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6 years ago

Sanders Sides Prodigy Headcannon

I realized looking back on this now there isn’t much about the Prodigy stuff. Oh well.

Patton is a cooking Prodigy, like give him any recipe and he could do it

Roman is a music prodigy, he can basically play any instrument that is on the face of the Earth, oh, he can also sing as well

Logan is an astronomy Prodigy, he can tell you any fact about space that you can imagine

Finally, Virgil is an art Prodigy, he uses his skill to help Express his emotions in a way that words can’t

They all go to a school similar to the one on ANT Farm

But the main teacher is Thomas and he teaches them how to use their skills to help the world  

Deceit is your typical school bully you would be a…. lying Prodigy surprise surprise

they would be the best of friends during the middle school years

when they get to High School they all start to realize they have feelings for each other but it would happen it different types

Patton: he would realize it on their first or second time stargazing with Logan, he would see the way all their eyes lit up when they were talking about something they were passionate about

Logan: it would happen during a poetry night they all went to, and he would see how much they all support each other and how much better they have made him become in expressing his emotions

Virgil: it would be his first art show that they all went to they would all be supporting him and commenting on how emotional and raw his art is and he would find that there is good in the world that he can have in his life

Roman: when he was sitting down to write a new song, he would find that the three others were the inspiration that he needed to write his new song

they wouldn't all confess right away because they found it strange that they liked more than one person and they would be scared of what the others would think

but it would come out eventually

probably at some sort of family movie night that Patton makes them all do, while they're cuddling on the couch one of them would let it slip  (Roman or Patton most likely) and would trigger the rest of them to confess

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4 years ago
@chemically-imbalanced-romance @ts-random-pictures Okay I Did This Sorry For Bothering You Two!
@chemically-imbalanced-romance @ts-random-pictures Okay I Did This Sorry For Bothering You Two!
@chemically-imbalanced-romance @ts-random-pictures Okay I Did This Sorry For Bothering You Two!
@chemically-imbalanced-romance @ts-random-pictures Okay I Did This Sorry For Bothering You Two!
@chemically-imbalanced-romance @ts-random-pictures Okay I Did This Sorry For Bothering You Two!

@chemically-imbalanced-romance @ts-random-pictures Okay I Did this Sorry for bothering you two!

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4 years ago
[Part 2]
[Part 2]
[Part 2]
[Part 2]
[Part 2]
[Part 2]
[Part 2]
[Part 2]

[Part 2]

If you thought that there would only be two parts you are wrong. There will be more.

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4 years ago
(( Long Time No See?..... Here Is Part 4.... Ps Theres A Reason His Hat Is Missing))
(( Long Time No See?..... Here Is Part 4.... Ps Theres A Reason His Hat Is Missing))
(( Long Time No See?..... Here Is Part 4.... Ps Theres A Reason His Hat Is Missing))
(( Long Time No See?..... Here Is Part 4.... Ps Theres A Reason His Hat Is Missing))
(( Long Time No See?..... Here Is Part 4.... Ps Theres A Reason His Hat Is Missing))
(( Long Time No See?..... Here Is Part 4.... Ps Theres A Reason His Hat Is Missing))

(( long time no see?..... here is part 4.... ps there’s a reason his hat is missing))

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4 years ago

Love this story, it's short and sweet 💚💛💜

I enjoy the idea of a string soulmate AU for Sanders Sides, with soulmate group LAMP and Demus, but instead of ending LAMP, it's ending Anxceitmus.

Logan, Roman, and Patton all discover their strings pretty early, and although a bit confused on why there's two, they're excited. They all eventually meet up and hit it off, and they're doing wonderfully. They have an unbreakable bond.

What about Virge?

Virgil's family has a really bad history with soulmates. For generations, the people of this family get paired with horrible soulmates, who do awful things, even to their soulmates. The family, however, always manages to find healthy love after those awful times with their soulmate. So naturally, everybody is worried about who Virgil's soulmate is going to be.

So when they find out he has three strings, it's safe to say the family was terrified for the boy.

