You Meet Michael Langdon…He Saves You From A Scuffle!

Rating: PG-13 for…Brief abuse, a corpse burning, angst but real fluffy in the end!
First Fanfiction post! (Michael Langdon X Fem Reader!)
Dragging you through the dark woods, your wannabe boyfriend, Arnold, has his grasp on your wrist in a tight hold as he pulls you along this dark pathway. “Where are you taking me?”, you asked him firmly, seeing he wasn’t letting go of you. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there!”, he replied to you. You sigh to yourself, feeling like this was going to end badly and not anytime soon. You soon come upon this big oak tree as Arnold pulls you into him, starting to kiss you on your neck in a forcible manner. You tense up even more as you try to push him away, making him fall to the ground. He lands with a grunt as he looks up to you in an irritated way. You step back, feeling your heart racing. “I TOLD YOU NO!”, you yell at him. You can hear Arnold groan as he stands to his feet and grabs you by the throat, pushing you up against the tree. “Y’know, I sometimes can’t stand you…but that’s what makes you so special…”, he whispers that in your ear as you could feel every muscle in your body start to ache. You can feel your breath hitch as you start struggling against Arnold’s hold. Without warning, he hits on you, making you fall flat to the ground. You gasp for air as you try to sit up, slowly catching your breath. You look up to see Arnold was laughing at himself finding it quite amusing to see you suffering. He comes closer to you, giving your stomach a quick kick as you wince and groan in reaction. He was about to do more to you when a voice behind him spoke out, “Leave her alone…”, You see Arnold turn around as you look as well to see a man standing there with a long black trench coat of a suit, black pants paired with boots.
His hair looked silky and long, touching his shoulders and has a strawberry-blonde color to it. He looked almost angelic! You see Arnold laugh as he walks up to him. “And who the hell are you?”, You sit up on your arm to get a better look at what’s happening. You see the man smirk in a sly manner as he replies, “Your worst nightmare…”, With a flick of his wrist, Arnold goes up in flames. You felt instant fear flood inside you as you heard him scream in agony as he attempts to put out the flames on himself, but to no avail. One minute, he’s burning, the next he’s gone. You feel your heart pounding in your chest as you scoot back in fear. You see the man turn to look at you as he walks over to you. “Are you alright?”, he asks, holding out his hand. You were hesitant to take it, but you were able to as he helped you to your feet. You dust yourself off of debris as you look to him. “Y-yeah…who are you?”, you asked him, still shaken up slightly by what you just saw. The man smiles his sly smile. “My name is Michael…Michael Langdon…and you are?” “Umm…Y/N”, Michael gently takes your hand as he places a light kiss to the back of it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Y/N…”, You felt heat envelop in your cheeks as you gently pull your hand away. You look behind him to see a pile of ash on the ground…Arnold’s remains. You then look back to him, connecting the pieces of who he’s supposed to be. He’s the so called “Anti-Christ”. You step back slightly. “Wait…you’re him!”, Michael chuckles to himself. “So, you’ve heard of me…don’t worry, I won’t harm you…”, He steps closer to you, moving his hand as he gently brushes a strand of your hair away from your face.
Oddly, your fear for him completely dissipates. You look to the ground feeling flushed. “Well…thanks for the save…I guess…”, You look back to him, seeing his sly smile grow wider. “Of course…”, he takes a small bow as you chuckle slightly in response. You take a look in your surroundings before looking back to Michael. “I’m needing to go home now…”, You see Michael nod. “You live at that village nearby, right?”, You nod to him. He offers his hand to you. “I can take you there, if you like…”, You look to his hand for a moment before looking back to him. “And how exactly?”, Michael’s smile is still wide as he quickly disappears in front of you. You look around, trying to spot on where he went. He then reappears behind you whispering, “Boo!”, It made you jump a little as you turn around to see Michael having a smug smile. “You teleport?”, You ask, seeing Michael chuckling at your reaction. “I do many things…”, He offers his hand again. “Well?”, You look to his hand, not hesitating this time as you grab onto it. One minute your vision turns dark, the next your vision comes back to normal, and you see you’re at the front entrance of your village. You look to Michael who was standing next to you with your hand in his. He also looks to you, smiling his sly smile. You gently pull your hand from his grasp as you turn to face him. “Again…umm…thanks for the save…”, Michael nods again. “If I may ask…who was he to you?”, You sigh as you look to the ground. “He was my…boyfriend…of sorts…”, You hear Michael sigh softly too as he takes your chin in his fingers, forcing you to look at him. He had seriousness on his face. “You shouldn’t have a man of any kind treat you with such disrespect…I on the other hand, will treat you like no other…like a queen…who deserves her throne…”, You could feel your cheeks get warm at what he says. You look to him a little confusingly. “And how will you do that?”, Michael’s smile returns. “It’s only a matter of time really…you’ll eventually understand…”, Without warning, he kisses your cheek before disappearing.
