Homelessness - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes
Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes

Homeless People Read Mean Tweets About Themselves To End Stereotypes

When celebrities read mean tweets about themselves, it’s funny. When homeless people do it, it’s heartbreaking.

In a powerful PSA by Canadian advocacy group Raising the Roof, people who are dealing with homelessness read actual tweets written about those living without stable shelter. See all of the emotional reactions here. 

Watch the full video here. 

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6 years ago

I feel like I am caught

Betwixt teeth

If I crack I die

[A crunch of bone and spray of red

To pick gingerly from the cracks]

If they crack

Then split like marble tombstones

Rotted with sugar and neglect

The tender bits spill out

In strangling shadows 'round my neck.

It hurts to touch

They scream as they brush me



But it's sensation

And senses are life.

Give and take

Brace and break

Crumple and crush

A tin can to firm boots

[And if a lone scrap of metal screams

With no one around to hear,

Was it ever in pain at all?]

Vanishing, vanishing,

Varnish and lace,

Veneer and revere

Touch up your plastic face.

Pull back the hood and bare sparking wires

Belching pipes

Smoke and soot

Grit and fire.

[Pour the coolant,

Cap it.

There are no strings on me.]

I lick my teeth

[Drink my own blood]

And breathe.

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6 years ago

If I might cut in to this waltz:


The main reason my altar(s) are so pared down is because, if you haven't glanced over my blog, I'm car-homeless. I would like my devotional spaces, if and when I choose to share them, to be an example of what you can do even when you have nothing. They are not to be used to disparage other people's religious choices.


I am not practically an ascetic by choice, though there is nothing wrong with choosing that path. I reiterate: I'm homeless. Before that, I was rather literally in the closet, and I used a set of shoe cubbies as my altar.


My dream endgoal is actually a cedar shed behind my eventual house. Stone flooring, bead curtains, statuary, peacock feathers, flowers. Copper offering vessels, ridiculously expensive cuneiform tablets from Etsy, lamassu statues from a museum gift shop in Berlin, star maps and barley sheaves and lanterns. Everything with a meaning, a purpose. A certain amount of personal pride, sure. But I want that space FOR MY GODS.


Because I'm a visual person, an artist, and when I'm in love with someone or something I kiss their ring while throwing the contents of my wallet in their general direction. Also, I write a lot of sappy poetry. Hence my blog.


Live and let live. Be in good health, and don't cause yourself such undue stress at the sight of a post on the internet that you proceed to stalk the person like some sort of offended ekimmu. At the very least, there are better things to obsess over, like the influence of the printing press on the Protestant Reformation, or whether all that we see or seem is aught but a dream within a dream.

you say for the shrines don’t focus on elaborate displays? everything is secondary? listen to your own advice then

Hello again hate anon. I’m assuming this is in reference to my comments on @mastabas-and-mushussu altar?

Let’s use your BS hatred to teach others for a moment:

🔹An altar/ shrine can be as little as one wants or as large as one wants.

🔹An altar/shrine can have the bare necessities or have many additional objects and tools. Or only representations as a space to be a focal point for the Gods.

🔹An altar/shrine can be in a plain clean spot or it can be decked out with decorations.

🔹An altar/shrine can be a practical simple space for the person’s religion or it can be a piece of art.

🔹Altars / Shrines will also take different forms based on different traditions. Not everyone is the same.

🔹Someone else’s altars or shrines are no one else’s business. No one, I repeat no one, has the right to look at someone elses altar/shrine and say “thats wrong.” Or as you said in the last ask “gaudy” and “not focused on the gods”

🔹Any altar/shrine made with sincerity and love towards the Gods is acceptable and beautiful.

Mine are a personal piece of art, are very decorated, and usually have more than the minimum necessities on it. However, this isn’t always the case.

