Obey Me Levi - Tumblr Posts
the one I stan and his son being absolutely adorable.

we're already a week in but it still is a new year ✧ tipsy luci and catboy surprisingly getting along on new year's day
mah fam
(His) Nightmares - Dateables and Brothers
Lucifer suffers from nightmares, though you would never know it. He’s very good at managing to live on little sleep and still look put together after. He could (and does) blame his work and brothers and all of his other duties for how little he sleeps or how restless that sleep is but it’s not the complete truth. Lucifer regularly has nightmares about his fall from the celestial realm. He remembers the great battle, the betrayed faces of his fellow angels, Lilith’s injury, his fall down to the Devildom. All of it, feeling just as intense and real and unbearable as it did when it actually happened. He’s the kind of person that wakes up with a quiet gasp but nothing so noticeable as to ever wake anyone up. It’s a reaction that he’s trained himself to contain over the millennia. He doesn’t ever tell anyone about the nightmares but Simeon always seems to have a knack for knowing when he’s had a rough night because he’ll check in with Lucifer and bring him some kind of sweet snack that morning; he’ll smile guilelessly at Lucifer as he does it but the sadness in his eyes says something completely different.
Mammon’s nightmares tend to come when he’s had a particularly rough day with his brothers and, later on, with you. They happen when his self-deprecation follows him into his dreams. He’s always being yelled at and insulted and he can be crying, begging for forgiveness and kindness, trying to explain his side of the story but no one will ever listen. They mock his pain and tell him how pathetic and scummy he is. Hearing it from his brothers is hard enough but if you appear in the nightmare, he absolutely loses it. He can’t bear the idea of you thinking of him like that. When Mammon wakes, it’s with tears sliding down his face and he’s gasping for breath. He’s thrown off for the whole day and will actively avoid people because he’s afraid of bursting into tears if they say anything.
It isn’t common for Levi to have nightmares. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t get very much sleep thanks to his gaming lifestyle or maybe it’s because he tends to have such lovely dreams about Ruri-chan or maybe it’s because you’re actually snuggling him and how could anything bad happen when you’re there? When he does have nightmares, they’re typically something outrageous based on a game or anime that he’s seen lately, especially if they’re horror based. Levi is one of those people who would accidentally throw himself off the bed if he didn’t sleep in a tub and he wakes up with his arms waving in the air as if he’s acting out a fight scene or something. He can shake off his dreams pretty quickly and if he can’t, he’ll turn on a comfort anime to help.
Keep reading

sir who are you exactly-

The worst side of myself.
Obey Me x Reader! Small gestures of love <3
Because we all deserve some affection every now and again ^w^
He cares for you a lot more than he’s willing to admit.
Leaves roses on your desk at odd hours during the night when you’ve fallen asleep working, and drapes his jacket over your shoulder
He places cups of takeout hot cocoa on your table on occasion in order for you to power through your work quicker-
Occasionally places a flower on your bed and claims he has no clue about it’s origin (he’s so- <3)
Leaves “motivational” sticky notes in random places (the one behind your shower door jump-scared you) that comprised messages like “get it ig” and “You’re my human! Don’t forget that! And don’t forget to eat >:3 “ and one with a little doodle of Grimm on it…
Shoves one of his old onesies in the dryer and makes you wear it on occasion
In reality, he just likes seeing you looking like a limp and oversized sock but he’ll state that it’s “✨ f O r C o M f O r T ✨”
Once left a jar of red bean paste on your bed whilst you slept when you were felling unwell
You woke up to see a little Azuki-tan doodle on the wrapper of the jar
He occasionally kidnaps you from your room or the library to make chocolates together
Designed a home for the two of you in pocket love ^^; he tried getting a fish but resorted to naming his cat(s) Henry
Our boi was v proud to show it to you ^
Stole a stray cat and put it on your bed. He even left a bouquet of flowers with it 😭 boi-
Lucifer wasn’t inherently pleased, to say the least
You did keep the cat for as long as you could, though, and he helped take care of it
Occasionally intrudes your room to leave a whole stack of novels that he thinks you’d enjoy
You do, to be fair.
iT’S sKINCaRE tImE bAbYgIrL <3
Loves to sprinkle your bed in rose petals that form a heart whilst you’re in class
He lights little candles and leaves a skincare package on your bed in case you ‘forget to take care of yourself’
Mans even splays himself out onto your bed in order to ‘keep it warm’ till you come back
Packs a whole basket filled with snacks and stashes it under your bed <3
He even put fruit in it-
It went bad but it’s the thought that counts
He lets you use his chest as a makeshift mattress even though it’s hard…he’s warm so that’s what matters here
Affection = steals your blankets and attempts to make a pillow fort under your bed for when you return from classes
He once just left a squishy plush toy on your bed with a sticky note that said “in case you wanna punch something”
He followed up with a sticky note that said “pretend it’s Lucifer and let out all your stresses onto it”
Once set up his star projector so you could fall asleep easier
Buys you small gifts such as little bracelets, chocolate boxes, and flowers and places them in different places around your room and locker for you to find
He once set them up into a mini scavenger hunt and the final gift ended up being him asleep in your bed-
When you’re especially tired, he enjoys bathing with you so he can feel you fall asleep into his chest; he mostly just enjoys letting you wash away the day and relax with him so intimately
He enjoys massaging you before or after you bathe if you feel sore from exercising with Beel
He’s the best at small or big gestures in order to show his affection for you
Do you feel burnt out? He’ll make mini sandwiches and some cookies and host a small tea party for you
Are you physically exhausted? He’ll run a bath for you and wash and massage your hair and scalp <3
He’ll even leave flasks of tea and organised notes from class in your room generally just so you don’t feel stressed out about anything
Barb I’ll do anything for you please marry me 💍 plsplspsldd
He enjoys making a plethora of mini sandwiches and some lemonade and taking you down for a little picnic dkjddidn that’s adorable
Presses your favourite Devildom flowers and writes poems under them as a way of captioning them and quite literally mails them to you
He got into candle making just so he could make ridiculously shaped candles and light them for you when you come over
He once made profiteroles and eXpEriMenTed with fillings. They turned out good though so all’s well that ends well :D
Draws little cats and whatnot on post it notes and plasters them all over his notes so you can inevitably get distracted whilst you study them
He once accidentally-on-purpose wrote an entire five-page essay detailing why he loves you and how he finally felt loved…regardless, he almost submitted it in place of his actual essay which would’ve ended terribly on both of your parts
He tries to cook for you no matter how many times Luke and Simeon try to stop him; he somewhat successfully made you plain toast, which in itself was a sweet enough gesture
So, I essentially left these in my drafts because I didn’t feel like writing for the side characters but we’re back now so hello! I half-assed the final few but let’s look past that ;^;
OH ALSO! Belphie’s one made me wonder if you guys want to see hcs for a sleep-deprived reader or a reader that’s having a hard time falling asleep/ experiencing insomnia?
But that’s all from me! Love you guys and stay safe out there <3
i absolutely love these guys so much..

