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sometimes you can really tell a writer has had a seasoned life by how invested they can make you become merely in the span of a written 6 day sleepover
connection buffering . . . ↺
di!leon x reader - long-distance relationship - part 2
previous part

you weren't bluffing.
you'd made the sign. wrote his name in big block letters, too confident in how you wrote the first half of his name. the 'EDY' crowds together at the end. 'E' shoves 'D' close to the end, 'Y' drawn paper thin and cocked to the side, threatening to topple off the edge of the paper. leon finds he's not too tired to laugh.
he had the whole goddamn flight to figure out what to say to you, but when he sees you standing there with that sign in your hand, scanning the crowd for a man you expect to be two inches taller, it all flushes out of him to make room for the queasy feeling in his gut. when you finally spot him (thank god; the words had gotten lodged in his throat, your name running around his mind again, again, again, lodged so deep in the crevices that he couldn't pry it free and force it out his mouth) your smile nearly blinds him. he shields his eyes with a hand, watches you bounce on the balls of your feet.
he flicks your sign with a finger. the only words that make it past the lump in his throat are, "messed up the kerning, huh?"
you tip your head, puppy-dog cute. more adorable in person. "the what?"
"kerning." silence. you shake your head a little, blank look in your eye. leon tries to swallow, feels barbs jab into his throat. ten minutes on the ground and he's fucking up already. his gut turns. he tries to blame it on airplane peanuts. "the space between the letters."
he should get back on the plane. if he flashes his badge and declares it official business they have to let him on, right? brass wouldn't be happy with him, but what are they going to do? he's leon fucking kenn--
you laugh and his thoughts screech to a halt, plane crash on the concourse. footsteps pound past him - or maybe that's his heartbeat in his ears. your laugh is prettier in person, too.
"okay, all right." your face lights up, eyes squished to make room for your smile. "why do you know that?"
mentally, he flips through a rolodex of excuses. he moonlighted as a graphic designer (false), he was really into fonts (no strong opinions, really), it's classified (outright lie). he settles for the truth, shrugging.
"late night wikipedia dive."

