Star Wars Fan Art - Tumblr Posts

Rey in charcoal and conté crayon. <3

She fell asleep after he was trying to teach her meditation.

Realism isn’t really my thing but I figured I’d try it out. Experimenting with different art styles is always fun.

Thinking about a clone wars rom com playing out in the halls of the Venators, with camera cuts to the other clones just being increasingly exasperated by the nonsense they have to put up with.
Atton is perfect here <3

A revamp of a previous art I posted (dang how many years ago) :)

they separated forever after this

I love them a very normal amount. 💙

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies are gray.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away…

The craziest thing about CX2 was how invested I became thinking that he was somebody. I thought he was Tech. I believed so hard that he would be significant because every clone is significant. They all have nicknames, unique modifications, language habits, etc.
But no clone is significant to the Empire.
CX2 had lots of quality screen time and was somehow likable. When he was killed in the finale like nobody, I was so let down! But, it made me realize how brilliant the writing was… Not only was I in denial about Tech and was actively carried through the stages of grieving, but I realized CX2 was the ultimate foil to Crosshair.
I think CX2 represents who Crosshair would have become if he stayed in the Empire, which was a nobody. He would have died insignificantly and nobody in the Empire would have mourned him, just as nobody mourned CX2.
Defective by nature, Crosshair was too unique to be a “nobody.”

New markers and a bigger sketch book… I’m still partial to my little moody marker work, but this is a fun change. :) first time drawing Hunter.

New neighbors moved in. Their car has FIVE Star Wars bumper stickers. I tried to act normal but ended up painting this and clipping it on their garage with a hello note. Is this how to make friends?

Drew my favourite Mandalorian gal again!
EDIT: I just noticed a mistake and reposted it to fix it.

Finally drew Adam driver yesterday. Full face with two highlights. Original art DO NOT STEAL

Finally got around to drawing Ewan McGregor yesterday. ORIGINAL ART
Young Jedi Besties

Ezra and Leia hanging out
Rex and His Beautiful Wife

and Their Beautiful Children❤️❤️

The ✨Young Jedi Padawans✨

And a little snippet of the comic I'm creating

Illustration of Finn @john_boyega from the new Star Wars by me.

Princess Leia rebelling against the empire and body shaming trolls! Carrie Fisher is fabulous! Eat it nerf-haters! @carrieffisher