Medblr - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

There's been an uptick of interest in my medical history posts, so have a Medical History Masterpost:

Skillfully Combined™ (the notorious Victorian cough syrup photo and the pharmacology behind it)

The Industrial Revolution & the Pharmacological Boom (ft. expansionism, chemistry and geopolitics)

The Edwin Papyrus & Imhotep (ft. input and correction from an Egyptologist!)

Cancer as a Chronic Disease through History

Imhotep's gout treatment and modern pharmacology

Absolute Madlad Ambrose Paré, Ligature and Haemostatic Clamps

NB: I'm a biomedical science undergrad who's been reading literature about medical history since age 7, not a doctor or a historian. Whilst I add academically weighted sources where necessary, I strongly encourage you to do your own further reading, and not to take my word as Gospel. Finally, none of this is medical advice, nor am I qualified to give medical advice. If you're worried, see your GP.

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5 months ago

Hello Klance fans and the like!

Hey yall, does anyone here go to/have in-depth knowledge on med school? I’m writing a fic and since one of the characters goes to med school I want to make sure I have the correct info and setup for that. I would appreciate someone to be able to read over and give edits on some sections in the future and help answer questions :) please dm me if you have info/are willing to help! Also, if you don’t want to read parts of the fic and you just want to answer questions/explain the journey of becoming a doctor that would also be greatly appreciated! thx

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7 years ago

Today in forensic lecture, we were taught the two different types of death- natural and unnatural. I nudged my friend and whispered to her factually that there's a third type.


She kindly asked me to fuck off.

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7 years ago


In a sentence: Our body trusts no one, not even itself.

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7 years ago



When pharmac is also laughing at your pitiable condition

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6 years ago
Well, My Forensic Medicine Textbook Says This. I Did My Research, Sherlock...

Well, my forensic medicine textbook says this. I did my research, Sherlock...

Well, My Forensic Medicine Textbook Says This. I Did My Research, Sherlock...

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6 years ago

So my mom had a new theory pop up in her mind

I'm a medical student and she has graduated in microbiology. We were discussing the subject and all of a sudden she excitedly says- The bacteria growing on blood agar are mini versions of vampires, because they need blood to grow!

Mom, you surprise me sometimes.

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6 years ago
When You Are Bored Of Studying Patho, And Decide That Taking Measures For Anti Possession Is More Productive.

When you are bored of studying patho, and decide that taking measures for anti possession is more productive.

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6 years ago
I Was Studying Virology

I was studying virology

My surname is Nair

Needless to say, this is what I sent in the family group

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5 years ago

Cheesy line #1

Are you Atropine?

Coz you give me tachycardia.

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4 years ago

Favorite response to a request for a mnemonic: "Roses are red, violets are blue, the long thoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior."

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4 years ago

“I don’t think I can do much about the dead one,” said the doctor. “How do you know he’s dead? I realize that I may regret asking that question.”

“He’s got a broken neck from falling off a roof and I reckon he fell off because he got a steel crossbow dart in his brain.”

“Ah. That sounds like dead, if you want my medical opinion.”

-Night Watch by Terry Pratchett

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1 year ago

Delightful encounter of the day: a five-year-old informed me very excitedly during our Wellness Exam that “the Ever Given is a container ship!”

Apparently his favorite show to watch is a documentary episode on the Suez canal fiasco.

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Hey guys!

Hello everyone! I'm a newbie to this studyblr thing and I am super nervous! I'm a first year med student and I just love how all of this studyblrs motivate me to start studying! So, I decided to start one!

Hopefully I can do this! 😅

Thanks guys💕

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3 years ago

It looks weirdly creepy and completely awesome

Art On Wood
Art On Wood
Art On Wood
Art On Wood
Art On Wood
Art On Wood
Art On Wood
Art On Wood

Art on Wood

by EngraversDungeonArt

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2 years ago

There’s happiness and then there’s realizing that the last ten pages of a scientific paper are just the bibliography.

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9 years ago

Studyblr Questions

Hello!! If you fellow MBTI types or studyblr/studyspo/medblr/etc ever have questions, you can come to me! :)

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9 years ago

Medblr’s! 💉 🏥 🚑 😷

I have a page on my blog where I want to make a list of medblr’s (mainly so that I can find them easily, and anyone else). This includes premeds, medical students and doctors. If you would like to be added to the list just reblog this (please add whether you are a predmed, doctor, or what year medical student) and I’ll add you! 

These are the medblr’s I’m currently following and I’m looking for more to follow. I’ll follow back anyone who reblogs this (note it’ll be from my main blog) 

@ermedicine @medschoolbound @sheisamedstudent @medschooldreamdiary @aspiringdoctors @medicalschool @cardiacattack @newlymed @medical-af @medblogonthego @premedtomd @supermedstudent @docitaliana @justanothermedblr @doc-in-progress @medschoolgrind @studylikeadoctor @aspiringdr @studiyng @averagepremed @thisfuturemd @flyonthewallmedstudent @medical-gal @medical-student @premedmotivation @studydiaryofamedstudent

Thank you so much for reading, I would be so grateful for any medblr’s and studyblr’s to share this! 😘


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