Ninjago Nadakhan - Tumblr Posts

(Yes! It’s on the right day!) This is for day eleven (pirate) of ninjinktober! It’s Nadakhan!
Yes, yes, and YES! This is one of the reasons I love Skybound! They really developed Jay's character! I really wish they would have kept some of that development throughout the following seasons, but he kinda just turned into the "funny one" again.
I've been rewatching Skybound recently, and I've found myself thinking that it would've been absolutely incredible for Jay's story if everyone somehow remembered what happened. (with Nya still being alive, of course). Not only could Jay get help for the insane amount of trauma he experienced, but the ninja team, who likely don't think of him as the "leader" type, would then see differently.
Jay really stood up as a leader in this season. Although he made mistakes in the first half, after he escaped Misfortune's Keep he really took charge and showed how great a leader he could be. He proved that he wasn't just someone who could use lightning and say a funny joke. He could be someone people listen to, look up to, and obey orders from. Someone that people trust to lead them.
Not only did Jay make a plan to keep Nya away from Nadakhan as long as possible, but when she was taken he continued on. Jay also, after Ed talked to him, pick himself up after being the only ninja left standing, created a new team, and made a plan, basically all by himself. He led them despite how he has never led a team before, and led them well. He even made the call to risk his own freedom and go into the Djinn blade, saving the members of the team who were trapped.
Jay is so often, especially now with the newer seasons, seen as just the comedy guy, the funny side character, when in reality, when push comes to shove, he can also be an incredible leader, and it would've been amazing if the rest of the team saw him as such!
Prime Empire showed a little bit of his leadership skills too, but not in the same way. I want to see Jay make plans again, make tough calls, and lead others all by himself.
He can do it, he's proven it, but the others don't know it. If only they did. Maybe then Jay could have another chance at being a leader.
Oh my goodness, I love that scene, too! It's like for a second you think Zane has Nadakhan backed into a corner, and then, wait a second...PIXAL!!!!! 😲
Like, she already got dismantled in season 4, and now she's being completely torn apart, her code being ripped from his head and dissappearing.
And, of course, Zane can't lose her forever. She was the first one who could truly and completely understand what being a nindroid was really like. She GOT him. She helped him remember who he was made to be in Chen's dungeon. She encouraged him while she herself was lying in pieces. She is his other half.
And he forgot to account her into his plan. Maybe because he was overconfident.
Maybe because she had become such a constant in his systems that her consciousness being in his head had become as natural to him as blinking his eyes.
To Zane, him and Pixal were one. Separate entities, of course, but together, joined, inseparable.
But of course, this was not technically true, according to Nadakhan's rules, at least.
So he panics.
Everything was going so smoothly, and now it's all falling apart around him.
And then that silky smooth voice. Promising to make it stop. To silence his love's screams as she's picked apart 1 by 0. To put her back together, to make everything alright again.
Maybe the voice can fix it? Maybe the voice can help?
Her screams are ringing in his ears. His head feels lighter almost, as if something in it is missing.
He just wants it to stop.
He wishes he could just wish it all away.
The voice says that he can.
And so he does.
the chess scene with Zane and Nadakhan has lived in the back of my head for years btw like wow Zane went into that scene super calm and ended it FLIPPING OUT
nadakhan really had my younger self scared for my life because like???
Pirate Jaya AU
Summary: There are three things Jay Walker knows right now in this point of his life. Number one: He hates pirates. Trapped on Nadakhan’s ship for a year, he has had enough of them for a lifetime. Number two: He is going to escape. Sure, his plans to do so are ducktaped together by adrenaline and hope, but come hell or high water Jay is going home. Number three: Jay has inadvertently caught the attention of another pirate crew with powers, a crazy old man, and the most beautiful and fierce pirate woman in the Endless Sea. He is so hooped right now.
Tags: Mentions of Abuse, Kidnapping, Hints of Trauma, Sexy/Badass Nya, “If-I’m-gonna-die-I’m-gonna-be-cool-doing-it” Jay
Inspired by the-modern-typewriter

His ears are ringing and the sunlight is blinding his eye, but he’s still able to make out Monkey Wretch’s screaming, Flintlocke barking out orders, and Dogshank’s heavy footsteps.
