not to feel all too conscious of the eyes on you, or rather on the shirt you wore, and just hollered when the Eagles made their way onto the field and the game was starting.
It was crazy, the buzzing adrenaline of everyone around you, the way people grunted together in disappointment or cheered in unison when a team scored a point. You still didn’t really get the rules or why certain shoots meant more points than others but you had fun. And of course, you couldn’t stop looking for Mark among all the players, being impressed by how fast he moved and how precise his shots were. He was indeed better than that one time you saw him play drunk. You got so invested that you couldn’t stop screaming, encouraging the boys towards the end of the game. You jumped into Yuqi’s arms, hugging her for dear life when Chenle scored the winning goal, everyone attacking the freshman (with hugs and love) on the field.
The players were quickly ushered to the changing room, so you had no chance to talk with Mark but since basically everyone from your university in the audience ended up at Jaehyun’s for the after party, you believed you had a good chance to do so there. But before you bumped into Mark, you managed to run into Ten instead. The Thai guy was one of Johnny's best friends and then he was giving you such a knowing look that you couldn’t help but feel self-conscious under his gaze.
“Sooo did Mark finally tell you?” he raised a brow, sipping on his suspiciously orange-looking drink as he pointed at your outfit.
“Uhm, tell me what?” you muttered, dumbfounded and Ten just laughed, waving it off.
“Nothing then. Have fun!” he winked and walked away with such a shit-eating grin that left you even more confused. He was barely out of sight when Mark showed up by your side.
“What did Ten hyung want?” he asked, visibly concerned, which was the last thing you wanted him to do. He should have been happy, celebrating, because from what you had seen he gave his all for his last match with this team just like how he wanted to do.
“I don’t even know to be honest,” you let out a laugh, turning towards the boy by your side and you took in his look with the ripped jeans and the turtleneck. Gosh, even his hair was fluffy because he must have washed it after the match. It was a good look on him, soft but mature. Mark was looking at you with similar awe in his eyes, a smile tugging on his mouth.
“You really came.”
“I told you I would,” you reminded him with a kind smile. Then you remembered that you wanted him to know that you appreciated the match too and that you found his basketball skills impressive, so you added: “You were really good back there.”
“Thanks,” he smiled sheepishly and cleared his throat. “You look pretty. I mean… you look pretty in general, it’s just… you look different.”
It wasn’t like you never had received a compliment from the boy because he had this habit of calling every living and breathing creature cute but it was different, you could tell he didn’t mean to play it off coolly either.
“Thanks, it’s all Yuqi’s doing,” you admitted with a chuckle, fighting the heat in your cheeks before Mark asked if you wanted to dance maybe. You didn’t even hesitate before agreeing and followed him to the dance floor, not caring about the mainstream music or the stares you two got, not when Mark giggled into your ear when he almost tripped in his own foot because someone elbowed him in the side.
Mark and you spent almost the entire party together after that, just dancing and talking out on the balcony with your drinks in hand, or playing classic card games with friends. By the time the party died down and it was time to leave, both of you were still pretty much sober, so the walk back home promised less chaos than the ones before.
It was a chilly December night, big coats, scarves and beanies on both of you but you were still cold, damn those gloves you forgot to put on! You blew warm air onto your palms, rubbing them together to keep them warmer and the movement caught Mark’s attention. He didn’t wear gloves either but he didn’t even hesitate reaching for your hand and still holding it, shoving it inside his puffy coat’s pocket together with his.
“Yeah,” you whispered, breath caught in your throat, heart overworking.
Hand holding or not, you decided it wasn't the right time to tell Mark how you felt, this was no time for extra pressure. You both still had final exams to prepare for and you knew he would go home for the holidays. You could tell him after that.
Before Mark left for the winter break, you made him his favorite meal and gave him the personalized guitar pick with his name and basketball jersey number on it as a Christmas gift. It was barely anything yet he thanked you dozens of times and hugged you as if he didn't want to let go.
You visited home for the festive days too but because of your internship you were back in the capital in no time. Mark stayed home longer, texting you throughout the days about the most random things (how his mom made him eat so much, his brother’s nagging or the shows he watched with his dad) but the apartment was so empty without him. One day you ended up inviting Sohyun over for lunch and as a package deal, Johnny came, too. It turned out very unfortunate for you because out of all the people out there, he was the one person you couldn’t fool when he pointed at what you wore.
“Isn’t that Mark’s plaid shirt?” his lips curled upwards as he asked, mouth in an annoyingly knowing smirk.
You could have said that it got mixed during laundry but that still wouldn’t have explained why you actually wore it when it was a bit big on your frame. Honestly, you just got so used to Mark covering you with his clothes, it felt almost natural picking it up from the couch where he had left it and putting it on when you got cold earlier.
“And aren’t you hungry? Then stop asking unnecessary questions,” you snickered which made your friends laugh and tease but you knew they didn’t mean anything bad about it. They cooed when you got a text from Mark that made you all smiley. Johnny even prided himself in being a great matchmaker which was a pretty far stretch but you just rolled your eyes at his antics. Maybe you wished he was right, too.
It was a few days into January when Mark got back. There were snowflakes in parts of his hair that weren't under his beanie but his smile was warm as he complained about the cold. You offered to heat some dinner up for him while he unpacked and could barely contain the feelings spreading all over you as he claimed that 'you are the best'. So you put some pasta you made earlier into the microwave and set the table, waiting for Mark. When he got back to the kitchen, he told you all about his holiday and his ride back over his dinner as if he hadn’t texted every hour but you appreciated it, so in exchange you told him about your days and how the internship place offered you a long-term position. Things had started falling into place despite the uncertainties and doubts you still had but it was natural, you were still young, you didn’t have to have it all figured out.
After dinner, you were about to suggest a movie but Mark beat you to it.
“I know it’s late, but actually I brought you a present,” he spoke up suddenly, sounding nervous as he tilted his head towards his room. It already made your heart beat like a drum.
“Oh come on, you didn’t have to just because I–” you protested but still followed the boy into his room.
“I wanted to,” Mark interrupted you gently and handed over a clumsily home-wrapped (so cute!) box he pulled out of his suitcase. You took it curiously and started unwrapping it carefully. The box revealed your favourite brand of chocolate and an old-fashioned cassette with your name written on it with a marker. You suddenly remembered watching an old movie from the 90s when you had told Mark how lovely you found the idea of mixtapes on cassettes because of the effort put into them, but you didn’t think he would remember that.
“I don't even have a cassette player,” you said dumbly, not knowing how to react suddenly and at that Mark let out an awkward little chuckle.
“Oh right, I was supposed to share the Soundcloud link with you,” he realized and after a few clicks on his phone you felt yours buzz in your pocket. “You told me you like to listen to me singing, so I thought I could record these for you to listen to if you, you know, wanna hear some but I can’t be there.”
His explanation was just so him, so lovely, just as the caption of the track he shared with you – songs that remind me of you. You might have been oblivious and uncertain when it came to Mark Lee, everyone’s best friend at college, but there was nothing platonic in the way he patted the bed beside him to get you to sit down and once you did, he put earbuds in for you to listen to the mix of English and Korean love songs he sang in his soft, airy voice. Your heart was struggling against your ribcage as he filled all your senses: his voice singing, his eyes on you, his warm closeness…
The playlist ended with an embarrassed giggle, so Mark-like it made you smile right away. You were glad he didn’t edit it out because it made it more real, more special because of how not staged it was. You wanted to say so much and ask even more but looking into the boy’s eyes, you suddenly couldn’t form any word. It felt like you were in a sweet little bubble in his room and for a moment you wondered whether you were dreaming, dreaming about Mark coming back home, to you, looking at you like that. But it wasn’t a dream.
“It’s… I love it, so much,” you pressed quietly but genuinely. You were afraid you would break this bubble if you said more, or if you spoke louder. You just wanted to stay there, so close your knees bumped into each other.
“I’m glad,” Mark said back in a hush, a chuckle hanging off his lips, words tasting delicate with anticipation.
There was serendipity in the silence that followed. It was in the way Mark’s doe eyes blinked slowly, the way you inhaled sharply or the way he tilted his head, leaning closer ever so slowly. Your eyes fluttered closed right before his lips touched yours for a chaste but heart-shaking moment. It was short but offered enough of a reassurance, just as much as his searching gaze when you opened your eyes slowly after he pulled back a bit.
“Mark…” you whispered, his name tasting like something sweet on your tongue and for a moment, the boy looked distracted. At your voice, he blinked.
You looked deep into his warm brown eyes, serious before you let your lips curl up.
“No more dude-zoning, okay?” you asked, half-sincere, half-a-joke, and Mark laughed so hard, he almost fell over and out of the bed. It was the kind of sound you wanted to hear so much more often. Even more so, you wanted to make it happen: to make Mark happy.
“Okay,” he promised, breathless, and sealed it with another kiss on your lips, his hand finding rest over your nape. You smiled into it, content.
“Mom, come on, we will be late,” Mark whined as he tugged on his robe, squinting against the sunlight.
“Just one more. Stand closer,” the woman instructed and gestured for you to step closer to Mark and you giggled as you pressed up against your boyfriend’s side, a blushing creeping onto your cheeks even now at the public display of affection.
Neither of you with Mark were big fans of PDA, liking to keep your relationship mostly private save for hand holding whenever you had a chance to do so but your friends kept pushing you, teasing you, saying that they did not believe that ‘you finally came to your senses and got together’, their words not yours. Johnny definitely claimed credit as the main matchmaker but Yuqi kept arguing over it. You didn’t mind, it only showed that they cared and were supportive and only that mattered.
“Perfect!” Mark’s mother exclaimed with a proud smile as she looked down at the photo she just made. Her husband reminded her that all of you had to get back to the hall for the actual graduation ceremony before you would miss the point of it all but you couldn’t mind the woman’s enthusiasm at all as she pulled you into a half-hug as she showed you the picture. She had been the sweetest from the moment you were introduced as her son’s girlfriend. (‘Actually I had a feeling. He was glued to his phone all winter break,’ she shared with you with a smile that made you feel welcomed like a partner-in-crime.)
You waved at your own family who already took their seats and laughed at the tissues your mother prepared as your sister pointed out jokingly. Then suddenly you were surrounded by friends from your grade, excitement clear on all your faces.
“Let’s get it,” Mark hollered beside you as everyone was ushered into the big hall.
The graduation ceremony might have sounded boring but it was the end of an era and you were all so ready for the next one. You were a bit scared, yes, but that was okay, as long as you had good people around you nothing could go too wrong and looking around – at Guanheng and Dejun making funny faces for selfies, Wooyoung pulling on the tassel of Jungeun’s cap, Mina trying to shush everyone before the dean would do so and Mark staring back at you with a fond smile – you knew you were in good hands.
And They Were Roommates
Summary: After a semester of living with your best friend you end up having to move in with someone who is the complete opposite.
Your procrastination caught up to you as the semester ended with the final exam of your physics class. While this meant the stress of school and it’s workload was off your shoulders you still had to figure out your housing situation for next semester. You spent this semester with your friend, Mark, who let you stay at his place for two whole semesters until time snuck up on you and you realized you were going to have to find a place to stay for next semester in four weeks. Posts online sold short as the fear of running out of time snuck up to you and you resorted to the only thing you knew.
“Please let me stay with you another semester.” You whined, plopping down on his mattress next to his desk where he was currently preoccupied with video games on his monitor and headset. He turns the mic away from his mouth so the gamers don’t hear him speak.
“Y/n I told you I'd be able to help you for a semester and you swore you’d have it all figured out by then.”
You groan lulling your head back before you sit up straight again to explain your case before you hear Mark yelling at the monitor’s screen.
“Bro what the fuck?” He shouts, vigorously moving his thumbs across the controller to make up for his loss but it obviously fails as his arms go slack and he’s powering off the monitor before turning to look at your brooding.
“I was gonna figure it out but then I got swamped with finals and I finished my last one still thinking I’d find something online but now it’s four weeks until next semester and I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” You pout looking at the ground as Mark’s palm meets your sweatpant clad thigh rubbing it to console you as he peers into your eyes with a comforting grin.
“Look for another week and if you still can’t find anything I’ll hook you up with something.”
You inflate at his words, a smile spreading across your lips.
“Yeah.” He nods as you squeal, getting up to give him a tight hug as he groans in surprise at your tight grasp, still hugging you back nonetheless.
“You’re the bestest ever!”
“If I stop being the bestest will you let me go?” You pull away from him, laughing while he dramatically cranks his neck.
“How are you literally that small with all that strength? Geez.”
You ignore him and fix yourself on his lap, turning your attention over to his monitor.
“What were you playing that had you so riled up?”
Your eyes trail across the numerous apps and games laid out on his desk where his LED keyboard changes colors; fading into one another as the shades transform each second.
“Why? Did you wanna learn?” He perks up at the possibility of teaching you the ropes and various controls along with tricks he acquired from playing for so long.
“I would but I have to go make sure I’m not homeless next semester.” You explain, getting off his lap at once. He deflates at your decline as you shoot him a smile.
“Some other time though I promise.”
Your back is to him before he knows it and you are already out of the door embarking on the journey of fixing what your procrastination broke.
“I’m teaching you how to game before the new year even if it’s the last thing I do!” Mark shouts from his room while you stand in the hallway startled by his volume. Shaking your head at him you don’t respond looking over your options for the roof that you hoped would be over your head soon.
Finishing the last set of hip thrusts promptly you gathered your things and made your way to the exit of the gym. You took the morning to scan out your options which were slim to none since none of them seemed as great as living with Mark for the past two semesters. One offer had a spacious room with the condition of sharing one bathroom but of course the seller charged an arm and a leg for the space. Running low as Christmas was right around the corner and everyone around walked with high spirits to pair with the holidays. Twisting your key around in the door you walked into the house, pulling your shoes off in a struggle before looking up to meet several eyes that lounged in Mark’s living room. Stunned, you wave sheepishly. The boy didn’t let you know he would be having friends over and you never minded most of the friends he had over. Most of them were nice, welcoming you to sit and have a few drinks with them, sometimes agreeing, which led to you finding a friend in one of his visitors. Johnny, philosophy major who made you forget that he’s at the top of his class with many of the sentences his lips allow to slip past them. He’s quick and witty, happy and spirited enough to take you out of many dreadful episodes you went through while attending university.
“Y/n! Come lemme make you something.” You spotted Johnny at the bar waving you over as you complied, walking over to step into the arm he held out to embrace your shorter form.