you laugh again. his heart is a bird, fluttering in his chest, battering itself against his ribs to get to you. what the hell is wrong with him? he hadn't felt like this in years, thought he wasn't supposed to feel like this anymore. when you were an adult you grew out of this sort of giddiness. he'd choked it down every time he'd checked his phone under the table at an intelligence meeting, dismissed it as heartburn. he's supposed to want. it's supposed to be a blaze that swallows him up. confident and bold and all-consuming. not fidgety and desperate.
he's not anxious. he's a grown man. he's met presidents, plural. he doesn't get nervous meeting people, even if they're stunning, even if his hands twitch to hold theirs.
does he hug you? kiss you? slip his hand into your back pocket and guide you out of the terminal, lead you blindly to a car that isn't his, take you to an apartment he's only ever seen portions of on a 15 inch screen, ask what he can make you for dinner in your own home? that's what he wants. skip over all of this and slide right into familiarity, fly right past all the work it takes to get there. you've done the leg work, right? you know how you feel about each other. he's here. that says enough, doesn't it?
he's eternally grateful that you reach through his thoughts and pull him into a hug. your face stuffs into his shoulder, words muffled. "i'm so glad you're here."
you inhale deeply and he swears his heart does a backflip. jesus, he needs to get a physical. this can't be normal.
it's you who loops your arm with his, you who tugs him into motion. you rattle off questions that he answers as best he can. it feels like drowning, like he can barely keep his head above water. his flight was fine, thanks for asking. no, he didn't get any sleep. he never sleeps on planes. it's a long story. he didn't need a nap, but yeah, he could go for a coffee.
you know this great place, you reassure him. really low-key. he treads water in the parking garage while you dig for your keys. you drop them - twice - and he wonders if you're struggling to stay at the surface, too.
as a last act before sinking into the passenger seat, he rescues your sign from the trash, folding it neatly and tucking it into his pocket.
he looks up from buckling his seat belt, beckoned by the way you call his name. he's still smiling when you cup his cheeks and kiss him.
by day two, he's decided you need a new apartment. he hasn't told you that yet, figures it comes off too pushy, but he would fly back down to help you move if you wanted. (if he thinks it hard enough, won't you ask him to?)
don't misunderstand - he likes what you've done with the place. honest to god, you're a miracle worker with decor. you could really shape his place up.
it's just that your front door is less than secure. your locks are ran through. it would take him less than a minute to break in. he doesn't even want to think about your windows. other than being drafty, they're just another completely unsecured access point.
you'd invited him to sleep in your bed the first night, and he had every intention of doing so. he'd just passed out on the couch before he had the chance. leon had woken with a pillow stuffed under his head, thick, handmade blanket tucked over him. it was sweet. really.
but it wasn't the same as sleeping next to you.
leon has every intention of sleeping in your bed that night. you'd filled the day with a tour of your city, pointing out your favorite and least favorite spots, telling stories that let him imagine the streets as a stage, you as the star, top billing as far as he's concerned. everything had been optional, as you'd feverishly reassured him after every stop. he could change the itinerary with one word. the only mandatory stop had been lunch with your friends. a good sign, he thinks. if you're confident enough to introduce him to the people in your life, then you see this going somewhere, right?
by the time you hit your last stop, it feels like he's emerged from a war zone. leon would know. he's been run ragged on back to back operations before, but this - the pressure of trying to be right for you, to show you who he is, waiting on pins and needles for you to sour on him and push back from the closeness he craves - this is truly exhausting.
you must feel it too, offering to pick up dinner on your way home in lieu of cooking. he waves away apologies, reaches past you to hand the cashier at taco bell his card when you try to pay. the food is gone by the time you pull your car into the parking lot.
both of you have the same idea. you're just as worn out as he is (makes him wonder if you're doing the same thing, all anxious energy, making sure to put your best foot forward, always stumbling and falling into a better impression than the one you set out to make) and bed comes naturally to mind. he slips into the side closest to the door and you stop him immediately, voice teasing.
"uh, that's my side." you poke at his ribs. the awkwardness had melted over the course of the day together. you were playful, eyes bright and laugh loud. touch came easy between you now, both playful and lingering. the comfort that had been stirred up and tossed into disarray by physical proximity had settled back in.
leon's eyes flit to the door over your shoulder. it's not a big deal, he tells himself. the odds of something happening were astronomically low.
but he knows his luck with astronomically low odds. one in a million is too risky. he's got to be closer to the door, won't be able to sleep if he's not. his hands wrap around your waist, urging you on top of him. he doesn't miss the way you stiffen, the momentary hitch of your breath, but you let yourself get swept along all the same, drape yourself over him as he guides you to.
"just sleep like this." leon shifts lower to make more space for you. he presses a kiss to your head.
it takes longer than he expected for you to relax. slowly, when his hands still at your back and his breathing evens out, your limbs loosen. your weight thickens atop him, pressing him further into the mattress. it's all he can do to remind himself that he's tired, that starting something now would lead nowhere fast.
leon stays awake until he's certain you're out cold. the door remains unbreached, your home still safe. he can't bring himself to regret his caution.
when he's finally able to sleep, he sleeps hard. he wakes to your fingers carding through his hair, his cheek cushioned against your chest, completely flipped around during the night. it's the best night he's had in years.
on day three, leon wonders if he should be more obvious.
he's been putting out all the signs, carefully curated his touch to be lingering, to make you burn for more, but each time you settle against him and offer up a contented "this is nice."
does there need to be a neon sign draped around his neck that says "take me for a spin", arrow blinking down toward his crotch? you'd let him press against your back during an afternoon nap, knee wedged between your legs, arm curled around your stomach to keep you next to him. he woke from dreams where he was bolder, where he wasn't afraid of losing you with that lingering confidence, pressed kisses to the back of your neck until that gauzy empowerment lifted.
hell, he'd woken up that morning laying half on top of you, his head nestled in the valley of your chest. you'd pet his hair til he woke from nuzzling your tits in his sleep.
he abandons subtlety during the credit crawl of eight-legged freaks, a 'classic' you had insisted on making him watch. (you'd laughed when he had commented he could keep you safe in the event of giant spiders. he hadn't been joking, but he still hasn't grown tired of hearing you laugh.)
"hey," he asks, hand curling around your thigh. his thumb smooths an arc across your skin, traces the path again and again. "do you wanna..?"
smooth, kennedy.
you look over at him with that same puppy-dog confusion that he's growing familiar with. instead of moving his hand, you draw your legs up and lay them over his lap. how the fuck is he supposed to interpret that?
"do i wanna..?" you parrot back, drawing the words out into the form of a question.
leon hates himself. he wishes he could back out of this. he clears his throat. how the hell do people broach this topic smoothly? he searches for the words, the silence stretching a little too long for comfort. finally, he says the first thing he can.
"like, sex."
real mature, kennedy, he thinks. he wishes he could backpedal, take it all back. he's certain your face warms. before he can issue a take down for his words, (maybe cut out his stupid goddamn vocal cords, if he has the time) you fumble out, "oh. like- right now? uh, i mean, do you want to?"
continuing with the maturity, he turns it back on you.
"i asked you first."
"i don't not want to."
leon shakes his head. his hand cups your ankle. "i really only take 'yeah' or 'hell yeah'."
"i just didn't think giant spiders got you in the mood."
"hey, the more legs the better."
leon knows deflection when he hears it. he's the reigning champ, after all, could play this game with you all day. but he has mercy; he chuckles, lets you get away with it and grabs the remote, declaring it's his turn to pick another movie since your choice was a mood killer.
later that night, curled up in bed with a video playing mindlessly from your tablet, you turn around to face him. he widens his arms to accommodate the movement, circles them tighter once you settle in.
"you're not mad?" you ask, pressing your face into his chest, already hiding from the answer.
"about what?"
"spell it out for me, sweetheart."
he can feel your breath puff against his chest, an exasperated huff. people have done this same thing to him time and time again. he always hated it, being forced to be forthcoming and earnest. (vulnerable, some people call it, but that always made him feel like a wounded bird.) now that he's on the other side, he sort of sees the appeal.
"'cause i don't wanna have sex yet."
there's a 'yet'. that's promising. he saves that little victory for later. his hand rubs slowly, reverently across the planes of your back.
he knows what he's got to say. he knows that he means it. putting the words to it is different. he needs you to understand, has to do this right.
"i didn't come all this way just to hook up."
you hum. "but you still want to."
christ, he's got to man up and say it.
"of course i do." you burrow closer to him, hands fisting against his side. he taps your back firmly. "hey. i'm not finished. i'm attracted to you, okay? like, really attracted to you. it's not- it's not just physical. i want to see if we can make this work. if what we had on the phone was real."
"is it?"
"yeah. i think so."
"sex isn't important to you?"
"it is. it's just not more important to me than you."
you pull your face from his chest, look up at him with big wet eyes. he brushes the backs of his fingers against your cheek tenderly, afraid you'll splinter and those tears will cascade down if he's anything but gentle.
"i think so, too."
you curl back into him, your touch melting from desperate to serene. leon can't help but feel accomplished - as though he's threaded the needle perfectly, cut the right wire just before the clock hit zero. gradually, his breathing falls into step with yours.
"besides," he murmurs, half-asleep. he drops a kiss against the top of your head. "your walls are thin. i don't want you catching a noise complaint."
day four is a glimpse of the life he could have, but it makes him realize what he needs to do to obtain it. the sickly feeling pools in his stomach, leaves him picking at the dinner you made. it's good, he swears. then the lie - just all the travel catching up to him.
he knows by day five that he's got to tell you everything. it's no longer a want - he needs you in his life. he's resolved to come clean.
he nearly does it over breakfast. you set his coffee in front of him, muss his hair before you take your own seat, and it almost comes spilling out onto the table.
i work in national security. i'm a federal agent. there's so much i can't tell you, but it's dangerous. god, it's dangerous. there's so much blood on my hands. it doesn't scrub off but i'm worried it will stain your skin. i think i could love you, if you'll let me. please don't say it back.
"plans today?" he says instead, sipping his coffee.
maybe tomorrow.
day six leaves him melancholy.
you'd insisted that today was for him. whatever he wanted, you would accommodate.
leon worries that his answer is boring. he wants a day in with you. an imitation of what it could be like to come home to this. the idle sounds of you milling about the house could lull him to sleep if it weren't for the words lodged in his throat.
you were doing the laundry. not yours, not his, but the, the definite article that's never felt intimate until that very moment. it silenced him to hear you refer to it that way. he's so tired of reading into every word you say, clinging onto every nuance. he'd forgotten how exhausting this stage of a relationship is. you couldn't send him home with dirty clothes, you explained, and he had no argument against that. his eyes traced after you as you puttered around, busying yourself with tidying. you're so at home. of course you are. it's your apartment. but he wants that. he wants to lift you from this place and into his own home, to watch you make yourself at home and busy yourself with the mundane.
he's got to tell you today. he can't do it over text. it's wrong.
when you finally settle down next to him on the couch, drawing a blanket into your lap, you breach the topic gently, give him a chance to do it himself. leon doesn't realize how obvious he is when he gets that look on his face, all forlorn as if he'd collapsed onto a fainting couch, hand over the back of his forehead. drama queen.
"what's up?" you ask, sitting close - but infuriatingly distant, not quite touching him yet.
"nothing. just looking at you."
bless you for trying to make it easy on him. it's always been like pulling teeth to get him to talk. he's trained to resist torture and coercion, should know better than to melt under a gentle hand or the way your body fits against his side.
you hum softly, disbelieving. so that's it, then. the silence, the 'i'm respecting your distance until you break' tactics. damn, you're good. leon takes a deep breath, chest aching with the weight of what he has to say. now or never.
"look- i'm not who you think i am."
you don't miss a beat. "in what way?"
he has to force the words out. he's acutely aware that this could ruin everything. you could kick him out. block his number, never speak to him again. good. it was safer that way. you deserved a normal life.
"i lied to you. about my work."
"yeah, i know."
"i work in security. national security."
"leon. i know."
his brain reels back a few steps, trying to process your words.
"you know?" he repeats, almost offended. how could you know? was this a set up?
you pull your phone from your pocket, tapping a quick query in. you turn the phone to him. article after article, a few interviews pinned to the top. every link is purple, clicked on and read through. the one that draws his eye is tucked at the bottom of the screen, makes his skin crawl to remember.
"i googled you." you set your phone down on the coffee table.
"and you still let me into your house?" he was serious, but you laugh. leon's brow pinches. "how long?"
you shrug, as if this conversation is about the laundry. "a couple months. ever since you told me your last name."
"months? why didn't you say anything?"
"i was hoping you'd tell me yourself. and you did, sort of."
his mind is still reeling. the drama of it all had his wound up tight. where does he put that energy?
he must look as thrown-off as he feels, because you chuckle, sweep the hair from his eyes and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"i get why you don't tell people upfront. just don't hide stuff like that from me again, okay? seriously. i'll be mad."
it's more grace than he deserves. your acceptance churns his stomach. is there another meaning behind your words, a resentment coiling in the pit of your stomach?
you crack open your book and lean against his side. he settles his arm around you, moving slow, scared to frighten you away. only one chapter in, you pass him your phone, a take-out app order, asking what he wants. if you're mad, you hide it well.
day seven is a funerary procession. you help him scour your apartment for things he may have left behind, packing them neatly in his suitcase-shaped coffin. it's amazing how his things had flooded into your apartment during the short course of his visit. he had spread out, made himself comfortable. part of it had been testing how his belongings felt next to yours, how it all fit - the final test he had constructed in his mind. you'd passed that with flying colors, clearly. he's lost track of a shirt somewhere along the way, but he isn't concerned about it. he'll be back. he can look for it another time.
both of you linger at your front door. excuses are myriad, flowing from both sides. reasons to double back, reasons to keep his hand on your waist, your fingers in his hair, your lips on his.
but eventually the time becomes too urgent, the threat of missing his flight too real. he'd joked in the car that if he didn't turn up for work they might just send a helicopter to pick him up instead, expecting a laugh. you only smile, a wry twist of your lips that fades too quickly. you reach for your sunglasses and shove them on. the air is tense by the time you pull into the parking garage, cherry scented car freshener cloying.
“you gonna cry?” he teases.
you sniffle.
“oh my god.” he is such a jackass. “don't cry. i'm sorry, sweetheart. it's okay. jesus.”
“i just don't want you to go,” you squeak. your hands fist the steering wheel tight, knuckles turning white.
leon leans over the center console, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. he shrugs you closer to him, hushing you gently.
"let's plan another trip, okay?" he murmurs against your head, placing apologetic kisses there over and over. "c'mon. it's not forever. it's okay. i'm gonna call you when i land. we'll text, like we always do. it's my turn to pick the movie, so-"
fuck. his voice cracks. he clears his throat, blinks quickly to keep his composure.
"so, i'll pick a good one. wednesday night, okay? you, me, and a really good movie."
steadily, his promises slow your tears. the pressure of time detaches you from his hold. you're with him as far as you can go, waving him off to his gate. his heart sinks like a stone. he hates flights, never gets comfortable on them, but the way home feels longer than usual.
made it home he texts the second he's through the door. you're probably asleep. he hopes you are, at least. it's late for you, and--
before he can bother telling you to go to bed, another message pushes through. his house felt empty before, but your message only deepens the feeling, hollows out the hallways and leaves his bed feeling too big, too cold.
i miss you already. call me tomorrow if you can.
leon squints at the screen.
"is that my shirt?"
you stop mid-sentence. caught red-handed - or, rather, grey-shirted.
it's your movie night since he made it back home. you're curled up in bed, your popcorn off to the side. he can fill in the gaps of your room now, knows what extends beyond the screen - and he knows that shirt. an old work tee of his that had mysteriously gone missing after you did the laundry. well-worn and soft. his name stamped on the back in big, block letters. possessive pride stirs in his chest to imagine you wearing his name.
sheepish, you promise, "i'll bring it back to you. how about next month?"
leon shakes his head. he pulls open his calendar, skimming through the busy weeks to clear the time for you.
"keep it. wear it to the airport for me so i know who to look for."
"you're not gonna make me a sign?"
"the shirt is the sign, sweetheart."
"are you gonna wear a matching one with my name on it?"
"i might." he opens another tab, googling how to make custom t-shirts. "you'll have to get here and find out."