Jay sits up, dazed. He’s aware of something wet dripping down from his eyebrow, and his chest is still gasping from the shock of having his breath knocked out. Still, he staggers to his feet and looks around.
Clancee is beside himself, panicking; Monkey Wretch is leaping back and forth from the sails, screeching; Flintlocke is firing shot after shot with his pistols; and Dogshank and Doubloon are busy fighting. The rest of the pirate crew are scrambling to either fight or run from the chaos of the raid.
Well, raid is a more generous term. The word was massacre.
The deck of Misfortune’s Keep was splintered from the blast of cannons and spilled with the blood of pirates. The enemy ship had appeared out of thin air, only giving the crew a mere half hour to put together a proper defense before they were upon them.
Not that it mattered to Jay all that much. He is planning to escape. He does another round on the crew when he realizes: Nadakhan is nowhere to be seen. They were in the middle of a battle, where it is easy to get lost in the chaos. He can escape.
He can escape.
Jay snatches the satchel that holds his stash of food and bandages he’s been meticulously storing away before running. He has to get to the Quarter’s Deck, where the map to navigate the Endless Sea was. Without it, Jay would be lost. He’d die at sea before ever managing to reach land.
Jay leaps over broken bodies, ignoring the pain from his body. Ignores the rest of the crew as they fight for their lives. Monkey Wretch is trying to avoid a man with a metal falcon and Doubloon gets thrown back across the deck by a man with glowing arms.
Jay scrambles up the stairs, snatching the map off the desk and stuffing it in his bag. He glances at Clancee trembling behind Flintlocke and feels an ounce of pity. Clancee was the only one who was nice to Jay when he was on board — giving him extra food and bandages after rounds of Scrap n’ Tap. But still, Clancee would never leave with him. He was loyal to Nadakhan and the crew, and Jay wasn’t.
Jay runs as fast as he can — heart pounding, blood pumping, making his way to the rowboats desperately. He’s close, he’s so close to his freedom. After about a year of being captured by pirates and being their slave; he is over it. Jay yanks a bloodied sword out of a fallen pirate’s chest, nearly making it to the boats when —
He skids to a halt. There, right there between him and his freedom are two women. Dogshank — the most massive and terrifying woman Jay has ever met is throwing punches that would kill a normal man at a petite female.
The first thing Jay notices about this woman is the way she moves. Her steps are swift and steady across the bloodied deck of Misfortune’s Keep, unbothered by the rolling waves or the chaos surrounding them. It is the kind of ease which only came from having spent a significant amount of time at sea, and just as significant an amount of time with a sword in hand.
She cuts through Dogshank viciously, slicing and stabbing and not slowing down for even a second as she leaves her crumpling on the deck. This girl is fire and heat and hate woven in the shape of a human form. He watches as she mercilessly grabs the larger woman’s hair and sends her sword through her heart.
Jay is terrified. Jay is in awe.
The pirate woman whips to face him.
The second thing he notices is that she’s beautiful. Her skin is a rich tan color and her hair is night black, cut in a practical bob. She has a beauty mark under her left eye and a gaze so dark and consuming it feels like he has been swallowed by a black sea.
Jay swallows, takes a step back and tightens his grip on the sword. His heart crashes in his chest and he tells himself that it's the adrenaline that makes him shake, not the thought that this might possibly be the last day of his life.
The woman tilts her head and walks closer, making a quick assessment of him. Her lips are ruby red. But before she can do anything (like kill him) a voice rings through the violence.
Everyone pauses. There, emerging from the captain's quarters are two people: a blonde teenager with green eyes and an old man with steely eyes and a sharp countenance. The old man holds up a porcelain teapot in the sunlight.
“This is the Teapot of Tyrahn. A cursed artifact infused with the power to contain magical beings. The ancient markings on the side describe it's a powerful relic that can trap mortals. Your captain is now trapped in here, and you are outnumbered. Surrender the battle, or we will sink this ship — with you on it.”
While the old man is going through his speech, Jay takes the opportunity to peer closer at the teapot. It looks like an ordinary teapot, with strange inscriptions written on the side. As the old man raises it higher to the sun, Jay catches a flicker of orange reflecting inside the teapot.