“Hey, what’s the occasion?” You chuckle, wrapping your arm around his waist in a hug momentarily before leaning on the counter watching him pour stuff in a red plastic cup to soon hand it over to you.
“Finals are over and a little birdie told me that you need housing for next semester.”
Your lips form a line as Johnny makes eye contact with you, craning your neck to break it and look elsewhere to avoid the lecture he’s about to give you for procrastinating on such an important task.
“That may or may not be true.” You roll your eyes looking back at him with a stoic face.
“No.” You counter by putting your index finger up while the man peers down at you with a judging expression on his face.
“I’m going to drink this and we are going to talk about something else.”
His expression softens, complying with your request, taking a seat on the stool propping his long legs on the footrest.
“If you say so.”
A nod in finality is given to him in response and your eyes scan the apartment again, landing on the exception of Mark’s friends that you didn’t mind the presence of. You cringe at the sight of him and perfectly on cue his eyes meet yours. You shoot him a condescending smile, rolling your eyes before directing them back over to Johnny.
“Ahh yes. I forgot to inform you that Jaehyun joined us.” He teases. Your eyes form slits as you bring your cup to your lips.
“No need. We’re all adults here.”
Upon meeting him you knew it was not going to work. Your personality clashed with his when the simplest of topics were spoken upon. Thundering laughter could ripple through your lungs and the sight of him made you stop, adjust and remain quiet. Maybe his piercing gaze made you uneasy or maybe the way his stance never wavered when you shot a sly insult at him. Whatever it is you have no interest in finding out.
“Talking about me?” Jaehyun chimes in, standing next to Johnny. A smug look decorates his stark features, black hair falling onto his forehead perfectly, cheeks lightly flushed from intoxication.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” You nonchalantly shrug him off, sucking your teeth.
You’re encouraged to gulp your drink down and head for your bedroom to shower, no longer feeling the need to be out of your room any longer with him here. His eyes remain on your form, forming slits as he analyzes your body language thoroughly. You are uncomfortable, intimidated, and on-edge even? The thought brings a smile to his face before he speaks.
“Would’ve thought after staying with Mark for a bit he’d show you how to properly greet his guests.”
Before you can form another sentence Johnny switches the conversation, patting Jaehyun on the back as he talks about something along the lines of the plans for Christmas and a New Year’s party but you are unable to make out his words as you stare at Jaehyun practically livid as you feel the hairs on your body stand up. You walk past him to spill the rest of your drink down the drain, his warm body slightly rubbing against yours due to the tight space in the kitchen. A last wish ‘goodnight’ is all you utter before trailing over to your room where you shower and huff out in relief of being away from the highly infuriating male.
You fidget with the controller in your hand as Mark guides your fingers from behind you, shouting profanities at the screen through his headset eliciting a giggle from you as your eyes stay glued on the screen where absolute chaos is occurring which is in your advantage even though you can’t say the same for your opponents who you only differentiate by the color coded dots above the character’s heads.
“Almost there. Press these for me.” His hands direct your fingers to the back buttons of the controller. Graphics flash across the screen, your tongue poking out in concentration as your friend continues his hollering while you remain seated on his lap. Your fingers slide against the buttons once more before the words on the screen signal your victory and you drop the device on the counter to scream in excitement, arms going to wrap around Mark’s neck instinctively. He doesn’t seem to mind since his arms wrap around your form in return. You don’t think you have ever seen him this happy since ever so you find yourself staring at his cheeks that show as he smiles widely, genuinely even.
“If I knew me playing video games made you this happy I’d have done it sooner.” You declare, letting your feet touch the ground before you stand, reaching your arms up to the ceiling in a stretch.
“It makes me happy to see you try new things.” He looks at you with a glint in his eyes making you playfully roll yours.
“Whatever.” You laugh, plopping down on his bed, unaware of the boy still staring intently at you.
Your mind wanders to last night, Jaehyun’s face never leaving your head when he spit the words out at you that hit you like the most poisonous venom. You convinced yourself you were just as tough as him, even more tough than him you’d say but the way he spoke hurt your feelings in a way. When your eyes closed all you could dream about were his dark eyes on you, thinking of the way your skin lightly grazed against his when you squeezed by to dispose of your drink. A shutter crawls through your body at the thought, face contorting in disgust.
“Find a place to stay yet?”
You are interrupted by Mark who you direct your attention towards quickly, pondering over his question. You luckily found a place and had plans to meet with your soon to be roommate today. The space seems like it will be everything you need for a successful and less stressful semester. You did your best to make your room a sanctuary for you. A place where you could journal and rehearse the time away until you had to leave to complete your next task.
“Yeah. Heading over to look at it today actually.” You peer over at Mark who nods at your words.
“Although I am glad you found a space, I may or may not miss you.” He mumbles the last part of his sentence but you hear him clear enough to begin teasing him.
“Aww! So you admit I’m the best roommate?”
His eyes look off into space while his lips pout in a pondering state, “I never said that.”
“Oh but you were thinking it.”
He gnaws on his bottom lip before a smile breaks through on his face.
“If I say yes will I get a hug?”
You catapult towards him with your arms out while he exclaims at the sudden impact of your body crashing against his affectionately.
“I didn’t say it yet!” He screeches at your tight hold.
“Yeah yeah whatever. I gotta head out but I’ll bring us back dinner.”
Gathering your purse from the floor you look back at his satisfied face.
“Oh I love it when you buy dinner.”
His hand rubs against his stomach while he grins down at you who chortles at his expression. You wish the boy a last goodbye before making your way over to the address in your email of what you hope will be your home in the next three weeks.
The traffic withers on your way there, cold wind blowing against your thick clothing as you locate the number that matches the address which you find quickly to your satisfaction, taking a deep breath before letting your knuckles meet the door when it opens before you get the chance. Your face drains of color when you behold the sight in front of you.
His brow furrows at your presence, cheeks slightly red from the cold while a strand of his dark tendrils fall onto his forehead.
“What are you doing here?”
You shake your head to discuss what you came here for.
“I was told to meet my roommate to see the house at this address. Is this the wrong house?” You look at the screen of your phone to check if everything lines up with your current destination and to your demise it does; perfectly.
Jaehyun’s eyes watch as you fidget nervously before he speaks out to you.
“You’re in the right place.”
You shake your head, “But-”
His body moves, expanding the gap to let you into his home.
“Come in.”
Your feet step across the threshold, letting your eyes scan across the place that is beginning to be beautifully decorated for the holidays. Ornaments, lights, and various decorations scattered in the living room.
“I just started decorating today so don’t mind the mess. It’s not always like this I promise.”
You nod, “Yeah it’s coming along really well.”
His nod is curt before he switches gears.
“The room is right around the corner here.” You follow him towards the room he points out. It’s vacant and you can tell it was recently cleaned for anyone that would come to occupy the space. The price is decent and it’s on short notice.
“I totally understand if you don’t-”
“I’ll take it.”
Jaehyun’s jaw goes slack, surprised at the fact you are agreeing to live with him for a whole semester. He knows how you feel about him. Desperation must be through the roof for you, he concludes. His eyes form slits as he sends you a wide smile, tongue poking at his cheek smugly.
“Cool.” He nods.
A final nod is all it takes before you see yourself out of the cozy apartment back towards Mark’s apartment in hopes he’s not home to witness you scream into your pillow.
Time moves on quickly, not sparing any of your circumstances a second glance as New Years Eve approaches and you are standing in front of your vanity getting ready while Mark splays himself out on your bed reading messages from the group chat.
“Rumor has it that Johnny is having an after party.”
You scoff, clamping on your earrings and fluffing your curls out before turning around to face him.
“Party literally started thirty minutes ago.” You slip on your heels before walking over to the body-mirror shrugging at your appearance to then turn to a now sitting Mark.
“Yeah and the drive is half an hour so we should go-oh.” His eyes go wide at your appearance as you intently look at him for feedback on your attire.
“Is it too much?” You pout, thinking you must have gone a little insane when you picked out the clothing hours ago. Mark’s eyes wander over your body, pausing slightly at the swell of your breasts that were pushed up by the top you currently wore.
“Uh uh.” He incessantly shakes his head. You tilt your head at his response which he realizes quickly clearing his throat.
“It looks good I promise.” He declares with a smile.
“If you say so. I’m ready when you are.”
He grabs his keys and you trail behind him to the front door while he explains that he will most likely be parked there for days since he plans on taking an uber home or maybe even crashing at Johnny’s. As you sit down in the car he lets you plug your phone in to play music on the way there eventually resulting in the two of you screaming your lungs out to a song that plays on shuffle ending in laughter as the two of you talk about everything and nothing.
“Jaehyun is gonna be there by the way.”
You don’t know why he feels the need to inform you. His words don’t come out as a warning but you still don’t understand the reasoning behind it. You’re never one to pick a fight; most of the time dancing and drinking while pretty much keeping to yourself in exception of the times that he said something that you were sure he knew would tick you off. Jaehyun wasn’t someone you think you needed a caution sign for, not when you knew how to act according to his presence.
“Okay?” You deadpan.
“You two get along now?”
You automatically roll your eyes.
“I don’t need to get along with someone I simply don’t care for.”
Mark sighs, peering over at you when he stops at a red light.
“So you still hate him.” He says more to himself than you.
“You have to care about someone to hate them. I hold no opinion for him.”
Your tone comes across more defensive than you intend, making you pout sitting back against your seat with a huff.
“But you wouldn’t willingly say you like him.”
“But I don’t hate him..” You counter.
Mark scoffs, not believing you for a second, nevertheless he smoothly changes the subject.
“Have fun tonight though.”
You nod.
“I will.”
“Y/n. I mean it. You’ve stressed and worked your ass off this semester so please say ‘fuck everything’ and have fun.”
He was right. Picking up extra shifts and staying up late to write essays, meeting deadlines while also applying for internships and everything you were pretty much always stressed. Never being told that you were doing a good job by your folks back home made you think that if you drown yourself in your work you will eventually forget about it and by the time you remember they would finally be proud of you. It never did come but you waited for it intently with every phone call you made and received but after years of bleeding yourself dry you eventually got tired.
“For me.” Mark grips your hand from across the console, lacing his larger with your dainty ones. You giggle at his playful tone and warm touch, agreeing with a nod.
“I promise I’ll have fun!”
“For who?” He pouts maniacally.
You cackle at his stupidity, “You! Fucking weirdo!”
He laughs, maneuvering the steering wheel with one hand as his other still holds yours.
“You literally love me.” He speaks with a shitty valley girl accent.
“I literally don’t.” You deadpan ,scrolling through your phone as he pulls up onto the grass of the already full parking lot where you see Johnny attempting to tell guests where to park. Mark rolls the window down, getting his attention with a shout. He’s clad in a button up shirt (the one dads wear on vacation) not bothering to button it up to cover anything as the wind blows his shirt back revealing his shredded torso.
He didn’t.
“You didn’t.” Mark voices your thought, making you grin at how compatible you and him are. Johnny smirks, leaning on the car with his tongue poking out.
“I don’t know what you mean, bro.”
“So you’re unintentionally being a whore?” You tease, leaning forward in your seat after taking off your seatbelt. You get out of the car to properly greet him before making your way inside the house along with him and Mark. You are unaware of the suggestive glances Johnny sends to Mark as he hits him in response, emitting a throaty laugh from him.
“It’s almost the new year, lighten up!”
Mark remains unamused by his friend’s poke at his feelings for you while you are completely immersed in opening a cooler with all your upper body strength which you gladly succeed, celebrating the miniscule victory by sipping from the glass bottle. Your name is yelled as you spot your friend, Mabel, running towards you to pull you into her arms. Her eyes take you in and you can tell she’s well intoxicated by much more than alcohol as excited squeals come from her.
“It’s so good to see you!”
“Likewise. How you been, hon?”
Her hair falls beautifully framing her face as she slurs her next sentence out.
“I’ve been good and you look gorgeous as always.”
Gushing at the compliment you fall into a conversation with her about light subjects, giggling over the way you both start stuttering over words due to the shots you two shared in the midst of your conversation. A song comes on making your faces light up as she tugs on your arm to where everyone else is dancing along to the booming speakers hung up on the wall. Not sure how long you were jumping around with the wild-spirited girl you are taken aback when she pulls you onto the balcony still giggling while she leans on the railing. The sky is black now, stars and the full moon illuminating the darkness just enough that you spot Jaehyun sitting on a bench quietly swigging a beer bottle around in his ring- adorned fingers. Tearing your gaze away you hear someone call Mabel’s name to which she quickly tells you how great it was to see you before running off as quicker than her drunken explanation. The beach is not too far from Johnny's house and you are reminded by the sound of the waves crashing at shore while your mind wanders off to how quick time is moving with you.
Jaehyun takes note of your far off gaze as you stand in your heels and pretty outfit that he was sure he would enjoy pulling off of you. His lips form a smirk at the thought gulping his beer down while you take a seat in the corner opposite of him on the floor exhaling and inhaling sharply craning your neck accentuating your pretty neck and glowing collarbones.
Your skirt hikes up a bit at your position. He envies the way you’re able to blatantly ignore him while he’s calculating what to say whenever you walk into the room, usually aiming your attention towards one of his friends but never him. The universe was rewarding him with the new year nonetheless, all the shitty moments between you and him were long gone. You needed a room and who better than him to help you with your problem? HIs thoughts are interrupted when Mark walks out onto the balcony spotting you as your once devoid of emotion eyes light up at the sight of him.
“Hey! I was wondering where you were hiding.” He jokes while you look up at him with a glint in your dark, starry eyes.
“I was dancing with Mabel but I got tired.” Your sweet voice makes him tense up, making him gnaw on his lip, nearly drawing blood. Your giggles while your Bambi eyes peer up at his friend tugs him into a hypnotic state while your fingers lace with Mark’s and he’s helping you back onto your unsteady feet, your body nearly falling onto him while you laugh at nothing inherently comical.
“Whoa. Someone’s been enjoying the party maybe a little too much.”
You shake your head muttering words of denial as your body gives him the impression that he stands correct. “I’m fine.” You slur incoherently, stumbling a bit causing the hold he has on you to tighten. Jaehyun is on his feet in a split second abandoning the beer that was once in his hand to carry the stool over to you.
“Thanks man.” He has no time to acknowledge his friend as his eyes stay locked on your form. The way you are barely able to hold yourself up on the stool.
“What’d she take?” His tone comes out stern as he directs his attention towards his friend. The inkling crawling up his back raises a sharpness in him at the way you slump yourself on Mark weakly.
