Tybalt - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Whelp Precious Shitposting Won't Do Itself Series Of Drawings I've Finished A Few Weeks Ago; Poses Are
Whelp Precious Shitposting Won't Do Itself Series Of Drawings I've Finished A Few Weeks Ago; Poses Are
Whelp Precious Shitposting Won't Do Itself Series Of Drawings I've Finished A Few Weeks Ago; Poses Are
Whelp Precious Shitposting Won't Do Itself Series Of Drawings I've Finished A Few Weeks Ago; Poses Are

whelp precious shitposting won't do itself series of drawings i've finished a few weeks ago; poses are related mostly to my headcanons though i thought some people would still appreciate these tybalt — mercutio — benvolio & DEATH

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4 years ago

*does the eboy fuckboy laugh while sitting in my bedroom alone*

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8 months ago

I hope benvolio, romeo, juliet, and paris (even tybalt) be all good. I have not heard from you all in a while, and I thought I'd check :)

I don't know whether I should tag you 🧍‍♀️ I do not want to bother anyone. but I hope you art all well and happy

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2 years ago

i, unfortunately, am a tyblt capulet apologist. reblog if you, too, are a tybalt capulet apologist.

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7 months ago

I still hate tybalt, by the way

dost not think that I have ceased to hate him, just because I have stopped making daily hate posts... 'tis just that I am so filled with love lately, and tybalt himself hath not been going around much.

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6 months ago

oh c'mon, val! thou knowest how I can be. the nurse and I have a lot of fun together, trust me; she doth tease me back, 'tis very amusing

the nurse threw an apple at me

and I didn't even discover gravity. t'was just painful

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5 months ago

he shan't... not if I break his hand first!

tybalt... by any other name would still suck as much

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Lets Dance

Let’s dance ♪

(Nicolas’s Tybalt & John’s Mercutio✨)

based on 血界戦線 (kekkai sensen) ED

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3 years ago

This. This sparks joy.

Fanfiction Idea

Along side my two requests I have finally gotten the inspiration I need to actually write the oldest fanfiction I had plans for. Benvolio x Tybalt. It will take place in the modern day with modern language. The two main difference from Romeo and Juliet: 1) it will focus on the love story between the two foils, not the protagonists. 2) Characters will have more than one braincell and actually make slightly more rational decisions than the original.

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3 years ago

Thoughts on Mercutio and Benvolio as a ship versus Benvolio and Jutiet's cousin as a ship (I forgot his name. I know it starts with a T)


Before getting into this too deeply for such a small fandom, I don't mean this as hate to any other ships. It's a play from 400 years ago and people can ship whoever they want (unsurprisingly I find incestuous ships iffy but I'm not going to throw internet hands or anything because again, 400 year old fiction).

That said, here are my thoughts:

Upon reading the play, Benvolio and Mercutio are the kind of pair that you look at and think "oh yeah, the internet definitely wants these two to kiss" and it's not my least favorite ship for Benvolio. The Still Star Crossed fandom is going to eat me alive if they see this but I don't really understand Benvolio x Rosaline. I haven't watched the show but from my excursions though the Benvolio tag it looks nicely developed. However, I'm going off of the original play and the musical and I just don't see it. Benvolio and Mercutio have a lot of on stage chemistry together when done right, and I actually like the ship quite a lot! I think that in terms of the story them being in a relationship makes a lot of sense and there's a lot of really beautiful fanfiction and art in the fandom!

Having said that, I personally feel that Mercutio and Romeo have even more chemistry on stage. Benvolio is commonly shown as having to stop both of them from their impulsive ideas that could (and do) get them killed. Subjectively I find the dynamic of two impulsive people in a relationship more appealing than a chaos baby being constantly held back by their partner. I also really like the foils in the play falling in love because of the dynamic. The realist and the idealist. I find that it just works better.

And on to Benvolio and Tybalt. I. Love. This. Ship. To the point where I made a side account for it to fill the content void. This play is full of unstable people and relationships. Pretty much the entire cast need a lot of therapy, including these two. The difference is I think they would balance each other out and complement each other well. It's still an impulsive person and a rational person, but without the parenting dynamic of Bencutio. Because they're on opposite sides, Benvolio isn't holding Tybalt back, Tybalt would hold himself back. And I genuinely believe that he is capable of doing that unlike other characters. Benvolio already doesn't want to fight him, but he's always going to be tasked with babysitting Mercutio and Romeo no matter who is dating who.

In conclusion, I like both but think that Mercutio is a better match for Romeo and Benvolio and Tybalt would complement each other and have more of an equal stance in the relationship. And boy do I love healthy relationships being portrayed. I also think that Romeo is better with Mercutio than Juliet but that's (possibly) a conversation for another day.

Thanks for the ask, I hope my ramblings aren't too nonsensical!