No way. There is no way Nadakhan is in there. The Last Djinn, The Prince of Djinnjago, the Captain of Misfortune’s Keep — was defeated by a tiny teapot? That was all it took? Jay is gonna eat his shirt.
There’s a beat of where Flintlocke, the first mate, considers the proposal before he hesitantly lowers his guns. Every line in his face is etched with hate, but he’s smart enough to know that any more fighting would lead to his and the rest of his crew’s death.
They surrendered.
The old man makes a sharp movement with his head, and the blonde teenager begins yelling out orders to cuff the prisoners and take them to the brig.
Jay starts, panic shooting through him. How could he escape now? Nadakhan’s crew is captured, and technically, he is a part of that crew. He may be a cabin boy, but he still looks like a pirate with all the time spent in the sea and sun. He couldn’t be locked in the brig, he couldn’t.
The thing with pirates is that whenever they lose a battle the winning pirates maroon them on an island — and give them a gun with one bullet to end themselves. Jay didn’t know what fate would lay to Nadakhan’s crew, but he didn’t want to be a part of it.
Before he can take any more time (to panic), Jay feels a sharp point dig into his back. A sword. Jay grits his teeth and slowly turns around, hands raised, to see the pirate girl behind him. He didn’t even hear her coming.
“I’m going, I’m going,” Jay grumbles. The girl’s mouth quirks, ruby lips turning into a captivating half-smile. Her blade drags across his chest before hooking the strap of his satchel. A dead giveaway about what he was planning to do.
“I don’t think so. You’re a bit different from this crew. You’re meeting the captain. I’m sure he has some questions about what a runaway is doing on board.” Jay can detect a slight accent in her words, but before he can ponder about how disturbingly attractive it sounds she spins him around and begins walking him towards the old man by the wheel.
“Captain!” The girl calls, and the old man is pulled out of conversation with a man with black hair and biceps that can crush Jay. His eyes narrow as soon as he notices him, and Jay vaguely thinks that being poked with knives would feel less sharp than the way he was looking at him.
“I found this one by the rowboats. I think he was trying to escape.” The girl shoves him forward and Jay stumbles. Glancing at the old man, Jay notices how his sharp gaze seems more considerate as he strokes his beard.
“I see,” the old man says. “What is your name, boy?”
Jay keeps his head down. “Jay Walker, sir.”
“Jay Walker …” the old man smiles, and Jay feels more unsettled than he’d like. There’s something in that smile, like the old man had just realized something important with his name — like his name was a final piece of a map to some lost treasure.
“I am Wu, captain of the Destiny’s Bounty.” He introduces himself. Jay blinks in surprise when he hears the name of the other pirate’s ship.
The Destiny’s Bounty was the pirate ship of one of Nadakhan’s greatest rivals, Captain Soto. They were bitter enemies, often competing for the most gold and the title of most feared pirate in Ninjago. Lately, there had been a rumor across the seas that Soto had been overthrown and locked in Kryptarium Prison — Jay can take an educated guess and see that the rumor must’ve been true.
“This is my nephew and first mate, Lloyd —” Wu nods to the blonde teenager, “and my quartermaster, Cole.” He gestures to the man with black hair, who crossed his arms. “And the rest of my crew, Kai, Zane, and Nya.” Jay turns to see the two other crew members join them — a man with spiky hair and a man with a metal falcon.
Jay can’t do anything but nod. Why is he introducing his crew to him?
“Why are you on this ship, Jay?” Wu asks. Jay jolts — it's been so long since someone has said his name. Usually he was just called junkyard boy or cabin boy. “What are you doing here?”
“Me?” Jay asks. He wonders if he should lie — he doesn’t want to tell pirates anything about himself — before he decides against it. Perhaps if he told the pirates his sob story and that he wasn’t loyal they would take pity on him and let him go.
“I-I — they kidnapped me,” Jay stammers. “A year ago. I’m from the Sea of Sands, and I was just trying to sell some of my inventions at port when they took me. I’m just trying to get back home.” Jay tries to fight back the blow of aching grief whenever he thinks of his home.
Ma and Pa must be so worried — they probably thought he was dead. They worked so hard to provide for him, and Jay had just gone to port to sell his inventions to merchants. It would’ve scored big money if he managed to. Enough so that they could have meals without worry for months, and so Ma could buy whatever she wanted, and Pa could finally stop working until his hands bled. It was supposed to be for his family.
