Master Diluc - Tumblr Posts

*Gasp* They're???? Alive???? Heh, okay, so, I've redone this thing four times now so I'm trying really hard to remember what I wrote, let's go. In this modern au filled with hybrids, elementals, angels, demons, and mythical creatures, Genshin Impact is taken to a whole new level. That's right, it's time for some genshin.
Diluc: Winery Owner and Secret Vigilante Dubbed "The Darknight Hero" He's 22 and known as the most successful winery owner in the world.
Type: Fire Elemental, Born.
Diluc's a born elemental which makes a difference later because born elementals don't have the mental or physical instability due to the rush of power to an unpowered body when turned like made do.
i’m telling y’all, i’m sucking this man dry

Master Diluc
Because Genshin doesn't have enough representation, here's what Diluc is like in my AU.
His hair is still red, but it has a streak of white from using the Delusion
He's still banned from Snezhnaya XD
Dark, slightly golden toned skin
He is beauty he is grace he will claymore you in the face
More than a touch of the 'tism (mood)
His hands have gone pitch black from using the delusion (think Eclipsa in SVTFOE)
There are some cracks on his chest from using the delusion (Like Pink Pearl from SU)
Crippling depression, anxiety and PTSD
A fucking dragon (less important but still there)
Transmasc (Yass king slay)
Whore (Childe, Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, Albedo, Baizhu, Itto, the list goes on)
Low-key fashion icon
Any adult who looks at him is suddenly both horny and scared

Ragbros week 2022 Day 2 , Oct 21 - Home
"You're not alone, remember that?"

Diluc headcannon
After giving up his vision, Diluc forgets a lot of names and can only remember a few. These names are Crepus and Kaeya, while going on a fatui murder spree, he calls himself Kaeya, for he believes it is his name only upon returning to Mondstadt does he realise that Kaeya is the name of his brother who he can remember but not well. He has a mental breakdown upon realising this. Diluc keeps the fact he called himself Kaeya on his travels a secert with only Adaline finding out He does regain his memories after his vision was returned but still will sometimes answer to Kaeya
Fanart of Diluc from Genshin Impact
Alcohol markers on paper A5