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2 years ago
Tybalt What The Hell Are You Doing

tybalt what the hell are you doing

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4 years ago
Hey Guess What Im Not Dead. I Stopped Using Tumblr Shortly After That Wholenot Allowing NSFW Stuff Thing

Hey guess what I’m not dead. I stopped using tumblr shortly after that whole “not allowing NSFW stuff” Thing from like over a year ago

Anyway I got a new laptop and drew a thing and I am,,,, really proud of how it turned out????? Like woah who knew trying new things in art doesn’t always turn out bad. The whole concept was originally based on Tybalt (yes the Romeo and Juliet character shut up) but it kinda got away from me a lil bit so it’s only vaguely related. Here he is I guess

Also I do commissions now, this is a pretty good example of something I could draw for you! DM me for info

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1 year ago

No but the way Júlia and Tybalt (In Rómeó és Júlia especially but in every adaption actually) perfectly mirror each other in the way they are being stifled by the role they play due to their gender and how it fucks them up, as well as the way they completely reject their roles (specifically in Rómeó és Júlia)? We have Tybalt, who was forced to be as violent and protective of his family as possible despite the heavy implication that he was a sensitive and dreamy child, not to mention the way his views of sex and love were shaped by social conventions (and specifically his father).

I’m going by the Italian Renaissance societal mores here, even though resj presumably takes place in a quasi-dystopian or post-dystopian future/Alternate Universe. During the Italian Renaissance, male children spent very little time with a nurse because that was considered ‘feminine’, and were sent off to school at a very young age. Although family was still considered the most important thing, actual familial relationships were hard to cultivate presuming that child was away at school. Now, it could be that I’m looking way too much into this and no one even thought about Tybalt’s childhood regarding him going away to school or being taught by a tutor at home, so I could be way off, BUT my point is that the emotions regarding family were strictly based on the masculine ‘protector and provider’ aspect rather than tenderness and actually spending time with family.

You can even see this in modern western society! It is only within the past few decades that men started to spend more time with their children, and do traditionally ‘feminine’ things for their kids like changing diapers, feeding etc. The idea of a Father being a provider rather than a caregiver has even carried over to society today - men are still praised for running errands with their children and doing activities with them without the mother present. These men are just seen as being ‘babysitters’ ‘helping out mom’ when they should simply be seen as parents doing their job as parents. It’s unnecessary to go into the negative impact this has had on both men and women, but my point is that this ‘nuture vs provide and protect’ view is still prevalent today, and was 100x worse in the Itaian Renaissance Era (and presumably society in resj).

So Tybalt is burdened with the duty to protect his family, but we see he, unlike his father, actually wants to be close emotionally to his family. The best evidence for this is his relationships to women in his family. I’ve made another post about this, but basically Tybalt’s father has taught him that women are literally ‘objects’, and the goal is to sleep with as many women as possible with absolutely no emotional attachment or respect for the women they sleep with. Tybalt, per his own admission in Ez A Kéz Utolér, mentions sleeping with many women indiscriminately, and not being emotionally attached to any of them. But as the song goes on we realize that he doesn’t want that. He is in love with Júlia, and clearly does not see her as an object. He doesn’t believe any man is good enough for her (least of all him).

Now, I’ve seen it argued that he doesn’t actually see Júlia as her own person, only the ideal of her, and even has the whole ‘Madonna/Whore Complex’ going on, which is certainly a valid argument, but I’m not sure I agree with it.

I think he sees himself in Júlia - the sensitive and loving child he never got to be. It’s possible a part of him does not want to see Júlia lose her innocence (not necessarily in a creepy way), and become like him.

Don’t get me wrong, his love for Júlia is definitely creepy and a good amount of his rage comes from romantic (and presumably sexual) jealousy. He mentions that he never loved any of the women he slept with, and has only ever loved Júlia. According to his father, love is just a weakness and women are just for sex, but clearly Tybalt doesn’t agree.

Possibly the ONLY healthy relationship he has (err, had) in his life is with the Nurse - he is seen holding her hand at the ball and she embraces his body after he dies, and has to be pulled away by a servant. I believe this is possibly a nod to when the Nurse calls him the “best friend she had” in Shakespeare (another reason I love resj is the Shakespearen nods while doing its own thing).

Lady Capulet obviously loves Tybalt (judging by her reaction to his death), though his uncomfortable attraction does not seem to be reciprocated. The inclusion of his attraction to her could be another nod to Shakespeare - though it is not actually in the text, a fairly popular theory is that Tybalt and Lady Capulet were lovers (it’s possibly worth noting that Lady Capulet was likely closer in age to Tybalt than Lord Capulet). Personally I don’t think there was any inappropriate relationship in Shakespeare, but in a way it works specifically for the Capulets in resj - the relationships they have are not healthy at all: they lack boundaries, can’t communicate, and can’t express their (familial) love until it’s too late.

Obviously, Tybalt doesn’t have a healthy relationship with his aunt and has some kind of weird attraction to her, possibly as a result of only caring (in general) about the Capulets. Yet he seems to listen to Lady Capulet in a way he doesn’t to Lord Capulet - Lady Capulet orders him to find Rómeó, and later presumably to kill him (when she talks to him in his room).

So, my point is that Tybalt, despite claiming that women are just objects, has the most important (and possibly only important) relationships with women.

Anyway Tybalt is messed up and complex and the Capulets are even more dysfunctional than in romeó et juliette send tweet.

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10 months ago
Save Me Szab P Szilveszter As Tybalt
Save Me Szab P Szilveszter As Tybalt

save me szabó p szilveszter as tybalt

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3 years ago

Ok but Tybalt and Mercutio enemies to lovers


Jk jk



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