“I’m not sure. I saw her make herself a drink and hang out with Mabel a bit.”
He recalls the stories he’s heard about the girl on campus. The base of her personality being the girl who dabbled in party drugs and was sure to share them with her oblivious partner of the night. His thoughts have him staring at you with an empty gaze as he unwillingly rips it from you and runs inside to retrieve a bottle of water that he makes sure is sealed and untampered with before he finds you again, tilting your chin to let the clear liquid slide down your throat, taking the bottle away to let you lean against Mark once again. Your chin rest s on his abdomen as you look up at him with your doe eyes.
“I feel funny.” You whine, rubbing your cheek against the fabric of his shirt.
“Why’d you let her hang out with Mabel?” He's not able to stop the blades that shoot out of his mouth when he asks his friend the question but the boy doesn’t catch the gist of it, stroking your hair while your eyelids look like they are becoming heavier by the millisecond. He shouldn’t feel a pang of jealousy at the sight but he does as he brushes it off and figures it is best he leave you be with his friend on the balcony. The clock is ticking as it is only thirty minutes from the New Year and Johnny is focused on getting his body closest to the most willing girl and Jaehyun would most likely be doing the same thing but he was stuck. Distracted by your smile while the wind blew your hair onto your face while Mark is quick to move it, laughing at something you utter as everyone shouts in victory of entering the New Year and your eyes locked before the treacherous act of his lips colliding with yours occurred right before his misty eyes.
“You promise you didn’t forget anything?” Mark asks you while lacing his fingers with yours. Laughing at his touchy gestures you glance around your room merely checking over all the stuff in your new room for the semester.
“Yes I promise. You double checked before we left, remember?” You smile lazily, before pressing your lips to his.
Funny how a few minutes changed the dynamic between you and the boy but you were thankful for it. Mark brings out the best in you and that’s exactly what you needed in the new year. He melts into your touch as you pull away patting his chest in finality.
“Get going. You’re gonna be late for your shift.”
A desperate sigh from him has you rolling your eyes playfully.
“You're gonna unpack all these boxes yourself?”
“I’ll be of assistance. No worries.”
Your eyes turn to meet his stance across the room, leaned against the door frame, arms crossed while his dimples appear to decorate his grin. Your boyfriend greets him with a nod and crouches down to peck your lips before leaving.
“I’ll call you later!” He shouts, running out of the door as you laugh at him while shaking your head. You begin taking things out of the box, organizing your little trinkets on your desk where you’d be seated most of the semester to complete your assignments. In your focused state of mind you forget Jaehyun is still standing wordlessly at your door until you pause to look at him with an oblivious pout.
“Oh uh did you need something?”
“No, I just wanted to see if you needed help unpacking, you know? Basic hospitality stuff.”
His words come out rushed as you squint at it momentarily but shrug it away before directing him to a task.
“You can take the things out of the box by my dresser. I’m not particular about where things go as long as I can see it.”
He gazes at you intently, nodding at every syllable you utter and you wait for him to trail towards where your finger is pointing. After a few awkwardly silent moments he moves and begins emptying the boxes idly while continuing your task. Half an hour passes when your lips are puffed out in a sigh and the sun is already setting due to the time change. Your head leans on the mattress behind you and you glance over at Jaehyun who’s already staring at you. His gaze does not falter when you catch him in the act, silently resigning subtlety at this point.
“Do I have something on my face?” You quip.
He tears his gaze from you to look at the ground, shaking his head and clearing his throat before answering.
“So uh you and Mark huh?”
You almost answer defensively but calm yourself down before speaking.
“Yeah. Why?”
He shrugs, muscles flexing through the thin fabric of his white tee shirt.
“Funny how you started whatever this is after you knew you were moving in with me.”
Not sure what he’s getting at, you remain wordless.
“I don’t-”
Stunned at how he scoots close to you, gripping your arm before you can widen the space between the two of you as his breath is already meeting the skin on your face before you can stop it. As a last resort you crane your neck to look the opposite way but a hand is stealthy in the act of caging your head by just a thumb and index finger that is pressed on your cheeks.
“What are you-” Your speech is distorted by the effects of his fingers causing your lips to form an involuntary pout.
“Whatever act you think you’re so good at keeping up. Fucking drop it.”
Your heart feels like it plummets to your ass in sheer embarrassment or fear; you are not sure which one exactly when it is possibly a sick mixture of both.
“And using my friend too? You’re more fucked up than I thought.”
A malicious smirk decorates his features and you hate yourself for the way you get the urge to squeeze your thighs together at the heat that resides between your legs. His smirk grows into an eerily wide smile.
“Welcome, Roomie.”
His movements are carefully calculated as he’s close enough for his lips to graze yours, emitting a gasp from you before his hands are off of you and your bedroom door is closing behind him while you remain seated on the rug with a rapidly rising and falling chest wondering what the hell you got yourself into. While you were in the process of figuring it out you have to be sure Mark does not find out about any of this.
Baseball (& Other Disasters)
Description. Everyone admired Mark Lee, starting pitcher of your school’s baseball team and famed ladies man. You, on the other hand, only know him as the boy who broke your dorm lobbies microwave the first time you met.
Too bad that was all it took to grow an embarrassingly huge crush on him.
So when he comes to you, in need of a new baseball manager, how could you say no to that face? (Spoiler: You couldn’t)
Pairings. Mark Lee x Female Reader
Genre. Romance, F2L, Idiots to lovers, Mutual Pining
Warnings. Cursing, An awkward scene of you walking in on the deed being done, suggestive comments, (I think that’s it?)
Word count. 10k …
Note: I had so much fun writing this, sorry if it seems like it moved too fast, I didn’t want it to be too long since it’s been sitting in my drafts forever! Anyways, enjoy and remember feedback is always appreciated <3
Mark Lee is out fifty dollars, a phone bill, and most recently, a baseball manager. And he’s about to pull his hair out, because seriously, who quits right before the season starts? Not to help that he could’ve never seen it coming.
Keep reading
This is so Mark Lee coded:
NCT 127 Reaction: you moaning their name in your sleep
Pairings | Nct 127 x Reader
Genre | smut (more suggestive than anything but some are questionable), fluff
Warnings | SMUT!!! Do not read if you are underaged!!!! Also slight somnophilia.
Word Count | 4.6k
Author’s Note | I did a reaction like this for NCT Dream, but I decided to do the same reaction for 127 just because I thought it'd be fun. I, however, did not redo Mark's and Haechan's because I was simply too lazy too so there's will be the same (I do apologize). Also, I'd like to add that NCT Dream's was smuttier than this one. This reaction is really more suggestive, but there are a few members that get a little more descriptive. I hope you enjoy! I apologize for the images with Jungwoo - Haechan. Dumblr was acting up again and I didn't have the patience to fuck with it.
Tagging | @treasuretaeil @hachanbaecon
Originally posted here
Coming home late was always normal for Taeyong. Being the leader of such a big group, he was always the first one up in the morning and the last to leave schedules. With the new comeback on the rise, he was coming home even later than usual.
Oftentimes, when he returned home, he’d find you awake, sitting on the couch watching whatever came on the television. Recently though, he was coming home to find you already asleep, curled up on your side of the bed, arms encircling a pillow with one of his shirts over it. Tonight was no different.
He was quick to shower and return to the bedroom. It was already 2am and, though he’d not have a schedule until tomorrow afternoon, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. Sleep was necessary for that, and as such, he clambered into bed as quietly as possible, sliding up behind your body and draping an arm around your waist before burrowing his face in the pillow, begging sleep to claim him soon.
However, he was quickly caught off guard when a small noise left you, your body moving slightly against him.
He looked over at you, lifting his head.
“(Y/N)?” he asked quietly.
You didn’t respond and he pressed his head back against his pillow, thinking it was his imagination or just a sigh leaving your lips.
“Taeyong…” his name spilled from your lips in a breathy moan, and he knew he heard it this time.
His cock stirred in his sleep shorts and he pressed his pelvis a little closer to your bottom, pulling a grunt from your throat before you stirred awake.
“Tae?” you asked, voice hazy with sleep.
“Yes my love?” he whispered back in a sultry tone.
“You're sticking me in the ass.”
“I know.”
You could hear the smirk in your voice and you rolled your eyes.
“Practice make you horny?” you asked.
“Nope. You moaning my name in your sleep did.”
Your face heated up and you buried your face in his pillows. You knew exactly what he was talking about, even if you didn’t remember moaning out loud.
“Now, why don’t you tell me exactly what I was doing so we can pick up where your dream left off,” he smirked.
A small squeak left your lips, but you weren’t about to complain.
“Your cock felt so good inside me…” you breathed.
His smirk grew as you rolled over to look at him.
“Good thing I’m hard and ready for you then,” he winked.
Originally posted here
It never ceased to surprise Taeil just how quickly you could fall asleep in any situation it seemed. Currently, you were sitting on a rather uncomfortable couch with your head on his shoulder, snoring quietly in his ear as Donghyuck recording finished the last few verses of his parts, Taeyong sitting at the controls beside the techy. You had fallen asleep somewhere along Johnny and Yuta’s recording sessions and hadn’t moved much since.
Taeil smiled down at you fondly. His shoulder might have fallen asleep twenty minutes earlier, but he’d never dare move and disturb your slumber. Especially when you looked so adorable against him. Even if it was a little awkward with you laying on him in a room full of his members. That awkwardness grew, however, the second a breathy moan escaped your lips.
“What was that?” Mark asked, spinning around in his seat, eyes wide and looking in every direction of the room.
Taeil’s ears tinted pink and he squirmed nervously as he caught Yuta’s smirk in the corner of his eye.
“Maybe you should take (Y/N) home,” he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows and looking all too suggestive.
The pink turn to red and Taeil tried to hide his face in your hair when his blood ran cold.
“Taeil,” you moaned softly, but not quiet enough that the others didn’t hear.
“Oh-ho-ho,” Johnny grinned. “I think Taeil’s right! You should take her home.”
The plan had been for you to go out to dinner with the boys once they’d finished rehearsing, but that seemed to be dashed along the rocks now. The boys wouldn’t be able to stop cackling at your expense if you still went out with them and you’d likely never want to show your face around them again if you found out what happened.
“Take her home, hyung. And, word of advice, don’t tell her what happened. It will only mortify her,” Taeyong’s wise words voice what Taeil had just been thinking and he nodded stifely.
“(Y/N),” he called softly.
You shuffled against him but didn’t respond until he shook your shoulder lightly.
“Hm?” you asked sleepily.
“Come on baby. You fell asleep. Let’s go home and get some more rest,” he spoke as calmly as he could under the suggestive smirks of Johnny and Yuta.
“But what about dinner?” you inquired, biting back a yawn as you glanced up at him.
“Uh… They decided not to go…” Taeil responded, sweating beading his forehead at the lie.
“Oh… ok,” you accepted the answer.
You snuggled more against Taeil slightly before pulling yourself from his warmth and standing from the couch, stretching out.
“Can we go back to my apartment?” you offered.
A whistle left Jaehyun’s lips and you turned to glance at him in confusion before Taeil was ushering you out of the room, shooting a dirty glare at his dongsaeng.
“You know, I had the most amazing dream,” you muttered as Taeil closed the recording room door.
“Oh really?” Taeil deadpanned, eager to get you out of the building.
Originally posted here
Johnny loved going on tour with his bandmates and performing for their fans across the globe, but it was never easy to leave you behind for such long periods of time. While you both skyped most every night, it just wasn’t the same without you snuggled against his chest and no matter how many times Donghyuck crawled in bed with him and cuddled him in the same way, it would never be the same.
When the tour finally ended, he was sad he wouldn’t be performing across the globe any longer, but he was so excited to see you again. As the van pulled in front of your apartment building, Johnny bid goodbye to the members that would be heading back to the dorm, thanking the manager for dropping him at your place, before climbing out, grabbing his bag to haul with him. He didn’t wait for the van to pull off before walking into the dimly lit lobby, casting a small smile at the slightly confused overnight manager sitting at the front desk. He flashed a copy of your key, earning a disinterested nod before heading for the elevator and pressing the button for your floor.
It was late. You’d no doubt be asleep, but he didn’t mind as long as he woke up in the morning with you in his arms.
As the elevator dinged, he got out and walked down the hallway as quietly as possible before reaching your door. He pushed the key into the hole and made his way inside. He left his luggage in the living room, afraid the wheels would wake you, so he opted to store it away in the morning. He stripped off his clothes leaving them laying on the couch and padded into the dark bedroom where you were, sure enough, sound asleep on his side of the bed.
He cooed at the sight, but he passed the bed and headed for the bathroom to wash his face before bed when your sweet voice met his ears.
“Johnny,” you moaned quietly.
It would have been inaudible if there was another noise in the apartment.
“Go back to sleep sweetheart, I’ll be there soon,” he reassured.
This appeased you, or so he thought, until his name was tumbling from your lips again.
He peaked out from the bathroom, raising an eyebrow in confusion until he saw your body writhe and roll over.
“Johnny,” the moan was whiner this time.
A smirk grew across Johnny’s face and any sense of exhaustion immediately left his body. He padded across the floor to the bed, standing over your still moving form and grinned.
“Baby,” he called in a soothing tone.
You stirred but didn’t wake.
“Wake up baby girl.”
This time, your eyes slowly opened, meeting his.
“Johnny? You’re back!” you cried, moving to sit up.
He didn’t allow that though, instead, moving down on top of you, hovering over your body.
“How many times have you called out for me in the middle of the night without me hear to satisfy you?” he whispered softly.
Heat crept up your neck and you turned away from him, but he guided your eyes back to his.
“Tell me, baby girl,” he spoke calmly.
“Too many,” you answered with a small whine.
He hummed, nodding at your statement as he gripped the comforter, pulling it down from your body.
“Let’s start easing your discomfort,” he smirked, bending down to capture your lips in a heated, desirous kiss.
Originally posted here
It was absolutely not uncommon for Yuta to wake up before you in the morning with his dick painfully hard against the fabric of his boxers and a conundrum of either waking you up to help him or letting you sleep.
Most of the time, he was nice and stroked himself to completion in the shower while you slept. Other times, if he was desperate enough, he’d wake you up and ask for anything you were willing to give. Which usually lead to him fucking your mouth.
Today was no different. His eyes opened with the sunlight that bled through the bedroom curtains, his body feeling rested. His cock straining against the tight fabric of the underwear he’d been wearing because no matter how many times he begged, you refused to sleep next to him if he was completely naked. He let out a small groan. It got old being horny and having to make an important decision so early in the day. Sometimes he wished he could just control his dick’s hardness and make things easier. Today, however, seemed to be his lucky day.
