Nonbinary Rights - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Don't Forget Xenogenders!

Don't forget xenogenders!

Reblog if your account is a xenogender safe space or owned by someone under the xenogender umbrella!

since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...

Since The Old Version Of This Post Was Flagged For 'adult Content'...

reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!

Since The Old Version Of This Post Was Flagged For 'adult Content'...

along with that, reblog if your account is a non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the enby spectrum!

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2 years ago

Since I am having a Bad Day right now and I think my family members are making up their "nonbinary friends" who are personally offended by my existence-

And since I want this to reach the outer corners of Tumblr, not just my mutuals who I know are okay with my pronouns, please reblog!!!

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2 years ago

No worries. Your desire for validation is completely warranted.

Could you maybe reblog this post if you think respecting trans peoples' names and identities is a basic right and not a political opinion?

No pressure. Just seeking some validation of my sentiment. Due to some. people

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2 years ago


You know how there's a stereotype about universities/colleges being super liberal and progressive?

Forget that.

On my way to class just now, I overheard some blatant enbyphobia. It was a conversation between three other students complaining about how nonbinary people should "just use Mr. or Mrs." instead of whatever titles or pronouns we actually feel comfortable with. They even tried to gender the word "professor" by creating a "female" counterpart: "professa." Not a real word, and "professor" is ALREADY GENDER-NEUTRAL. I bet they didn't realize they were walking right beside a nonbinary person since I'm not the stereotypical "blue hair and pronouns" enby. (There's nothing wrong if you do fit that stereotype. In fact, I think that aesthetic is pretty neat. I just happen to be pretty plain-looking.)

My campus is generally accepting of all different kinds of students, but idiots like these make me want to throw hands.

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1 year ago

Hey y'all, I'd appreciate anyone from the UK signing this petition to allow trans/nonbinary kids to stay closeted from their parents if they're out at school. It's obviously very important that children be able to keep potentially dangerous information about their identity away from their parents, and explore it safely in a school environment.

If it reaches 10k votes the government must respond, and 100k means they need to debate it, but any votes are good for raising awareness and profile.

If you're not from the UK please share this so others see it

Petition: Do not require schools to tell parents their child is transgender/non-binary
Petitions - UK Government and Parliament
There are reports that the Government is planning to introduce guidance stating that schools in England must inform parents if a young perso

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1 year ago

Hello, everyone.

As Pride Month falls upon us, I just want to say something:

I will not stand for asexual, aromantic, or nonbinary erasure/discrimination from anyone--including others in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Our struggles may not always be the same as those of other sects of the community, but that doesn't mean we don't belong. We aren't "fakers" or "posers." We aren't looking to "usurp" you or make others take you less seriously by drawing attention to ourselves. We just want equal and equitable treatment to cishet people in law and in society, just like all of you.

If you still take issue with us simply existing, don't read my content anymore. Unfollow me. Block me. Whatever. Just get out. My page is a safe place for people of all marginalized identities, including those who identify as aromantic, asexual, or nonbinary. This isn't a place for bigots in any form, whether they be open about their views or masquerading as champions of equality. Animal Farm isn't a guidebook; certain groups are not "more equal than others." We must fight for equity and equality together, and Pride Month is a crucial time to emphasize this.

Happy Pride Month.

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1 year ago

Plot twist! I can!

This bill essentially breaks not only the First Amendment but the Ninth Amendment as well.

For those that don’t have a Pocket Constitution because your high school humanities teacher didn’t give everyone in your class one to keep and use, here’s the rundown:

Plot Twist! I Can!
Plot Twist! I Can!
Plot Twist! I Can!

The First Amendment: Everyone knows this one I think. It’s essentially freedom of speech. But it’s also the freedom of research and knowledge with the, “Freedom of the press,” line since that’s what the press do. They research stuff. It involves intellectual freedom, including curiosity as well.

We already have safe search on our devices, adults can age lock stuff that isn’t kid friendly for their children. Schools do that to.

But saying that LGBTQA+ is inappropriate to learn about, shouldn’t be talked about, and should be shunned and worse is inherently dangerous and harmful.

This bill and any bill that bans and targets LGBTQA+ communities, teens, adults, or any race, anywhere— you name it— goes against the First Amendment on all fronts.

If this gets past, then their will be a bigger target on trans people, ace, nonbinary, everyone on the internet. This could definitely spread world wide if the right people copy this bill.

And if anyone thinks this won’t affect straight people, your dead wrong. What if you start to question yourself and what to learn more? What if a friend or a family member gets seriously hurt and or dies because of the hatred? Or can’t find people like them who can help?

What if a straight parent learns that their child isn’t straight and wants to be an ally? How can they learn more and be supportive? What if a straight friend wants to be an ally for their sister? Siblings? Best friend? Their own parents if they learn they aren’t as straight as they thought?

Sure, this can block only kids if this passes, but what’s stopping them from doing a widespread purge on this information? Give them one step in and it shows the people who hate LGBTQA+ and more the ability to run.

And that’s not even going into the Ninth Amendment!!!

The Ninth Amendment: This amendment is meant to protect the rights of citizens that aren’t directly listed in the Constitution. LGBTQA+ people’s rights are one of those unlisted things.

It’s a human rights violation to pass this and hide behind the gies of, “We must protect our children!” When this bill will take away the lives of many- many kids, both literally and figuratively.

People young and old will not be safer with this bill. It will not make the internet more safer. This will only bring about more harm than good, and it definitely didn’t come from a good heart with only good intentions.

We have a right to our body’s, learn, speak, and be alive and free. This bill, and many others like it, will destroy that right.

Reductive rights? Gone. Black rights? Vanished. Woman’s rights? What’s that? Animal rights? Eh?

All of it and more will go down the drain to. And many countries are watching us whether we like it or not. This will cause a ripple effect.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I definitely think the people who are trying to pass this didn’t think about that, they only thought about themselves.

They were only thinking about personal comfort, power, hatred for specific groups, and their personal beliefs and values. That’s it! It’s simple math!

If this bill passes, I fear for the world.



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3 years ago

Jeez I've been inactive, I blame it on artblock,,

I drew these oc's for pride month and a school homework I had! Only recently I finished it since I wasn't feeling well earlier but here it is!

Jeez I've Been Inactive, I Blame It On Artblock,,

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