Obey Me Demon - Tumblr Posts

A obey me painting I finished a while back.
Time: 6-8 hours
Characters: Lucifer & My oc
Tools: Artist Paint brushes, Acrylic paint & a Bowl.
Filipino! MC in Seductive Speechcraft class Headcanons
So we all know that class is glorified flirting 101 right?
What if they had to discuss courting rituals
According to the teacher, it's so that they can better understand human temptation through mannered ways.
Aka just a higher level of flirting
So hear me out What if they had an assignment
Where they're all paired up with a partner and have to present an example of a courting ritual in front of class.
You can imagine MC being paired up with one of the Demon Bros
But personally I'd like to think MC is paired up with someone else for ~✨effect✨~
So MC and the demon decide on Harana
So day of presentation right,they're all gonna do it on stage
So the curtain rises and theres SOMEONE sitting inside a makeshift house by the window
Then this figure wearing a barong and Hat (mind you covering their face) walks onto stage holding an acoustic guitar
Then they start singing the CHEESIEST tagalog love song in existence
Everyone can't understand the words but the atmosphere is just 👌 PERFECT so they don't really need to understand the lyrics
And like midway through the second chorus the person removes their hat
Only to reveal MC
Yes MC is the one wearing the barong regardless of gender because the demon isn't too familiar with "non sexual flirting"
So when they slowly remove the hat while still singing the demon in the make shift house forces out a blush for full effect
And apparently it worked cuz the audience thought MC was the suavest courter alive (or so they think)
They all thought MC was just this weird yet wild human from the orient seas and suddenly their Asmo 2.0 nani-
And since MC is Filipino that singing voice is TOP TIER 👌
So after the performance MC helps the demon down and they both bow
And when they both get off stage their atmosphere reverts back to the snarky demon and the wild human
W-w-where did the suave person go!?!
MC got full marks that semester.
And they also gained a new demon friend.
(This all came to me late at night ok-)
I sort of wonder if MC has ever thought of the demons, or angels as lucky for being demons/angels, yk for having powers and stuff like that, tbh I don't know which one I'm jealous of more, but I do wonder what y'all think and what you would prefer, either stay as human, or would like to be an angel or demon.