Padme Skywalker - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Whumpril Day 29: "Final Warning."

Fandom: Star Wars Prequels/Clone Wars

Summary: Instead of how Palpatine goes about turning Anakin he tries something else.

    Anakin was terrified. He knew something was wrong. The chancler  called him to his office; which had happened many times before, but this time was different. It felt different.

    He hesitated to open the door. Then he did. Inside Padme sat, on her knees, in the middle of the room. Her hands behind her and a gag over her mouth. "Don't move any closer" warned Palpatine.

    Anakin took in the sight before him. "What's going on?" he asked frightened.

    "You are going to make a choice, Anakin Skywalker. Save your wife and join me or let her die." The sith sent chills down the jedi's spine.

    'This has to be a dream right'? Anakin thought to himself. He pinched himself, confirming it was no dream; this was real. The sith had been right there the whole time, they were just to blind to see it.

    "Make your choice."

    The general looked between Padme and Sidious. He couldn't let Padme die but he had a chance to end everything here. He wanted to be a Jedi for this, to accept that in the end the right choice was to tell the council and end the sith that was Darth Sidious.

    "Final warning."

    Anakin's heart sank. He couldn't let her die. If he had more time he could find a way out of this. He walked over to the sith, "what ever you say, master." He struggled to let the last word leave his mouth. His master was Obi-wan. That was his teacher; his brother, not Sidious.

    Padme feared he would choose her between the jedi. But he wasn't just choosing to betray the Jedi. He betrayed the Jedi, the clones, the people, himself, and her.

    Anakin rose from his kneeling position shakily. He ran over to Padme and took the gag out of her mouth, untied it, and threw it to the ground. "Are you alright?" His hands gently cuffed her face.

    "I'm okay. Anakin you can't do this."

    "I have to."

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2 years ago

Star Wars characters with a dyslexic reader


Star Wars Characters With A Dyslexic Reader


He decides to take matters into his own hands. He gets R2-D2 and C-3PO to try and help you with whatever you need. If that doesn't work, poor baby has no idea on what to do to help you with your headaches or to make you feel better. He just likes to comfort you whenever you need it.


When she does find it amusing that you mess things up, she finds it adorable how you try your hardest to read words out. It's the cutest thing ever to her! Slaps Hans round the head when he takes the piss out of you. If you get sad that he does it to much her and Chewie are the best cuddlers.


He loves it. It's so funny to him and he never gets bored of even the smallest mistakes. There is no way in hell that this man is helping you with anything and he even puts pressure on you to read him out signs or maps or whatever. He just doesn't understand your struggle, bo matter how hard you bite back at him for insulting you.


This bitch finds it so funny when you say things wrong and every night he asks you to read for him. He does try to help you and act serious but he can't help but laugh when you get things completely wrong. If you get upset that you mix your letters and numbers up, he will try and be more serious only because you're sad.


She tries her absolute hardest to help you with reading and getting the correct letters in order. Demands people to find materials or something to help you with reading and fixing it when reading out loud. Overall, she's incredibly understanding and will do anything to make stuff easier for you.

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1 year ago

Crack AU where Anakin can all of a sudden hear the background music that we all hear. Those pleasant chats with Palpy become a lot more ominous. Though Anakin admits that the fights have become a lot more epic. Thoughts?

Hahahahaha. Love it!

And okay, my first though was “and the galaxy was saved because even Anakin Skywalker would struggle to keep trusting Palpatine with that music playing in the background”

Anakin think he’s gone COMPLETELY insane (maybe he’s finally been electrocuted too many times and its fried his brain). He doesn’t tell anyone though because he can still fight just fine just… everything is a lot more musical. He doesn’t want to be thought crazy and taken off the front lines.

Once he figures out what the various musical cues mean he actually finds them useful in figuring out how dangerous a situation is. Also battles are so much cooler now and boring landscapes are slightly less boring because at least now they have mood music. Yep, he can live with this.

(Although he is always confused why the ominousness that is The Imperial March starts playing at some of his decisions)

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1 year ago

I always ask myself why I like the dark semi good/bad characters and then realised that they all have missing limbs, and though I only have a missing finger, my little ass kid brain went "they're so cool" and now my adult brain gets to go "they're so f**king hot gawd DAMN" and you know what it all started with this lil shit disturber turned badass pretty princess mass serial killer with a breathing problem

Hayden Christensen As Anakin Skywalker Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (2005) Dir. George Lucas
Hayden Christensen As Anakin Skywalker Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (2005) Dir. George Lucas
Hayden Christensen As Anakin Skywalker Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (2005) Dir. George Lucas

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) dir. George Lucas

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