connection restored -`♡´-
dividers from @/adornedwithlight
this was such a rollercoaster of a ride to read, i loved every single moment of it like holy fuck can’t believe i’m sobbing at 1 am rn as i type this JDBJKBKBS and honestly this hits too close to home, it felt as if i was seeing myself through the mc <//3 but srsly thank you dear author for writing this masterpiece <33

TITLE: hits different
PAIRING: lee haechan x fem!reader | mc’s best friend johnny, haechan’s roommate mark (+ kinda emotional support boy when mc acts like a loser)
GENRE: non-idol au, strangers to friends with benefits to lovers, getting together, smut, angst, fluff | requested
SUMMARY: nobody ever got under your skin, not until Haechan came in your life and changed everything.
WARNINGS: smut, protected and unprotected sex (condom first and then mc is on the pill), multiple sex scenes, oral sex, fingering, car sex, riding, fingers sucking, face sitting, rimming, anal, mirror sex, a bit of exhibitionism (as a fantasy), praise, teasing (as in degradation but it’s not hard stuff), handjob, morning sex, kitchen sex, toys (vibrator), overstimulation, (no bdsm but) switchy dynamics, sa doesn’t happen but there are a few references to pushy behaviours, mentions of a past car accident and death of a barely mentioned character | I hope I didn’t forget anything but if I did, let me know! | kinda implied that both haechan and the reader are bi because in this house we only support mxf bi4bi couples (joking… unless) do whatever you want with this information.
WC: 44.804k
TAGLIST: @adorejaehyn@matchahyuck@sundhaelatte@jjhmk@ourbeautifulaffair@what-the-jams@oleoleniall @kundann @bbagu@ismileeprnc-responder@produmads@zkdlllin@yesohhsehun@aliceinwhateverland@strangevante @cas104 @hyuckdreams
A/N: finally writing hyuck as a loser male wife (kinda) my life is complete!!! It’s been months and I’m back with a request, I know it took long to write it but I hope whoever requested will like this. I’m still not sure about the present tense but idk I’m trying out new things. I would really appreciate if you could support my work in any way, feedback makes me happy and motivates me to keep writing. If you can, reblog so it can reach more people or come and chat in the ask box to let me know your opinion! Love you, enjoy!