It caught you off guard as you step back, feeling the air escape your lungs. You look over to see your village was right there, seeing the gates were closed. But they opened up to reveal your friend, Alice, behind them. She rushes up to hug you. You hug her back, feeling your heart rate start slow. “Are you okay? What happened to you?”, She had asked those questions as she releases you, her face full of worry. You gave her a nod as you gave your surroundings a quick look, seeing Michael was nowhere in sight, as you look back to Alice. “I’m fine…really!”, Alice furrowed her brows. “Where’s Arnold?”, You only shrug. “He just…ran away…I’m not sure why or where…”, Alice shakes her head. “Yeah…I knew it…”, She grabs your hand. “Come on…let’s get you cleaned up…”, She leads you into the village, leading you back to your small makeshift house where you safely belong.
The full moon shines high in the night sky. You’re sitting by your window, looking out into the dark terrain, seeing nothing but black. It was apparently Midnight, and your insomnia was taking its toll on you. You sigh as you sink into the chair more, trying to get yourself more comfortable. “Enjoying your night?”, a voice speaks out. It makes you jump as you look over to see Michael standing by your bed. You sigh a relief as you sit up in the chair. “Oh, hey, um…yeah! I guess…”, You see Michael smile at your response as he walks over to where you are sitting as he gazes out of the window too. He then looks over to you. “How have you been holding up?”, You shrug at his question. “I’ve been alright…”, You look away from the window and to the floor. Michael notices your demeanor as he squats down in front of you. He moves his hand, taking hold of your chin as he forces you to look at him. “I want you to know something…”, You nod for him to proceed. Michael smiles as his eyes glaze over your face. “If…and I mean IF…another man threatens you, touches you or handles you in any way…you let me know…and I will burn his corpse to the ground…if not that, I’ll take his heart straight out of his chest…and burn it that way…”, his smile turns smug. Him saying those words though made you feel slightly uncomfortable. You swallow nervously. “Yeah…sure…”, Michael could tell that you were freaked out by what he said as he rubs on your chin softly with his thumb, trying to attempt to make you calm down. He then stands as he takes a small bow. “Until then, miss Y/N…”, You smile slightly as he bows. “When will I see you again?”, Michael chuckles. “In time…”, Michael proceeds to leave your room as you quickly get up to follow him out into the hallway, only to see he was gone. You sigh to yourself as you go back into the room, shutting the door behind you. You go lay yourself onto the bed as you attempt to get some rest, with Michael on your mind. This had to happen by fate. Maybe for a purpose OR for a reason. Either way, you’re just glad he stood up for you. Guys you’ll meet will probably want to rethink their strategy!
The End!
Notes: Please tell me what you think! Like it if you do...I would REALLY appreciate it! Believe me when I say I tried...😊
"How the cover was frayed and aged,
granular and delicate like sand
between my toes.
The cracking and shuffling as I open it
warn me of its secrets like the
midnight train derailing.
Yellowing of pages remind me
of the dimming moonlight
that ignites vigilant souls.
Mildew and laundry soap waft up
from the ink and invade my head
like unwanted memories.
The story invites me in,
so I take the chance and dive
into the pool of fantasy."
"This chain around my neck
is a symbol of something,
I just don't know yet."
“Windows cracked
from tainted ambiance,
floorboards split under
secret-laden curtains,
cement foundations carved
into melancholy headstones;
this house became the graveyard
of stagnant devotion.
“He said loving me
was a sin
as if I were the devil,
but he was
an impious man himself
and I
another bet to settle.”
“I suppose I held on too tight
to the rose in my palm
for its petals quickly turned
to blood and dripped
to the ground
as honey from a spoon.”
what if i made my title name 'liminal- (something or other)'?
wait what if you guys called me 'lime'
hoomans, I wanna taaaalk to you
I want to discuss with you robots' thought process
I wanna know about your thought process
"This will look great on the fridge!"
Does he even understand the concept of putting a child's drawings on the fridge?
While there is a fridge at Pizzaplex (that he's probably never seen in person), it's not the right one.
Does he understand that a family's fridge is something that is often looked at? That every morning each member of family sees the drawing and it is one of the first things they see when start their day? Does he realise that days begin with silent admiring of the child's achievements? With a sleepy smile that crosses father's face and holds fondness?