But then he got taken. Lured in by a promise, stolen because of his trust, desperate from his wish. Jay remembers Nadakhan’s silky voice, a blow from behind, and then waking up in the brig of Misfortune’s Keep miles away from land.
Captain Wu strokes his beard while staring at Jay thoughtfully. “Nadakhan took you … without you using a wish?” He asks.
Jay shifts, uncomfortable with the sudden turn of questioning. “Yes. I used two of my wishes while I was on board to escape, but he would keep twisting it until it was nothing like what I wanted. Eventually, I decided to save my third wish until I really needed it.”
Wu’s gaze sharpens impossibly at what Jay said. “You had a wish left and he still kept you on board? He never tried to get it out of you?”
Jay shakes his head. “He did try to get it out of me by manipulating and goading me.” He swallows at the thought of Nadakhan and his voice, the Scrap n’ Tap, the beatings. “But he never could.”
Wu hums and circles Jay, looking at him like he is a particular trying piece of a puzzle. After a minute he turns to his quartermaster, Cole. “Take off his shirt.”
Jay reels, positive he’s heard him wrong. “Wha —” He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his question before a hand grabs his collar and rips the front of his shirt open. At first, Jay is enraged. That was the only shirt he had, he was wearing that, who the heck did they think they were to rip that off him —
Then he hears the girl gasp behind him, sees the others gaping mouths in front of him, feels the burning eyes on his body before being hit by a wave of self-consciousness.
His body.
It had been one week since the last Scrap n’ Tap, and his body showed it. Usually, the games went on for hours until Jay passed out and even then, the crew wouldn’t stop beating him until they got bored. Ugly bruises of all colors had bloomed across his body, a beautiful and horrific painting. Old scars littered his body — some from working in the junkyard back home, but the other, newer ones from his life with pirates. There were slash marks from knives he’d dodged, stab wounds from the ones he didn’t, and bullet shots from the few fights he’d been in.
But the worst was his back. Pale, thin lines scored across him, a lesson embedded deep into his skin and bones.
A flogging.
The first month after being on board, Misfortune’s Keep had docked at a small port off the coast of Ninjago City. Jay had ran. He ran as fast and hard as he could before being dragged back to the ship to face the captain’s fury.
Nadakhan had lashed Jay a total of twenty times, the knots from the whip digging into his skin and making the pain stronger. Even then Jay hadn’t shut up. Every smart remark and weak joke would infuriate Nadakhan more, and make him whip harder.
Jay had tried to escape over five times in the last year, and every time Nadakhan had caught him he added 10 more flogging to the additional number. So yeah, Jay’s back is a mess.
Jay feels his ears burn under the sun as the pirates take in his damaged body. He jumps when he feels a touch on his shoulder and turns to see the girl place a hand on the side of his face and stare at him with wide, beautiful dark eyes.
“Your eye,” she whispers. Her fingers slowly reach up and brush the leather of his eyepatch. “Did he do that to your eye?”
(Gleaming hook, on the floor, slashing downwards, blood, black, painpainpain —
“Believe me, aboard my ship you will break. I will make sure of it. And when that time comes I will be there so you can wish it away.”)
Jay flinches, and the girl gets her answer. She swears suddenly, violently, viciously, and the rest of the pirates look more horrified.
“Dude,” the man with the spiky hair breathes, “how are you even still alive?”
Jay ignores him and turns to the captain, who for the first time looks caught off guard. “So you can see,” Jay bites out, “I have no loyalty to this crew. I just want to go home.”
Wu drags his gaze from his bruised body before settling on his hands. Some of the light returns to his eyes and he furrows his brow. “Your hands … are covered with gloves …”
Jay feels his stomach drop out of his body. “I’m a cabin boy. I need gloves to keep my hands from bleeding from all the work.”
“Nadakhan wouldn’t keep anyone who wasn’t loyal to him on his ship if it wasn’t for a reason. Even if it were a cabin boy. And especially if they still have a wish left. He must have wanted you for something.”
Jay tries not to panic. “I told you! He kidnapped me because he wanted my inventions! I’m an inventor! He thought it could benefit his crew if he had them!”
