Sombra Overwatch - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Overwatch Recalled: Baptiste

Alright, so I was going to chose between Pharah and Baptiste, and after flipping a coin, Baptiste was chosen.

Jean-Baptiste Augustin, as well as being an incredibly competent combat medic, is also known as a marksman. He was born in Tortuga, Haiti and grew up in Port de-Paix with his friend, Roseline Mondésir. Their childhood dream was to open up a medical clinic, which we learn that Roseline did. He also grew up inspired by the original Overwatch and wanted to join before it disbanded. Eventually, Baptiste join the Caribbean Coalition, the Haitian military, and after that he join the mercenaries of Talon. He left Talon after a mission gone wrong in Monte Cristi. 

We also learn in his book, What you left behind by Alyssa Wong, that after he left Talon he traveled around a lot, avoiding them. But in the book, Baptiste is found by Mauga and Nguyen, two Talon agents, who get him to help them try to kill a pharmaceutical company CEO, Vernand Sainclair. Baptiste goes with them and is told by Sainclair about the Recall message. Baptiste, instead of killing Sainclair, takes him to a spot where Roseline can find him and makes him promise to give her free medical supplies. Then he takes the list of ex-Overwatch agents. 

This is all important because in the end of the story, Baptiste is going to get the help of Sombra to contact Mercy. This is how I think Baptiste got into Overwatch because he had already known Mercy from working with her in Venezuela. So, I think he will warn her that Talon might know about ex-Overwatch members. Then, I would guess that she asks him to join the Recalled Overwatch and he would say yes because he looked up to Overwatch when he was younger. 

TLDR: I think that Baptiste was able to get into contact with Mercy through Sombra. Mercy and Baptiste knew each other because they had worked together in Venezuela. Once they were in contact with one another, Baptiste warned Mercy about Talon, then she asked him to join Overwatch. 

Overwatch Recalled: Baptiste
Overwatch Recalled: Baptiste

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2 years ago

Overwatch Events: Anniversary Remix Volume 2 - Week 3

Alright, sorry for not posting about the second week of this event, I have a lot going on right now, so I kind of just forgot.

Tomorrow will be the beggining of Week 3 of the Anniversary Remix Volume 2. You will be able to win the Maestro Sigma item set including the icon, emote, and skin. Remember the event will be ending on June 7th, 2022.

Throughout this final week, you can win the following legendary skins(they will be listed in order of my most to least favorite): Hydra Symmetra, Night Owl Ana, Neon Cat Sombra, Noxious Roadhog, Dark Wolf Hanzo, and Poison Dart Lucio.

Anyways, sorry for not updating as much. I should be more consistent once my summer vacation starts. I hope you all have a good day! ~ Nova.

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2 years ago

Overwatch 2 Release Date Announcement and Junkerqueen Confirmation

Alright! PlayOverwatch released a video through twitter which shows us more footage and gives us more information about Overwatch 2. In this post I’m going to be discussing what is listed in the tweet, then in another post I will be going through the video as in detail as I can. I’m just doing these separately since I will need a little more time to go through the video. 

Free to Play Live Service - There is going to be a Free to Play Live Service coming with OW2. Since the video was more focused on introducing new characters and new cosmetics, we weren’t given specifics about how the free to play service will work, but they will probably discuss it during the Overwatch 2 Reveal Event on June 16th, 2022.

New heroes, maps and modes - We will be getting more characters in OW2. Junkerqueen and the Kanzaka Fox Girl/Character were confirmed in the video. We’ll be getting new maps like the following (note: some of these were in the Beta, some weren’t but based off the video we know they exist): Circuit Royale, Midtown, Rio de Janeiro,  Colosseo, New Queen Street, and the unnamed monastery-like map which I believe is in India. We will be getting the new Push mode and will hopefully get at least one other mode to replace 2CP. 

New Tank: Junkerqueen - Junkerqueen will be the newest addition to the tank roster. Her weapons seem to be a shotgun and an ax. She also seems to have an ability, which may be her ultimate, that is a mix of Reinhardt’s charge and Orisa’s Javelin Spin. 

Overwatch 2 Release Date and the Founder’s Pack - OW2 will be releasing on Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch consoles on October 4th. You will be eligible to get the Founder’s Pack if you own Overwatch before June 23rd, 2022 at 11:00 am PDT and to redeem the pack, you need to log into the live game by 12/05/2022 at 11:59 pm PDT. To get more specifics on that, here’s the article I used as reference: 

Here are the two tweets related to what I have written - Main Announcement and Founder’s Pack Tweet. Anyways, that’s all I have for today. I will be working on an analysis of the main announcement’s video, so look out for that. Also, make sure to look out for the Overwatch 2 Reveal Event on June 16th, 2022 at 10am PDT.  - Nova.