Does he know that a kitchen can be called a heart of a house? That it's a place where all the members, if not gather, but at least often cross paths? That it's a place of warmth, both physical and metaphorical?
Can he comprehend the sentiment of such action? Has anyone explained that to him? Or does he merely say a prepared phrase from his toddler-oriented vocabulary?


Summary: Paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what Jeongguk wants. And what Jeongguk wants, Jeongguk gets.
Genre: smutPWP, timid crack, established relationship
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: jeongguks horny! getting high, body painting, fingering, oral (both receiving), edging, slight subJK, unprotected sex, cockwarming, masturbation (fem), dry humping
A/N: Jeongguk being on his Bob Ross thing to help us through quarantine had me inspired. Fr Bob Ross was a legend. This gets steamy btw
Also pls stay safe everyone and don’t be selfish. Enjoy x
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Keep reading
So I’m try to write a book and it’s about a astronaut named Luke and his husband bane so bane was still on earth and then dies went Luke is in space and he can’t got to his funeral or leave the space station for a couple more years And it’s futuristic book so the team on earth makes a robot clone of Luke’s husband named Luke and sends him to the space station Luke hates him at first then they fall in love 🥰 pls tell me what you think .
So I made this chapter based of the world from The Warrior cats book series using my own cats. Made this a little while back (probably lots of grammar mistakes) but I want to see if its something to start up again?
:New friend:
I woke up to a sofft, warm sunlight that trickled through the den's entrance, it felt so nice but I had to get up. As I got up I looked around. Flowerpaw and Brackenpaw were still asleep. I looked over to the entrance when I saw a black tail. We don't have anyone in our clan with a black tail. I got out of my warm nest to see that it was Nightpaw, Strange. Wow! he was just lying in the middle of the camp! His fur looked so magical in the sun almost sliver. I've seen him before at clan meetings, but I never talked to him as he is always out hunting with his mentor, Heavystrike. It does make sense. He’s always out of clan while I'm in the nursery helping our expecting queens. But I still wished to talk to him. I silently creep up to him to say hi.
“Hey Nightpaw,” I said sweetly.
“Aaaah!” Nightpaw jumped so high in the air I must have really scared him, Ooops.
“What was that for? You scared the mouse-dung out of me!”
“Sorry,” I replied.
”I just wanted to talk to you.”
” And why would you want to talk to me?”
Tabbypaw” Cause why not, you seem interesting.”
Nightpaw” Fine but I don't have anything interesting to say.”
Tabbypaw” Well, what about…hunting!”
Nightpaw” Hunting? Why hunting, don't you know how?”
Tabbypaw” No I was never taught, I help the queens in the nursery.”
Nightpaw” Oooo your Poppyface’s apprentice right?”
Tabbypaw” Yaa, she never taught me how to hunt or anything but helping the queens.”
Nightpaw” Well then, I'll teach you how to hunt.”
Tabbypaw” Really? thanks so much!”
Nightpaw” Ok, see that stick over there. Focus your attention to it and crouch down and leap.”
Tabbypaw” Ok, like this?”
Tabbypaw crouches down with her paws spread out in and tail silently waving.
Nightpaw” Close, tuck in your paws more and keep your tail straight on the ground but not touching.”
Tabbypaw” Like this?”
Nightpaw” Purrrfect, and leap.”
Tabbypaw” Did you just say purrrfect?”
Nightpaw” Yeah, dough you have a problem?”
Tabbypaw” No, It's just funny.”
Nightpaw” Well, I'm glad you like them. Well come on now leap!”
Tabbypaw leaped across the floor and landed perfectly on top of the stick.
Tabbypaw” Hey I got it! Hey look at me I did it, did you see that Nightpaw!?Nightpaw?”
Tabbypaw turns around looking for Nightpaw.
He just left, gone. Only the morning birds are making noise. Where did he go, he’s gone, why? Why did he have to go? Well i'm kinda sad that he just left, but it doesn't matter, I feel as if I'll see him again. Tabbypaw looks up at the morning sky. The clan will be waking up soon, I might as well have some prey.
Tabbypaw walked up to the fresh kill pile and picks out a juicy mouse then goes over to a dim stop under the pine tree to eat.
Tell Me About Your Sim Worlds!
Hey there worldbuilders! You’ve got a world brewing inside your head, and I wanna hear all about it! Comment. Reblog. Anything. Just tell me about your shit!
Favorite OC lore? Tell me all about it!
If you got lore for your sims, comment your favorite lore!

alright gamers, what do we think
Since I've seen these been floating around and I've gotten back to rereading the series, I thought I'd give some color headcannons myself!