“Show us your hands and we'll let you go,” Wu commands. Jay tightens his hands into fists and backs away, panic bubbling up.
“I-I …” I can’t, is what Jay wants to say, but that sounds too suspicious. His heart thumps in his ears and he’s suddenly aware that he’s hyperventilating. His hands. He can’t show his hands, because it was bad, it was dangerous, it — it …
Quick as an eel, the captain shoots forward and yanks off the gloves before Jay can stop him.
There were scars on his hands. But they weren’t like the ones that decorate his body — no, the pale pink scars that spread across his fingers and palms look branchlike and oddly different.
It looks like electricity had coursed through his hands.
“I knew it,” the old man says. “You are the Master of Lightning. It is your destiny to join this crew and stop the Skulkin Army.”
(Power outage. Electricity. Chaos. Screams. Uncontrollable. Dangerous.
“Jay, sweetie, you have to be careful. Not all of us can handle electricity like you can. We can get hurt. Lightning is a force of nature. It is not meant to be played. Just be careful, honey. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”)
Jay breathes. He feels knocked off kilter, cornered. The old man is staring at him with shiny eyes and looks a hundred years younger while the rest of the pirates have fallen silent.
“No, no. I don't want to be. And I won't be. I need to go back home. My parents are waiting for me.” Jay backs away, fully intending to flee and run away as fast as he can. It doesn’t matter if it’s a ship, he can run, he can escape, he can —
“Jay,” the old man implores. He avoids looking at him, instead noticing how the rest of the pirate crew is slowly circling him. Cutting off his escape. “I can help you. Everyone on this ship is an Elemental Master. I can train you to control your powers. It is dangerous for you to confine them!”
“I said no! I don’t want to be a part of your stupid destiny and join your stupid crew! I don’t want to be a pirate! I just want to go home!”
Surprisingly, the primary emotion Jay feels isn’t fear — it's anger. Jay has been trapped on the ship for a year, and had dealt with Nadakhan’s sly words and goadings and torture, and out of nowhere this strange pirate crew comes in and tell him to join their crew? Fight against the most powerful army in Ninjago? To basically ask him to die for them?
Sparks explode off Jay's fingers and for the first time he doesn’t quell it. Jay reaches down deep within himself to the writhing, electric power locked away and blasts them with lightning.
Screams and shouts are drowned out by wood ripping apart. The blonde teenager had tackled his captain out of the way and the rest of the pirates were on the floor, stunned. Jay is too, but he quickly forces himself to snap out of it and book it. To where, he doesn’t know — he just needs to get out of here. He’s had enough pirates for a lifetime.
A blast of water hits him in the back, knocking him off balance, before it surges around him. Seawater grips his legs shut, and following the line of water he sees the pirate woman holding out her hand. Controlling the water.
She is the Master of Water.
The woman drags him to her as Jay flails uselessly. Like a fish caught in a net. She swings her boot on his chest, pinning him before pulling out her cutlass against his Adam's apple.
Jay freezes. The tip is pointed almost gently against his throat, but for him to even twitch would be his doom. The girl leans down, her breath hot against Jay’s mouth. All Jay can see is her ruby lips and dark eyes. He resists the urge to swallow.
“I guess,” Nya whispers, “that you should have tried to escape earlier. That little stunt you pulled only made me all the more interested in you. And us pirates love to keep the things that are interesting to us.” She grins, mischievous and dark and so many other things at once. “You’re mine now.”
She straightens up as the others approach and lock his hands in chains, but doesn’t take her eyes off him until she is drawn into conversation with the man with spiky hair. Even still, as Jay is walked off to their ship he can still feel her gaze on him.
He feels as if he’s in a whole other realm of trouble than he was with Nadakhan. Somehow, Nya feels just as dangerous as the djinn himself.
Jay tests the lightning playing at his fingers.
Well. It’s a good thing that Jay is an expert of escaping danger as he is getting into it.
Replying to the second comment about Skyboundd
(⚠️SPOILERS❗️(cause I don't want you to do what I did😥))
Okay, I haven't watch Skybound in a while so.. bear with me, I have memory problems😁👍.
A whole season about Jay. Awesome. Finally a season not all about Kai or Lloyd! But I think the whole Nya getting hit by the arrow with the tiger widow poison was a bit.. unnecessary..