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7 years ago
I Have Nothing To Say! Sombra Los Muertos :3 I Love This Lady So Much!
I Have Nothing To Say! Sombra Los Muertos :3 I Love This Lady So Much!

I have nothing to say! Sombra los muertos :3 I love this lady so much!

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6 years ago



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6 years ago
Some People Liked My Design Of Casual Sombra, So I Made More!

Some people liked my design of casual Sombra, so I made more!

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8 years ago
"Always Leave Yourself A Back Door...Miss Me?" -------Sombra, Overwatch------- Sombra Is One Of My Favorite

"Always Leave yourself a back door...Miss me?" -------Sombra, Overwatch------- Sombra is one of my favorite characters to play when my main boy JunkRat is taken. At first, I thought she was overpowered and Cliche. After playing her, I discovered she really isn't- her story from what we know is still cliche in my opinion but, meh. Enjoy! Reblogs really help out the artists! So if you could, it'd be appreciated! Please give credit as well if reposting somewhere else!

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7 months ago
Drew Sombra From The Infiltration Short To Help Get Used To My New Art Software

drew Sombra from the infiltration short to help get used to my new art software

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2 years ago
I Think They Both Can Spend Free Time Together And Sigma Have Head In The Clouds More Than It Is Possible

i think they both can spend free time together and sigma have head in the clouds more than it is possible xd

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1 year ago
I Don't Really Listen To K-pop, But This Video Was Really Cute. Their Relationship Looked So Adorable,

I don't really listen to k-pop, but this video was really cute. Their relationship looked so adorable, especially the fact that they were trying to be friends with Sombra in Kpop stuff. this is cute <3 I love seeing Sombra with her geeky introverted side xd

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7 years ago
Completed Sombra Print!! Might Make An Online Store To Sell It As Well. Itll Be Up For Sale At OMG!Con

Completed Sombra print!! Might make an online store to sell it as well. It’ll be up for sale at OMG!Con in Owensboro, KY.

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4 years ago
I Have Sombra Chikita. It's So CUTE

I have sombra chikita. It's so CUTE

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7 years ago
Drinking Man Teary Eyes
Drinking Man Teary Eyes

drinking man teary eyes

It didn’t turn out the way I planned but, never does...

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10 months ago

Who are we dancing on?? They look funky..

I HAD to recreate one of my favorite videos ever, with all 9 mercs in view.

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1 year ago

Overwatch characters watching your kid

I've been thinking about writing some silly short stories about OW characters getting stuck watching someone's kid, but I figured I would make this guide for my headcannon for the kind of babysitter each of them would be.

Brigitte and Reinhardt would make you the most nervous with their methods. Lots of rough-housing, throwing them around and into the air, giving your kid sugar, letting them climb things, and overall just encouraging mayhem and rule-breaking. "You mom/dad doesn't let you do this at home? Well, they're not here, are they?" Your kid will come home thoroughly exhausted, but bitter about you not being as fun as they are.

Orisa would make the same mistakes as Brigitte and Reinhardt, but more out of ignorance and inexperience. Like letting your kid stay up too late, because she doesn't understand why going to bed at a decent time is important, or feeding them something that makes them sick because that's what they said they wanted to eat. Unintentionally lets your kid walk all over her, but once you teach her how it's done, she'll be your go-to option when you need a break.

Zenyatta would be so intrigued by the natural imagination and curiosity of children. He'd provide lots of different toys, art supplies, and time for unrestricted and uninstructed play. A one-man enrichment program. Just don't try to tell him there are boy toys and girls toys. Your kid will be allowed to play with whatever they want. He would also unironically have a blast playing pretend with dolls or action figures. I'm talking a 25-part narrative with backstories, lore, worldbuilding, and an Endgame-style final conflict.

Genji, Kiriko, Tracer, and B.O.B would be the kings and queens of "don't tell your parents." Extra screen-time, taking them out for ice cream, staying up a little later then their normal bedtime, etc. What I would call "a healthy amount of rule-breaking." They have everyone else convinced they are Responsible™ but you can't help noticing that your kid is always excited to hangout with them.

Ana and Torbjorn could be depended on the same way you can trust grandma and grandpa. They've had kids, so they know all the tips, tricks, and games to keep your kid clean, fed, safe, and happy. Just don't tell them some dumb shit like "organic, non-gmo fruits only." Your kid will be eating bananas from the supermarket like everyone else. But for more sensible rules, even the ones they don't agree with, they will follow them.

Echo will make you fill out a 200-question survey and write an essay on how you want your kid cared for. She will follow every instruction down to the letter, and send you updates every 30 minutes. If your kid sneezes, she will call you to ask about it. The downside is your kid will probably hate her for being such a rules monger.

