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Possible Animated Short
I’m rewatching some of the Blizzcon clips from yesterday and I’m gonna be posting about it cause I’m super hyped! So, these pictures give us an idea of maybe a cutscene but I feel like it would be an animated short. I think that in it Reinhardt and Brigitte will go to Gothenburg, Sweden, where Torbjorn works. When they get there Torbjorn lets Reinhardt look around since he has not been there in a while or he has never been there. While Reinhardt looks around, Brigitte and Torbjorn catch up.
While looking around, Reinhardt finds Bastion and charges at him, confused why Torbjorn would have a Bastion unit in his warehouse/work shop(I’m not exactly sure what you would call it). When Brigitte and Torbjorn hear a commotion they go check it out. Torbjorn yells at Reinhardt to not attack Bastion and then explains to Reinhardt that he saved Bastion. I’m assuming he would only be explaining this to Reinhardt since I’m pretty sure than Brigitte knows about Bastion based off some voice interactions I believe they have in game. Once Torbjorn is done explaining Reinhardt apologizes to Bastion, maybe.
Eventually they get an alert that there is an attack somewhere. Then they get a call from overwatch, probably Winston or Tracer, and they decide to go help. I’m not sure if Torbjorn goes, he has a engineering business to run, but based off of the last photo, Rein and Brig take Bastion with them. Which will be interesting because it seems that Zarya is joining overwatch also, based off the last photo and a couple others. I’m gonna make a different post on that since this is getting long, but I think having Bastion on the team will create tension for Rein, Brig, and Zarya.
So, TLDR, Rein and Brig visit Torb, Rein meets Bastion, there is an attack, Rein and Brig bring Bastion to help them on the mission, I’ll post about Zarya joining overwatch another time.

Overwatch Recalled: Pharah
Fareeha Amari a.k.a. Pharah is the daughter of Ana Amari, former Second-in-Command of the original Overwatch, and Sam Amari. Pharah was a member of the Egyptian Army and is now a member of Helix Security International and uses the Raptora Mark VI in battle.
Since she was the daughter of the Second-in-Command of Overwatch, she wanted to join them when she was able, similarly like Baptiste, but they were disbanded before she could. So, she would most certainly have a reason to join the Recalled Overwatch and she might have received the message herself. Most of the world believed Ana is dead, other than a few, so that means Pharah, or her father Sam, might have been given the device that had the recall message. Depending if she had it or not, then either she joined because she got the message and answered it in Ana’s place or because she was invited by someone else.
Pharah knew most of the original Overwatch including Mercy, McCree, Rein, Jack Morrison(Soldier 76), Gabriel Reyes(Reaper), Torb, and Sojourn. I would also assume that she knows Genji, Tracer, and Brigitte. The only people I don’t think she really knows are Mei, Echo, and Lucio. So, she was probably invited by Mercy, Rein, Brig, Genji, or Tracer. I don’t think that Sojourn or Torb would have invited her since neither of them immediately answered the recall message. McCree also could have told her since they seemed to be close based off of photos and game interactions.
Anyways, the next posts are gonna be about why I think McCree is joining the Recalled Overwatch and about what might be going on in NYC that would make it important to the lore.
TLDR: Pharah was obviously going to join the Recalled Overwatch. She either responded to Ana’s recall message since the world thinks Ana is dead or she was invited to join the recalled Overwatch, by probably Mercy or Reinhardt in my opinion.

Overwatch 2 Maps: Gothenburg, Sweden
Gothenburg, Sweden is the home to Torbjorn and Brigitte Lindholm. It was first announced at Blizzcon 2019, then we were shown more of it in Blizzconline. In 2019, we were told that it was going to be an Assault map / 2CP map, but after Blizzconline, we can’t be so sure. In Blizzconline, Jeff Kaplan mentioned that 2CP will probably not be in Overwatch 2. Since Gothenburg was going to be 2CP, it might be 2CP or it might not, so I’m going to talk about what I think the map will be.
I think it will be Hybrid and I got evidence to prove my case.