“Yuta…” you moaned, body rolling over slightly.
Yuta glanced over at you, eyebrow raised.
“Yes, my love?” he asked.
When he received no response, he rolled over to face you, hand moving to rest on your shoulder.
“Yuta,” you moaned a little louder this time.
His dick twitched in his pants.
“Don’t tease me so early baby, it isn’t nice,” he complained, trailing his fingers along the bare skin of your arm.
Again, he received no response.
He pursed his lips, eyes trailing over your body. You looked asleep but you sure sounded awake. Could you be teasing him because you knew he was horny? Could you actually be asleep? Could you be moaning his name in your sleep from a wet dream?
It proved the latter was the case as your hips suddenly jerked forward, a quiet mewl leaving your lips. The kind of sound that you made only when his lips were attached to your clit.
A smirk grew across his face and he leaned in close to your body to press his mouth against his ear.
“If you like what I’m doing in your dreams, wake up and we’ll make it a reality,” he whispered huskily.
Your eyes flew open almost instantly, lips parted as you took in a deep breath, your body shaking ever so slightly.
“Yuta?” you questioned.
“Hm?” he grunted, raising a teasing eyebrow as you turned to look at him.
“Eat me out.”
It was neither demand nor plea, and while Yuta would usually make you beg for him, he was feeling a little generous this morning.
“As you wish,” he winked, head disappearing beneath the blankets.
Originally posted here
Doyoung’s eyes cracked open blearily in the pitch black room, a scowl adorned on his lips as he glanced at the red letters flashing on the alarm clock. He had no idea what had woken him up from such a peaceful, much needed rest, but whatever it was seemed to have no effect on your figure lying curled into his side sweetly.
He sighed, jealousy at your uninterrupted sleep and the thought of possibly waking you up crossed his mind. However, you were even more cranky than he was when woken up in the dead of the night. If he woke you up for no good reason other than to make you suffer with him, he wouldn’t hear the end of it for the next month.
He sighed, rolling onto his side, careful not to disturb you as he moved. He curled his legs behind yours and draped an arm over your middle, letting out a soft sigh as his body relaxed against the mattress, eyes closing as sleep began overtaking him again. However, right as sleep began knocking on his door, he was roused again by the same noise that woke him to begin with.
A small, breathy moan that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“Doyoung,” your voice whispered.
It sounded odd. Too shaky and breathy to be the voice of someone who’d just woken up, but he answered nonetheless.
“Hmm?” he asked quietly.
He waited a moment for you to respond, but when he was met with silence, he raised an eyebrow.
“Are you awake?” he whispered.
Silence met his ears again and he began to think that maybe he was hearing things when his name tumbled from your lips again, but this time, he knew exactly what had woken him up.
“Doyoung…” you moaned quietly, head digging into the pillow, your body shuddering slightly against him.
Part of him wanted to take you up and kick you out of bed, but he couldn’t deny the feeling your breathy moans stirred inside him. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he let you suffer in silence.
“(Y/N),” he whispered into the night.
No response. Instead, your back arched against his chest and he grit his teeth.
“(Y/N),” he called a bit louder.
This time, your voice hummed in response.
“Wake up so we can fuck,” he demanded.
You groaned in distaste.
“Go jack off in the bathroom.”
“And leave my girlfriend to get off in her dreams?” he asked, voice pitched higher, teasing.
You rolled over, eyes now wide and alert as you gawked at him.
“How did you know that?!” you hissed.
“Well when your moaning wakes me up, it’s kind of hard to miss,” he replied almost sarcastically.
You let out an embarrassed squeak that was silenced as his lips met yours in a piercing kiss.
“Now tell me, are we going back to sleep and pretending this didn’t happen or are we going to fuck until we’re satisfied and then sleep in in the morning?” he asked.
You took a moment to answer, almost as though you were weighing your options.
“Fuck me daddy.”
Originally posted here
Sleep was something that had always come so naturally to Jaehyun that he had no idea what to do as he lay awake staring at the ceiling as you snored quietly beside him. He didn’t want to say he was jealous as you snoozed so soundly, practically dead to the world as your eyelids flickered with whatever dream you were having, but you just looked so peaceful while he struggled to put Donghyuck’s words out of his mind.
“Have any you ever tried 69ing with your partner?” the younger man had asked randomly earlier that day as the members and their significant others had sat down to eat lunch at a restaurant.
When everyone responded with questioning eyes with the exception of Johnny who’d likely educated him on the subject.
“It’s when you both give oral at the same time! Not only do you get to eat your partner out, but you also get to stuff her mouth and gag her with your own cock that she’s practically choking on as she moans! It’s so hot!” he had insisted.
Taeyong had scolded him for such talk, especially at the table, and everyone had sense tried to put it out of their minds, but Jaehyun just couldn’t. Every time he looked at you, all he could see was you choking on him, teas falling down your cheeks as he drove you to your third orgasm with just his mouth.
His body shuddered. Oh how he wanted to see you writhing as you struggled to get him off the same way he got you off. To see you squirm and moan and choke and-
“Jaehyun,” your breathless voice moaned, bringing the male back from his imagination, eyes glancing at your still sleeping body.
Had he imagined hearing you? Perhaps he had, thinking too much about how you’d sound choking on him-
“Jaehyun,” you moaned again, voice stretching out the syllables of his name in a drawn out whine.
He definitely heard that!
“Babe?” he asked quietly.
When you didn’t respond, he kept his eyes on you, waiting to see if you showed any other sign of being awake, but when a small snore left you, he let out a small sigh.
“Wistful thinking, Jaehyun,” he muttered to himself.
“Not so wistful,” your voice answered.
He jumped so hard at the sudden intrusion into his spoken aloud thoughts that he felt as though he’d jolted right out of his skin.
“You’re awake?!” he croaked, heart thundering in his chest.
“Mm.” you responded, resting your head on his arm and glancing up at him, your eyes lighting up in the darkness.
“Did I wake you?” he asked.
You shook your head and he let out a sigh of relief.
“The thought of your cock down my throat and your lips on my clit did.”
He choked on his own saliva, eyes wide. Had you been dreaming about the same thing he’d been thinking?!
“You wanna try it?”
“Hell yeah!” you responded, kicking off the blanket.
Sleep was overrated when you two could be doing much more exciting things.
Originally Posted Here
It had been a long day. Almost unbearably long. So when you both had walked through the threshold of your apartment, Jungwoo didn’t blame you for immediately pulling him to the bedroom and plopping down on the bed, falling asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. Jungwoo, on the other hand, couldn’t fall asleep quite as fast.
With so many exhausting dance practices and constantly moving from one place to the next, his body had gotten used to staying up extremely late and waking up just as early the next morning. In fact, it had come to the point of almost calling himself an insomniac as he always struggled to shut his body down enough to get a few measly hours of sleep. This week off was hopefully going to help with that, but his first night on break was going to do nothing for his sleep schedule if he didn’t wind himself down as effectively as possible.
He stripped off his clothing, dropping them in your hamper by the sink in the bathroom before starting a warm shower and stepping inside. The water worked wonderfully on his muscles and he could feel himself relaxing, his mind becoming hazy as his body slumped against the shower wall.
It wasn’t often that he got the luxury of hot showers. He usually squeezed a shower in after practice after six other people had gone ahead of him. By that point, most of the hot water was long gone and he was left to shiver in the icy, moving in and out as quickly as possible. Tonight, however, the heat felt amazing. So amazing, in fact, that he felt his cock stir. The warmth of the water had, apparently, reminded his dick of your warm, moist walls and how snuggly they held him between them.
His shower ended not long after that. He didn’t bother jacking off. He wouldn’t be able to cum like he did with you, anyways, so there really wasn’t much point. Instead, he dressed in a pair of soft, fuzzy pajamas that you must have laid out for him earlier in the day and crawled into bed beside your sleeping body, casting you a soft smile as he got comfortable on his side, letting his eyes drift closed.
He still couldn’t sleep. But at least he was relaxed and comfortable. That had to account for something. And eventually he’d fall asleep.
“Jungwoo,” your voice mumbled incoherently.
“Did I wake you?” Jungwoo questioned in the darkness, eyes opening to glance at your still figure.
“Jungwoo,” your voice sounded again, except this time, it sounded like a-
A gasp tore past your lips and Jungwoo sat up straight, eyes scanning your body for whatever could possibly be making you make that noise.
“Oh Jungwoo,” you moaned, hips slowly beginning to grind against the air.
Pink seeped to Jungwoo’s ears. Y-you were…
Something in your dream must have snapped you awake because not five seconds later, you were sucking in a deep breath and looking around you, flustered as your eyes met his.
“Nice dream?” Jungwoo choked out.
You squirmed nervously, fidgeting with your fingers under the blanket.
“I-I… yeah,” you mumbled.
Jungwoo didn’t respond. His tongue felt tied to the roof of his mouth as he replayed your actions in his mind, his dick growing harder in his pants the more you thought about it.
“I can’t sleep,” he mumbled finally, breaking the silence.
Your eyes met his again, sympathy painting your features.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” you asked.
“Yes. Ride me,” he answered.
You certainly had no problem with that.
Originally Posted Here
Mark winced when the bathroom door slammed closed behind him. He had meant to close it gently, but as he clung to the towel around his waist, he seemed to have lost his hold on the door.
Nervously, he cast a glance in your direction, sighing when it appeared that you hadn’t even rolled over. It was late and he’d just gotten home. The last thing he wanted to do was wake you up, for a multitude of reasons. One of them being you scolding him for staying out with the Dreamies so late. He just couldn’t help it. He felt like he hadn’t seen them in forever.
He padded across the floor to his dresser to grab a pair of boxers when he heard you shift under the blankets, his name falling from your lips in a whisper.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he called, thinking you were awake.
When you didn’t respond, he thought you’d simply fallen back to sleep, that is, until a breathy moan stopped him dead in his tracks.
“Of fuck! Mark!” you called out, louder this time.
His mouth ran dry as spun around, eyes wide as they scanned your silhouette under the comforter. Your hips were moving, grinding against nothing, your fingers delicately clutching the top blanket as you threw your head back and moaned again.
Mark could feel his member hardening as he watched your body writhe on the bed, caught up in whatever dream Mark was doing. And damn, dream Mark seemed to be doing a damn good job.
“Mark please!” you begged, eyes still closed tightly.
Mark swallowed thickly, now torn between waking you up and fucking you senseless or simply getting himself off and waiting until morning to make your dream a reality. However as your eyes suddenly flew open, his question was answered for him.
“Mark?” you asked breathlessly.
A smirk crawled onto Mark’s face as he sat down on the edge of the bed, hand finding your thigh under the blankets.
“Fuck me,” you whimpered.
He let the towel drop from his body.
“Your wish is my command,” he grinned before diving under the blankets.
He pushed your thighs apart and pressed a kiss to your clit, making you jolt and whine before kissing up your body.
“How about you tell me what I was doing to you in your dream?” he asked, smirking.
You looked away as embarrassment crept up, but he caught your jaw, making you look at him.
“Tell me.”
“Y-you were eating me out, but you wouldn’t let me cum,” you whined.
His smirk only grew.
“Maybe we’ll have to try that next time,” he said before pressing his member into your heat, making your back arch off the bed in desire.
Originally Posted Here
Sleep was hard to come by for Lee Donghyuck. One would think that after multipe schedules with multiple units he’d be completely tuckered out and seconds from sleep by the time he finally got home, which was partially true.
He was exhausted, but he wasn’t sleepy. Not yet at least. After so many schedules, dance practices specifically, he was wired, energy and adrenaline continuously pumping through his veins. It was his hope that taking a hot shower would wash away the energy and allow him to get some sleep, but as he settled into bed beside your sleeping body, he couldn’t keep away the wiggles.
He squirmed this way and that, but he tried not to move so much he woke you up.
“Hyuck…” your voice groaned.
He paused in his movements, stilling completely as he waited for you to chastise his movements and tell him to sleep on the couch if he couldn’t be still, something he was seriously considering, but when no other words left your lips, he just assumed you were sleep talking like you did at times. Except this time, instead of muttering something else incoherent, a low moan escaped your throat, making Donghyuck’s blood freeze momentarily.
When he did roll over, it was to smirk at your sleeping for, eyebrow raised as he waited for more of his favorite sounds to escape your perfect lips.
With another moan, Donghyuck was on you, hovering over your body as if he expected you to wake up any moment and give him that teasing grin you knew would get you in trouble. However, when you didn’t move, your still as relaxed as a sleeping person’s, he sighed. You weren’t awake. But… That didn’t mean he couldn’t wake you up.
Under the blankets, he shifted his body until his hips where between your spreak thighs. No more sounds had left your mouth and, for a moment, Donghyuck almost felt guilty about wanting you, however, as his cock strained against his too tight boxers, he knew he wasn’t about to use his hand to get himself off, especially not when you and your dreams had caused his issues to begin with.
“Babe.” he whispered, lowering his hips onto yours, pressing his clothed member against your underwear-clad core.
You didn’t respond, head lulling to the side.
Again, Donghyuck toyed with the thought of leaving you to sleep, feeling almost like a creep for being on top of you while you were sleeping, but as your back arched and a loud gasp left your lips, it was game over.
“Right there Hyuck!” you moaned out.
“(Y/N) Wake up!” he snapped, admittedly a little louder than he meant to.
Your eyes snapped open, immediately shrieking at the boy on top of you.
“What are you doing?!” you hissed.
“Do you want to continue your dream?”
Embarrassment crept onto your face, pulling a smirk onto Donghyuck’s.
“Do you want to continue your dream?”
With a nod, Donghyuck made haste removing your clothes before pressing himself into your heat, drawing a long moan from your lips as you were finally filled.
Delphinium. part 2.
ao3 | part 1 | m.list
(del·phin·i·um /delˈfinēəm/) is a type of flower representative of spiritual growth and change in flower language.
⇢ please like, reblog, or leave feedback!
wordcount → 23.045k
pairing→ Mark Lee x female reader
description → You should have known that when he said he loved you after such a small act of intimacy, he wasn’t thinking with his dick. Quite frankly, he didn’t know how to. You also should have known that by being his first, he probably wanted you to be his last.
content → religious mark, possessive behavior and jealousy, loss of virginity, pagan reader, a lot of fluff, coming to terms, happy ending, smut obviously, mark falls in love violently and deliberately, all characters in this fic are in their 20s
note → This part is not stand alone; you need to read the first part to understand.
not proof read bc im not about that life.