MudWings: They are mostly browns, blacks, and oranges, with yellows, greens, and reds being uncommon, and purple being somewhat rare. They often have spots, a piebald pattern, or what is called the muddy pattern, where either their feet or their whole legs has this soft wave of a darker color. This pattern is seen as a sign of strength in some circles. Their wing membranes are mostly solid in color, though spots and "mud splotches" have been documented. Their eye color can range from browns to oranges to the rare yellow, with hints of darker colors in them. Horn color ranges from browns, reds, grays, pinks, and rarely purple.
SandWings: Yellows, bone white, and beiges are common, and it covers most of their body so they can relax in the sand safely. Their sail, wing membrane, and underbelly are often the most patterned and colored, with copper colors, bronze colors, to rarely gold colors, including rose gold. This also qualifies to their tail barb, which also has black in its color range (some legends say gold colors used to be how you tell who had royal blood)
Sometimes a SandWing will have patterns, like the black diamond pattern we've seen, and the brown spot pattern on Queen Thorn, but they also have many other kinds, like the dapple pattern, where random scales on their sandy body are darker or lighter in color. Their eyes are mostly black all over, though around where their iris is, they have pops of sparkling color that ranges from orange to gold to white to the very rare blue. Horn color ranges from browns, blacks, and reds, rarely having veins of gold in them.
SkyWings: Reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, purples, and whites are super common, though white SkyWings are often mistaken as being "unlit", like how sometimes twins of firescales are. Uncommonly, a SkyWing can have a coal black in their scales, though none have been seen being completely coal colored. The rarest color is a fiery electric blue all over, looking like a living blue flame. SkyWings with this color are often seen as sacred, as they are the color of the hottest fire, so often they are pulled up in ranks so they can added to the royal bloodline.
SkyWings sometimes have piebald patterning, or, in slightly more rarer cases, the harlequin pattern, where all of their top scales interchange from two or more colors, looking as colorful as a RainWing. This often gets the dragon shunned. Their eye color ranges from red to orange to yellow to pink to the rare purple. Firescaled SkyWings always have blue. Their horn color ranges from browns, blacks, deep reds, to purple, and sometimes they have pops of gold in them.
SeaWings: Greens, blues, purples, and grays are common, though gray is often considered unattractive due to it resembling the color of dead coral. Pink and silver is uncommon, and the rarest color is a bright dazzling red. Red SeaWings are sometimes called "sharkblood" SeaWings, and often are made into violent warriors, for red is considered a frightening color in SeaWing society. The most common pattern is the bubble pattern, where bubble looking spots gather around the face, feet, tail, and wings. Rarely, they have arrow shaped stripes going down their back, which can be a lighter or darker color. Wing membrane patterns have a lot of diversity, though the royal family has the most extravagant pattern. You can trace the family history of a SeaWing by finding their pattern in old scrolls of SeaWing bloodlines. Their eye color ranges from blues, greens, purples, grays, to the rare pinks, reds, and yellows. Their horn color ranges from deep blues, deep purples, grays, and uncommonly pink.
RainWings:.....☆~E v e r y t h i n g~☆ (unless deformed, then shades of green they are stuck with)
IceWings: Blues, whites, silvers, and soft purples are common, though purple IceWings used to not get as much respect for having an "undignified" color back in the day. Very rarely, they can be greens or yellows, though these dragons used to be killed off because they didn't conform to IceWings standards. Their underbelly is usually darker in color, back lighter in color, and they have dark markings near their eyes, which is how they can look at bright light and not blind themselves. An iridescent and glittery effect is always present in IceWing scales, making them shine and gleam brightly like stars.
Melanistic IceWings used to appear in the tribe, but they were all killed off for resembling NightWings. IceWing patterns come in spots around the face, wings, tail, and feet. The shadow pattern, like what Snowfox had, is sometimes seen in royal IceWings to this day. They can also be piebald with their other colors. The siamese pattern is also common, and quite well loved. There is one rare pattern called the diamond head pattern, where the IceWing's top scales on their head resembles a diamond, while the rest of their body has this soft, diamond dust pattern.
These dragons are seen as natural born leaders, so are often brought into the royal line. IceWing wing membranes sometimes have a snowflake pattern, or little colored gem shapes. Their sclera is black, and their eye color ranges from blues, purples, silvers, whites, to the uncommon greens, to the rare yellows. Their horns and ruff sometimes are tipped with a deep or light purple, blue, white, and rarely green or yellow.