So, I think that this is will be Point A. It is a flat rectangular area that is similarly shaped to other first points on Hybrid maps, it may be a little too long, but it looks about right in my opinion. There is a garage door in the back middle of the room that players could go through to get to the payload which I think may be the yellow truck in the next photo.

In this last photo, you can see the roads that have the train track on them. I would assume that that is what the payload moves on. If you look you can see that the track splits off into two ways, so I think that Gothenburg will have a similar mechanic that the New Kings Row will have where the payload can go two different directions.
Anyways, after I make my post about Kings Row Extensions and other existing maps that might get extensions, I’m going to talk about Sojourn and her relationships with the old guard of Overwatch.
TLDR: I think that Gothenburg will be a Hybrid map where first point starts inside of Torbjorn’s workshop, then moves you outside in the streets of Gothenburg.
OWL: The Overwatch League Vault
Alright, sorry this is a little late, but it is important! From now until August Tuesday 24th, you will be able to get 4 old Overwatch League-themed skins. You will be able to get...
Zen-Nakji is a Zenyatta skin designed for the 2018 OWL Season MVP Seong-Hyun "Jjonak" Bang.
Flying Ace is a Winston skin designed to celebrate the London Spitfire's 2018 championship win.
GOAT is a Brigitte skin designed to pay homage to the GOAT meta that dominated the 2019 OWL Season.
Thunder is a Doomfist skin designed to celebrate the San Francisco Shock's 2019 championship win.
I'm super glad these skins came back because I wasn't able to get them originally, so that's really cool! Each skin costs 200 OWL tokens and you can get tokens for free by watching the Overwatch League on YouTube, on the app, or on the website.
TLDR: You can get Zen-Nakji Zenyatta, Flying Ace Winston, GOAT Brigitte, and Thunder Doomfist from now until August 24th for 200 OWL tokens each. You can watch the Overwatch League on YouTube and on their website/app if you want to get tokens.
Overwatch Events: Winter Wonderland 2021 Ranked Skins
Alright, I mentioned in my previous post that I was going to rank all of the skins from this events, so let's get to it.
Epic Skins:
1. Wooltide Tracer - I really like this skin. I actually think that it's one of Tracer's best epic skins. I love the texture/details on her sweater, scarf, and guns. I think that it's a basic skin idea that was executed really well.
2. Mistletoe Symmetra - I think that it's pretty. The colors look great and it has enough of each color that it looks good. The only thing that I don't really like is the shape of her crown thing, I wish it was in a more Greek wreath like style.
3. Peppermint Bark Brigitte - I don't really like this skin. Brigitte deserved better. I like the color scheme and I like the look of her shield, but her hair look horrible. They should have just put it in a ponytail. If it was like that, then it would have been fine, but the hair just ruins the skin for me.
Legendary Skins: I just want to say that all of these skins are really good, but there are just a few things I would want changed.
1. Reindeer Orisa - We've been waiting for this skin. I can't tell you how many videos I've seen suggesting this and I think it is a great concept and was executed well. I think that it's super cute and goes great with the D.Va skin!
2. Sleighing D.Va - Like the Orisa skin, I think it's cute. I think that Tokki look really good, I like the antler's on the back since it makes it match with Orisa, but it still looks like a sleigh. I love the pattern on D.Va's dress and I like that they gave her boots. The only thing that makes me put it as second is that I think D.Va hair should have looked different.
3. Ice Wraith Genji - I think it's great. I really like the color palette and, even if it wasn't intentional, the cat ears are awesome. I love his sword and shurikens. The only thing I would want changed is the back of his head. Everything is very detailed, but the back of his head is really plain.
4. Snowboarder Baptiste - I really like this skin, but it's pretty simple. I don't think that it's a bad thing. I think that concept and execute was good, it's just not super vibrant. I still really like how they textured his gun and clothing.
5. Snowman Wrecking Ball - I do like the Wrecking Ball itself, it's a cool combination of snowman, snowball, and sleigh. But I don't like Hammond with a beard. I just don't like it, it looks so weird. I would have probably put it higher if they got rid of the beard.
Anyways, if you read through all of that, thanks! What are your opinions on the skins? I think that this was a pretty good event, but it wasn't my favorite one of this year. With that being said, I hope you all are having a good day and have enjoyed the event! ~ Nova.