It was Johnny’s fault. It’s always his fault when things don’t go as planned.
It’s his fault if right now you are jumping around Haechan’s bedroom trying to look for your clothes while the clock is running fast, and you are running late.
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▶ UPDATE; Application(s)
Hello, my lovelies~ I have made a few tweaks to the application process on which will be taking affect immediately. I would appreciate if students could take a brief look and familiarize themselves with these changes.
Thank you, I hope you all have a delightful evening!

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10 Female Written Short Stories Everyone Should Read
I have seen a post circulating for a while that lists 10 short stories everyone should read and, while these are great works, most of them are older and written by white men. I wanted to make a modern list that features fresh, fantastic and under represented voices. Enjoy!
1. A Temporary Matter by Jhumpa Lahiri — A couple in a failing marriage share secrets during a blackout.
2. Stone Animals by Kelly Link — A family moves into a haunted house.
3. Reeling for the Empire by Karen Russell — Women are sold by their families to a silk factory, where they are slowly transformed into human silkworms.
4. Call My Name by Aimee Bender — A woman wearing a ball gown secretly auditions men on the subway.
5. The Man on the Stairs by Miranda July — A woman wakes up to a noise on the stairs.
6. Brownies by ZZ Packer — Rival Girl Scout troops are separated by race.
7. City of My Dreams by Zsuzi Gartner — A woman works at a shop selling food-inspired soap and tries not to think about her past.
8. A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor — A family drives from Georgia to Florida, even though a serial killer is on the loose.
9. Hitting Budapest by NoViolet Bulawayo — A group of children, led by a girl named Darling, travel to a rich neighborhood to steal guavas.
10. You’re Ugly, Too by Lorrie Moore — A history professor flies to Manhattan to spend Halloween weekend with her younger sister.
i still love you | zhong chenle

word count: 17, 367
genre: high school!au, basketball!player, angst, fluff, you are a bet au??? lol idk 8 letters!au
warnings: lots of angst, playing of emotions, mentions of panic attacks and sex.
authors note: im finally back!! with a chenle fic!! okay so,, i wanted to thank everyone who loved 8 letters, the reaction to that fic was better than anything i could’ve ever imagined, so thank you so much!! this is like a chenle version from the same universe. but most importantly: i decided to put songs in some scenes to enhance the experience while reading, you don’t have to but if you want to listen to the ‘soundtrack’ of this fic click the ‘🏀’!!!!! please enjoy!!
synopsis: high school can be complicated. thats why when your crush of three years, zhong chenle, approaches you out of nowhere offering to drive you home you are right to question his intentions.
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Actually kept my life on hold and finished this first, it was that good.
best friend’s brother

⚬ pairing: joshua x fem!reader ⚬ word count: 37k ⚬ warnings: alcohol, mentions of unsafe sex/unplanned pregnancy ⚬ genres: timestep, romance, angsty angst, major feels abt having a crush, lots of flirting, smut, drama, happy tears.
✧✎ synopsis: joshua happens to be your best friend’s older brother. he’s pretty, and he’s got a lot of cool details about him that you pay a concerning amount of attention to, but he’s just a friend (if you could even call it that). still, what does he think of you, anyway? that is—if he thinks of you.
✧✎ a/n: this is a rewrite of an old fic that i uploaded in 2016. keep in mind the original version was only 13k! i’ve made so many changes to this story and i really hope those who read it enjoy it! thank you sm!
⇢ here is this fic’s inspo playlist ⇢ smut section is marked! ⇢ taglist included in final author’s note

You flipped to the next page of the plastic binder and squiggled a small ‘seven’ inside the margin. Then, your eyes wandered back to the math textbook sitting in between you and your best friend. It was difficult to study on Jennie’s bed, but she liked it that way, and there definitely wasn’t enough room at her desk.
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pairing; jungkook/reader genre; faerie au, royal au, smut words; 13,563 rating; explicit
— synopsis; a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
contents; faerie jungkook, prince jungkook, human reader, fantasy, pool sex, rough sex, unprotected sex (stay safe), creampie, multiple smut scenes, multiple orgasms, oral sex, overstimulation, orgasm denial, dirty talk, degradation, teasing, biting/marking, spanking, lazy sex, exhibitionism, riding, threesome (m/f/f), dom jungkook.
— notes; this is part of the heatwave project with the @btssmutclub summer project. listen to the rottenfolk playlist. some aspects in the fic are based off of the cruel prince by holly black!
beta readers— @personawife, @jamaiskook, @srwbrycke, and @kimseokmomjins.

It had to have been at least a minute or two since you’d moved. Your hand was pressed against the cool rock of the cave you’d stumbled into, greenery growing all up the walls and through the cracks. There was a faint glow, coming right from the pond-like pool of water at the edge of the cave. You’d never seen anything like it before.
Along with the most handsome man you’d ever seen.
He was almost fully submerged in the pool’s water, only his shoulders peeking out, and his hair was dark and damp, falling across his forehead into his equally as dark eyes. His ears pointed into tips and he was staring right back at you with a similar look of confusion.
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Let Me Hold Them Masterlist

An OT7 series that includes mxm, threesomes, open relationships, polyamory, and angst. Please read at your own discretion & the warnings on each chapter.

Let Me Hold Them - Namjoon Ft. Jungkook
Summary: Jungkook is interested in seeing your nudes.
The Kim Line - Namjoon Ft. Seokjin & Taehyung
Summary: Before Namjoon allowed Jungkook to see his girlfriend’s nudes, the Kims were part of her birthday surprise, being the first to see Y/n fully naked
In The Studio - Yoongi Ft. Namjoon
Summary: After your birthday surprise, Yoongi gets a visit from you at his studio.
Between Us - Jungkook Ft. Jimin
Summary: Jungkook gets caught being naughty at practice, which leads to Jimin joining in on the fun.
The Truth
Summary: Namjoon announces your relationship with Jungkook to the boys.
A Little Bit Dangerous - Jimin Ft. Hoseok
Summary: After being caught in a compromising position with Jimin, Hoseok finds out what’s been going on between you and the boys.
Let Me Hold Them…Again - OT7
Summary: True feelings are revealed after several encounters.
Caress - Namjoon
Summary: Namjoon buys you a new toy and shows you how to use it.
Curiosity - Namkook
Summary: Jungkook is curious about your new toy, so you show him how it works.
“Hi Daddy” Texts (M): OT7
“If I Were A Worm…” Texts (M): OT7
Sweat On Me (Namjoon Ft. Jungkook)

© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
novocaine || (M)

Going home was hard – painful even. But falling back in love with Jimin, the boy you left behind? Downright gut-wretching.
pairing: punk!jimin x reader
word count: 9.3k
genre: 1990s au, exes au, angst, eventual smut
warnings: 90s slang, VOMIT MENTION (nothing graphic), alcohol, oc has dead parents :c, mention of a house fire
A/N: YEAH BOI ITS ANOTHER SERIES!!! thank you to @ezralia-writes @gukyi @wwilloww for letting me use their likeness!
Your cautious knock against the open front door rang out through the old victorian era home.
Your grandmother had always left her front door cracked open for as long as you could remember – you’d imagine to some that might have been strange, but in a town as small as yours, that was just the way it went. Neighbors knew each other intimately, their parents and their parents’ parents having grown up together for as long as memory could stretch back.
From peaking inside, you could tell not much had changed about your grandmother’s home from when you left town. The same green floral wallpaper was stretching across the living room that you had grown up with. You remembered how you used to run down the halls playing pretend, the walls serving as a forest of green and white columns serving as trees for every one of your adventures.
How far you dreamed of traveling even at a young age, wanting more than your small town could offer.
“Come in, darling! I’ll be out in a moment,” You heard the familiar voice call out from somewhere in the kitchen, an ache in your chest echoing.
Clutching at the strap over your shoulder, you reentered your childhood home for the first time in years, holding your breath as if a sudden exhale would send it crumbling down on top of you.
“How can I help–”
You watched as your grandmother made her way into the living room, her friendly smile dropping the moment she laid eyes on you. For a moment, no one said a word, the two family members standing across from each other silently, neither wanting to be the first to speak.
It was you, ultimately, who broke the silence.
“I’m sorry.” You began, eyes welling as they mirrored your grandmother’s.
“How could you?” She breathed, disbelief dripping off of every word.
Keep reading
Book Rec #1: My first book recommendation EVER!
Obviously I don’t read enough to make more recommendations lol, BUT ANYWAYS…
For anyone looking for an intense read (at least by my standards) - give this book a shot!! The Maidens by Alex Michaelides

Throughout the entirety of the story you feel comfortable and confident in your deductions and conclusions, but by the end your gut is churned like butter, your heart is aching beyond belief and you realize you can’t trust your intuition as a reader sometimes.
But if a story doesn’t make you feel like that then it’s either poorly written or it’s not really in your genre arsenal, and you should probably keep looking for a more suitable read.
This book was one I really debated purchasing because a) I’m frugal as f*** and b) I had never read anything really within this genre (which is surprising because it’s right up my alley) or from this author for that matter. BUT, it has quickly become my favorite book I’ve ever read this far.
The author, Alex Michaelides, also wrote the highly acclaimed ‘The Silent Patient’, so if you’ve read that and loved it, you’ll probably love this as well!!
Plus he wrote this mostly through quarantine so at least we know one good thing came out of that shit storm year 😂
PSA: I’d say it’s pretty tame in descriptions but some of the content is really some “WTF 🤭😐🤢” type shit, so YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
Book Rec #2:
Deeper than the Dead by Tami Hoag
Rating: 9.7/10
Age recommended: ages 18+
WARNING: Book contains coarse language, mentions of sexual assault/violence, suicide, graphic descriptions of blood and violence, depictions of physical & mental abuse & sexual content (a.k.a smut)

Summary: Set in the ever exciting state of California 1985, 4 children and their young 5th grade teacher, Anne Navarre, discover the body of a woman in a shallow grave - with her eyes and mouth glued shut 👁👄👁.
All evidence pointing to a coldblooded serial killer living amongst the citizens - the once picturesque town of Oak Knoll is thrown into a frenzy of deception and paranoia. Where the stench of death and fear slowly chokes the residents of the small community.
Now in comes top FBI investigator Vince Leon (I pictured him to look like Jonn Hamm lol). Instituting the new (for its time) and controversial technique of “profiling”, Leon finds himself thrust into the private and much darker worlds of the locals - proving that things aren’t always as they seem. And that danger is often a lot closer to home than one would think.
My thoughts:
K first off, I loved it. A LOT-a-bit of death and gore☠️🔪 (not in a weird way), a generous amount of mystery and mind-games, a solid helping of your standard thrills, a dash of romance (and sex 😏🥵if you’re into that sort of thing lol), and A delicate dusting of single-tear-worthy moments (at least I cried) lol 🥲
Hoag had me thinking the entire time. Almost goading me to play detective. 🕵️♀️I felt like I had it all figured out and kept convincing myself that I did but always second guessed my conclusions after every single chapter. 🤔Which is what you want from a mystery/crime/thriller novel right?!
EASY READ (Mostly bc it’s addicting but also because it’s one of those smaller more compacts books) I burned through this motherf*cker like it was nobody’s business 🏃🏻♀️💨 and I loved every second of it! It truly was hard to put down! I mean obviously you’ll have those occasional throw away scenes, but Hoag almost makes you feel like if you skip one part you may be skipping the most imperative clue to cracking who the killer is. 🥸
This bitch is dramatic as f*ck 🤯 (I’m talking about the book fyi). If I had to describe the story in one word I’d either use avalanche or total clusterf*ck, there’s really no other way to describe it 🤷♀️🤦♀️!
I really can’t say anything bad about it (I ain’t no English professor or literary disciple), like am I a fan of EVERYTHING about the book? Almost, but not quite. Had a bit of trouble keeping up trying to envision life in the 80s, kept picturing late 60’s America lol. And obviously I don’t want to spoil anything but some outcomes I wanted just didn’t happen, but hey c’est la vie 👩🎨.
Overall, loved it and am so so sooooooo glad I bought it!! I only really bought it because it was part of a 2 for 12$ deal and it looked the least clichéd - and lo and behold, it’s now my FAVORITE book!
Cheers Tami Hoag, you got the next blockbuster on your hands🥂✨⭐️🤩


I’m definitely feeling all the feelings, as it was a long and dragged out journey (even though I was thoroughly hooked before I read the first words) because of work and yenno - my mental health lol.
It was so so soooooo beautifully written. The imagery and details were literally AMA-ZA-ZING 🤩✨
A physical embodiment of a female experience/journey of womanhood; and how figuring out and finding oneself can feel like an eternity. It also perfectly captured the melancholic, yet beautiful fear and joy that comes with living, and how worth it it is to go through all of it.