Doodled them, this was way funnier in my head LMFAO
just a pissed dad and an annoying son

Piece I made for @omfairytalezine last year! 💫
Reblogs for fam reasons..

yeah yeaah yeaaah~
Lol. Why not seven?
*calls the dem bros*

Previous post (Mammon)
Here we have ~Leviathan~ ☺
He stole my heart and my phone storage.
Levi's Casual Outfit

I actually had a love for this outfit for the longest and didn't change him on my home screen for nearly a year after I unlocked it.
Why I liked this?
Well, because it looks perfect to game in. As someone who plays video games, you sit on your ass for hours and don't have time to stop to change anything on you.
So if it's too hot, take the jacket off and wear the undershirt.
If it's too cold, put it back on.
In addition to him wearing joggers, which is just the most "gamer" thing I've ever seen, his clothes just look really comfortable. They look as if you could wear them for hours and not be bothered by jeans being too tight or a dress shirt getting uncomfortable after a while of sitting.
11/10 for me.
Levi's Human World Fit

As for this one, I didn't like it at first, but now I'm desperately farming for shards to get this 😷. Now, this takes a turn from him being comfy as this looks more athletic. Athletic clothes aren't made for comfort, they're made to be flexible and work with your body as you do exercises...
Wait, exercise and Levi in the same sentence?
Joke aside, I think this suits him well and why I think that lies in the convention world. I've never been to a convention before, but I often see guides to your 1st and everyone says you better bring water, food and to take breaks every so often. I would assume Levi prepped himself to go to every convention, event, pop-up store, theme shop and more when in the human world, so he has to be flexible and not exactly "comfy."
Bonus that his jacket looks awesome and makes me wanna wear it. Who am I kidding, I wanna wear all his jackets and clothes
Levi's Beach Outfit

I wanted to add that I was happy when I saw Levi had next to no body definition in this outfit.
It's always so weird to see his body look similar to Lucifer's, Beel's or Diavolo's when he doesn't work out and is super out of shape (getting winded at a casual jog). I'm glad they fixed this compared to his original beach card that had him with a whole ass six pack when that doesn't make any logical sense.
I don't hate the view, obviously 😏, but not all guys have to be ripped to be attractive. Lower that standard and just let guys be healthy the same way I want girls to just be healthy!

Levi has some fun getting dolled up 🫧🫧
Can’t believe nobody asked for a random Levi headcanon yet so I’m here on my knees begging pls pls pls pls
You don’t have to beg anon!!- helpshsj I’m always happy to share Levi hcs!!!
Whenever you play Devilcraft (Minecraft) together Levi’s absolutely going to put your beds together, but!!- only because it fits the layout of the house!!! Not because he wants your bed close to his!!!
He’ll even tame a few cats if you like them!! He also gives you lots of flowers….so many flowers…..even some seeds- ‘n will mine diamonds when you’re not around so he can surprise you with a full set of armor!!!
This interaction still is my favorite

Did anyone else not expect Mammon to like metal? Cause I didn't, but it sort of also make sense? Idk, I'm just happy that one of the demon brothers like metal like I do 😂❤️
Do y'all remember how there was this trend where girls would mess with their bf's or smth by putting liquid latex or smth on their faces, and just say it's their monthly shed to mess, and get their reaction? Imagine MC being a menace they do the same thing with the demon brothers and even has Solomon backing them up like:
MC: Oh, it looks like my monthly shed has come.
Mammon: Your monthly wha!?
Levi: Y-you mean like a snake..?
Solomon: Yeah, it's something humans get, we monthly shed.
Lucifer: I have never heard of that before...
Satan: I've never read that before..

Mammon really did not waste any time, did he?
He probably even use his demonic speed to snatch that pic 😂
I sort of wonder if MC has ever thought of the demons, or angels as lucky for being demons/angels, yk for having powers and stuff like that, tbh I don't know which one I'm jealous of more, but I do wonder what y'all think and what you would prefer, either stay as human, or would like to be an angel or demon.

Just something I decided to create a random day for content 😂
I'll probably make more with other obey me characters cause it was pretty fun to do this, but for now here is Belphie sleeping in a weird place like a cat :3
God: *Deciding to make the wind blow MC's paper under Lucifer's feet* You need a family therapist my son.
*The brothers falling head over heels, becoming defensive, obsessive, and possessive over MC*
God: ...mydamn it.