Older Sister - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

i think i may have a problem…

I Think I May Have A Problem

kinda already worried about my spotify wrapped💀

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1 year ago

Being an oldest sister with a complicated relationship with my younger sister and being on top of that a Sirius kinnie makes it very difficult to read a fic with Black Brothers angst from Regulus pov ༎ຶ︵༎ຶ

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2 years ago

here's the thing about being an older sister, would I kill and die for my younger sister? yes. would I stand up to my parents in important discussions for her? yes.

but if there's a small argument between my sister and my parents, would I defend my parents just to be a little shit? yes. at those times it's not a question of whose right, it's just a question of who I want to annoy.

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2 years ago

Being the oldest daughter that’s also bisexual means you get the “dad stank” after you shit or fart. Meaning I get to legalize nuclear bombs everytime I eat anything

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2 years ago

Lori Loud Drawing 📱 . Lori Say Suki ( スキ ) Love in Japanese 🇯🇵 . Lori Talk with Bobby Her boyfreind ❤️ .

Lori Loud Drawing . Lori Say Suki ( ) Love In Japanese . Lori Talk With Bobby Her Boyfreind .
Lori Loud Drawing . Lori Say Suki ( ) Love In Japanese . Lori Talk With Bobby Her Boyfreind .
Lori Loud Drawing . Lori Say Suki ( ) Love In Japanese . Lori Talk With Bobby Her Boyfreind .
Lori Loud Drawing . Lori Say Suki ( ) Love In Japanese . Lori Talk With Bobby Her Boyfreind .
Lori Loud Drawing . Lori Say Suki ( ) Love In Japanese . Lori Talk With Bobby Her Boyfreind .
Lori Loud Drawing . Lori Say Suki ( ) Love In Japanese . Lori Talk With Bobby Her Boyfreind .

sorry for the tipp-ex

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1 year ago

✨ older sisters are the backbone of society and deserve financial compensation, someone had to say it 💪👯‍♀️

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6 months ago

This post reminds me of my childhood. I use to win every argument with a boy I ever had when I was little, but now when I argue with boys from my childhood as a teenager they’re kinda assholes. They always interrupt me and try to one up me. The worst part now is why we are arguing…

Why is my little brother becoming the type of man I hate? Misogynistic, fatphobic, homophobic, racist… etc.

Is so sad that the little kid I used to love has turned into this, and that it is an universal experience for every older sister.

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11 years ago
Failing At Drinking Tea Double Team Mode

failing at drinking tea double team mode

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8 months ago

I had a child in my dream but it D*ed in my dream

I Had A Child In My Dream But It D*ed In My Dream

Just discussing a few dreams I had.

[ I I want to tell you guys this PLEASE tell me if you having crazy dreams I Love love LOVE talking about dreams no matter what they are about and I love the consept of dreams !!!]

So this was a few months ago where I had a dream that I was pregnant (in the 4 or 5 month) and in my dream I knew it would be a girl and I was so existed to have my Baby.

I even prayed to god in my dream and I said: please god give me a girl I'm also happy with a boy but I want my first child to be a girl

Anyway, like I said I was pregnant and I felt that the Baby would come out but like I said it was only the 4 or 5 month (I was also older in my dream alot more older then I am in real live I think I was in my 30s and I am NOT in my 30s) and the Baby came out but like I the Titel says it was dead guys.

I hold the Baby in my hands and it looked like a Baby that was sleeping peacefully but I knew in that moment that my Baby was gone it was also full with blood.

Also it wasn't like a real miscarrige in real life my belly opend up (somehow) and then I was holding my child the next Minute.

It was so sad then I woke up and I was like "where is my child" but then it Hit me and I realised it was just a dream and I was SO SAD i wanted to cry I was so happy in my dream with my child but my child was taken from me in my dream and it was a dream...

One time I dreamed that I had a younger brother and a younger sister but it was in 2 different dreams. (I am the youngest child in my family)

And I swear to god my younger brother was so beautiful he was a sweetheart.

He was an Angel guys and still I am so CRUSHED that he aint real 😭

Even my acual brother interacted with him (I was away but I witnessed my dream in the 3 person it was like I was watching a movie lol)

I was away and my family didn't know where I was and my older brother talked to my younger one and my younger brother was SO worried about me and wanted to know where I was guys he is an Angel he was such a sweetheart

And he looked like me he had a very VERY similar face like I do and he had the same hair as my brother ( I and my acual brother look very alike but my brother in my dream looked even more like me)

Guys he is my Baby like why can't he be real I am so upset I'm not even joking.

