Otherkin Help - Tumblr Posts

Lots of people were confused by what exactly I was doing so I’m just gonna quickly explain. So I’m going to use a combination of survey answers and Otherkin resources (at bottom of post) to create both a video and written essay. The essays are going to consist of the history of Otherkin, how it is represented in media, how Otherkin people feel about their identity, how professionals see it, and how and why people identify as Otherkin (not in any specific order yet). I might add on my personal Otherkin experience but I’m not sure about that yet.
The resources I’m going to be using:
- https://frameacloud.com/nonfiction/otherkin-timeline-abridged/
- Otherkin in Media by Othercon (youtube)
- therianthropy: a state of being by TherianEdu (youtube)
- The entirety of videos by Therian Territory (youtube)
- https://frameacloud.tumblr.com/post/708359714734489600/simpleintro
- https://alt-h.net
- https://www.beyondhumanity.net
All of this is going to take a while because I have lots of other projects going on rn too. If you have any other resources or anything topics I should add to this essay please comment. Thank you <3
I'm making an essay about otherkin people. Please answer this form

You don't have to be otherkin to answer the survey. PLEASE share this.
I need as many perspectives on this topic as I can. It does matter if you hate Otherkin people or not just answer the survey
Does someone have any tips to help me with my kin type??? I am Starkin and Supernovakin.
All I have is dance around in star lighting 🧍🏾♀️
I feel bad for asking…again same “language anon”, found out we have a artyom after the confirmation! Been here for a bit but was a “irl” which uhhhh leads me to also ask if at all possible if it’s normal to mistake headmates as “high level kins” or even “irls”?
Because with us there’s a lot of blur, a lot of co-con, co-front, we’re still very much questioning (at least osdd) and just, there’s a big chance some of our “irls” and very high-level ID kins might be headmates, like Artyom (his source from Metro 2033).
Has you, anyone else, etc experienced similar? Or am I just silly
- 🛰️
Hi again! :] Glad to see ya around
As for an answer to your question, yes this is entirely possible, and something that I would say is an integral part of the system experience. Us and a lot of systems we know have gone through a very similar thing.
And I would like to add on, that you can be both. You can have both that headmate and also have another person be kin of the same person. You can even have system wide Kins/IRLs/IDs! We have a few of those, one of collective IRLs being Alto Clef for. Obvious reasons ajkaakajadhskjs. Hell, I myself have my own kin list somewhere that I could probably dig up if ya wanted an example
Kintrojects are also a thing! Which is where you split someone based on a kin, hence the name
I hope this answers your questions, and like always, dont be afraid to send in asks if you need any more help :]
Hey is there any place where I can get a tail that isn’t a wolf or fox tail? Something more lizard like but still manageable
I can’t help but feel like my species somehow has a connection with swamp witches
This is how I think it would go
The witch would live in a cottage by a bog and I would protect them from witch hunters
I was almost like a familiar to them and while I’m not a fan of humans, Witches seemed to be nicer and more understanding towards me than most people
I kinda miss that feelings of knowing just ONE human but they gave me food so it was suddenly cool that I was hanging out with them
But idk shit about my kintype so I could be wrong about all of this
I’m seeing a strange amount of alterhumans who are both therians and fictionkin but having two separate blogs for each identity (myself included) and I wanted to see why that is
The reason I dropped all fictionkin mentions on this blog was because in the past, I wasn’t really seen as the character I was, on the same level as the animal species I was. But this whole thing was my experience and I wanted to ask for the stories of others to see if this is a reoccurring thing or not?
Those who don’t mention their fictionkinity at all, what’s your reason?
And those who do share all of their identity on their ‘main’ blog, what has the response been?
And anything else in between, give me your answers!
i'm starting to question my kintype again. i can't tell if this is my canine and deer 'types mixing or if i really am something else-
i get frequent phantom shifts of claws, teeth, and hooves, and short-lived phantom sensations (like tingling in the area) that's reminiscent of a tail, ears and antlers or horns.
so physically, i feel more like a deer (just with canine-like teeth and sometimes claws). but i don't get cravings for things like plants or fruit, i crave raw meat. i crave to strike fear into humans who dared to walk along the darkest path of the woods.
so, in short, i think i might be a not-deer, like this.

if anyone has any tips for understanding my kintype more, please let me know.
Man do I hate when I can’t find any tips for my kins, so I go to asks that are open and accept requests for tips. Then just never get a response! 😭
Man I know they’re busy, and probably have lots of others and it’s just taking a while to get to mine. But I really suck at waiting! I want tips and help!
I just want some advice and help to figure out myself, and I want some tips for my life and gear.
I know they’re busy! But I just see so many tips for like less rare kins, and I’m just sad cause I can’t find any for my kins.
My kins are also really specific, but still. I want to see tips for space embodiments, fallen angels who have lost their wings, fallen angels who don’t care for heaven anymore, ink sans kins, ink sans kins who are friends with the bad sanses, and tips for ockins!
My other kin I gotta specifically ask for cause he’s really really rare (as in I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who kins him)
I just want some tips for more rare ones.
For my people who aren’t the typical one of their kin
Give us some love yall! I just want some tips!