Logicality - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Virgil: Why are you in a towel?

Patton: I-I dont have any clothes!

Virgil: Yes you do.

Virgil: *Opens closet* Shirts, Cardigans, Trousers, Hi Logan and-

Virgil: ...


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5 years ago

Roman: Your the moon to my earth

Virgil: Huh?

Roman: Becuase i can't survive without you

Virgil: !?!

Patton: Lo! Your the moon to my earth

Logan: Patton that is impossible as we are humans, not planets or moons

Patton: That not what i-

Logan: I dont know where you would get the notion that we were

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5 years ago

Therapists: So, what's bothering you?

Patton: Hes always using common phrases incorrectly

Logan: Cry me a table Patton.

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5 years ago


Patton: *Sitting on the bed playing on his phone* 

Logan: *Sitting at the desk reading a book*

Patton: We are? Logan why didn't you tell me? I would have put down my phone.

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5 years ago

Logan: *Trying to flirt* Patton i would die for you

Patton: Id like to see you diddly darn try

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5 years ago

Virgil: Dad this is Logan

Logan: Nice to meet you Patton

Patton: Please call me Daddy

Logan: ...no...

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5 years ago

Patton: Lo

Logan: Pat, im here to pick up the kid

Patton: You'll have to wait hes tying his shoes

Logan: He can do it in the car

Virgil: Can you two stop calling me a kid im right here!

Logan: Virgil the adults are talking

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5 years ago

Patton: Okay, the key with kids is establishing the alpha. Remus, dwop it. Pwease dwop it. I'll give you anything you want.

Logan: Oh, Remus is the alpha. Didn't expect that.

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5 years ago

Patton: You know, Roman gives Virgil flowers everyday. I wish you'd do that.

Logan: okay?


Virgil: Wha...

Logan: *Handing him flowers* I don't get it either

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5 years ago

Logan: *Cuts his finger* Ow

Patton: Don't worry I got you! *Kisses Logan's finger*

Logan: *Blushing* what...

Patton: On things I've watched parent's give there kiddos kisses when they hurt themself to make them feel better


Roman: *Writing*

Logan: *Kicks the door down* ROMAN I NEED YOU TO PUNCH ME IN THE MOUTH

Roman: *Confused screaming*

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5 years ago

Patton: And no underwear left on the stairs Mr

Thomas: I don't like that word!

Logan: Too bad. Stairs, Stairs, Stairs!

Patton: ...He meant underwear...

Logan: ...

Logan: oh

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5 years ago

Logan: Virgil are those hickeys?

Virgil: *blushing* They are... um... kisses from the universe!

Logan: Kisses from the universe? Are you stupid or-


Roman: Ask Logan

Patton: *turns to Logan* Logan can you give me kisses from the universe?

Logan: ...

Logan: *walks away because he's blushing* I hate you all!

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4 years ago

Virgil: Why are Patton and Logan sitting back to back?

Roman: They had a fight

Virgil: Why are they holding hands?

Roman: They get sad when they fight

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4 years ago

Patton: You know what, we're smart to smartypants

Logan: Then what's the difference between a gametes and a zygote?

Roman: Don't fall for it Pat! He's just making up words!

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4 years ago

Logan: *Choking*


Roman: Google says his symptoms are signs of poor internet connection

Roman: You f**king robot

Roman: *High fives Virgil*

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4 years ago

Roman: Ok Roman, what would a Disney Prince do

Virgil: Kiss the first unconscious person he sees

Roman: Yes Virgil you genius!

Roman: *Knocks Virgil out*

Patton: KIDDO

Logan: *sighs* Not again

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6 years ago
When Your Prince Doesnt Sleep Well So Youre V Concerned

