Montagu Barnes - Tumblr Posts
Hi, welcome to Lockwood and Co.
We have:
Anthony “sad-boi” Lockwood
Lucy “come-over-here-and-see-how-feisty-I-am” Carlyle
Quill “I-don’t-know-how-to-deal-with-not-being-useful-anymore” Kipps
George “my-conspiracy-theories-are-usually-right” Cubbins/Karim
Holly “I’m-bad-at-confrontation” Munro
Ned “brawn-over-brain” Shaw
Bobby “I’m-think-I’m-smarter-than-George” Vernon
Kat “am-I-the-only-one-with-the-brain-cell” Godwin
Montagu “can-these-children-chill-for-once” Barnes
“I-can-be-evil-at-times-but-sadly-I-care-about-people-now” Skull
Yes. Also just realized I didn’t add Flo. Which would probably be: Flo “what’s-a-moral-code?” Bones
Hi, welcome to Lockwood and Co.
We have:
Anthony “sad-boi” Lockwood
Lucy “come-over-here-and-see-how-feisty-I-am” Carlyle
Quill “I-don’t-know-how-to-deal-with-not-being-useful-anymore” Kipps
George “my-conspiracy-theories-are-usually-right” Cubbins/Karim
Holly “I’m-bad-at-confrontation” Munro
Ned “brawn-over-brain” Shaw
Bobby “I’m-think-I’m-smarter-than-George” Vernon
Kat “am-I-the-only-one-with-the-brain-cell” Godwin
Montagu “can-these-children-chill-for-once” Barnes
“I-can-be-evil-at-times-but-sadly-I-care-about-people-now” Skull
Barnes: Honestly, you're doing a lot better than I expected.
Lockwood: It feels like all I managed to do is... not die...
Barnes: Believe me, that is a remarkably rare skill.
Reckless job, being an agent. How many times can Barnes handle picking up the phone, hoping it’s not another agent lost on the job?
All the scenes are from Lockwood and Co. on Netflix and the song is Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid.
Lucy, George, Holly, Flo, Kipps, Barnes, etc: Lockwood, no!!
Lockwood: Lockwood, yes!!
I have a bunch of shitpost content in my notes app. Feel free to tag your favorite or the one you feel like is the most you. These were the ones I thought best fit the Lockwood and Co. characters:
How do people just say things? Have you not thought of the consequences?
— Holly Munro
Angry enough to fight god, but too tired to do it.
— George Cubbins/Karim
It’s not stealing if you don’t live by their rules.
— Lockwood
If you see me with an untucked shirt and un-cuffed jeans, don’t worry, I’m still bi.
— Lucy
I want to be cared for gently. What a fun, wholesome, devastating thought.
— Lockwood
I’m not going to read it correctly. I’m going to read it the way dyslexia intended.
— Lockwood
A shirt that says “Am I still performing?”
— Lucy, cause she could use a reminder to stop masking
Lucy about to get Lockwood to eat his words: *insert a picture of alphabet soup*
Ass is gender neutral.
— Quill Kipps
If being “manly” is just being “tough” and being trans is tough as hell, that means I’m super Manly™️.
— Quill Kipps
The only king I worship is Elvis.
— Lockwood
I hate how good it feels to have people like you.
When I beat this depression it’s all over for you bitches.
— Everyone
How the fuck?
— George Cubbins/Karim
How do people get up in the morning, and like, do stuff… weird.
— Lockwood
I just want to watch wholesome gay videos and study science.
— Holly Munro
Who cares about character development? I want to be comfortable.
— Quill Kipps
Being alive feels like the ocean. I will not elaborate.
— Holly Munro
Why the fuck?
— Barnes, anytime the Iron Trio does anything
Bonus (Avatar edition):
Your honor, I—
*Zuko starts crying*