Circe is probably the MOST likable character of all time 🥲😭😭❤️❤️🥺
Her bravery in the face of danger
Her curiosity and wonder
Her appreciative spirit for simplicity
Her humility
Her steadfastness and patience
Her playful spirit
Demur yet confident
So if you are reading this and you haven’t read Circe by Madeline Miller yet, please do yourself a favor and go read it!!!
And if you have read it before — read it again hehehehehehhe
Some of my fave quotes:
“I was too wild to feel shame. It was true. I would not just uproot the world, but tear it, burn it, do any evil I could …”
“But make him shiver…then you will hear from him”
“Whatever you do, I wanted to say, do not be too happy. It will bring down fire on your head. I said nothing, and let her dance.”
“My whole life I had waited for tragedy to find me. I never doubted that it would”
“Despite your wet-mouse weeping, I saw how you would not be ground into the earth.”
. “Timidity creates nothing” — this one definitely struck a nerve lol
“But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me.”
“You have been tame your whole life, and now you will be sorry. Yes father, yes father — see what it gets you”
“As it turned out, I did kill pigs that night after all”
“Tear down, I thought. Tear down and build again”
“Death’s Brother is the name poets give to sleep” ****
“He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none”
“I cannot guard against shadows. Give me something to face and fight”
“You do not know what I can do”
“Then child, make another.”
“Such is the folly of humanity. Is it not our human tragedy that some men must be beaten like donkeys before they will see reason?”
“I lifted my hands in blessing and gave my son to the world” — I LEGIT CRIED READING THIS😭😭 made me think of my mom
“It is a common saying that women are delicate creatures, flowers, eggs, anything that me be crushed in a moment’s carelessness. If I had believed it, I no longer did” —WOOHOO GIRL POWER 😈
“‘You are wise,’ he said. ‘If it is so,’ I said, ‘it is only because I have been fool enough for a hundred lifetimes’”
“‘I must tell you, all my past is like today, monsters and horrid no one wants to hear.’ … ‘I want to hear’ he said.” - bitch I SWOONED
“The next sentence should be: let us go together” — :3 I cannot
“ ‘I have not pressed you,’ he said, ‘ and I still will not. I know there are reasons you cannot answer me. But if–’ He stopped. ‘I want you to know, if you go to Egypt, if you go anywhere, I want to go with you.’” - AHHHHHHHHHHHHH WTF 😳🤯😱😶🌫️🥵🥴😮💨
“He had never met a god who enjoyed their divinity less.”
“‘Then we will go back. We will go back until you are satisfied.’ It was so simple. If you want it, I will do it. If it would make you happy, I will go with you.” —😭😭😭🥰. Crying, screaming, puking
“We would take pleasure in the simple mending of the world”
“This time you are not alone” - I cried ngl
“Circe, he says, it will be alright… He does not mean that it does not hurt. He does not mean that we are frightened. Only that: we are here. This is what it means to swim in the tide, to walk the earth and feel it touch your feet. This is what it means to be alive.” - 😢😭😭😭
“But I see now [gods] are more dead than anything, for they are unchanging, and can hold nothing in their hands”

the sakura haruno ultimate fic list : a masterlist

: a collection of fic rec lists centered around sakura haruno from naruto.

this list was mostly for me personally, sakura happens to be my favourite character and so i of course looked high and low for fics focused on her. here are some of the tumblr lists ive been able to find!

sakura haruno fics (ao3) - by @p-st
-- a really good collection of fics, best recs ever, a goldmine!!
2. have some bamf sakura fics because god knows canon doesn't do her justice and this girl needs some more love - by @tciddaemina
3. good BAMF!Sakura fics - by @mixelation
4. sakura haruno fanfic rec list. - by @shakasa
-- heads up for many inclusions of fics with ships such as kakasaku, itasaku, and shisaku (which i personally avoid) on this list
5. general list (not organized, not updated, just some of my favs),
third war contonued/sakura sent to war prematurely,
civillian discrimination/clan politics,
captured on a mission/mission gone wrong,
and kid/academy/pre-genin sakura - all by @stu-dyingstudent

i havent read all of the fics on all of these lists but they are amazing starting points and just recs in general so hats off to all of the list writers! if you've read to this point and would like any other fic recs, or would just like to chat about sakura or naruto as a whole w me then feel free to go to my ask page or comment :)