My altars can be elaborate:

You Say For The Shrines Dont Focus On Elaborate Displays? Everything Is Secondary? Listen To Your Own

Or only have the bare requirements of offering vessels and basic ‘tools’:

You Say For The Shrines Dont Focus On Elaborate Displays? Everything Is Secondary? Listen To Your Own

Or are tiny and plain without all the tools but are simply a shrine space I make for the Gods:

You Say For The Shrines Dont Focus On Elaborate Displays? Everything Is Secondary? Listen To Your Own
You Say For The Shrines Dont Focus On Elaborate Displays? Everything Is Secondary? Listen To Your Own


Here are excerpts from a post I wrote about altars awhile back:

“ […] My altar and my idols are my everything inreligion. Prayers, offerings, any rituals, all come as a package deal to maintain my altar which is my relationship to the Gods. The importance to me is simply not fully describable, kind of like sometimes people can’t fully describe other spiritual experiences.”


“Some say that the gods can be anywhere they want to be, at any time, which I agree with. But animating an Idol makes the God tangible & visible, in my mundane, physical space. No astral, or dreams, or meditation; they are there [on the altar] and I am charged with taking care of this gift they have blessed me with.”

What are your tips for maintaining an altar for a...
Heiress of Suns & Souls
Anonymous said: What are your tips for maintaining an altar for a deity or group of deities? How often do you suggest changing water or bury

My altars are for the Gods. The piece of artwork, as I describe it, is specifically for the Gods. In all ways, it is offered to them and meant for them. If I want to craft one that is super simple or extra elaborate is none of your business. Altars are one of the fundamental necessary aspects of my religion. They are the core representation of my relationship with the Gods— just as the idols were to the ancient Sumerians. You know absolutely nothing anon, take a hike.


Previous hate BS: https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/179488659203/your-altars-are-too-gaudy-and-not-focused-on-gods

Also, I have a side blog where I keep my altar related posts only, because they are important to me. My Altar Timeline

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8 months ago


Good morning ineffable fandom 💜

Yesterday I was lucky enough to go and see Hozier in Finsbury Park. My friend had bought me the tickets for Christmas, and refused to let me sell them and insisted I go and try to have to a good time. Anyway. When I was listening to I, Carrion, I sort of lost it a bit. Because between that song and GO S2, Don't Fall Away From Me was born. And it made me think about how lucky I am to have all of you, how a year ago I couldn't have imagined belonging anywhere, much less somewhere so full of kindness and compassion and love.

My crowdfunder to help buy a caravan to keep my kids and I off the streets surpassed the £9000 mark yesterday! At the time of posting on 8th July, the current total is £9,721.

Good Morning Ineffable Fandom

I am so blown away by the generosity and kindness of all of you. Not just donations, but people who help in other ways; by reblogging, by sharing on Twitter where I don't have much reach, and those who have decided to read my fanfics and leave comments... it's brought so much comfort to me at a time when everything feels so hopeless.

As promised, because we went past the £9000 mark, Finley has drawn you this lovely picture of our ineffable duo!!

Good Morning Ineffable Fandom

Do you think we can push up to £10,000 over the next few days? If you can, what would you like Finley to draw for you next?

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never know what'll happen

What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless


Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food

grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread

different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.

some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit


Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment

sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it

Some churches offer short term residence

Find your nearest homeless shelter

Look for places that are open to the public

A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry


A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.

Public libraries have bathrooms you can use

Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.

Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver

Local beaches, go for a quick swim

Some truck stops have showers you can pay for

Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet

Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket


first aid kit


 a travel alarm clock or watch

 mylar emergency blanket

 a backpack is a must

 downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards

 sleeping bag

 travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror

 swiss army knife

 can opener

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7 months ago

What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless


Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food

grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread

different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.

some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit


Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment

sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it

Some churches offer short term residence

Find your nearest homeless shelter

Look for places that are open to the public

A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry


A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.

Public libraries have bathrooms you can use

Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.

Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver

Local beaches, go for a quick swim

Some truck stops have showers you can pay for

Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet

Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket


first aid kit


 a travel alarm clock or watch

 mylar emergency blanket

 a backpack is a must

 downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards

 sleeping bag

 travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror

 swiss army knife

 can opener

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8 months ago

Fatima Rey is a 27 year old Palestinian woman currently living in the North of Gaza, with her two children and many other Palestinians.