When your prince doesn’t sleep well so you’re V concerned

@thesoftestlittlepuffball @ineedtoart @thelogicalloganipus @romanpizza @helloprincey @hellomusicalnerdhere @lacteouslesters @lucifer-in-my-head @warnadudenexttime @angstyteenv @airakorainies @gay-space-rain @dorothyannewise @andlipstickboys @bunny222 @creepyfloof @the-queen-of-fandoms @healinghufflepuff @squirescreen @thecollectorofdarkness @panfilet @lucho-arts @dootdoodley @monstrous-madison @delphox-lover @skip-the-potato @escapedoodland @mangomonkeyboy @thatsweaterchick @twoframesstudios @awesomesilvercat @goldenfoxination @callmetrash1 @ebeanie @tj-the-nonbinary-alien @the-paper-head @pipiana-chan @galaxxibeast @official-alien-pancakes @10cloverfield @fux-nixi @imaginatekate @theaestheticworld @so-fucking-proud @thatrandomfangirl28 @crazybutcalm2 @thatonerandomromanian @drbblud@cremafied @blackholebunny @s-t-s-g @craftymelongirl @jennijam07 @randomslasher @tragicillustrator @infinitesimal-heart @oli-smiles-sometimes @elkius @kingsketchdoodle @themightylotad @angelic-ace @turtley-gay @all-these-things-that-ive-dun @lucho-arts @rayray2425 @shinsyl @akwardly-magical @shyrenthedawndragon @mint-bees @meplushyou @demigosh @moriarrtty @necro-nova @lilis-doodle-dome @internally-screeming @kobaltski @breloomings @peachy-pattoncake @ethanhanbury @romanasanders @purpsart @mimiloverfox @ec-sanderssides @finnlinnaj @jojoztar @swerve-art @2queer2deer @could-always-be-gayer-2@featuredfander @morallogic @fangirltothefullest @novaedream @cattonsanders @notafeeling @parano--vigilant @logically-asexual @colorful-unknown @the-sanders-sides @the-@imtoobiforyou @ifitsbritishimprobablyafan @fandergecko @pantton-sandacers @sugarglider9603 @misplaced-my-notes @meyonto @thomassandersownsmysoul @moxieties @ellistruggle @sander-sides-fangirl-with-pma @sanders-sides-fantasy @voidsides @cnv99 @paperghastly @im-basically-logan @caffibun @shesavampirequeen @tiny-mudkip @flatlinesunrelenting @blue-stopsigns @sanders-sides-thuri @aharleigh2 @pumpkinofspace @menaciingly @justisaisfine @notalwaysthevillian @fantasyinsanity @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @officialwaterfairy @sunshine-in-a-petal @galaxy-warping @toastraccoon @finiteframe3 @quietgamesart @quietlypondering @why-did-the-jax-fall-over @galaxy-lilies @iamtrashcans @l0lli @okaybirdboy @the-pastel-peach @prettyinaccurate @phhiih @blombla-art @unknownsandersfan @purplepatton @angsty-hoodie @angst-patton @violetvirgil @basementtreasure @nightcatssketchbook @rocithefangirl @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @sanders-trash @deceitful-deception @akuryoudraws@panic-at-the-everywhere-lol @chatterghosts @jewelsafecorner @aliensdoodless @demonlucy-chan @sinningbutwithstyle @sandy-sides @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @reba-andthesides @menacefh @simplypatton @pipapatton @agayfairy @pastel-patton123 @rose-gold-roman @hugemultifandomnerd @fandomsandanythingelse @lunar-logan @lazyscouts @lollingtothemax @smedenn @altruistic-skittles @peachy-pattoncake @minnie-monnie @melchann @goodjobmiranda @sidespart @never-logical @luarpice @strangerthings-and-phan  @thatsthat24@sparkedawg @allthemetalsoftherainbow @kirsten-the-freak @the-darkness-art @aliferous-ly  @pattson @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @saphirestrike @redundant-statements-for-400  @proudhufflepuffgeek @birdybabybird @quinintheclouds  @yourpalmogar @all-my-fandoms-are-killing-me @dementeddracon  @thatgaydemigodnerd @sanderdrabbles @countessmissyshort @anxiousravenclaw @creativenostalgiastuff @koalaaquabear @deep-ocean-blues @heythereprincey @devastate-my-space @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @ffsas-side-account @urtrashthemes @the-incedible-sulk  @savingshae @somepostontheinternet @grey-lysander @reba-andthesides @rose-gold-romantic @thatonenerdtm  @septifanderplier @do-rey-me @dementeddracon@confinesofpersonalknowledge @trashfireiplier @asterias-confused-writings @save-dirk-gently @lacandra @emphoenixcat @thenerdycube @walking-encyclopedia @trashypansexual @memesanddreamsinc @catsandrandomness @vulnerablevirgil  @too-precious-to-process @radioactivebread @crofters-jam @faacethefacts @nightly-illustrator @robanilla-writes @thestoryoftaylor @voices-and-stardust@countessmissyshort @aikogumi @allthemetalsoftherainbow @theworldismysupernova @vampyrsarah @ruuworld @romanssippycup @aph-romania-appreciation@spacenerrrd @kurna-kovite @deadinsidebutliving @johnnyboylaurens @hi-disappointed-im-daughter @pandagirl0730@thats-so-crash @echomist13 @allierox15 @theroyalramen @smokeyrutilequartz @theworldismysupernova @alextheodd @erlenmeyertrashofsandersides @heir-of-the-founders @thepusheenqueen@anachronistic-cat @pieces-of-annedrew @the-prince-and-the-emo@shadow-walker-1201 @micha-song-loveheart @ocotopushugs @deep-ocean-blues @emovirgil @emotional-mess-in-distress @emovirgil-sanders@lacrimosathedark @depressed-alone @strangerthings-and-phan @urtrashthemes @bluebellie01 @anthoscopus @panicatthephanfic @fireflightyt @bubblegum-borb @pinkeasteregg @anxiousoddish @asalwayss @musicsavedmefromdeath @spacevirgil @spoonfullofcrofters @siriuswhiskers @areyousirius-noheisdead @magicmapleleaf @katesattic @planetsanders @artistictaurean @sesame-icecream @magical-octopus @kentato-kenart @hanramz-the-fander @crankywhenprovoked @sanders-sides-thuri @sanders-specs @sandersidestrash1@sander-sides @sandersides-dump @sanderssidestrash69 @sandersidestheories @sandersism @virgil-is-verge@jesusonafrickinboat @tree4life25 @sandersfanderscandoers @thomas-must-get-sleep @osnapitzbc @evilmuffin @louisthewarlock @candiukas @just-another-transblog @skylagamingv2 @mercythemermaids-blog @devastate-my-space @purplesatankittycat @yourhappypappypatton @thesilentbluesparrow @kirsten-the-freak @storytellerofuntoldlegends @potterlover394 @madelynna @incredible-introvert @koalaaquabear @sanders-fam-ily @hissesssss @theshipqueenarrives @virgilisaneternalmood @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @sugarblob0 @logically-sided @pearls-of-patton @v-blue-writer @minshinxx @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @rptheturk @shygirl4991 @baileystarsketches @emokittenlikesgore @cripplingchips @heythereprincey @icbatocomeupwithausername @allaboutme70-blog @space-d0ubt @captain-loki-xavier @logan-exe @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @digitally-analog @datonerougecookeh @starlightlogan @katatles-the-fish @funsizedgremlin @thegirlwiththedragonheart @clock-heart @moonlightinwater @thecrimsoncodex @cinderlunarcyborg @kickthenavi @pansexual-cat @sarcasticanxiety @didsomeonesayyoutube122 @nottodaylogic @fanatic564 @jaybingu @lepardlover @cashmeredragon @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@on-lock-like-attica @the-lonely-angel @proudhufflepuffgeek@idiotauthor @ts-sideblog@jade-dragon226-fan @literaturegoesasfreight@confinesofpersonalknowledge @sanderssides-deathangel @too-random-for-me @karmicmayhem @hghrules @theanxietyofbeinganxious @ace-of-hufflepuffs @ace-v-p-d @ive-given-up-on-it @violetmcl @muontsy2 @microsoft-nerd @hoodie-bros @ashbash-the-trashcash @milomeepit @angeliclogan@lockolocka @makemeaplant @thegreyacefromspace @ffsas-side-account @sides-of-a-sunset @unknownsandersfan @the-feels-are-coming @k9cat @toujours-fidele @angered-turtle @nyxwordsmith @gamerzylo @nymphaedoratonks @aliferous-ly @221biotchplease @minamishipsit:) @anastasialestina @my-dark-anxious-son @deathbyvenusftw @lucifer-just-needs-a-hug @cinquefoilelove @a-blog-just-for-sanders @roman-is-a-gay @anxie-teaa @prplzorua @lanasimanenkova–22 @mollycassmith @ruuworld @mollycassmith@dudlebuggs @pinkeasteregg @sanders-family-sims @funsizedgremlin @musicsavedmefromdeath @radioactivebread @emokittenlikesgore @thenerdycube @siriuswhiskers @pieces-of-annedrew @fricksonsticks @inkyroo @trashypansexual @nottodaylogic @notveryglittery @starlightlogan @the-feels-are-coming@artistictaurean @theanxietyofbeinganxious @osnapitzbc @today-only-happens-once @thegirlwiththedragonheart @just-another-transblog @ocotopushugs @darude-slamstorm @do-rey-me @migraine-marathon @sarcasticly-aarogant-blog @fireflightyt @juvenile-changeling @v-blue-writer @ace-of-hufflepuffs @constantly-sobbing @curlyq-art @awika-kate @leesacrakon @weirdsthenewnormal @all-favorable-blog @just-fic-me-up @residentanchor @well-love-has-failed-me @mis-sinful @madly-handsome @upt0wnsquirr3l @pattoncakes @pattoncakesvirgil @pattoncaketheprecious @patton-cake-and-crofters @pattonpattoff @pattons-constellations @roman-sanders-protection-squad @romano-cheese @highpitchedscreeching @foursideharmony @fandersunite @blombla-art @deathshadowrules @asofterfan @emomorelikeanxious @robinsdraw @mossystars @izzynuggets @lamp-calm-sanders @virgil-has-a-houseplant @mystrangedarkson @mystrangeday @romanamongthestars @justanotherpurplebutterfly @flatlinesunrelenting @randomfanderfriend @accidental-sanders @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @patchworkofstars @logan-crofters @spacenerrrd @an-akwardperson @5am-the-foxing-hour

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6 years ago
Some Glasses Gays Also Known As Logicality. Made For An Art Trade With @everything-is-rainbows Which
Some Glasses Gays Also Known As Logicality. Made For An Art Trade With @everything-is-rainbows Which

Some glasses 👓 Gays also known as Logicality. Made for an art trade with @everything-is-rainbows which you should absolutely follow cause their art is flippin amazing.

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Logan and Patton are cuddling, and have both taken their glasses off. Logan says he has to get up and do something. Obviously Patton protests and clings closer. Logan extricates one arm from Patton and reaches for his glasses. When he puts them on, Patton makes a war flashback face and mumbles “the dreaded return of the glasses” to which Logan replies by grabbing Patton’s glasses, announcing “now with 100% more glasses”, and putting them on Patton’s face.

“Dad joke,”


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