Sakura Haruno fic recs: time travel AU
I'm finally getting around to recommending some good Sakura-centric time travel fics! There are plenty of them out there and they can be kind repetitive, but I always eat them up. Typically speaking, I really don't care much for the whole introduction bit at the start where it's the actual process of her being sent back... So just make it past there before you decide whether or not to continue!!! Also, I'm starting to think this list is getting kinda long, so maybe I'll do a second one?
I've been dying to post some of these fics in a list, so please enjoy!
Started: 2024.08.16
Last Updated: 2024.08.26
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Sakura - lilac haze || ffn/ao3 || M || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
AU. Non-Canon. Time Travel. Please see inside for full warnings. Cross posted on Ao3. On his deathbed he was granted eternal peace and place to rest for all of time. Of course that was not appealing to him. Ever unpredictable to the end he had a counter offer. One that the Sage had to consider. In which Sakura's going to have a rough time. A really rough time.
If there is one thing I want you to take away from this list, it is this fic right here. I kid you not, Sakura is one of the best fics I have ever read. I have never felt so gutted, so heartbroken, so giddy, so stressed, all from one work. It's a masterpiece all while being criminally underrated. The characterizations and storytelling are beautifully done. You feel for the characters and the relationships formed along the way are truly great. Please share this author some love.
Check TWs before hand!!
The Misadventures of Kakashi and the Girl From No Where - Goldfishlover73 || ao3 || kakasaku || M || time travel AU || complete
When a girl called Sakura seemingly falls in the sky, Kakashi is skeptical. Far more skeptical than the rest of Team Minato are. War is approaching quickly and this strange girl is leaving more questions than answers in her wake, Kakashi must decide where his trust and loyalties lie in a constantly changing world.
Told in the perspective of Kakashi in his youth! Really interesting take and I love how strong Sakura is in this in addition to the fact that we get to see a different side of Kakashi that we aren't used to.
Anachronistic Drift - Elesrea || ffn || gen || T || time travel AU || incomplete
Her plan was flawless. Save Shisui. Save the world. Time-travel, Sakura-centric AU
Sakura spends years training to be sent back in time and save the world from Sasuke. Whilst masquerading as her younger self, she poses as an unofficial ANBU to stay anonymous in her efforts of changing the shinobi world for the better.
Tourniquet - lilac haze || ffn || T || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
She was his tourniquet. She stopped the bleeding, she stopped his bleeding. She stopped his pain, his despair, his loneliness. She was the first face he saw. She was the first person he trusted. She was the first person to keep his secret. She was his tourniquet. He did not love her. He only loved the idea of her. SakuraXMinato. Time-Travel Fic. Alt. Universe
I quite honestly think this is a hidden gem amongst time travel AUs since I never see people recommending it, but Touriquet is so good! What's interesting here is that it isn't Sakura that's playing with time, but rather Minato. The night of the Nine-Tails attack, rather than dying, he is sent to the future where post-war Sakura is the one to find him and keep the former Hokage alive. It's a delicate situation and one which is kept a secret from many, but through Minato's depression and difficulties with his new life, Sakura becomes a close confident.
Same author as Sakura! I gotta read more of their works
Armour-Sleeved Single Hit - thatdamnuchiha || ao3 || T || madasaku || time travel AU || one-shot complete
Sasuke always told Sakura she was weak. Even after she trained with Tsunade for years he only had eyes for Naruto whom he considered strong. She would forever be invisible to him no matter how many mountains she toppled. Being a member of Team Seven despite Sasuke’s refusal to acknowledge her meant she got herself into her fair share of sticky situations. Getting stuck a hundred odd years in the past had to take the cake though. But she was just a weak little girl and compared to the shinobi of old she’d be ridiculously pathetic. Sasuke had said she was weak to him – a modern day shinobi who hadn’t been forced into battle after battle like they did in the Warring Clans Era. Obviously she’d be nothing more than a spec of dirt in the eyes of the Founders.
Sakura manages to find herself in founding-era Konoha! While trying to prove that medical ninja are capable fighters she unknowingly gains the affection of Madara Uchiha. After all, the Uchiha find beauty in strength. Super cute read!
here are the fruits of your labor (would you like a cherry on top?) - snickiebear || ao3 || M || shisaku || time travel AU || one-shot complete
Shisui smiles and it is unlike any smile she has seen before. She cannot remember the last time she had seen a smile.
Sakura manages to fix everything and now tries to live her life in a past she doesn't know. Shisui is the first to find her and the two of them form a close relationship that continues through her journey of recovery.
The Moon Knows Best - darth_healer || ao3 || E || madasaku || time travel AU || complete
The Moon has played a cruel trick on Madara. He's still home, but it's not the same. Instead of a tranquil forest, there's a colorful vibrant village. Instead of the cliffside he knows so well, it's a collection of Senju faces, one of which belongs to his good friend Hashirama. And instead of Hashirama, Madara is saddled with a very interesting, pink-haired girl. MadaSaku in which young Madara goes forward through time.
Madara finds himself far into the future where the first to stumble upon him is Sakura. He's such a brat, but his and Sakura's interactions are rather entertaining.
In the Magic Hour - summersirius || ao3 || E || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
It's not perfect, but everything is beautiful. —Minato/Sakura
A sharingan mishap lands Sakura in the past where she drops down in front of team Minato. With her hope of returning to the present time dwindling, Sakura excepts her new life and tries to make the best of the situation and the new bonds that come with it. The dynamic between Sakura and the older generation is quite refreshing and her mentor relationship with the former team 7 is great.
Stumble - writer168 || ao3/ffn || gen || T || time travel AU || complete
Sakura wanted to die.Sasori was fine with staying dead.But it seemed fate had other plans for them, because when they both wake up younger with blood pulsing through their veins, they had to remember how to live again.Time Travel AU
Sasori and Sakura are both sent back in time and they try to make a difference in their respective villages. Told in the perspective of both characters, but primarily Sakura. She ends up forming a pretty sweet bond with Ibiki and Genma (which I love) and they help her through some things. Sakura has a rough time
A Twist in Time - wolf08 || ffn || sasusaku || T || time travel AU || complete
With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is.
With Sakura frustrated at being back to where she started in her becoming of a shinobi, she begins to train with Sasuke. This time around in her life, her relationship with her brooding teammate isn't so strained. Pretty cute read imo
Return & Rehash - SpaceNugget11 || ffn || sasusaku || M || time travel AU || incomplete
"You," Sakura snarled with bared teeth. Sasuke gagged for air, clutching at her forearm, but she only pressed harder into him. Her green eyes crackled, and she wished she could burn him alive with the heat of her anger.
Sasuke and Sakura certainly did not end in their last life on goods terms and it is prevalent from the moment Sakura awakens and attacks her teammate.
An Inch of Gold - KuriQuinn || ffn || sasusaku || T || time travel AU || complete
Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
Sarada lands herself back in time all while crashing into another team 7 mission gone wrong. An Inch of Gold is in multiple perspectives, but they're all done quite well. Sasuke and Sakura are obviously rather flustered by the situation and the fact they have to deal with it in front of the team makes it quite entertaining.
These Eyes of Mine (I Can See) - tsukuyue || ao3 || gen || time travel AU || complete
They've lost. Naruto was dead, killed at Kaguya’s hands. Along with him died any illusions of hope that they could win. They couldn’t win, but perhaps they wouldn’t need to. In attempts to stop the Fourth Shinobi War from ever occuring, Sakura is sent back in time to the moment of her birth. Protecting the people she cared about would be much easier if she knew all the facts. OR Where Sakura can see the dead, and Danzō deserves to die.
I'll be honest, I can't remember much, but I do remember that it was really good! I believe a large focus is the Uchiha massacre.
Trials of Change - Espoiretreves || ao3 || gen || time travel AU || complete
Haruno Sakura made a promise. Looking in the eyes of her Shisou and the reanimated Hokage, she took on the most important mission of her life. Go back in time and try to prevent the 4th Shinobi War. Now, Sakura is back to her 5-year-old body, with all the knowledge and haunting memories of the future. She vows to keep her precious people safe and stop certain events from happening, without altering the timeline too much. The trials her emotions and logic put her through have her questioning her very existence, but for the sake of peace, she has to push forward. No matter what.
If you love Shisui then you'll definitely like Trials of Change. Him and Sakura form the most wholesome friendship ever and try their best in taking down ROOT. A huge cast is present here and the whole thing is just great. It seems as if everyone has some character development lmao.
Time Flies Like An Arrow - Katlou303 || ao3 || gen || K || time travel AU || complete
Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
I always like the ones where Sakura isn't fully aware she time travelled. I find it interesting in this fic to see how oblivious Sakura is to her situation, she's a four year old in mind and body. However, she still feels the need to make a difference in the lives of the people around her.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done.and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Sakura decides that her first order of business after traveling back in time is to infiltrate ROOT and that's exactly what she does. Sai, Shin, and Shisui are all great characters and team Ro is present as well. Very good!
Update: just found out it was recently completed!!
Q: Do you guys like my little comments? If you look at my other lists you'll probably notice that I tend to reuse some of what I say (bc I'm lazy), but for the most part I try to add something new whenever I put a fic on a list. I know that descriptions aren't always very helpful, so I like to put a little something for y'all to get a better idea of what to expect!
Send me recs if you have any!!!
always you | ben hardy
pairing: ben hardy x female reader requested: yes/no request: “can i request a ben imagine where reader is jealous because of how much attention he seemingly gives other girls that are always around him but she has no reason to be jealous bc they’re not dating.. etc.” warning: just fluff ok and a the tiniest bit of anxiety and angst word count: 7.1k authors note: ah yes so this is my first written request. i hope it lived up to your expectations nonnie! i got a bit carried away- but i know a lot of you prefer longer imagines, so this one if for you. i also hope i managed to include everyone who requested to be in my taglist. if i did miss anyone, i am so so sorry! i don’t think i did though. as always, i appreciate any and every piece of feedback. so you’re more than welcome to let me know what you thought. happy reading!

