Preservation - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

woaahhh hii i think i may have spurred this on also DO WHAT THEY SAY

Sign the Petition
Let Readers Read: An Open Letter to the Publishers in Hachette v. Internet Archive:

This is a wonderful petition to help keep the access to many of our amazing resources and stories and what we love available to us. You can check this out and read further on this but your support would be amazing!!

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1 year ago
Vinyl In BostonIdea For A Medium-sized, Modern, Three-story Vinyl Home With A Shingle Roof.

Vinyl in Boston Idea for a medium-sized, modern, three-story vinyl home with a shingle roof.

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1 year ago
The Lemon Preservation Society

The Lemon Preservation Society

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4 years ago

Evolutionary Genesis?

Evolutionary Genesis?

If those human species are truly of a biological evolutionary genesis, then there congenital behaviors would not be so reluctant to sudden needed/mandatory changes in their social lives and constructs. They would've easily adapted to extreme circumstances, if need be, to save their own lives. But even in the face of life or death, almost all of them behave obstinate to change(s). Truly, they're not of an evolution origin; or otherwise, they would've behaved in accordance(s).

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4 months ago

I love all the ways people are building out the MB universe on the human side.

Hi there! Just came across your MB pres aux's fav food zine, and was wondering if you have plans to and/or are comfortable posting a scan of it? I'd love to print one out to display next to my copies of the MB books : D

(referring to this post)

Oh! I never considered doing so because I didn't think anyone else would want to, but, absolutely!

I uploaded it and the Murderbot Cookbook to Google Drive - here's the link.

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11 months ago
Pepper Preservation

Pepper preservation

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12 years ago


(Original Handmade Book Art Collage: 2 Elements)

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6 years ago
The Untold Story of Japan's First People
In the 20th century, Japanese anthropologists and officials tried to hide the existence of the Indigenous Ainu. Then the Ainu fought back.

Yet some examples that show that traditional or not, cultures don’t necessarily die, but they evolve with the times. In fact, cultures live on by adapting to the times (including the modern), & the Ainu culture is doing just that especially after the recognition of the group. In light of the old ways dying, may the new Ainu ways make way for use while old ways be preserved. Either way, may the tongue be taken with the other cultural facets for modern timing.

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6 years ago
60% of world's wildlife has been wiped out since 1970
Problem more dire in Central, South America and Caribbean, study finds

Well over half the world’s population of vertebrates, from fish to birds to mammals, have been wiped out in the past four decades, says a new report from the World Wildlife Fund.

Between 1970 and 2014, there was 60 per cent decline, on average, among 16,700 wildlife populations around the world according to the 2018 edition of the Living Planet Report released Monday.

“We’ve had a loss of nearly two-thirds, on average, of our wild species,” said James Snider, vice-president of science, research and innovation for WWF-Canada.

“The magnitude of that should be eye opening… We really are reaching a point where we’re likely to see species go extinct. That’s true in Canada and abroad.”

Continue Reading.

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Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation By Blake Little
Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation By Blake Little
Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation By Blake Little
Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation By Blake Little
Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation By Blake Little
Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation By Blake Little

Stunning Photos Of People Covered In Honey || Preservation by Blake Little

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5 months ago

Taxidermy is such a beautiful thing when done with love and care- just beautiful :,).

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5 months ago
Adventures At Woburn Waterworks. The Best Two Days Of My Life.
Adventures At Woburn Waterworks. The Best Two Days Of My Life.
Adventures At Woburn Waterworks. The Best Two Days Of My Life.
Adventures At Woburn Waterworks. The Best Two Days Of My Life.
Adventures At Woburn Waterworks. The Best Two Days Of My Life.

Adventures at Woburn Waterworks. The best two days of my life.

Photo 1: Brass and Iron. Notice the modular construction of the steps. The main steam valve is in the top left. It has two wheels, one upstairs, and one at ground level.

Photo 2: Flywheel. The flywheel carries the momentum of the engine.

Photo 3: Low Pressure Side. The engine at Woburn is a compound, meaning it uses steam twice. The high pressure cylinder receives steam from the boiler. It exhausts into a receiver, i.e. a large tank between the cylinders, and the larger, low pressure cylinder uses this steam. A very efficient setup indeed.

Photo 4: Eccentrics. Unlike a locomotive or a ship's engine, a waterworks engine cannot reverse. It doesn't need to. So, why does each cylinder have two eccentrics? This engine is Corliss engine, or a four valve engine if you want to be more general. Each cylinder has four valves: two inlet, and two exhaust. It has two of each because most steam engines are double acting, meaning steam acts on both sides of the piston. These two sets of valves are each controlled by their own eccentric, allowing the engineers to make very precise adjustments to the valve timing should it become necessary. Also visible here is the belt which turns the fly-ball governor, yet another ingenious appliance from the steam age.

Photo 5: Down the Shaft. A view of the crankshaft, showing some of the gauges on the board. Since the engine was made a secret during the war, it has, very happily, retained ALL of its original gauges. Notice how the second on from the right reads "STEAM." Also notice the fact that the needle is not at zero...

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5 years ago
Simple Elegance Even In The Servant Stair In The Eugenia Williams House. What A Glorious House This Is

Simple elegance even in the servant stair in the Eugenia William’s House. What a glorious house this is and can be. #nofilters #preservation #dotherightthing #regencystyle

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5 years ago
The Main Stair Of The Eugenia Williams House With Custom Hand Wrought Iron And Brass Work, Created In

The main stair of the Eugenia Williams House with custom hand wrought iron and brass work, created in 1940 by Walter Kantuck, a well established iron artist from New York. Only the best would do for the demanding attentions of Ms Eugenia Williams. #nofilters #preservation #alloriginal #gorgeouswork #deservesarticulaterestoration

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