Due to the ongoing genocide, she and her family are homeless and need money to buy a new tent, to help Fatima's brother and sister recieve medical aid and to buy food and water.

Food is very expensive in the North of Gaza currently due to it's scarcity, with one meal for Fatima and her neighbours costing between $100 - $200. They need donations urgently.

Here are some of the photos she shared with me:

Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

Fatima spoke to me about how she helps prepare food and distribute water between the people living around her, but that because there are so little donations people are getting hungry.

When I first spoke to her a few weeks ago, she hadn't eaten in 2 weeks.

Here is the food she managed to buy with some donations:

After 200 days of interruption, thank God, we were able to get two eggplants. Of course, we have something big in Gaza and the north. Do not be shocked. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who donated to me to feed my family... but thank God, the food is not a lot pic.twitter.com/CfB3vZq5Dq

— 🇵🇸Palestinian Fatima🍉 (@adelfatoom81) June 24, 2024
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

This is a picture of her and her children from her twitter profile.

Here are the links to her gofundme and paypal.

Donate to ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من الموت وخروجها من غزة, organised by فاطمة جودة
My name is Ghada and I live in Belgium. I am collecting donations for m… فاطمة جودة needs your support for ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من ال
Go to paypal.me/FatimaAdel81 and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

By donating to her paypal, the money goes straight to her, whereas withdrawing money from gofundmes usually takes a few days.

These are her social media accounts. Please follow her on Twitter and boost her posts there too if you are able to:

Palestinian Fatooma 🇵🇸
Follow @fatima-adel and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Dive in!
X (formerly Twitter)

On verification:

Fatima's gofundme has not yet been officially verified by anyone, but I have been talking with her for some time, and she definitely seems to be genuine. Her account shows none of the usual warning signs that an account is a scam. She has shared photos which I used google Image Search for, and all that comes up is her own gofundme. Additionally if you are still concerned most gofundmes, including Fatima's, are donation protected, meaning that you can get your money back if anything does turn out to be a scam.

Tag your mutuals, reblog her posts, and please donate if you can.

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8 months ago

Please reblog and donate if you can!!!!

@scoutblr @shinynx @exstella @morphfang @krisvsthew0rld @azurewishing @rahayn @dreamlit-wanderer @under-cow-ers @cricketnoise @killi3 @firegirl156 @sloppygoaty @pffth @ajdrawshq @rosie-kairi @thechiton @isoddtosay @sketchdeath @theidlerwheeliswiser2012 @khaosinitstrueform @evidentutensil @gautierprotectionsquad @willowcat33 @bumblebeebats @mraplejuic @alexolotll @jellycatslippers @quiets-cradle @nebulaegalaxy @theprophetssong @thepyromaniac

Fatima Rey is a 27 year old Palestinian woman currently living in the North of Gaza, with her two children and many other Palestinians.

Due to the ongoing genocide, she and her family are homeless and need money to buy a new tent, to help Fatima's brother and sister recieve medical aid and to buy food and water.

Food is very expensive in the North of Gaza currently due to it's scarcity, with one meal for Fatima and her neighbours costing between $100 - $200. They need donations urgently.

Here are some of the photos she shared with me:

Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

Fatima spoke to me about how she helps prepare food and distribute water between the people living around her, but that because there are so little donations people are getting hungry.

When I first spoke to her a few weeks ago, she hadn't eaten in 2 weeks.

Here is the food she managed to buy with some donations:

After 200 days of interruption, thank God, we were able to get two eggplants. Of course, we have something big in Gaza and the north. Do not be shocked. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who donated to me to feed my family... but thank God, the food is not a lot pic.twitter.com/CfB3vZq5Dq

— 🇵🇸Palestinian Fatima🍉 (@adelfatoom81) June 24, 2024
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

This is a picture of her and her children from her twitter profile.

Here are the links to her gofundme and paypal.

Donate to ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من الموت وخروجها من غزة, organised by فاطمة جودة
My name is Ghada and I live in Belgium. I am collecting donations for m… فاطمة جودة needs your support for ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من ال
Go to paypal.me/FatimaAdel81 and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

By donating to her paypal, the money goes straight to her, whereas withdrawing money from gofundmes usually takes a few days.