Jay finding out he's adopted and his real mum and dad are no where to be found? Also did I mention his dad is the famous Cliff Gordon? "Fear isn't a word where I come from!" Well it's the opposite for the Ninja because they've been traumatized, abused, and tortured their whole life??
Anyways enough with my rant...
"Beguiling voice" "Silky voiced seducer" Okay Jay you raging Bisexual.😊
I feel like Jay and Cole's relationship improved which was nice!! Jay got bullied though... a lot-
The line 1:32 into "Lotta True Crime" By Penelope Scott reminds me a lot of if Jay was talking about Nadakhan after Skybound.
"Jay could've killed him.
He had every right.
He just caught him off guard that night."
what about resurrecting chima again lol like they did in season 6 I think when lloyd and morro are fighting over the realm crystal and fall into chima?
can we get nexo knights and clay morrington and Rapton meet hahahaha (bc they have the same voice actor)
Y'know people have mentioned whether or not the cursed realm was merged, since they repeatedly say that it was all 16 realms. What I'm more curious about though is Djinnjago, however it's spelled. Are we going to see the ruins of the place? Is Nadakhan going to return? They had considered bringing him back for Crystallized.

skyboudn was peak everybody is just weak (ignore how i forgot nadakhan's little beard and his stupid hook hand half the time)
I have a minute before my History Final, so I thought I'd share this Skybound thought.
I STRONGLY believe that the REAL reason why Kai and Zane were removed early is because if they saw what Nadakhan was doing to their friends, they would go FERAL! Even Zane.
But I think this because Zane is the mom friend of the group, and Kai is the older brother of the group. So it's like when a bully messes with someone's children/younger siblings, except it's worse.
Just some food for thought :)
Would Jay and Nadakhan have some sort of weird rivalry (in your Ever After High AU)? Like, maybe Nadakhan hates Jay for like no reason whatsoever?? OR it could have something to do with Nadakhan hating Wonderland Kids in general? Idk, just a thought (it's like 1 am and my ADHD brain is full of random ideas rn. Wonderful AU so far! ❤️)
tysm for the ask!!
in the au, jay decides to run for student body president to represent the rebels and has a lot of support (like in ever after high with maddie, everyone loves jay) until the student they chose to represent the royals, nadakhan, starts to spread dumb rumours about him
eventually nadakhan gets kicked out of the race and they choose gayle (daughter of goldilocks in the au) instead but they (jay and nadakhan) have a rivalry afterwards
(nadakhan doesn’t try much with jay afterwards though because zane, being jay’s protective boyfriend, threatened to freeze him)
thank you for the ask!!
skybound Thoughts
sooo uh, im thinking about doing a rewrite of ninjago skybound.
im currently rewatching it because of this, and in case i never get around to actually writing anything, im gonna word-vomit onto this hellsite (affectionate) cuz im having Thoughts.
quick tangent though, skybound seems very similar to danny phantom (at least in how the fandom treats it) in the sense that, when you actually watch it, it's pretty tame and honestly kinda shit. but then you dig deeper. and you see the Implications and Possibilities, and suddenly it has you by the throat with all the ways this could have gone if it wasn't a kids show.
like, in skybound you get genuine torture and creepy implications on nadakhan's part (seriously, get away from jay and nya you fucking creep), and while it's never really explored since, y'know, kids show, it makes nadakhan one of the best and most terrifying villains i personally have watched in ninjago.
anyway, here are a couple of things i've been toying with in terms of a possible rewrite:
one thing im thinking about taking from various other fics i've seen (i think its mainly shown in bending but never breaking, which is an absolutely amazing fic and you should go read it but MIND THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS PLEASE) is jay learning to use the electricity in his body, though obviously not painlessly
bonus points for his elemental power getting royally fucked up once/if the vengestone is removed, but in the sense of suddenly he is completely overwhelmed and his power is so much stronger and its a danger to both himself and others
queerplatonic jaya: i think in this season especially, nya felt very aroace coded (i might just be projecting as i myself am aroace, but that's the vibe i got) and so for a skybound rewrite nya and jay would have a serious conversation about how nya doesn't feel that way for anyone, even if she *does* really like jay
just general angst and torture
id rewrite jays obsession with nya, specifically his first wish (if i dont just jump right into him being on misfortunes keep)
i think id like to do something more with delara than just her being some dead girlfriend. i.e.: i'd make her fucking unhinged and the kind of person that would fall in love with and support nadakhan.