It’s also a lot less religion heavy since they’d established some sort of thing between each other. In other words, that hurdle has already been jumped over.
tag list → @kpop-crap, @coffee-prince-kyungsoo, @fullsun-dreams, @resceluwu, @fanficbitchwhowriteskpop, @cumtrov3rsy, @97jaehyunn, @ahgastayzen,
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neotherapy (18+)
"Hey, uh... hello? You've reached Neo Therapy Practitioners, this is Jisung speaking!
Oh, you wanted to schedule with us? Sounds good! And who will you be visiting today?"
— Let’s face it, this whole adulting thing? Shit fucking sucks. Working from nine to five as a corporate slave for the next forty years until you’re rendered obsolete isn't exactly what you'd consider a fulfilling lifestyle. Between a ridiculous workload, an asshole supervisor, and an inexplicable amount of failed dates— it’s fair to say that you were one minor inconvenience away from committing arson.
That changes for the better when your coworker refers you to Dr. Lee at Neo Therapy Practitioners. A complex with a multitude of services to provide. Ranging from chiropractic adjustment, to beauty services, to even a practice as niche as aromatherapy? You find yourself dabbling in each of these services to unwind from all the stress, gaining confidence and relaxation in the process.
You unfortunately learn nothing in life is without consequence, however. When you end up in certain "situations" with each provider— you think you may have bit off just a little more than you can chew. But hey, beauty is pain, right?
— scheduled appointments
♡ session 1: step on a crack, dr. lee's gonna break your back!
– by guanana
[ “That’s what I’m here for. I’ll put you right back into shape.” ]
pairing: jeno x reader
summary: After years of sitting hunched over at an office desk and squinting your eyes at an overly saturated computer screen, your back finally gives out on you and decides it needs a break.
Good thing your friendly neighborhood chiropractor Dr. Lee is here to save the day! Small issue though— he’s really fucking hot and he’s got a way with his hands.
status — booked
♡ session 2: paint nails n' get railed!
– by mondaycoffee
[ “So? Do you want that discount or not?” ]
pairing: yangyang x reader
summary: At the suggestion of Dr. Lee, you find yourself setting up an appointment at Yangyang’s Paint-n-Go, Neo Therapy Practitioners’ very own nail bar! However, when you discover just how freaking expensive it is to get a mani-pedi done these days, your tech has an offer that you find difficult to refuse…
status — booked
♡ session 3: wants n' kneads
– by guanana
[ “This would be a lot easier if we kept conversation to a minimum. I can’t do my job properly if you don’t shut up.” ]
pairing: jaemin x reader
summary: The stress of the office has caught up to you once again. In fact, it came back so strong your back gives out ten times worse than before.
As if it couldn't get any worse, Jeno’s out of town. With your trusty chiropractor missing in action, circumstance leads you to the front door of Neo Therapy’s late night masseuse. Jaemin's not the friendliest nor the most talkative, so your utter confusion makes complete sense when his fingers find themselves knuckle-deep in your pussy halfway through the massage.
status: scheduling
♡ session 4: sugar, spice, n' good advice!
– by mondaycoffee
[ “I see her everywhere. She’s the early morning rain, the neglected cup of coffee sitting on the bathroom sink, and kind words from a stranger when you need them the most. I am used to seeing those traces of her, and, more often than not, it is I who seek them. But, when I’m with you, her memory gets the slightest bit fainter and that’s really nice.” ]
pairing: renjun x reader
summary: After your last appointment, you find out the origin of the pleasant smelling oils used during your massage: the handsome Mr. Huang working just across the hall. You discover through research that he’s a popular Aromatherapist in your area, and that he’s known particularly for his expertise in treating work-related stress. Perfect! You discover that he’s the complete opposite of what you had gotten with the emotionless masseuse, Jaemin; he is kind-hearted, gentle, and a wonderful listener. So it’s no surprise that after only a few sessions, you’re falling hard for sweet Renjun—with disastrous consequences.
status: scheduling
♡ session 5: find love, or dye trying
– by mondaycoffee
[ “Dude, watch it! You’re gonna get bleach on my vintage 1987 David Bowie Glass Spider Tour shirt!” ]
pairing: mark x reader
summary: If someone were to ask you if the glass was half-full or half-empty, you’d simply answer by bashing the glass against their head. You were not rolling with the punches, life throwing one thing after another with no signs of stopping. It’s so bad that Haechan finds a whole patch of white hairs forming at your scalp. Entering a quarter life crisis, you make your way to Neo Therapy’s highly acclaimed hair stylist as quickly as possible.
Now enter the eccentric—and painfully awkward—Mark Lee. While he doesn’t know a lot of things, he seems to know just how to fix you up. But while you’re stuck in his chair, you discover that he also has a knack for pissing you off. And what does a sane person do when they lose their cool? Step on a man’s cock, of course!
status: scheduling
♡ session 6 (FINALE): face your fears
– by guanana
[ "You don't always have to do things on your own, you know. I'm always gonna be here for you." ]
pairing: ? x reader
summary: You would think after all of the dollars you've invested into Neo Therapy Practitioners, you'd be much better off than how you started both physically and mentally. That's not the case though— you'd say you've gotten even worse.
After the trials and tribulations you've suffered from at the hands of the dastardly attractive men, you decide it's time to throw in the towel and accept that this 'treat yourself' shtick just isn't for you.
At least, that's what you had planned until you receive a call from the person you'd least expect. And just maybe, it might be what you've needed all along.
status: scheduling
— prologue
“Yeah, the fish was bigger than my forearm! Little prick nearly took me overboard, so you’re honestly lucky to be sitting in my presence today.” Your blind date guffaws, taking an obnoxiously loud sip of his wine.
You tried to be attentive, you really did. It isn’t often that you actually go out on dates, but when one of your ‘girlfriends’ offered to set you up with her “charming and well-mannered” coworker, you decided that it would be good to get out of the house for a while and enjoy yourself. However, this wasn’t exactly what you had in mind. Fortunately it doesn’t take long for you to see this man for who he truly is: a complete and total jack off.
Kevin Moon, on paper, is everything that a woman could ask for in a partner. He has a stable, high-paying job, and he makes enough money for you to step down from your position at the office and take care of the house. For an office man, he’s not exactly lacking in the looks department either, bragging that he works out daily to maintain his physique. When you ask him why he agreed to go on a date with you, however, his answer strikes you as more than a little off-putting. “Honestly??” He traces a finger along the circumference of a dinner plate, not breaking eye contact with you. “I was told that you have a bangin’ body. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed by that assessment.”
Your heart sinks to the bottom of your seat, watching a wolfish grin overtake his handsome face. Of course your friend didn’t say something like ‘Oh, she has an admirable work ethic’ or even a simple ‘She’s beautiful, I think you would like her.’ She has reduced you to the shell you inhabit without so much as trying. You squirm uncomfortably under his gaze, “Ah, I see…” You hum absentmindedly, trying to focus on anything but the man in front of you.
“Say,” He trails a suggestive hand across the table, grazing your own that rests next to your barely touched food. Having opted for the salad as your appetizer after he shot you a rather judgmental stare when you asked the waitress for fried calamari. Remembering the way he had spoken over you, taking on a snappy tone with the young lady. “Why don’t we take this back to my place?”
The logical thing to do would be to pack your things and leave this bastard high and dry. But you did tell your friend that you would give him a chance, that you were ready to get back into the game.
Your mind trails back to your time with Dr. Lee Jeno, your chiropractor who had shown you that there was nothing wrong with casual sex. While you enjoyed it and had gone back for seconds, thirds, and even more– the both of you had agreed that you were simply in different places in life right now. He was much too work oriented to make time for a relationship, and you were in pursuit of something more stable. Agreeing that your relationship held no depth aside from great sexual chemistry in bed.
An index finger traces down your knuckle, bringing your attention back to the man across from you. He tries a bit too hard to flash you some bedroom eyes, looking like he just ate an edible whole rather than looking desirable. Rather than subtly biting his lip, the man was just chowing down on the flesh.
The bar must be in hell. Because in retrospect, the next words that come out in your mouth could’ve easily stayed within the burner of your mind. With a heavy sigh, you decide to throw the dog a bone.
“Sure, let’s go.”
“God damn,” Kevin groans after pulling out of you. Rolling and splatting back flat onto his king-sized bed with fast paced breaths. Popping off the used condom and tossing it into the trash bin near his dresser. “You’re amazing.”
You really wished you could say the same, but you couldn’t lie to save your life. Mr. Moon was subpar, and that was being generous. The man has not mastered the motion of the ocean, and was a two-pump chump at that. Bland, boring, and overall textbook sex has you regretting ever agreeing to a night out with him.
If it was bound to go nowhere, you wouldn’t have had that much of a problem. Never one to set your expectations so high as to not set yourself up for disappointment. But was it really too much to ask for a basic understanding of human anatomy? He couldn’t locate your clit to save his life, and that’s not even the worst part.
You didn’t even get a free meal out of this. The son of a bitch grinning at you cheesily back at the restaurant, shame apparent when he tells you that he’s ‘forgotten his wallet.’
Looking up at his ceiling, you refuse to look him in the eye. You’re especially ashamed of yourself for settling. If you wanted dick that badly, Jeno could’ve easily just fucked you until you literally couldn’t think properly.
Kevin watches you worriedly when you pick yourself up, redressing yourself and patting yourself down. Wordless when you collect your bag from the coat rack. “Heading out already?” He asks.
“Yeah.” You reply dryly when you make your way down the stairs, Kevin following closely with his now flaccid dick swinging with every step. God, he’s shameless.
“I mean, did you want to spend the night?” He clears his throat.
“I’m alright,” Your hand is already on the door handle, ready to head home to cleanse yourself of tonight’s sins. “I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”
“Could I see you another day, then? Maybe Friday night?”
It takes everything in you to not sneer at his audacity when he tries to grab at your wrist. Seeking solace in biting your cheek. If it was up to you, you’d never see him ever again.
“I’m going to have a late night, I won’t be able to make it.”
“Saturday then?”
You blink at him slowly, almost appalled when he doesn’t get the hint.
Oh, brother.
“You know what?” You say, twisting the door handle before taking a step out. Secondhand embarrassment running heavily through your veins when he follows you out, bare ass out for his neighbors to see if they were to look outside. “I’ll keep you posted.”
His lips form into a disappointed ‘o.’ “Uh, text me?”
“Yeah, something like that.” And with that, you were gone with the wind.
You’re late.
That much is apparent as you walk into the private room rented by your group of friends, voicing an apology upon your late arrival. You rush toward the open chair, frazzled as you drape your coat and bag across the top. Nobody found it important enough to wait on you before starting on their meals, save for Yeri who greeted you when you took your place next to her. “It’s really, really nice to see you.” Her voice is sweet and her smile warm, you can already feel your nerves begin to melt away.
“You too, it’s been way too long.” You murmur, pulling her into a side hug. You mean it; out of all of the people in attendance, Yeri was the only person you could truly call your friend. She always made sure to keep you in the loop, extending hang outs to you even when the others hadn’t. “I hope you’ve been well.”
A nasally voice from across the table interrupts your conversation, painted lips pulling into a veneered grin. “Ya-da, ya-da. I don’t know about everyone else, but I for one would really like to hear how that date with Kevin from HR went.”
Of course she would. The owner of the voice, Rianne, sat opposite of you at the large table. She was the one who contacted you about the date in the first place, assuring you that he was the perfect gentleman. However, the triumphant look in her eyes revealed the truth– she absolutely knew exactly what she had thrown you into…and now she wants to hear you recount your failure in front of everyone.
“It went alright.” You take a long drink of your water, swallowing down your pride along with an ice cube or two.
Her eyes were predatory as she watched you swallow, “Oh, that’s lovely! Are you going on a second date? You were all he could talk about in the office yesterday.”
And suddenly you’re choking, water going down entirely the wrong way. “Really?” You manage between coughs. “What– what did he say?”
“He said that you were so eager,” Rianne hid her smiling mouth behind a napkin, eyes betraying her amusement. “You couldn’t seem to keep your hands to yourself.” Your jaw slacks at the audacity, but before you have the chance to defend yourself she cuts you off with a giggle. “I can’t say I blame you, though. He is quite handsome, you make such a lovely couple.”
Fire courses through your veins, “We’re not a couple. He was nice, but I honestly don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now. I don’t have any plans to see him again.”
A few of the girls gasp at your words, whispers erupting from each corner. Rianne’s eyes widen comically, letting out a feigned gasp of her own. “But, you can’t keep waiting forever! Face it dear, you’re not exactly getting any younger.”
You bite down on the tip of your tongue, trying hard to keep from giving her a piece of your mind. Luckily for you, Yeri is there in an instant, hands wrapping daintily around your forearm. “That’s enough, I think.” She reprimands, voice loud enough for everyone at the table to hear over the chatter. Then, she turns to you with a twinkle in her eyes. “Now, who wants dessert?”
The discourse ended just as soon as it began with much gratitude owed to Yeri’s intervention. Now that dessert has been passed around the table and the conversations have taken a better turn, you finally find time to relax. The atmosphere is far lighter, and even Rianne cannot keep from enjoying herself despite her loss. Soon, the attention of the whole table has been gathered, another one of your peers rising to their feet to speak. “As everyone already knows, our very own Yeri is getting married next month!”
The entire room erupts into cheers, Yeri bashfully curling into your side. You remember hearing about that! Her big, shiny engagement ring was the only thing taking up your instagram feed for at least a week. “This is so wonderful,” The same friend gushes. “Let’s hear some more details from the beautiful bride!”
“Well,” The bride-to-be begins, not even bothering to rise to her feet. “The color scheme for my bridesmaids will incorporate the red gowns I have already sent to the group chat.”
“Question, are we allowed to bring a plus one for this event? My fiance is on his way back from France on the private jet as we speak.” One of the ladies interrupts from the opposite end of the table, studying her perfectly manicured nails, trying to bring everyone’s attention to the rock presiding on her ring finger. Shameless. “I need to let him know these things so that he can have his secretary plan accordingly.”
Your eye involuntarily twitches as annoyance courses through your veins at light speed, unsettling your stomach. Of course this was going to be a popularity contest, a dimwitted battle of the dates. What else would it be about? You knew that Yeri came from money, but at least she was humble about it. As for the rest of them, all they care about is their material possessions and comparing the arm candy they’ve managed to secure within the last week. In response to your intense emotions, one of your hands ball up the fabric of your pencil skirt.