NightWings: All kinds of blacks are seen in their scales, though, like the RainWings and IceWings, they too have a soft iridescence to their scales sometimes, which brings out pops of color. Common deep colors are green, brown, purple, and blue. Some common patterns are silver bands that can go around the snout, legs, body, and tail, like the single circlet we've seen on Fatespeaker. Albino NightWings have been seen, and were used respected and seen as sacred, until the IceWing war happened, and so they were killed off. Piebald NightWings are uncommon, though they are well respected when they appear, as they are deemed beautiful and "Still have enough NightWing in them, unlike those albinos.."
The silver scales under their wings can make out all kinds of shapes, from showing the plain night, to having a moon, sometimes even showing a constellation. The membrane itself can also have swirls of colors, making their wings look like the vast cosmos. In seer NightWings, they have a full moon-like scale in the middle of their forehead, like how mindreaders have teardrop scales from the corners of their eyes. Their eye color comes in black, brown, deep red, deep blue, deep purple, deep green, to the rare silver, sometimes having flecks of other colors. Horn color ranges from black, purple, gray, blue, green, to the rare silver and white.

I made this lad a little while back for an Au of Foeslayer if she fell for a different IceWing
This is Bulrush! A pure Bigwings MudWing with some modifications for my own MudWing headcanon design.
I had seen the club tail on the german cover and thought "That's so cool omg I'm adding that!" So I did, along with longer bottom canines, a second pair of horns, slightly longer face points, and back foot webbings. The front pair are webbless, like a toad.
I like how he turned out, he's pretty dope☆

Alrighty dudes, here is a little character concept that I've been workin on for a little bit (along with a RainWing/IceWing hybrid)
This is Direclaws!
A two bloodmoon-born NightWing who is daughter of Fierceteeth and Strongwings, as the idea of Fierceteeth having a powerful daughter after being queen for a good amount of years sounds pretty metal and I think could add some interesting plot points in this fanfic I'm makin
You know the "spark" Ruby got when she had Cliff? I think it would be sort of the same for Fierceteeth and Strongwings, tho in their own ways
Fierceteeth loves her because "Strong daughter with powers = great", and Strongwings would love her because he just has the goofy dad vibes
There is, of course, the elephant in the room for them: When will Direclaws want to take the throne from Fierceteeth?
She knows
But they certainly don't :>

Alrighty dudes! I have made two refs for Direclaws's brothers! Shadowglider (the top one) and Sharpmind (the bottom one)
Shadowglider is the eldest of the bunch, hatching earlier than expected, right at morning time, which scared the living daylights outta his parents Fierceteeth and Strongwings
He's got the build similar to his mother, though much lankier and taller with his long legs, and his wings are as strong looking as his father's, which gave him a love for flying. He has no NightWing powers, unlike his brother and sister
Sharpmind was the only one to hatch at the expected time, under one full moon, giving him mindreading
His build a lot like Strongwings, being decently beefy, though he is also the shortest of his siblings. His wings are average, and he has the longest horns
Now for a quick little rundown of their personalities!
☆Shadowglider is kind, fierce, a little dumb, Imaginative, reckless, and very expressive.
He is incredibly loyal to his tribe, family, and friends, often giving them gifts when he can.
Don't be fooled though, he is not one to be pushed, as he will show what is called his "mom" half.
He likes hunting, flying, and collecting random items that seem remotely interesting.
He dislikes cruelty, fish, and storms, as they prevent him from flying. He has severe isolophobia, and can't stand the thought of being alone for so long. As long as he is able to hear other dragons around, hear his sister talk telepathically, or feel a prescence, he will be ok.
☆Sharpmind, on the other hand, is intelligent, impatient, selfless, prideful, yet generous, and sly.
He takes great pride in the fact that he is a true NightWing with mindreading abilities, and often uses it whenever he can, to not only give himself an ego boost, but also to see what dragons are truthfully thinking, being quite nosy.
Though he won't "push in" when he senses someone is trying to hide certain thoughts, as hey, what's the fun of knowing every little thing about someone? He has to nerf himself somehow to keep the intrigue.
He likes reading, exploring, and learning history, especially of other tribes.
He dislikes greed, slow dragons, and fighting with his own tribe, as it makes him feel like a traitor in a sense, which makes his mother proud in a cosmic way that she'll never say.
He has atelophobia, and can't stand the thought of either being late for something, or not doing good at something. This makes learning new skills difficult for him, but his brother and sister being around do help elevate this for him, especially when they're all doing the new thing.
Whew, that went on for a bit xD
Thanks for reading down to the end, I'll soon be yeeting out my fanfic when I get some chapters done. Hope you have a good day, see ya☆
Do y'all think, if Moon and Winter did get together in canon, they would be a repeat of Foeslayer and Arctic?
Not completely ofc, they can't have an all powerful dragonet, but as just a relationship, do you think they would be?