Therian Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago



Hair styles


Necklaces and other jewelry

Sensory items


Pet toys

Human food that mimics pet food/natural food your thereotype would eat

Basically anything you use to connect with ur kins/thereotypes :D

Friendly Reminder that Therian Gear isn't just masks and tails. It can be anything that makes you feel more like your theriotype.

Not an extensive list but:


Dog tags


Gloves/fingerless gloves

Fake teeth

Pet brushes



Snacks can even be considered imo

There's so much that can be considered but I think since people see only masks and tails, people might not realize, so I made this

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7 months ago

Even non-wearable stuff can be gear too!! to also add onto the list here’s what I’ve got!! ^^

- Tshirts

- Posters

- Any trinkets that simply remind you of them

- Figurines

- Stickers

- Tattoos

- Piercings and other body mods, tho they’re permanent „gear“ but still underrated

- dishes (bowls and cups either meant for your therio/kinype or that has them on it)

- Keychains, Pins, patches etc.

- Bracelets and necklaces

- fursuits!! Such a forgotten one. Many people make fursuits as gear too!!

- muzzles and ears, more common tho the combo slaps

Reblog if u can think of anything else :,3

Friendly Reminder that Therian Gear isn't just masks and tails. It can be anything that makes you feel more like your theriotype.

Not an extensive list but:


Dog tags


Gloves/fingerless gloves

Fake teeth

Pet brushes



Snacks can even be considered imo

There's so much that can be considered but I think since people see only masks and tails, people might not realize, so I made this

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5 months ago
The Dog Urge To Be A Service Dog Is STRONG. Like YES!!! I Want To Help You And I Will Keep You Safe!!!!

The dog urge to be a service dog is STRONG. Like… YES!!! I want to help you and i will keep you safe!!!! K9 ON DUTY!!!! ⚠️🐾

Service dogs are fucking AWESOME!!!!!

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10 months ago
solvenwolff - 🐾solvenwolff🖤

Sending love to the therian who isn’t active in the community. You are still wonderful and appreciated.

Sending love to the therian who is active in the community. I hear you and you bring me hope.

Sending love to the therian who can’t do quadrobics for whatever reason. You are a valid and valued member of this community.

Sending love to the therian who does do quadrobics. You impress me every day.

Sending love to the therian with an uncommon theriotype. You are more than every second guess. You contain multitudes.

Sending love to the therian with a common theriotype. You are more than one in a million. You contain multitudes.

Sending love to the therian with many theriotypes. Don’t let anyone invalidate your experience.

Sending love to the therian with (one or) a small number of theriotypes. You are wonderful.

Sending love to the therian with a supportive irl community. I’m so glad others get to see how wonderful you are.

Sending love to the therian without a supportive irl community. We are here. We are here for you and we love you.

Sending love to the therian without gear. You’re blinding me with your awesomeness.

Sending love to the therian with gear. You’re blinding me with your awesomeness.

Sending love to the therian who has it all figured out. I am in awe of the being you have become.

Sending love to the therian who isn’t quite sure yet who they are, I see you.

And I love you all <3

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10 months ago

We're everywhere.

Therians and alterhumans are everywhere.

You walk past us in the park, the store, you drive past us, you talk to us, you go to school with us, you work with us.

And although it may not be evident, we are here.

We will always be here.

It's not a trend, it's a way of life. Therianthropy is not a choice, it's something you're born with. For some people, it takes them longer to discover that they're therians.

God, for all you know you could've gone to a McDonald's drive thru and talked to a German shepherd about how you wanted your Big Mac cooked. About how you want your fries with no salt. Your coke with no ice.

For all you know, your college professor could be a grizzly bear teaching you about ancient Roman history. The glee on his face as he explains the Roman empire.

For all you know, your doctor could be a stag, telling you that you need to cut back on the fatty foods; your cholesterol is too high. She tells you that you need to eat more salads and salmon.

We are everywhere.

We are all around you.

We are never leaving.

So, the next time you look around, just remember: we are your neighbors. We are part of the world, just like you.

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10 months ago

i’ve noticed a strange increase in interactions on my blogs from users who have the weirdest combination of beliefs ever

like it’s fine to have any opinion you want ig but how tf are you a physical therian and say that psychological or spiritual therians are invalid 💀

or how are you queer but invalidate other queer teenagers by saying stupid shit like “most trans teens are just following a trend” or “asexuality isn’t valid, it’s just a phase” and on top of that claim to be a conservative 💀

how are you mentally ill but turn around and invalidate other mentally ill people (ex. saying someone is gross for not cleaning their room due to depression because you also have depression and you can keep your room clean) 💀

who are you people!!!!!

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9 months ago

Dude being both a feral and domestic canine is funny. Like i wanna be free. Being wild, living in the woods with a pack. Hunting, and running through fields. Ripping apart small animals and chewing on sticks.

But I need to protect a human. Be loved like a pet. To be cuddled up in a warm bed with my human. To be given treats, and play with toys. To be taken care of and be protected. I have such loyalty to the people I love, it's crazy.

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6 months ago
coyoteinatree - FeelinShifty

Gods I HATE species dysphoria! One of the worst parts of being a therian! It’s awful! I feel awful! And there’s nothing I can do about it because my family are unsupportive.

Being human is so incredibly wrong in so many ways, I feel wrong.

Someone get me out of this icky body!

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6 months ago
A Conversation I Just Had In My Living Room:

A conversation I just had in my living room:

Dad- “Why are you glaring like that? Relax your face kid”

Me, unable to describe the intense paw dysphoria I am currently experiencing- “…This is my relaxed face…”

Dad- “…Oh”

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6 months ago

Oh, to be a stray cat.

Padding through the alleyway and across the sidewalk, eating little creatures and scraps of food the humans offer me as they crouch down with a hand extended.

Making my way to the nearby forest to feel the dirt beneath my paws and lap at fresh water, while the humans in their strange pelt dens point at me with their flat shaped boxes.

All to find a human, sitting on a bench, out in the cold. It has no fur, but it dawns a thicker pelt wrap this time of year. My fur is thick, but the cold air still cuts through to my skin... and the human opens its pelt, beckoning me in with a piece of food.

It's warm here.

Soon, the human smuggles me into a big moving box, and takes me to its den.

Soon, there's a flat thing on the ground with food on it, all for me.

It's warm here too. I think I might stay for a while.

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1 year ago

The most euforic thing for me is when I do that weird shake animals do when they just get out of water

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6 months ago

i'm starting to question my kintype again. i can't tell if this is my canine and deer 'types mixing or if i really am something else-

i get frequent phantom shifts of claws, teeth, and hooves, and short-lived phantom sensations (like tingling in the area) that's reminiscent of a tail, ears and antlers or horns.

so physically, i feel more like a deer (just with canine-like teeth and sometimes claws). but i don't get cravings for things like plants or fruit, i crave raw meat. i crave to strike fear into humans who dared to walk along the darkest path of the woods.

so, in short, i think i might be a not-deer, like this.

I'm Starting To Question My Kintype Again. I Can't Tell If This Is My Canine And Deer 'types Mixing Or

if anyone has any tips for understanding my kintype more, please let me know.

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