Yeri nods in response to her friend’s question, “Yes, plus ones are welcome! Just let me know so we can have enough food for everyone!”
All of the women seem to speak at once, each describing their plans for hair and nails, as well as the various men they’re thinking about inviting to the wedding. You attentively listen in on each of their conversations, trying to gauge where you stand in the midst of it all. To your surprise, it seems as though you’re the only person in turmoil about this. Unlike them, you have no date and you hadn’t even thought about the possibility that you would need one.
Rianne’s voice rises above the chatter, “Yeah, I have a date, too! He’s the sexiest guy in the whole office, everyone wants him, but he wants me.” She boasts, pressing her chest against the table, breasts nearly spilling from her blouse.
Well what do you know, she tricked someone into liking her? Pity. Honestly you couldn’t understand Rianne’s appeal. Sure she’s gorgeous, but when age finally claims her beauty, what will she have left? Certainly it wouldn’t be her winning personality… “--what about you?”
“I said,” Rianne sucks her teeth at your inattentiveness. “It seems like everyone here has a date, what about you?” She cuts you off before you’re able to counter her, corners of her mouth downturned with artificial sympathy. “Oh yeah, you’re ‘not ready for a relationship’ right now. That’s okay, someone has to be there to watch the kids, right?”
Oh fuck no. “You’re sorely mistaken. I said I wasn’t ready for a relationship, not that I didn’t have a date.”
Her perfectly arched brows shoot up, “Oh really?”
Your mouth runs dry, but you try your best to keep a neutral expression. “Well, not exactl–”
“Who’s the lucky guy? Do we know him?” She leans in even closer. Any sign of surprise leaves her face, contempt reclaiming her features. It was well known that Rianne had to get the last word in any scuffle, so it was no surprise when she drove you into a corner. Putting words in your mouth to paint you as a charity case.
When your mouth clamps shut at the shame, a crooked smirk makes its way to her face once again. “Thought so.” She clicks her tongue at the last syllable. “You’ve always tended to… hm, how do I say this as nicely as possible?” She tilts her head, thinking hard when she brings a hand to her chin.
“Tend to what?”
“Neglect yourself.” She narrows her eyes at you, giving your visage a once over up and down. “But don’t worry about that, because I’d love to help you with that.”
“And why would you want to do that?” You snide, biting back any curses that threaten to leave your lips.
“Because what else are friends for? I’d hate to have you look anything less than presentable.” She travels from her spot at the table to wrap an arm around you, the suffocating closeness feels like being constricted by a snake. “How about you come with the rest of the girls and I for our next trip to the nail salon? I’ll cover all of your expenses, of course. I know you can get a little... stingy.”
There’s no way in hell you’re going anywhere with her. Not now, not even in a million years. At the mention of a trip to the nail salon, you’re swiftly reminded of a certain someone. Tall, broad, handsome, and offering a discount– at his colleague’s expense of course, but that didn’t matter right now. “No thanks, I’m good.”
Her confusion is apparent, and her hold on you loosens ever so slightly. “Why not?”
Because you would rather drop dead than give her any more ammo. “Because I’ve got an appointment elsewhere.” Shrugging yourself from her arms, you turn to face her and her expression is even better than you’d hoped. Mouth agape, jaw opening and shutting, almost fish-like as she tries to protest. You don’t try to stop the smile creeping up onto your face, “Contrary to belief, I do spoil myself every now and then.”
Never one to back down, she tries to call your bluff. “And just where are you going to get your nails done? There’s no way it could be any better than where we’re going.”
Even if it wasn’t by the grace of Yeri grabbing your attention to try her dessert that had just arrived, you know that you would’ve kept your little sanctuary to yourself. Turning away from the offended Rianne, you regain some semblance of control when you get one over on her. Honestly, a plus one wasn’t your top priority at the moment. Rather your mind drifts to your prospective nail appointment and your chiropractor.
It makes you think– not only did Jeno refer you to the nail technician across the hall from his office, but the complex had a whole hallway of different practices. Thinking about the two little business cards lodged in the folds of your wallet, you’ve yet to encounter even a fraction of the pleasures that they have to offer at Neo Therapy Practitioners.
"Hey, it's Jisung again. Thanks for holding.
...Are you still there? Ah, good! Alright, so I've got you all set for your appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Oh? No need to thank us. You know it'll always be our pleasure to serve you."
( authors' note: thank you for taking interest in our collaboration project! be sure to follow the lovely and amazing @mondaycoffee for updates regarding the series.
the general series tag list and member specific tag lists are open! )
Redirecting to… (18+)
(⚠︎ dilfs, stepdads, and age gaps)
Why bed an inexperienced college classmate when you could bed a real man who knows how to fuck?! Sign up now to start chatting with real men who know their stuff. You must be eighteen or older to sign up, and please be aware that you might be a mistress. Make sure to check their availability date, they could be on a business trip for all you know (how else would they help pay for your tuition?) !? Happy chatting!
Who knows—you might meet the man of your dreams here !!
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Delphinium. part 2.
ao3 | part 1 | m.list
(del·phin·i·um /delˈfinēəm/) is a type of flower representative of spiritual growth and change in flower language.
⇢ please like, reblog, or leave feedback!
wordcount → 23.045k
pairing→ Mark Lee x female reader
description → You should have known that when he said he loved you after such a small act of intimacy, he wasn’t thinking with his dick. Quite frankly, he didn’t know how to. You also should have known that by being his first, he probably wanted you to be his last.
content → religious mark, possessive behavior and jealousy, loss of virginity, pagan reader, a lot of fluff, coming to terms, happy ending, smut obviously, mark falls in love violently and deliberately, all characters in this fic are in their 20s
note → This part is not stand alone; you need to read the first part to understand.
not proof read bc im not about that life.
It’s also a lot less religion heavy since they’d established some sort of thing between each other. In other words, that hurdle has already been jumped over.
tag list → @kpop-crap, @coffee-prince-kyungsoo, @fullsun-dreams, @resceluwu, @fanficbitchwhowriteskpop, @cumtrov3rsy, @97jaehyunn, @ahgastayzen,
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𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 - 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑳𝒆𝒆
pairing: Mark Lee x fem!reader ft. Lee Jeno
special guests: Haechan, Jaemin
summary: you and your boyfriend are deeply in love with each other. After highschool, you move in together and you get pregnant. Mark is the best boyfriend ever, until he breaks up with you. But once Mark realizes that you’re moving on, he also realized what a huge mistake he made.
genre: babydaddy!Mark, bestfriends-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers!au, angst, smut, fluff
warnings: smut just one scene, i’ll mark it as smut so you can skip it if you are a minor, swearing, alcohol consumption, rollercoaster of emotions, jealousy (sorry if i forgot anything)
wc: 18.7k
song rec: reckless - madison beer
IMPORTANT NOTE: hi, i am going to cry, i accidently deleted reckless because stupid tumblr didn’t let me post my newest fic, it wasn’t showing in the tags, and i made a huge mistake and deleted reckless instead of another post. i almost had 1k notes, but it’s alright. I’m just so sad i lost so many nice and kind comments. I’ll post my new Jeno fic a couple days later, i am so sorry. Well, at least i can post this on Mark’s birthday, i love you Mark Lee.
taglist: @jenosdaemi @ahgastayzen @chitaphrrrr @cosmiclatte28 @daftsuh @aesthetichrj @bitchenderyy (i think that’s it?)
this is fiction!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
You watched your boyfriend and your daughter Yoona sleep peacefully with a smile on your face. You came home later than usual, your shift at the restaurant took longer than excepted, but coming home to this helped you forgot about your problems at work. You tried to be as quiet as possible, you didn’t want to wake them. After changing your clothes, you slowly got under the blanket. Your daughter was between you and Mark and Mark’s arm was wrapped around her. You couldn’t stop yourself from taking a picture of this cute moment. No matter how hard and exhausting your day was, in the end nothing mattered. You had Mark and your beautiful daughter and that was all you needed.
You met Mark on your first day of middle school. The poor boy was so lost and didn’t know how to interact with others. You noticed the Harry Potter shirt he was wearing so you got extremely excited about the fact that there was another kid who liked Harry Potter. You approached him at lunch break, the boy was sitting all alone and eating his sandwich.
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😭🙌🏽 this was hilarious actually 🤣 the quarrel between haechan and renjun 💀 had me dead. 🧍🏽♀️and I'd kill for a guy to message me like that 😭😩 #markontop
Just the norm
Pairing :- Mark Lee x Fem!reader
Summary :- Just some college kids being college kids.
Genre :- College students, comedy (because I’m nice like that), fluff (you tell me), acquaintances to friends, flirty-ish, ass whooping, cringe alert (sry)
Wc :- 1.3k
WARNING :- cursing. It’s never a peaceful day with the haechan & renjun, reader wanted the smoke, and jeno just being the peacemaker because he can.
Notes :- THANK YOU FOR 100 NOTES ON MY LATEST BOOK kutabare starring Jeno T-T. I WROTE THIS, sry i wrote this in the spawn of the moment because why not, you either enjoy it or you don’t, but once again thank you for the love, don't be afraid to talk with me and send in some ask, I’m open. But anyways enjoy my crack cringe short story, LIKE, FOLLOW & REBLOG.
“HAECHAN, GIVE IT BACK!,” you yelled as you leap forward to grab the nuisance by his light brown hair.
“Bring back what?!” Haechan asked as he stood on the other side of the table. “I have nothing that belongs to you,”
“Haecha- ugh, RENJUN!” you called out to Renjun who’s busied himself with his phone on the other side of the classroom, with his legs crossed elegantly. “Haechan give her back whatever you stole from her,” Renjun ordered as he kept his attention on his phone.
Haechan snarled at you as he handed you back your phone, and pouted as he plopped himself at his desk.
“I always knew you were a lil bitch,” you stick your tongue out playfully at Haechan as you took your phone from his hands.
“What'd you say you strumpet-” he was interrupted as Jeno entered the classroom.
“What’s with all the noise I was hearing outside?” Jeno questioned as he placed his barrel bag on your desk. “You two fighting again?” Jeno looked at both you and Haechan unimpressed.
“They’ve been at each other throats since this mornin-” Renjun was the second victim of being interrupted by someone.
“There wouldn’t have been an issue today if he wouldn’t stick his nose out in other people's busine-” Haechan interrupted you as he jumped out of his seat, slamming both of his palms on your desk startling Jeno.
“Well, I’m sorry for wanting to know who has my dearest friend all smiley and shit!” He nearly gagged at the scene he witnessed this morning. “Who possessed you, babe?” Haechan looked at you worriedly as he reached out to check your temperature.
“Renjun whatcha doing after school?,” Jeno peered over you and Haechan getting into a brawl, completely ignoring you two as if it was a normal day.
“Mark asked me to help him with something so I’m probably going to his house,” Renjun told Jeno as he went into his bag searching for a snack. You halted yourself as you let go of Haechan’s neck, dusting your pants as you got up from the floor, kicking him in his ass before you walk over to Renjun.
“Want me to tag along, Junnie?” You sat on Renjun’s table and tried to muster your most irresistible puppy eyes.
“Look who’s the little bitc-” Haechan got slapped at the back of the head by Jeno as he struggled to get up from the floor.
Renjun put his attention back on you. “Why you wanna tag along, don’t you have somewhere to be after school,” Renjun asks pushing more of a reaction out of you, even though he has an idea of your motives to join him and Mark.
“Well.. not anymore, I don’t really have to be there, the team will do fine without me for one day,” you reassure him, even though you’re kind of rethinking if your basketball team has that level of independence.
“They’ll be fine,” You brushed him off as you took a bite of the snack he handed to you.
“So who were you messaging this morning to have Haechan nearly puke everywhere?” Renjun questioned you as if he didn’t know.
“No one really,” You stuffed a handful of the chips in your mouth. “Jst marlk,” you were able to get out, thinking no one would be able to understand. Until.
“MARK? MARK FUCKING LEE,” Haechan pushed Renjun out of his seat as he planted himself in front of you in Renjun's abandoned chair. “Lee Minhyung has you smiling like that?!,” Haechan looks at you in concern and disgust.
“What’s so wrong with Mark?” Jeno joined in as he held Renjun back from pouncing on Haechan. “Calm down Renjun, calm down,” He gently stroked Renjun's hair and went over to flick Haechan’s forehead.
“Well for starters,” Haechan rubbed his red forehead. “He’s a total wimp that just smells bad and too uptight, AND HE CHEATS!”
“You’re just mad because he beat you in badminton,” Renjun rolled his eyes whilst taking a seat next to you on his desk.
“And because he beat you in Mario cart,” Jeno added as he propped by the window.
“And because he-” you stopped speaking when Haechan started to dramatically flop in his chair.
“Okay! Okay, I get it, I’m a jealous trainwreck, I can't help my competitiveness” he pulled out his white handkerchief and surrendered. Everyone chuckled at him until their attention was taken by the devil himself.
“Hey Mark,” Jeno got up and bro hugged Mark who reluctantly accepted the gesture.
“Hey,” Mark muttered looking quite tired as he went to take his seat at the back of the class.
“You see what I mean? A total wimp, didn’t even greet us” Haechan loudly whispered as he watched Mark place his headphones on his head. Jeno went over the speak with Mark, leaving Haechan to ramble.
“I don’t think you should be talking considering your mom has to wash your underwear at your big age, and he looks tired” You retorted, gazing at Jeno and Mark wondering what Jeno was talking about.
“Well since you’re obviously so smitten by him why don’t you go over and talk with him?” Haechan challenges you as he looks at you expectedly.
Renjun brushed him off “You didn’t have the balls to talk to youR crush face to face, all I saw was shriveled nuts,”. You burst out in laughter gaining the attention of the two boys at the back.
“You know what I’m not even going to waste my time with you,” Haechan glared at Renjun.
“The only action you’re getting is from that hole in your pillow, you prude,” Haechan spat out as Renjun gasped at his words.
“It wouldn’t be that way if you’d let your mom visit me mor- AH!” Renjun got up from his desk and ran towards the classroom door with Haechan trailing behind him screaming how he’d skin him alive.
You sat there with your arms crossed, knowing after they’d had their little fight they’d probably leave the compound goofing around to only return until their next class. You watch as Jeno and Mark are still in deep conversation about god knows what, so you get up go back to your table, and take out your phone preparing to play a mobile game until lunch is finished.