i really liked @cotidianoseeder's idea for canary!jay, so possibly something in that direction
i also really like it when people keep serpentine aspects in jays character, so some of that as well
fuck it, make him inhuman, y'know?
i'd age everyone up i think (i dunno how old they are in skybound, but a 17 minimum would be in my rewrite)
OH! i'd put bruiseshipping as a romantic relationship cuz i love them
nya would make the final wish, since a big part of her character would be forging her own story and taking control of her own life
zanes falcon would survive cuz i love that fucking bird
echo would be taken off the island post-rewind
what do y'all think??? i keep having more ideas, i might post them
i already had more Thoughts
jay's moral compass afterward is fucked. like, full-on, he would punch a child and kill a guy if he felt threatened. he carries weapons on him because he didn't have his elemental powers for so long and he still doesn't always remember he has them
he's still a good guy fundamentally, but the moment his (or anyone else's) survival is put into question he goes completely fucking feral
he has tons of thoughts after the fact of nadakhan, including some fucked stockholm-syndrome esque ones that he tears himself up over afterwards because nadakhan hurt him and his friends, why does he kind of miss him????
skybound Thoughts
sooo uh, im thinking about doing a rewrite of ninjago skybound.
im currently rewatching it because of this, and in case i never get around to actually writing anything, im gonna word-vomit onto this hellsite (affectionate) cuz im having Thoughts.
quick tangent though, skybound seems very similar to danny phantom (at least in how the fandom treats it) in the sense that, when you actually watch it, it's pretty tame and honestly kinda shit. but then you dig deeper. and you see the Implications and Possibilities, and suddenly it has you by the throat with all the ways this could have gone if it wasn't a kids show.
like, in skybound you get genuine torture and creepy implications on nadakhan's part (seriously, get away from jay and nya you fucking creep), and while it's never really explored since, y'know, kids show, it makes nadakhan one of the best and most terrifying villains i personally have watched in ninjago.
anyway, here are a couple of things i've been toying with in terms of a possible rewrite:
one thing im thinking about taking from various other fics i've seen (i think its mainly shown in bending but never breaking, which is an absolutely amazing fic and you should go read it but MIND THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS PLEASE) is jay learning to use the electricity in his body, though obviously not painlessly
bonus points for his elemental power getting royally fucked up once/if the vengestone is removed, but in the sense of suddenly he is completely overwhelmed and his power is so much stronger and its a danger to both himself and others
queerplatonic jaya: i think in this season especially, nya felt very aroace coded (i might just be projecting as i myself am aroace, but that's the vibe i got) and so for a skybound rewrite nya and jay would have a serious conversation about how nya doesn't feel that way for anyone, even if she *does* really like jay
just general angst and torture
id rewrite jays obsession with nya, specifically his first wish (if i dont just jump right into him being on misfortunes keep)
i think id like to do something more with delara than just her being some dead girlfriend. i.e.: i'd make her fucking unhinged and the kind of person that would fall in love with and support nadakhan.
i really liked @cotidianoseeder's idea for canary!jay, so possibly something in that direction
i also really like it when people keep serpentine aspects in jays character, so some of that as well
fuck it, make him inhuman, y'know?
i'd age everyone up i think (i dunno how old they are in skybound, but a 17 minimum would be in my rewrite)
OH! i'd put bruiseshipping as a romantic relationship cuz i love them
nya would make the final wish, since a big part of her character would be forging her own story and taking control of her own life
zanes falcon would survive cuz i love that fucking bird
echo would be taken off the island post-rewind
what do y'all think??? i keep having more ideas, i might post them
a fic is officially in the works!! currently im in the process of plotting as much as possible and writing the first chapter, but yeah!! the brainworms are eating away at me and ive succumbed. y'all'r welcome.
i need a beta reader, so if anyone is interested, pls tell me!
skybound Thoughts
sooo uh, im thinking about doing a rewrite of ninjago skybound.
im currently rewatching it because of this, and in case i never get around to actually writing anything, im gonna word-vomit onto this hellsite (affectionate) cuz im having Thoughts.