I caved and bought her… no regrets

Another completed piece for Dungeonwatch! This was the design for the wooden charm.
I made some overwatch 2 stamps !!!
there are only stamps for the support role for now, but if you guys wanna use it just credit me !! :D

i already have some silly ideas for this AU !! like, each one of the support heroes would be a different type of medical professional:
Mercy would be the head of surgery and maybe the CEO of the hospital (instead of field medic, and she would still be a nanobiologist)
Lúcio would be a otolaryngologist or a music therapist (duh)
Zenyatta would be a psychiatrist (a funny option for him would be ambulance driver, i took inspo from this silly interaction of him and Rein)
Lifeweaver is a nurse (i don't know what type of doctor suits him, plus he would still be studying biolight :3)
Kiriko would be a paramedic (i based this choice on her ability to teleport to her allies in game)
Ana would be a pediatrician (basically cuz she is the only mom that has experience with kids in the sup role )
Brigitte would be a nurse too or she could do the maintenance of the hospital
Moira would be an Oncologist or a Geneticist (like in canon, plus she would almost be banned from working on the hospital lmfao)
Baptiste would be a general practitioner
since Illari and Juno are the youngest (18 and 19) they would still be in a medical university
and last but not least, I'm adding Symettra as an ophthalmologist since she was a support back in OW 1
(if anyone have suggestions u can tell me and i have no knowledge of how an hospital actually works (sorry for any mistakes), this is just a very silly and funny AU idea after all)
Overwatch AU ideia: all support heroes work together at a hospital
Overwatch Valentine's Day Headcannons
My headcannons about how OW characters would treat you on Valentine's Day. Does NOT include Bastion, Echo, Orisa, Sigma, Winston, or Wrecking Ball
Baptiste, Hanzo, Lucio, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, and Tracer follow the classic moves. They will ask you to be their Valentine; it doens't matter how long you've been together, and they always seem excited when you say yes. They cancel any and all plans on the 14th, handle all the plans and reservations, and give thoughtful gifts that show how much they know about you and care for you. Valentine's Day is always the WHOLE day for them. However, they are laser-focused on the day being perfect, and a small inconvenience can stress them the fuck out.
B.O.B, Doomfist, Moira, Ramattra, and Zenyatta don't understand the holiday at all. You guys shower love on each other all year long, so they don't need the calendar's permission to express themselves to you. But if Valentine's Day is important to you, they will match you excitement and energy, and do their best to meet your expectations. If your not a fan of the holiday, they won't notice it passing every year.
Brigitte, Lifeweaver, Mei, Symmetra, and Zarya are the ones who want to be courted and doted on. They love to be asked to be your Valentine, or surprised with a romantic night. You'll notice them getting a little more upset with you as the day gets closer and you don't seem to be making any plans. They just like being treated like the royalty they are.
Ashe, Cassidy, Pharah, Roadhog, and Sombra ask you about a week in advance "What do you want to do for VD this year?" And whatever you answer, they will go along with, even though they would rather treat it like any other day. This is not from a lack of romance or interest in you, but just a lack on interest on the holiday.
D.Va and Mercy are busy with the schedule of being a celebrity and a doctor, Genji has spent the past few years adopting an "every day is important" mentality, Kiriko and Sojourn are putting most of their focus on their vigilante work, and Junkrat always has a flittering mind, so they all have a 20% chance of remembering at all.
Ana, Illari, Junker Queen, Mauga, Reaper, Soldier: 76, and Widowmaker are the bitter, cold-hearted fucks that roll their eyes at the holiday. If there's love in the air, they're spraying Febreze and wearing a gas mask.