After five minutes of playing Roblox, you see you got a text from someone.
Marknificent 🦹: So no greetings when I arrived?
You quickly open the message, instantly thinking back and realizing you indeed didn't greet him, not that it was unpurpose.
You: I should be asking you the same thing 🤨
Marknificent 🦹: Touche
Marknificent 🦹: What ya doing?
You looked behind you to see him still engaging in conversation with Jeno, well he’s mostly listening but anyway.
You: I’m actually on the toilet 💀
You: Taking a fat shit
Marknificent 🦹: ew wft dude 😭 😂
Marknificent 🦹: Well I’m popping a huge pimple on my ass rn
You let out a snorted laugh to look back and see Mark looking away from Jeno, smiling trying to hold his laughter.
You: Are you having a serious conversation rn?
Marknificent 🦹: Yes 🧍🏻
You: So why are you texting me?
Marknificent 🦹: Well I’ve noticed we don’t really talk much in person because we’re always interrupted, so why not cheat the system?
You: That’s not nice bro ☠️
Marknificent 🦹: He’s too deep in his story to even notice
Marknificent 🦹: Plus ima pro at multitaskin, no lies detected.
You: Im intrigued
Marknificent 🦹: Well I asked renjun to help me with something at my place
Marknificent 🦹: You could tag along and
Marknificent 🦹: MAYBE, i’ll show you first hand (pun intended)
You: what was the joke? 💀
You: Boy-
You: what ya mean by that? 😏
Marknificent 🦹: I shall not tell ☝️
Marknificent 🦹: You have to be there to find out 🧍🏻
You: Aaaaand what if I’m not there Mark lee
Marknificent 🦹: Well Albert, Ig you’ll never know
You: Albert 🧍♀️, really? 👩🦯
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𝙂𝙇𝙄𝙏𝘾𝙃 𝙈𝙊𝘿𝙀: 𝙖𝙣 𝙣𝙘𝙩 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 !
Welcome to GLITCH MODE; an rpg starring none other than the nct dream members! In each mission, you will take on the role of a new character and play through the story quest to reach the end!
[MAIN MENU]: from controllers and professional gaming pc’s, to head sets and twitch subs— the boys have it all. competitive, smart and ever ready to win, they begin to realize that there’s another prize lying out in the real world for them, the prize of your heart.
[SETTINGS]: fluff, angst, gamer! au, streamer! au, various trope pairings, fluff, angst, comedy, romance, suggestive, food, profanity, etc. warnings and themes will be added with every individual fic.
[DURATION]: speedrun: 3k | playthrough: 9k
[NEW GAME]: START (latest release)
▸𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 𝟐 | na jaemin
version: streamer! jaemin, gamer! jaemin, friends with benefits au, profanity, fluff, slight comedy, angst duration: tba closed beta test: Na Jaemin has always been player 1, the one at the top of the player chart with all the wins and everything he could possibly want. Being the best sometimes got to his head and unfortunately for you, you were the girl who was hopelessly in love with him, eager to please. It’s sad really, the fact he only ever saw you as player 2.
▸𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐒𝟓 | lee donghyuck
version: streamer! hyuck, gamer! hyuck, established relationship au, profanity, comedy, fluff, slight angst duration: tba closed beta test: Your boyfriend is sweet and considerate, always looking out for you and making sure to be there for you. You had met him in one of your college classes and although you had been with him for over two years, sometimes you wonder if he loved his PlayStation 5 more than he loved you.
version: gamer! jeno, streamer! jeno, enemies to lovers but also friends to lovers, profanity, fluff, comedy, angst duration: tba closed beta test: Lee Jeno is the epitome of everything you could ever hate, and the feeling is mutual. You’ve competed in almost everything against each other, determined to gain the upper hand. On a totally unrelated note, that fun streamer you’re pretty good friends with is thinking about doing a face reveal.
▸𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄 | zhong chenle
version: gamer! chenle, streamer! chenle, friends to lovers, profanity, fluff, comedy, mutual pining, angst duration: tba closed beta test: Zhong Chenle wasn’t the type of guy to get nervous easily. He had known his worth ever since he was a little kid, so it wasn’t often that he found his palms sweating and words stumbling over each other. The only time that happened was when you were involved.
version: gamer! mark, streamer! mark, strangers to lovers, profanity, fluff, comedy, angst duration: tba closed beta test: Mark Lee was popular, there was no doubt about that. Being one of the most relevant twitch streamers tended to do that to you in the online world as well as the offline one. That popularity led to a plethora of people falling for his sweet demeanor and pretty smile, so you knew that winning his heart would be a challenging game it itself.
▸𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐒 | huang renjun
version: gamer! renjun, streamer! renjun, exes to lovers, profanity, fluff, comedy, angst duration: tba closed beta test: You’re heard of crying in the club, now get ready for crying on your DS! There was only one person in the world who managed to get you doing that and it was none other than your darling ex-boyfriend; Huang Renjun. The world hates you though, because you end up having to compete against him in a gaming competition. Using a DS.
▸𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑, 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | park jisung
version: gamer! jisung, streamer! jisung, best friends to lovers, profanity, fluff, comedy, angst, duration: tba closed beta test: Jisung was the complete opposite of you, he liked peaceful games like animal crossing and you liked league. He liked story based games and you liked horror. Too bad that he was head over heels for you, because if there was one this both his viewers and you liked to do, it was to make him suffer.
Second Chances - Mark (Midsommar)
Warning: Major spoilers for the movie, drug use, this fic is dogshite, toxic relationships, and just overall fucked up situations
(my gif actually)
“Dani, do you really think it’s a good idea to go?”
Dani sighed heavily when you asked that exact question for the fourth time while she was marking her calendar for when their flight to Sweden would take place. “Yes, Y/N. I’ll be fine. I’m fine.”
You knew she wasn’t fine.
“I just, I do think getting out of this tiny little apartment would be good for you...but does it have to be on the other side of the world?”
Dani scoffed. “It’s not on the other side of the world, babe, it’s just across the Atlantic.”
“It’s far enough.” You pouted. “Plus, going with that guy isn’t a good idea either.”
“You’ve known Christian as long as you’ve known me, Y/N. You should know his name by now.”
“I do know his name, I just don’t like saying it.”
Dani frowned. “He’s my boyfriend, you’ve gotta learn to accept him at some point.”
You shook your head. “He doesn’t give you what you need, Dani. He’s terrible at supporting you all the time. He’s an asshole.”
“It’s my relationship. Not yours.” Dani snapped, quickly sighing in frustration and sitting next to you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped.”
“No, I’m sorry. I...just want what’s best for you, that’s all.”
Dani smiled weakly, placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a side hug. “I know, babe, I know. I gotta believe this trip to Sweden is exactly what we need.”
“I really hope so, for your sake.”
Dani subtly wiped away a shed tear off her face, faking a wide smile. “So, did you decide if you wanted to go to the party tonight?”
“Depends, is Mark gonna be there?”
“You know he is.”
“Then no.”
“Come on, Mark’s a good guy.” She’s stifled a chuckle.
“Girl, you can’t even keep a straight face.” You laughed.
“You used to be date him and actually enjoyed spending time with him, ya know.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
“Please, it’ll be fun! Pelle and Josh will be there too, it won’t just be Mark.”
“Josh is a smart ass who gets on my nerves. I mean, who the hell studies anthropology?”
“Oh hush, you’re studying psychology.”
Dani rolled her eyes. “Okay, Ms. Environmental Scientist.” She said, making you chuckle. “So, are you coming to that party with me or what?”
You didn’t really enjoy going to, at all. Even if Dani invited you to one, you always made some sort of excuse to get you out of going. But ever since the incident with her family, you felt you needed to spend every waking moment with her, mostly out of fear that you’d lose her forever. You probably spent more time with Dani than her so called boyfriend.
You felt selfish for feeling pained that Christian was the first one she called when she got the news. You knew her family, actually made an effort to get to know them unlike Christian, and always saw her parents as your own and her sister was always kind to you. You felt like you lost a lot too, but you didn’t allow yourself to feel that way for long, not when they weren’t actually your family. If you were being honest, you haven’t allowed yourself to grieve at all. You spend most of your time taking care of Dani, never having the time to do anything for yourself.
The company Dani kept also was one of the reasons you never wanted to go to one of those parties. Pelle was nice, you could actually see him as a friend. Josh was a know-it-all. To be fair, you were a know-it-all too, but at least you didn’t brag about it every chance you got.
You couldn’t stand Christian. You always saw how awful Christian treated Dani, and how she just took it. One day, you actually almost got into a psychical fight with him for how he gaslighted her. Dani didn’t talk to you for a week after that, and after that, you tried not to let your anger out because you didn’t want to lose your best friend.
Mark...god, Mark could be so annoying. You used to be a couple, it’s true. But after seeing him not do anything about his “best friend” mentally abusing his girlfriend, you couldn’t just stay with him anymore, it just didn’t feel right. Plus, him being way too overprotective was not something that you liked in a person. It was heartbreaking since you actually liked him a lot, you could’ve truthfully say you loved the guy.
You didn’t dislike Mark as much as Christian, but he constantly got on your nerves after your break up. But Dani always reminded you how insecure he must’ve been after the fact. Doesn’t excuse his behavior, of course, but it did help keep your anger in check whenever he tried to push your buttons. If he wasn’t such a dick, you probably would’ve seen an actual future with him, that could’ve been happy. really didn’t want to go to this party. But seeing Dani’s almost pleading face, you couldn’t argue with her.
So, you were dragged to the last party you would attend before Dani and her friends were shipped off to Sweden, until she got back.
You could see the obviously look of annoyance from Christian when you and Dani entered the apartment. He took Dani to the one of the corner’s of the room and you could faintly hear their conversation, “Why’d you have to bring her, Dani? She almost punched me in the nose last time...”
Your fists clenched instinctively, making your nails dig into the soft flesh. It hurt, but at least it kept you from socking the dude in the face like you’ve always had the urge to do. A dull glared expression settled on your face.
“Aw, is someone happy to see me?”
You immediately rolled your eyes when you heard Mark’s voice, him walking up to you with a shit eating grin plastered on his pale freckled face. “No, I think she’s probably thinking up ways to kill you, friend.” Pelle joked, making you smile a little.
“Honestly, he’s not that far off.” You shrugged, half joking.
Mark scoffed, rolling his eyes, brushing off your hurtful comment with a bitter smile. “Why are you even here? We didn’t invite you.”
“I’m here for Dani.”
“Well, we didn’t explicitly invite her either.” Pelle smacked the boy behind his head so you didn’t have to. “Dude, ow! Hey, it’s not my fault Dani’s a buzzkill.”
Almost as if you could only see red, you were about to punch the ever loving fuck out of his handsome stupid gorgeous face when Christian came up and pulled you out of the room.
“What the fuck do you want?” You hissed, forcibly pushing him away from you.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m not looking for a fight. Okay? I have to ask you something.” He sighed.
“Spit it out then.”
“Do you want to come to Sweden with us?” He asked monotone, not hiding the glare directed to you.
“Wow, you must really want me to go.”
“It was Pelle’s idea. He thinks it would be good for Dani.”
“Since when do you care what’s good for Dani? Oh, wait, you don’t. It seems Pelle cares more for her than you do.”
“I care about Dani, okay? I care. That’s the only reason I was convinced to ask you. Please, just...she needs you. She’s your best friend, you don’t want to let her down, do you?”
Gaslighting. You knew that Christian wouldn’t be able to convince you without his number one douchebag power to make your heart bleed more than it already does. He didn’t even have to ask a second time.
And next thing you knew, you were on a plane headed to Sweden. Of course, they had to torture you with booking you a seat next to Mark. But you could handle it for Dani.
“God, I can’t wait to see all those Swedish ladies.” Mark mused, a slight smirk on his face, knowing that comment would upset you.
If those Swedish ladies had any sense, they’d stay away from the giant man completely, is what you wanted to say. But deciding to keep your comments to yourself, you just tried not to gag, rolling your eyes and keeping your eyes trained out the window, seeing the ground getting farther and farther away until your flying above the clouds.
“Silent treatment, huh? I always took you for a social butterfly.” He teased.
You took a deep breath, turning to look at him with a sickeningly sweet smile. “You do know there’s a mosquito flying around your head, right?”
The smirk on Mark’s face quickly went away, turning into a panicked expression. “Where? Where?” He almost shouted, flailing his arms around his head to swat away the imaginary insect. His panic made you laugh. You felt evil, but you convinced yourself he deserved it. When he heard you laugh, he quickly realized you lied. “Not fucking funny.” He pouted, running his hands through his hair, still paranoid.
You sighed when he kept a frown on his face, still looking around for that fake fly. “I swear, there’s no fly. This is the cleanest plane I’ve ever seen in my life, okay? There wouldn’t be any bugs in here.” You never could stay mean for long, even if it was Mark. The small grateful smile Mark gave you made it worth it, and suddenly felt your heart yearn for him against your will.
Many hours later and you finally arrived in Stockholm, only to be told you guys had to travel four more hours to get to Hälsingland. “Oh my god!” Mark whined, like a little bitch you might add.
Thankfully, you always came prepared, sticking some ear buds in and blasting music at full volume to avoid possible small talk and annoying remarks from the two frat bros. You really loved your preparedness after taking your ear buds out for one second only to hear Mark talking about seeing some video about a woman with three clits, what a moron, a cute moron...
You looked at the time, it was nearing 6 pm, but the sky was still blue as ever. It was a bit unnerving, but you tried to ignore the sense of dread you felt when you guys finally arrived to one of your destinations.
You tried not to laugh as Mark pulled his socks over his jeans and walking in a panic to try to avoid potential insect threats in the grass. “Dude, just fucking walk!” Josh fussed.
“Don’t you see all the bugs?!”
“I’m sure all those bugs are much more terrified of you than you are of them.” You voiced.
“Yeah, well, what if they’re so scared that they gang up to attack me in retaliation, huh?”
You rolled your eyes, speeding up your pace to catch up with Dani. Pelle introduced his friend, Ingemar, and his friends, Simon and Connie. They seemed like good people, until they pulled out the shrooms.
It’s not like you hated drugs, you smoked pot pretty much every other day before bed, but shrooms looked hardcore compared to grass. You did not want to partake. But Dani surprised you when she accepted the offer of the tea. “Do you think that’s a good idea, Dani?” You asked concerned.
“She can think for herself.” Christian voiced with a happy and calm tone, but you didn’t mistake the threatening undertone in his voice.