When he got his string, it was the middle of the night, and despite being in different areas, his soulmates were asleep too.

In the process of losing his mind over his unavoidable pain, he discovered he can manipulate the strings.

In a split second decision, he grabs something that makes the strings still be there, but not be seeable.

He only hopes it works on his soulmates too.

Virgil goes through highschool with his two new best friends, Janus and Remus. Janus, the snake loving, self care obsessed Scooby Doo villian, and Remus, the chaotic trash rat, who only mentions his twin brother in annoyed stories.

Eventually, the three soulmates end up moving to be in the same town as Roman's brother, Remus.

Somehow, the three meet up with Remus, Janus, and Virgil, and after awhile Virgil discovers these are his three soulmates.

Hoping for the best, Virgil tries to interact with them, without letting them know. He doesn't want it to be forced.

Of course, Remus and Janus know, and try to help him.

But, after awhile of really really trying, he just doesn't click with them.

Roman is far to unrealistic, and the two butt heads often.

Logan is far too factual, and can be overwhelmed by the unrealistic questions asked by Virgil.

Patton's fast paced, cheery energy is often quite stressful to Virgil. Similarly, Virgil's view of the world can sometimes be too much for Patton to handle.

He was happy that the soulmates he was given were good people, but they weren't right for him, not in a romantic sense anyway. He still enjoys being their friend, but he doesn't get very close.

Once accepting that fate, Virgil just lets himself be free to do what he wants. Overtime, he begins to realize that he's caught feelings for Remus and Janus, who are both soulmates. He knows that they probably don't want to open their relationship for him, but eventually he decides to just come out and say it.

And, actually, while they don't really feel that much for him right now, they are willing to try.

And so, all three go on dates together, and also one on one with Virgil. They slowly grow closer, and Remus admits that he wants to have Virgil join their relationship, and Janus wholeheartedly agrees. So, the two have become three.

Their relationship blooms, and the three are so happy.

Several years later, past highschool, in the middle of the night, the three are all together, when Virgil suddenly makes his three strings appear in front of his boyfriends, and takes a pair of scissors, then cuts all three strings. Making the strings touch, he molds them together into a string with no other person connecting.

He proposes then and there, and when they say yes, he asks if he can try to tie his string to theirs. So, when he tries, he gets two new strings tied around his fingers, and they each get one new one.

The three don't tell anybody about Virgil cutting his string or having different soulmates.

Just the three, and Virgil's family know.

Oh, and well, maybe a certain nerd smiled a small smile as he saw the third string dissapear, knowing that Virgil was happy.

But that's just a little secret he'll keep to himself.

After all...

"...life is not so...black and white, as they say."

-Logan, DWIT, 14:02

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7 years ago

Imagine This.

You know when your heart breaks, it is portrayed with cracks, right?

Imagine when Patton starts to cry and break, crack starts to appear on him as if he was a heart breaking! Real angst will be formed with this! 

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7 years ago

Them: So who do you ship Logic with?

Me: Everyone

Them: Huh? You can't do that.

Me: Poly Sanders is a blessing and I shall ship it and no one can stop me.

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7 years ago


Thomas and the sides was sitting on a coach, deciding on what to watch that day. Patton was sadden because he knows that Logan haven't got to watch his favorite show while him and everyone else have that week. Patton tried to say it, but no body would listen and kept getting cut off. Patton got the remote, without anyone noticing because they were too busy arguing, and Pat turns on Sherlock, Logan's favorite. Everyone else was surprised when the TV turned on and was turn to the Sherlock's channel and started to look around for the culprit then saw Patton. "Since we all got to watch our favorite shows and who didn't? Logan. If you want to argue then do it somewhere else because I'm not going to hear it, especially when y'all didn't want to hear me and what I had to say." Was all that was said.