These are her social media accounts. Please follow her on Twitter and boost her posts there too if you are able to:

Palestinian Fatooma 🇵🇸
Follow @fatima-adel and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Dive in!
X (formerly Twitter)

On verification:

Fatima's gofundme has not yet been officially verified by anyone, but I have been talking with her for some time, and she definitely seems to be genuine. Her account shows none of the usual warning signs that an account is a scam. She has shared photos, which I used google Image Search for, and all that comes up is her own gofundme. Additionally, if you are still concerned, most gofundmes, including Fatima's, are donation protected, meaning that you can get your money back if anything does turn out to be a scam.

Tag your moots/friends, reblog her posts, and please donate if you can!!!!!!

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7 months ago

Please reblog and donate if you can!!!

@theygender @theropoda @brothersonahotelbed @solardeedle @animebaby16 @clustxr @sungsuho @gay-frog-is-an-understatement @bennydunbar @neurodiversenerd @humanwheatleyslefttoenail @orthoeatspaperclips11 @moxcks @fartface025 @bicycle-safe4work @tatertotpotdish @phantomclusterhug @ohdorothea @pelorsdyke @beepiiboop @thedigitalbard @postcardsfromliminalplaces @ftmurderface @witch-queen-of-lesbos @majesticmanatee626 @pontaoski @chesspieces @picafard @mee-op @foxcassius @silicacid @ms-mxyzptlk @squidkiddoesstuff @theconceptofkidney @as-warm-as-choco @namichma @lesbianmaxevans @thefandom-casserole @pastel-cryptids @fireyfobbitmedicine

Fatima Rey is a 27 year old Palestinian woman currently living in the North of Gaza, with her two children and many other Palestinians.

Due to the ongoing genocide, she and her family are homeless and need money to buy a new tent, to help Fatima's brother and sister recieve medical aid and to buy food and water.

Food is very expensive in the North of Gaza currently due to it's scarcity, with one meal for Fatima and her neighbours costing between $100 - $200. They need donations urgently.

Here are some of the photos she shared with me:

Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

Fatima spoke to me about how she helps prepare food and distribute water between the people living around her, but that because there are so little donations people are getting hungry.

When I first spoke to her a few weeks ago, she hadn't eaten in 2 weeks.

Here is the food she managed to buy with some donations:

After 200 days of interruption, thank God, we were able to get two eggplants. Of course, we have something big in Gaza and the north. Do not be shocked. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who donated to me to feed my family... but thank God, the food is not a lot pic.twitter.com/CfB3vZq5Dq

— 🇵🇸Palestinian Fatima🍉 (@adelfatoom81) June 24, 2024
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

This is a picture of her and her children from her twitter profile.

Here are the links to her gofundme and paypal.

Donate to ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من الموت وخروجها من غزة, organised by فاطمة جودة
My name is Ghada and I live in Belgium. I am collecting donations for m… فاطمة جودة needs your support for ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من ال
Go to paypal.me/FatimaAdel81 and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

By donating to her paypal, the money goes straight to her, whereas withdrawing money from gofundmes usually takes a few days.

These are her social media accounts. Please follow her on Twitter and boost her posts there too if you are able to:

Palestinian Fatooma 🇵🇸
Follow @fatima-adel and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Dive in!
X (formerly Twitter)

On verification:

Fatima's gofundme has not yet been officially verified by anyone, but I have been talking with her for some time, and she definitely seems to be genuine. Her account shows none of the usual warning signs that an account is a scam. She has shared photos, which I used google Image Search for, and all that comes up is her own gofundme. Additionally, if you are still concerned, most gofundmes, including Fatima's, are donation protected, meaning that you can get your money back if anything does turn out to be a scam.

Tag your moots/friends, reblog her posts, and please donate if you can!!!!!!

Tags :
7 months ago

Please help Siraj's family!

