Nicholas Sparks - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.”

— Nicholas Sparks

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7 months ago

There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.

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"Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall in love with you."

~ by Nicholas Sparks

"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."
"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."
"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."

"In our time together, you claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry with me forever and no one can ever replace."

~ by Nicholas Sparks

"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."
"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."
"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."
"Two Weeks Together, That's All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You."

"I love you, not just for now, but for always, and I dream of the day that you'll take me in your arms again."

~ by Nicholas Sparks

~ Dear John Movie Quotes

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I don't know that I've ever felt as happy as I did that day, but then again, it was always like that when we were together. I never wanted it to end.

~ Nicholas Sparks

I Don't Know That I've Ever Felt As Happy As I Did That Day, But Then Again, It Was Always Like That

Image Source: Pinterest

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8 years ago
Aside From Coffee, Reading Was Her Only Indulgence- Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven. When You Have A Coffee

Aside from coffee, reading was her only indulgence…- Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven. When you have a coffee & books date with one of your favorite people….well, you know it’s gonna be a good day…..Bon Dimanche, mes amis!

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12 years ago

Em outra vida, em outra época, eu a teria beijado em seguida, mas, ainda que o quisesse, não o fiz. Em vez disso, apenas olhei nos olhos dela. Nicholas Sparks

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12 years ago

Há momentos na vida em que a sobrecarga de informações pode fazer com que seja impossível pronunciar palavras. Nicholas Sparks

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12 years ago

O amor poderia ser colocado em movimento rapidamente, mas o verdadeiro amor precisava de tempo para se transformar em algo forte e duradouro. Nicholas Sparks

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12 years ago

As vezes, só as vezes, a gente dá a sorte de esbarrar com alguém legal. Querido John

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11 years ago

"E a gente vai se afastando, deixando de ser importante e deixando de fazer falta. E a gente vai sendo esquecido, deixado de lado, vai sendo trocado."

Querido John

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11 years ago

"Aprendi que é melhor manter algumas coisas em segredo."

Nicholas Sparks

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11 years ago

Todas as escolhas, independentemente do quanto possam parecer sem importância, sempre têm consequências, mesmo que num futuro distante.

Nicholas Sparks

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11 years ago
Ela O Tipo Que L Nicholas Sparks, Assiste Comdia Romntica, Ouve Msicas Lentas, Escreve Poesias E Gosta

Ela é o tipo que lê Nicholas Sparks, assiste comédia romântica, ouve músicas lentas, escreve poesias e gosta de tudo que envolve o amor – Mas nem sequer vive um.

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11 years ago

Sem notas ou palavras. Nem bilhetes ou lembretes. Não tenho nada a dizer. Apenas sinto, e isso é tudo.

Querido John

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11 years ago

Eu gosto, sabe? Gosto quando você me arranca sorrisos, aqueles verdadeiros, aqueles que evoluem pra gargalhada, aqueles que me tiram o ar.

Querido John

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11 years ago

Vamos namorar escondido. Vamos nos amar em segredo. Vamos dizer “não” quando perguntarem e “sim” um para o outro. Vamos fingir sermos eu e você para o mundo e ainda seremos nós. Querido John

Querido John

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11 years ago

Mas se fingirmos que nada aconteceu, se deixarmos esta chance passar, não sei se teremos outra.

Nicholas Sparks

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