quick tangent though, skybound seems very similar to danny phantom (at least in how the fandom treats it) in the sense that, when you actually watch it, it's pretty tame and honestly kinda shit. but then you dig deeper. and you see the Implications and Possibilities, and suddenly it has you by the throat with all the ways this could have gone if it wasn't a kids show.
like, in skybound you get genuine torture and creepy implications on nadakhan's part (seriously, get away from jay and nya you fucking creep), and while it's never really explored since, y'know, kids show, it makes nadakhan one of the best and most terrifying villains i personally have watched in ninjago.
anyway, here are a couple of things i've been toying with in terms of a possible rewrite:
one thing im thinking about taking from various other fics i've seen (i think its mainly shown in bending but never breaking, which is an absolutely amazing fic and you should go read it but MIND THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS PLEASE) is jay learning to use the electricity in his body, though obviously not painlessly
bonus points for his elemental power getting royally fucked up once/if the vengestone is removed, but in the sense of suddenly he is completely overwhelmed and his power is so much stronger and its a danger to both himself and others
queerplatonic jaya: i think in this season especially, nya felt very aroace coded (i might just be projecting as i myself am aroace, but that's the vibe i got) and so for a skybound rewrite nya and jay would have a serious conversation about how nya doesn't feel that way for anyone, even if she *does* really like jay
just general angst and torture
id rewrite jays obsession with nya, specifically his first wish (if i dont just jump right into him being on misfortunes keep)
i think id like to do something more with delara than just her being some dead girlfriend. i.e.: i'd make her fucking unhinged and the kind of person that would fall in love with and support nadakhan.
i really liked @cotidianoseeder's idea for canary!jay, so possibly something in that direction
i also really like it when people keep serpentine aspects in jays character, so some of that as well
fuck it, make him inhuman, y'know?
i'd age everyone up i think (i dunno how old they are in skybound, but a 17 minimum would be in my rewrite)
OH! i'd put bruiseshipping as a romantic relationship cuz i love them
nya would make the final wish, since a big part of her character would be forging her own story and taking control of her own life
zanes falcon would survive cuz i love that fucking bird
echo would be taken off the island post-rewind
what do y'all think??? i keep having more ideas, i might post them
scene from the lighthouse in my skybound fic
kay, so I haven't gotten anywhere near this part yet, but this specific conversation has been in my head for months, so here's a very rough draft of Nya sort of coming out to Jay as aroace from my skybound fic in the works!
Nya looked down at her hands, breathing deeply. It wasn’t entirely fair of her to explode at Jay like that, she was just so- so angry! She didn’t want to be the ‘girl ninja’, or ‘Kai’s sister’, or ‘Jay’s girlfriend’. Hell, she didn’t want to be anyone's girlfriend!
She opened the door to the room with a soft ‘creeeeakkkkk’, noting how Jay’s feathered ears—still a bizarre and disarming sight—twitched at the sound.
“I- Jay, we need to talk. About- about yesterday.” Jay looked up at her words, and she bristled when she saw the feathers marring his left side. She still wasn’t used to that, though he probably wasn’t either. He looked… well, angry wasn’t the right word. Unsettled, maybe? Wary? Tired, definitely, maybe annoyed, possibly frustrated. With her? She didn’t know.
“I- I don’t… I don’t feel what you feel for me. I don’t love you, not- not like that. I care for you, absolutely, but I don't…” She trailed off. “I don’t feel that way towards you. I don’t feel that way towards anyone. I never have, and I don’t think I ever will.” He was quiet, but he didn’t seem on the verge of freaking out as she sat down next to him on the old bed.
“It wasn’t fair of me to blow up at you, but it hurts, y’know? To be reduced to a prize for two of my best friends to fight over! It- I’m sorry, for how I said it, but I’m not sorry for saying it.” Jay was silent for a moment before he nodded.
“I… I get that. And… I’m sorry too, for what it’s worth,” he said, and she was still uneasy about how his voice had changed. It used to be endearingly high; snippy and full of life, and while it hadn’t, like, dropped or anything, he spoke in a quiet rasp now and he seemed to overthink every word to come out of his mouth. “It wasn’t fair towards you to… to treat you like that.”