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7 years ago


Imagine that Patton have some girls’ clothes because when he wears them, he calms down and be more happier, but no one else knows about his secret. One day, Patton woke up as a girl, so Pat decided “Why not wear my clothes?” and on the outfit above. (The hair is showing the hairstyle and how long her hair is! No, she isn’t wearing her cardigan since it was in the wash) She left her room to cook breakfast, like always. Everyone start to wake up and sit at the table. They were to tired to notice the other as a female. 5 hours later, around 11 am, everyone was there and they needed Pat because everyone was fighting and Patton was the only one that can calm them. Patton comes up, still a female, and still have her bright smile. (The next part is what you ship with Pat! I, personally, ship Poly Sanders and Logically! Change Logan’s name to the one you ship with dear old Pat!) Everyone’s mouths dropped and eyes widen. Logan started to blush and stare at the fellow glasses wearing person. Everyone else had snapped outta it except Logan. “W-Wow, Logan! You would’ve thought, you outta all people would know it’s not nice to stare!” Patton exclaims, blushing herself. “S-Sorry.” Logan mumbled, after snapping outta it. “Why am I needed?” Patton asked. “We have been fighting and we needed you to come calm us down..” Thomas answered. “I think I already accomplish that!”

The next day, everything went back to normal- Well, almost everything.

-Insert ship name here that you ship with Patton- has sailed.

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7 years ago

Female!Patton, PART 2 (Imagine 2)

First thing, first is the hair, I can ONLY imagine Polly(/The only girl name started with P, I could think!)/Patton with long hair so here is final (?) hairstyle!

You know how some of the sides are represented as actual features of the body like Logan and Patton who are the Mind and the Heart, right? As long with Virgil, they could kinda sense the others like Logan with that he could sense some of the other’s thoughts as if he was a MIND with THOUGHTS while Patton can kinda sense the other’s feelings and Virgil can when the other’s feel anxious. Notice that I didn’t put “Kinda”-I kinda just did- Anyway, he could feel the other anxious feelings, even when he is asleep.

Patton woke up as a girl, started to feel VERY anxious because he didn’t know what to do... Then he/she get a text.

Dark Strange Son, Virge: Pat, are you okay? I can feel that you very anxious. (In my world, Virgil know how to do grammar well.)


Dark Strange Son, Virge: Hey! Calm down! How about going to the imagination room and make yourself some girl clothes. Do your normal morning routine, but then go to your room with your food. I know that the others haven’t been the nicest to you, we’re going to get them back. When I yell, “MOM”, you come out and do your normal motherly thing. In all honesty, you are more of a mom than you were ever was a Dad so.. Sorry. (I, honestly, think he is more of a Mom than a Dad. I’ll even do the ‘Head Cannon’ thing if you want.)

PattonCake: I never thought, I appreciated you saying that!

Dark Strange Son, Virge: Ttyl, Mom!

That made Patton smile so much.

PattonCake: Ttyl, my dark strange son.

Time Shipped to 4:40 Pm

Roman and Virgil was fighting while Logan was teaching Thomas some more fact-logical (Blame my Brain.) things.

Suddenly, Virgil shouted, “MOM!!”


Polly or Patton walked in, saying “What’s going on in here?” while wearing a cute outfit that made the boys choke on their saliva.

Once again, -Insert what you ship with Patton- has Sailed.

(I’m going to sleep!)

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7 years ago

Nobody can’t look at these wonderful photos and NOT say what Logan was saying when the photos was taken.

Every Time Logan Ever Smiles (it’s a LOT more than you think)

“Logic never smiles!!!” “Logan ‘Emotionless’ Sanders” “Logan is a robot!” “Logan’s the least popular character because he doesn’t have feelings!” etc.


I went through ALL the Sanders Sides videos so far (the most recent being Can Lying Be Good) and took a screenshot every time Logan got smiley.* THIS TOOK SO LONG; I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! 

Here are some happy Logan pics to brighten up your day!


*(Only using smiles from when he was genuinely expressing happiness, NOT INCLUDING BLOOPERS!!! These are all CANON) 

Keep reading

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6 years ago

Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.

Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.

Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking

It’s also totally FREE.

once again, it’s called CALM HARM

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7 years ago
Did You Mean
Did You Mean
Did You Mean

Did you mean

Why is no one talking about this:

Roman: I’m sorry I’m not thinking straight… ever… I’m not straight *Small smirks*

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