Pick Me Girl - Tumblr Posts

Funny how men will want you to go 50/50 on their responsibilities, but don't offer to do 50% of the housework, chores, cooking & childcare.
And the worst part is women fall for it 🤦

Y'all when I tell you I audibly gasped ain't no way this actually happened
Somehow, everything a woman says or does that other women dislike now makes her a "Pick Me."
I just saw a girl say that saying "I'm so bad at makeup" is Pick Me behavior. In what fucking way??
That is just one of the many absurd things I've seen women calling other women "Pick Mes" for.
I wish I had a best friend.
I wish I had a best friend but I can't tell anyone that because I have so many amazing friends.
But all of my amazing friends have best friends and significant others and they all have that one person who they put above everyone else and who puts them above everyone else too.
And it's not me.
And I wish I had a best friend.
No one talks about how lonely it is to be the third wheel in a friendship. Or the 11th wheel in a friend group
The people I consider myself closest to are best friends. They celebrated one of their birthdays without me.
I wished her a happy birthday and told her I missed her. She's in college, i haven't seen her since she graduated. She said she missed me too. But she didn't invite me to her party.
I wonder sometimes if my friends even like me. But then I remember that's silly. I know they love me. I guess they just don't love me as much as they love each other.
And God i know it has nothing to do with me. You can't control who you connect with. But for once I just wish it would be me!
Am I too much? Am I a pick me for wanting to be picked?
What's so wrong with wanting to be wanted?