And for my sister in my dream my sister looked more like my brother but I and my sister had the same hair but our hair typ is a little different my younger brother and I had the same waves but she had Curly hair and she was so beautiful.

She was soooo playfull and funny mannnnnn

In my dream she fell asleep and my mother Was also in my dream and I carried my sister on my back she was asleep at first but then she woke up and I teased her. (in my dream of my brother my father was there but not my mom and in the one of my sister my mom was there and my acual brother wasn't there)

I also once had a dream where I was pregnant and then had a Baby who (thank god) didn't die in my dream I watched my child grow and the I woke up why is the World so cruel ?!

And one time I was with a random boy who was like 15 or 13 and we where running bc we where playing a game or something idk but it was also cool (In that dream I was also like 13 or 15 BUT I AM NOT 13 -15 I am 18+ and when I had that dream I was also not 13-15 years old I was older)

And in another dream I was holding a Baby and another child was next to me that was like 2 or 3(?) And both where looking at me and I was looking at the Baby and the child in my Arms but the children weren't mine in that dream.

After those dreams I felt so empty but I still love them

Anyways did that ever happend to you guys?

Do you guys have theories?

Please tell me about it Iam so curious!!!!

Thankyou for reading Pookie ♡♡♡ (This helps me coping with what happend)


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1 year ago

i hope im not just a girlblog but also your favorite girlblog lesbian older sister cool aunt you really need

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5 months ago

candace is my spirit animal and she can do no wrong <3

candace flynn is THE most teenage girl character of all time. she is at level 100 anxiety 24/7. she shows her love for her brothers by trying to get them in trouble constantly. her neck is as long as her forearm. she features on a blues album after having an allergic reaction. she has a shrine to her boyfriend in her room. she can't live without her phone. she has a panic room in the basement. she plays 20 instruments that all start with the letter B. she read all of sherlock holmes in one night. she's seen their platypus running around as a secret agent more than once, assumed she was hallucinating each time, and moved on with her life while telling no one. she likes wrestling video games. she was rutabaga princess. she has a billion people to email memes to but when she's trying to think of friends she can only think of four people and one of them is her mom. most animals hate her except monkeys. she invented grilled cheese flavored ice cream. she pretended to be irish for a week. she's autistically obsessed with her universe's version of barney. she writes marvel fanfiction. she does parkour. there's an entire archive of her voice actress screaming just in case her voice ever gave out while recording. she sees her brothers build time machines and rollercoasters every day but doesn't believe in santa. when she starts scheming the wicked witch of the west theme starts playing in the background. she was elected queen of mars. she won a "mayor for the day" essay competition. there's a random person in town who's been avoiding her to the point she doesn't know he exists. she learned how to parallel park by driving a monster truck. she thinks the plural of moose is "meese." she tracks her mom with a GPS. she doesn't know her little brother's full name. she's scared of heights, spiders, and the number seven. when her boyfriend told her he'd call "soon" she started doing complex math to try and figure out when exactly that would be. her first thought upon seeing her royal doppelganger was to go to the laundromat and fill all the dryers with cheese. she earned 50 not-girl-scout patches in one day through sheer determination. she can run fast enough to catch up to moving cars. she can sense when ground is broken in the backyard and when people are judging her. one time she got her face caught in the sink. her brothers carved her into mount rushmore. every now and again a magical zebra appears, calls her kevin, and then disappears again. she killed 99% of an alien invasion with a t-shirt cannon. in an alternate universe she's leading a regime-destroying resistance at the age of 15. she's being accidentally gaslit every day of her life.

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1 year ago

Am I validly upset?

My older sister moved out and I don't get to spend a lot of time with her. My twin sister is now moving out and I know I'm not gonna be able to spend a lot of time with her.

In fact, I didn't get to spend time with them even before they moved out! My older sister hid herself in her room most nights before going to college, only really leaving for work (9-5). My twin sister does the same (8-5 then 6-8)!

They make plans with each other all the time, but they take days at a time to answer a text from me.

I just wanna spend time with my older sisters.

I just wanna spend time with my favorite people in the whole world, but it seems like they avoid me as much as they can.

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6 months ago

An angel loses its wings everytime a little brother fucktoy or a little sister fuckdoll is not being used like a whore by their older sister.

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1 year ago

big sis culture is getting up at 1 am and going into the bathroom in your tightest pajamas and half-on crusty tennis shoes to grab lil bro's computer mouse because he left it in there with the big ass spider and he's scared but mom won't get up from her book to get it

at least for me?

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9 months ago

Can someone take my sister away before I CHOKE HER TO DEATH?

Like I came out to her and she doesn't accept me. That is okay.

I told her I like a person. Again, not accepted.


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