Baptiste, Illari, Lucio, and Sojourn would try so hard to be responsible and follow your instructions, but puppy-eyes work on them 80% of the time. Your home will look like a warzone when you get back, but they'll help you clean up.

Lifeweaver, Pharah, Mei, and Zarya would get a whiff of that specific smell babies have that makes your DNA scream at you to make one yourself. They would be the sweetest, most gentle caretakers on this list. They'll spend most of the time snuggling on the couch, watching T.V. and drinking hot coco. Would let your kid give them a makeover, paint their nails, and play with their hair. Would read to and rock them to sleep, tuck them in really snug. They'd probably look forward to seeing your kid again, and every time you happen upon one of them, they'll only ask what's going on with the kiddo.

Sombra, Symmetra, and Widowmaker would rather be water-boarded then spend five minutes with those sticky-fingered cunt goblins you call kids.

Ashe, Hanzo, and Winston would happily agree to babysit for you, thinking they will be serviceable at it. How hard could it be? Then an hour later they call you, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and beg you to come back, because your kid is crying or throwing a tantrum. They definitely have the potential to be great caretakers, but they would need someone to walk them through it at first.

Bastion and Sigma definitely WANT to give babysitting a try, but they understand why that's probably not a safe idea. They would question your intelligence if you asked them.

Cassidy and would take your kid to McDonalds or somewhere else with else with a play-place, and let them go wild while they sit on a bench nearby. They will do the bare minimum amount of work to keep your kid alive, because they have better things to do. Would only babysit as a favor for you if no one else is available.

Mercy is married to her work, and Ramattra is dedicated to his mission. If you somehow convince them to watch your kid for even a single hour, they'll set-up a playpen with whatever toys they like, toss in a sippy cup and snack every now and then, and ignore their existence while they do their usual business.

Doomfist, Moira, Reaper, and Soldier: 76 would tape your kid to a chair the first time it annoys them. I know there's the fandom joke of S76 being the dad of the team, but he's always come off as grumpy and impatient to me.

Your kid would love the junkers (Junker Queen, Junkrat, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball) for all the wrong reasons. They would teach your kid how to make a grenade launcher out of plastic bottles and rubber bands, 37 new swear words, and how to punch people in the throat. Unless you want to get a call from the school about your kid blowing up the chemistry room, I would choose literally anyone else to babysit.

Mauga would use your kids to get dates. He'll take your daughter to a dance class and talk to any single parents about how much of a family man he is and how difficult being a single dad. He'll take your son to play catch in a park so he has an excuse to take his shirt off and flex his muscles. He'll coach your kid to walk up to someone and say, "my uncle thinks your pretty, so maybe you can play with us."

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1 year ago

Overwatch Valentine's Day Headcannons

My headcannons about how OW characters would treat you on Valentine's Day. Does NOT include Bastion, Echo, Orisa, Sigma, Winston, or Wrecking Ball

Baptiste, Hanzo, Lucio, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, and Tracer follow the classic moves. They will ask you to be their Valentine; it doens't matter how long you've been together, and they always seem excited when you say yes. They cancel any and all plans on the 14th, handle all the plans and reservations, and give thoughtful gifts that show how much they know about you and care for you. Valentine's Day is always the WHOLE day for them. However, they are laser-focused on the day being perfect, and a small inconvenience can stress them the fuck out.

B.O.B, Doomfist, Moira, Ramattra, and Zenyatta don't understand the holiday at all. You guys shower love on each other all year long, so they don't need the calendar's permission to express themselves to you. But if Valentine's Day is important to you, they will match you excitement and energy, and do their best to meet your expectations. If your not a fan of the holiday, they won't notice it passing every year.

Brigitte, Lifeweaver, Mei, Symmetra, and Zarya are the ones who want to be courted and doted on. They love to be asked to be your Valentine, or surprised with a romantic night. You'll notice them getting a little more upset with you as the day gets closer and you don't seem to be making any plans. They just like being treated like the royalty they are.

Ashe, Cassidy, Pharah, Roadhog, and Sombra ask you about a week in advance "What do you want to do for VD this year?" And whatever you answer, they will go along with, even though they would rather treat it like any other day. This is not from a lack of romance or interest in you, but just a lack on interest on the holiday.

D.Va and Mercy are busy with the schedule of being a celebrity and a doctor, Genji has spent the past few years adopting an "every day is important" mentality, Kiriko and Sojourn are putting most of their focus on their vigilante work, and Junkrat always has a flittering mind, so they all have a 20% chance of remembering at all.

Ana, Illari, Junker Queen, Mauga, Reaper, Soldier: 76, and Widowmaker are the bitter, cold-hearted fucks that roll their eyes at the holiday. If there's love in the air, they're spraying Febreze and wearing a gas mask.

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