You were painfully aware of all the cameras being held by photographers frantically making their way around the late open space to catch a glimpse and shot of todays hottest celebrities. All gathering in the same room for merely 15 minutes to watch a bunch of girls strut down the runway, sporting the certain designers coming clothes collection. As another show died down, you once again found yourself in the background. Trying your best to stay out of the way of any camera being pointed in your direction. Your best attempts regularly made you painfully aware of how uncomfortable the entire situation as a matter of fact made you feel. It was also another reminder of how in awe you were of all celebrities and people who faced this on a regular basis. You weren’t even in front of the camera. But struggled to keep a straight and content face in the background of it all. Knowing you could very well end up in a magazine or two. For all the wrong reasons.
Keep reading
"The seat beside you is theirs for the taking, but your heart will never be."
Honestly, so beautifully written that the story does not solely focus on the smut but instead, places emphasis on the emotions --the agony, despair, and heartbreak-- that both the OC and Yoongi go through. The author also perfectly portrayed how a "supposed" cliche revenge story could be wrapped in an unexpected twist so cleverly thought of that it also shows how a royalty should truly handle their power, skill, and wit no matter the circumstance.
I didn't even notice I was/had been tearing up until after I had finished the whole thing so..
Truly an aesthetic-read for those seeking a literary art carefully and elegantly written.
From the Ashes (M) | MYG

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader | AU: Historical + Royalty AU + Star-crossed Lovers
Genre: Angst With a Happy Ending!!! / Smut / Drama
Summary: Someone is sobbing ugly, wrecked sounds that shatter the silence in the room. You need them to stop; it’s distracting and you need to focus. You need to clean the ash from his skin. You need to comb the knots from his hair. You need to dress his beautiful body in something befitting the king you know he is… but the sobbing is too loud, and your vision is blurry. It takes Yoongi wiping your tears away for you to realize that the gasping cries echoing off the stone are coming from you.
Rating: Explicit / 18+
Word Count: 7.4k
CW: violence (pillaging, off-screen execution of non-named characters, mentions of weapons, insinuated non-major character death; wound-mention/Yoongi’s scar); sexual content (vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, creampie); other cw (pregnancy, vague historical/political/royalty drama)
A/N: This fic was commissioned by @athenakyle! Banner and moodboard were made by @stutterfly. Huge shout-out to @gukslut for helping me out with this piece so much. 😭 Historical AUs are hard, guys. Wow.
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[★]; YOU'VE ALL HEARD THIS STORY BEFORE. The brothers best friend, the little sister, the googly, starry-eyed crush for the one guy she can never have. In the movies, her years of emotional turmoil are always rewarded with the romance to end all romances— spur of the moment declarations of love, whirlwind 'i've loved you all along's... but for you, your crush on Lee Jeno more or less fizzled out like the aftershocks of a seltzer in milk. When you don't talk to someone for a few years that's bound to happen, you guess; it only makes sense that those feelings dissipated into nothing but an embarrassing memory the moment you grew up a little. But old habits apparently die pretty damn hard. And as you're about to learn, one accidental misdial is going to remind you just how long a first love can last.
lee jeno x fem!reader
college au
slow burn
genre/about; not-quite-friends to lovers, older brother mark lee, brothers best friend lee jeno, light angst, eventual smut, yn is a menace to society
warnings; chapters will have all warnings as they're posted! but general warning for cursing and other college-aged shenanigans, drinking and such
current wc; 30K // comment on this post for taglist!
[a/n: ty for the feedback and interest on the trailer <3333 been working everyday to get this story down, and it will hopefully be an easy ride from here!]
CH1 trailer
chapter I: ring ring ring
chapter II: call me, beep me
chapter III: like a morning call [NEW!]
chapter IV: pick up the phone!
••• [more to be added later!]
LAST UPDATED: [12/29/22]
The time of your life
Hi everyone, so a little while ago I entered @writing-of-a-british-bitch ‘s 1K writing challenge. This was supposed to be due on April 12th, though as some of you may already know, I’m what’s considered an essential worker. Work has been insane due to Covid recently, which has unfortunately meant I haven’t had much time to write. With all of that being said, I have finally finished my entry!
The song I selected was Good Riddance (Time of your life) By Green Day. And my pairing is Tim Murphy x Reader
So without further ado, please enjoy the following! And a huge congratulations Phoebe to 1K subscribers!!!!!!!!
Warnings: Angst, language. Paring: Tim Murphy x Reader Word count: 10799 (I got carried away….)

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now it’s one on one

warnings: joe mazzello being a cute fuck
count: 1.6k
before you say anything yes i know the ending sucks but yet you’re still reading this because joe likes to murder us
i fuckin hate this man but enjoy! my heart hurts
gif is not mine
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“if we get caught i’m blaming you.” you muttered to joe as he loosened a few cymbals on the drum set. he grinned widely and you looked over your shoulder, keeping an eye out for ben.
the whole crew and cast were just finishing up lunch, and you and joe had snuck away a few minutes earlier. there had been a bit of a prank war going on between you three ever since you had been casted. it had been the most fun you’d ever had and you had particularly become close with joe mazzello instead of the guy that played your boyfriend/husband. you really got along well with everyone, but joe just seemed to draw you in more with his humor. he was always making you laugh, and vice versa.
“hurry up,” you patted his back when you turned to him. “i still didn’t get a biscuit and i’m dying for one.”
“we can make some later! this takes time.”
“i know for a fact that you, let alone anyone else, cannot make those biscuits as perfectly as kim can. and lunch is over, so ben will be here any minute!”
“don’t pressure me!” he whispered, making you laugh at his wide eyes.
you watched the side of his face for a moment and couldn’t help but blush at the thoughts that had been reoccurring for the past few weeks. you really enjoyed his company and there weren’t any signs that made you think that he felt differently. it seemed as though everyone on set knew it and they wondered why you hadn’t gotten the part for john deacon’s wife instead. but you were strict with yourself and you knew it wasn’t smart to start anything with joe, no matter how much you wanted to. you enjoyed just goofing around with him for now though.
“oi! what are you two doing?”
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