Gerita - Tumblr Posts

"Bello, ciao."
"Auf wiedersehen, sweetheart."
Being a Multi-Shipper and watching everyone fight over which ship will be canon:

“In a heart beat” inspired Gerita comic~
Sorry, this turned out longer than expected orz’’
**Touch the pictures for better quality**
Okay, so I have this theory that the reason Italy loves making special food and treats for Germany so much is because, when Holy Roman Empire was leaving him, Italy said “I’ll miss you! I’ll be waiting! I’ll make you lots of treats for when you get back!”

i got rid of art block just by watching gerita animatics

HetaliaThis is either an AU or can be a HC for canon. I figured magic would be cool bc they already or immortal personifications that can teleport( im assuming only within their country) and yknow. Its fun
somethin' stupid by frank sinatra and nancy sinatra but its a gerita/itager fanfic

Boyfriend feel bad? Give him a cat to feel better
Germany is always so sweet and kind towards Italy

And he hardly puts up a fight when Italy asks for something lol

Lord, I started drawing answers to your requests, but I overpowered myself and now I’m sitting over 3 pages of the comic and thinking: is it worth it or not.. In any case, I’ll post it at least in the sketch stage...(I'll try to finish drawing it) 🙄🎉
in the meantime, keep these resting cuties 📸

I love my pinterest....
Guys i locked in so hard drawing this

Referenced drawing i did

Ante Meridiem
Nobody's happy with this. Not after nearly a century of idealizing dreams, the past, the future, anything. All the couple can do is live–and suffer–in the present early morning.
Aka Painful Gerita, also on AO3. Link at bottom.
Germany woke up at five in the morning that day. His morning walk took no less than thirty minutes. His urge to check the emails from the previous day was overcome by the reminder that he was on a getaway. This getaway was not for his solid soul, but he made it his own.
Italy had barely been asleep by the time Germany woke up. The man rested as well as a rock in a stream, seemingly unmoved by the world around it. However, even rocks erode, just as memories from a time gone by would do. At the soft aroma of coffee, Italy rejected sleep in favor of his mind's criticism of the substance. There had been so little care. No art, only cold calculation. Watching Germany operate the hotel's coffee machine was akin to watching an automaton at work. Boring and tasteless, but ultimately impressive.
"Up so soon?" Germany asked, thrown off by the quiet staring.
Italy didn't speak for a moment. His lips were dry and his sheets were too hot, even for his climate. He didn't even have clothes on his chest, just the necessary underpants to make his partner more comfortable.
However, when he thinks back, he can't remember why they're still together.
Maybe it was the charm of someone who couldn't be shaken by charisma. Maybe it was the challenge that was getting him to blush. Maybe it was his need for stability, or his projection onto the somewhat young nation. The way he wanted them both to be happy, despite only ever annoying him.
Germany plans ahead for the day. His calendar is on his phone, blue eyes fixed on blue light, making them both dull in the process. Nothing matters today, but there are upcoming deadlines further into the month. Ones that he can't miss. He's never missed deadlines, not even when he wasn't entirely sure what they were for.
It was now seven in the morning. Italy wasn't dressed in the slightest. Germany was ready for everything.
Italy couldn't let go of the fun he'd had yesterday, he could hardly get up.
Germany refused to be stuck in the past, planning their new outing.
The pair were many things. They were anything but truly happy. So, they stayed quiet together, for it was too familiar or useful to let go.
"Are you going to get ready?" Germany asked, tapping his foot on a squeaky board. It entertained his racing mind for a moment.
"Si, sorry, five more minutes..." Italy replied, lying back down.
They didn't even argue any more.
Nothing was there. Not their minds, not their hearts, not even a sense of warmth. Italy and Germany both knew it, but neither said that they had fallen out of love.
Perhaps one day someone would speak up. But for now, the mornings would move as slowly as possible. Every waking moment was hell, despite having once felt like heaven. The past and the future were idealized, but all either nation could do now was be miserable in the present AM.