“Hey, it’s okay. Promise.” Dani reassured. You just didn’t want her to have a bad trip or anything, it’s not what she needed, as if you actually knew what she needed. You didn’t even know what you needed half the time. “Are you going to?” She asked, her hand holding onto the bag of shrooms outstretched to you.
“Oh, no. I’m good.” You backed away slightly.
“Are you sure, Y/N?” Mark asked mockingly. “You gonna be a pussy?”
Your eyes narrowed in annoyance. If only looks could kill...You grabbed the bag, popping a couple mushrooms in your mouth, immediately cringing in disgust at the taste. You chewed quickly and swallowed, almost regretting the action as soon as you did so. Since when was Mark of all people able to successfully peer pressure you into doing something you didn’t want to do? The fuck?
“There’s a nice place to sit over here, guys!” Pelle voiced, motioning the group over to a tree in the middle of the field.
It didn’t take that long for the drugs to kick in. You’d never taken shrooms before, but you definitely noticed when you came up due to how the world around you was starting to look warped, almost like nature was breathing. You felt more appreciative of nature in that moment, and with Pelle talking all philosophical like, it wasn’t hard to relax into the sweet embrace of the drug.
You looked over to Dani, she was the most calm you’ve ever seen her, but you weren’t sure if that was a good thing. You snapped out of the thought, not wanting to hyper focus on a drug. “Oh fuck, a new person.” Christian groaned.
“What? I don’t want new people right now!” Mark whined.
“Now who’s being a pussy.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear it.
“I’m going lay down. Everyone else lay down too.” Mark settled on the ground, still breathing heavily. “Guys, do it, it feels so nice. Josh, Y/N, can you lay down please?”
“Fuck off.” You spat while Josh did as he was asked.
“Y/N, please, lay down.” You furrowed your brows when you heard the desperation in his voice, almost like he was going to cry.
“Jesus, fine.” You huffed, laying down on the soft grass.
The sun shining through the leaves of the trees was enough to put you back into a relaxed state, almost giggling at the warped rays of light. “This is nice...” You whispered to yourself.
You jolted when Dani stood up all of a sudden. “I need to go for a walk.” Dani voiced, the waver in her voice clear as day to you.
“Dani, are you okay?” You stood up, wobbling slightly, Dani’s figure waving as she walked away.
“Fine, I’m fine.”
You wanted to follow her, but were you capable enough to give her support if you were high as a kite? It didn’t matter at the point. You probably stood there trying to decide for about five minutes before you actually starting walking in the same direction Dani went, but then it was too late. You didn’t see her anywhere.
Walking into the woods, you immediately got lost in nature, enjoying the colors that seemed to be amplified from the drug. You smiled to yourself, not even the arms wrapping around your shoulders could force your mouth to pull downwards. “Hi.” Mark whispered, giggling as he tightened his embrace.
You turned yourself around in his arms. “Why’d you follow me?”
“I’m not allowed to see what my friend is doing out in the woods?”
“I’m looking for Dani, and we’re not friends.”
Mark pouted. “We used to be more than friends. Why’d we ever break up?”
You frowned. “Cause you excused Christian’s behavior towards Dani. Plus, you were always a dick.”
“Rude. And to be fair, I’ve been trying to convince Christian to break up with her. They should’ve called it quits awhile ago.”
“The first thing you’ve said in your entire life that’s actually correct. How’re you an undergrad again?”
If you were sober, you would have never let Mark lean in and kiss you. At least, that’s what you hoped you would’ve done. But his lips were so soft and he was so gentle, you almost wished you were sober to experience the kiss better. It almost felt nostalgic in a way, even though it hadn’t been that long since you two broke up. You had to stop yourself from leaning back in for more when he pulled away.
“You reciprocated.” Mark smiled softly, caressing your face gently.
“Did I? I didn’t mean to, sorry.”
“I miss you, Y/N, a lot. I know you miss me too.” He whispered.
You shook your head and quickly walked away, not feeling like talking about...well, your feelings. Sobering up quickly after that, you kicked yourself for allowing that to happen, even if you happened to enjoy it very much.
You pretty much avoided Mark after the encounter in the woods, you were too awkward to confront your problems with other people, in that regard anyway. But thankfully, six hours after finding Dani peacefully sleeping off the drugs, it was time to hike through even more woods to get to Pelle’s village.
“So, we’re stopping in Waco before we go to Pelle’s village?” Mark joked.
Yeah, the all white clothing everyone wore did put you off just a bit, almost giving you Jonestown vibes. But they were so nice, taking your bags and giving you strawberries. They seemed like okay people.
You looked over to Mark, rolling your eyes as you saw him exhale smoke from his vape pen. Even in the presence of strangers, he still had no respect apparently. Josh even had to stop him from eating prematurely during one the first meals of the day. The ritualistic part confused you, but you just wrote it off as culture shock.
Sitting in between Dani and Pelle, you almost hit yourself for not remembering a very important fact. “Happy birthday, Dani!” You grinned. “I can’t believe I forgot, I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” Dani rubbed your shoulder. “Pelle actually gave me a drawing, which was incredibly sweet.” She said, causing him to have a slight blush on his face.
“I actually did get you something, but it’s in my luggage. Make sure to remind me tonight. But what about Christian?” Dani frowned. “He forgot...of course he did.”
“It’s not his fault. I forgot to remind him, that’s all.”
“Dani, you shouldn’t have to remind him.” You scoffed. “Let’s just hope he remembers soon, else I’ll have to castrate him.”
“Anyway, what’s up with you and Mark? You’ve been avoiding him ever since we hiked here.” She whispered.
You internally groaned. “I always avoid Mark.” Dani just gave you an unimpressed look. “Can you like, stop being a mind reader for once in your life?” You whined.
“What happened?”
You sighed, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “We kissed...” You quickly put your hand over her mouth to stop her from squealing like a school girl. “Shh. It was when we were both high. Didn’t mean anything, at all.”
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that right?”
The conversation didn’t sway your decision to not stop avoiding Mark, you were going to avoid him for as long as possible and not even Dani could convince you to do otherwise. But you kept thinking about that kiss, and you suddenly found yourself wondering if there was any shock therapy places in Sweden.
Walking around the village a bit more by yourself to try and get some more bearings, Pelle joined you with his usual calming smile. “How are you liking it here so far?”
“It’s pretty interesting, I’d say. Living in New York never really gave me opportunities to be in nature, so this is great. I probably never wouldn’t come if it weren’t for you, Pelle.”
Pelle nodded. “I felt it was best for Dani, considering. She needs someone she can count on.”
“Yeah. It’s great that you’re looking out for her, it’s like you should be with her instead of Christian.” You cringed. “Oh god, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Damn it.”
Pelle chuckled nervously. “It’s okay. Speaking of couples, are you and Mark-”
“Nope.” You quickly interrupted. “Not a chance.”
He hummed in thought. “I don’t mean to pry. It’s just, he told me about what happened...”
You groaned. “That little shit.”
"You know, I think you should give him a second chance."
You laughed. "That came out of nowhere."
"No. It didn't. Mark has always had a thing for you. And I probably shouldn’t tell you this but, he always talks about how he regrets how things went between you two. He still cares about you.”
You frowned, the feeling of missing the bastard starting to bubble up in your heart. “We weren’t good for each other. He needs to grow up.”
“Yes, I do agree he’s...a bit immature.”
“An understatement, Pelle.” You snorted.
“Personally, I am a big believer of second chances. I just think what if I die tomorrow, would I be happy with my choices in life? You never know when that time will come.”
“Jesus, since when have you been so dark?”
“I’m serious, Y/N. You don’t know when you’re gonna die, so I’d try to live life without regrets.” He smiled calmly.
You kept thinking about what Pelle said well into the night. You had trouble getting over the creepiness of his statements at first, but you knew he meant well. You did miss Mark, more often than you’d admit. You hated that you kind of agreed with Pelle about the whole regret thing.
The next morning, you woke up with a terrible headache. Thinking way too hard for hours on end wasn’t good for your brain. But, it did give you some perspective on how you’d go about interacting with Mark. You admitted to yourself that you did want to be with him, but you also didn’t want to rush into giving him another chance, knowing that just a smidge of eagerness would give the man an overinflated ego.
“What was the name of that activity you said last night, Pelle?” Dani asked.
“Ättestupa.” He answered.
“Sounds fun.” You said, half joking. “Wish we knew what was going to happened, but you seem to love surprises.” You directed to Pelle, a cheeky smile on your face.
From afar, Mark couldn’t help but glare at Pelle. To anyone one else, you were just being friendly, and if Mark had any sense at all, it would’ve just been a friendly smile to him too. He couldn’t help but feel jealous, but even he knew he had no right to be jealous since you two weren’t together. Maybe that was his problem, he thought, being too overprotective when you were in a relationship with him. God, he knew being an immature bastard would bite him in the ass one day. He just didn’t realize someone important to him would be scared away in the process.
The brief eye contact the two of you made threw you for a loop, that sense of longing for one another.
“Can you two stop eye fucking each other, please?” Josh voiced rudely. Strangely, it didn’t phase the two of you. Josh only rolled his eyes. “Fine. Miss breakfast then.”
You eventually forced yourself to look away from Mark, the both of you following the rest of group outside for the meal. Of course, the only seat left was next to Mark. How convenient...
Mark was silent as you stood next to him, taking short glances at you and the ground nervously. “Somebody should tell those girls they’re walking stupid.” He joked, trying to lift some of the tension. It didn’t work.
A boy rung a bell, an old man and woman walked two their assigned seats, and everyone only sat down until they did. Another rack of culture shock moved through you were the couple started chanting in what you assumed was Swedish, but it was honestly hard to tell.
After that, you just ate your food in silence. You were annoyed that you were too awkward to even look in Mark’s direction. But eventually, he cleared his throat to speak. “Did you sleep well?”
It was odd, hearing him sound so timid and quiet. “Uh, I guess so. I don’t really remember falling asleep.” You chucked nervously.
“Please, don’t.” You interrupted with a huff.
“I think we should talk about it at least.”
You bit your lip in thought, silently agreeing with him. “Not right now. Maybe after, whatever Ättestupa is. Okay?”
He sighed, nodding his head. “Fine. Fine.”
Mark stayed behind as you, your friends, and the rest of the Hårga journeyed to wherever this activity was taking place. You all were standing at the bottom of a cliff, waiting. “What’s this activity supposed to be?” You asked, but no one gave you an answer.
You sighed, crossing your arms around yourself. Whatever was supposed to happen was taking a long time, you almost felt bored. But soon you really wished you’d stayed behind with Mark back at the village.
Everyone watched as the old woman stood at the edge of the cliff, holding her arms outstretched to the sky. You could sense Dani hyperventilating, and you also felt a feeling of dread. You had no idea what was happening, and it scared you.
You let out a loud gasp as the woman fell from the cliff, her body falling onto a stone platform below, her face hitting it hard enough to completely mutilate any recollection that this woman was a human being once. Her face was caved in, it almost didn’t feel real.
You were in silent shock, not comprehending anything else around you, even with how loud Simon and Connie were freaking out.
All you could do was watch as the old man did the same, walking off the cliff and hitting the platform leg first.
“Oh my god, he’s still alive...”
All of the Hårga cried out when they saw the poor man was still alive, sharing his pain that he must’ve been feeling. A few members of the village ended his suffering, taking a large mallet and caving in his face like his partner in the senicide.
One of the elders, Siv, said that taking their own lives was a great joy and that this ritual had been done for many years. You couldn’t believe how barbaric these people were when they were so nice at first. Why were all these people so unfazed by seeing their own people die violently in front of them?
All you could do was follow everyone to the village in silence. You did the same as Dani. You needed to be by yourself right now. You sped walked to the woods surrounding the village, leaning against a tree in exhaustion. Did that really happen, you asked yourself.
You slid down to the ground as you let the tears start flowing. You didn’t want to be in this place anymore, how could you? You thought back to what Pelle said. He knew that the ritual was happening and he didn’t warn you guys at all. Why would he do that?
“Y/N?” You heard a voice call out. You didn’t answer, you didn’t trust your voice not to come out distorted from your sobbing. Finally making his way through the clearing, Mark saw you hugging yourself on the ground in tears. “Are you okay? I...heard about what happened.”
“No. No, I am not okay. I just saw two people jump to their fucking deaths!” You tried not to cry.
Mark was never good an emotional support, so he simply walked over and sat next to you as you cried. You didn’t know how he managed to pull you onto his lap without you noticing, but you didn’t find it in yourself to care, so you just held onto him like your life depended on it. You didn’t want him to let you go.
“I wanna leave this place...” You mumbled.
“I think that’s understandable.”
“How’s Dani? Did you see her at all?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“I don’t want to leave without her. I gotta find her.” You wiped the leftover tears from your cheeks, standing up with along with Mark. “Will you come with us?”
Mark didn't expect you to ask that. “You want me to go with you?”
“I have a bad feeling about this place. I don’t want any one of us to stay here, but I want you and Dani to come with me at least. I...I still care about you too.” Mark blushed as soon as you said that, making you chuckle lightly. “Seeing those poor people die...I don’t want to live with regrets, I already have enough of those. I don’t want to give up on us without trying to make things work. I admit, I gave up on you too easily. I don’t want to do that again. Okay?”
Mark couldn’t help himself, he soon planted a passionate kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, you weren’t afraid of opening yourself up to him anymore. You wanted him, you’ve always wanted him. It just took a rough wake up call to remind you of that.
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, standing on your tip toes to meet his lips easier. You felt safe in his arms, him holding you so close that the world and the messed up situation you both were in seemed to fade away. But you knew you were limited on time. You both pulled away breathlessly, wearing smiles on your faces.
“I love you.” Mark said, shocking you. “What? Live life without regrets, right?”
You laughed softly. “Yeah, you’re right. I love you.”
“Now, let’s get outta here.”
Yes, I left it open ended on purpose. I’d like to think that they escaped the Hårga. But if they didn’t, at least they’re together lmao.
Whenever I feel bad that Mark died in the movie, I just think to how he must’ve put up a fight since that cunt who led him away had a busted lip. Did he deserve it? Yes, probably. But...but...he was a cutie pie🥺
Also, I’m trying to write a fic with Kenny from We’re The Millers, but IT’S SO HARD. Kenny, in general, is hard to write since he’s so...well...himself. Another thing is that the plot is all over the place and my mind keeps bouncing between a bunch of ideas so, it’s literally starting to look like gibberish. But i’m trying