Hello, everyone. I am writing this post on behalf of @siraj2024, who needs our help. Donations are slowing down - only $4,124 out of $82,000 has been raised. His fundraiser is vetted and verified by @nabulsi, you may check it out here along with other vetted Gaza fundraisers (Siraj is #219).

Please take the time to read Siraj's story, he wrote it down for the world to know what his family and what the people of Gaza are going through:

"From the Gaza War... the story of the Siraj family, between a beautiful house and a tent like a convection oven

The Siraj family owns a beautiful house in the northern Gaza area. After the occupation declared war on Gaza, the area in which this family lives was the first area that vehicles entered and destroyed, which led to the house being damaged and large parts of it demolished.

Exodus series

Since the first days of the war, this family has suffered from displacement, as they were displaced to 5 places, where they saw all kinds of suffering, from danger to the most dangerous. There is no safe place in Gaza, and the last place was the tents that resemble convection ovens and lack the most basic necessities of life.

Difficult childhood

The children of this family carry water and do a lot of hard work, and they feel sadness and pain when they see students of their generation going to take the end-of-year exams, finishing their educational journey, achieving their dreams and living new experiences. On the other hand, a year of their life wasted, without any achievement.

Deadly drinking

Water in the tents, water barely reaches them after great suffering, queues that last for hours, and walking hundreds of meters to get water. It is polluted water, but everyone is forced to drink it, otherwise they will die of thirst.

My friends, this story is a difficult and complex case, and they need your support in order to build their home, educate their children, and meet their needs. Be helpful to them and help as much as you can."

Please reblog this post and donate what you can. Any donation, no matter how small, will help. If you cannot donate then please share this around. Thank you 🌹🇵🇸🌹

Donate to Support Siraj's Family in Rebuilding Their Home, organized by Ahmad Abudayeh
hi, my name is ahmad and I'm raising a fund for my cousin Siraj and thi… Ahmad Abudayeh needs your support for Support Siraj's Family in Reb

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7 months ago

Please read the post above, reblog and donate if you can.

@sar-soor @troythecatfish @incorrectmadrigalfamilyquotes @k-eke @neptunerings @mogai-sunflowers @gazafunds @arabian-batboy @horrorhorizon @artisticmaniacwithapen @apollos-olives @animallovingevil @saltyshimakei @level1cleric @ghostkidparadise @tragicgooses @fraulurker @snowangeled @whadthel @provincial-charmer @i-hear-a-sound @punkitt-is-here @blagorodnic @fings-wot-i-like @riftless @confunni-cannon @eternalsummer2006 @dadsmikkelsenn @its-me-hals @adanotron @moreeels @lemonsweet @tired-salty-vampire @dokibaesil @carfuckerlynch @tortellinisposts @simplyashrub @thepartymp3 @thelongwayhume @doloreschanal @mermaidfromatlantis @nomorenightingaless @poisoncherrywine @weavemama @snoopybutch @tomb0y-ish @paper-mario-wiki

Fatima Rey is a 27 year old Palestinian woman currently living in the North of Gaza, with her two children and many other Palestinians.

Due to the ongoing genocide, she and her family are homeless and need money to buy a new tent, to help Fatima's brother and sister recieve medical aid and to buy food and water.

Food is very expensive in the North of Gaza currently due to it's scarcity, with one meal for Fatima and her neighbours costing between $100 - $200. They need donations urgently.

Here are some of the photos she shared with me:

Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

Fatima spoke to me about how she helps prepare food and distribute water between the people living around her, but that because there are so little donations people are getting hungry.

When I first spoke to her a few weeks ago, she hadn't eaten in 2 weeks.

Here is the food she managed to buy with some donations:

After 200 days of interruption, thank God, we were able to get two eggplants. Of course, we have something big in Gaza and the north. Do not be shocked. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who donated to me to feed my family... but thank God, the food is not a lot pic.twitter.com/CfB3vZq5Dq

— 🇵🇸Palestinian Fatima🍉 (@adelfatoom81) June 24, 2024
Fatima Rey Is A 27 Year Old Palestinian Woman Currently Living In The North Of Gaza, With Her Two Children

This is a picture of her and her children from her twitter profile.

Here are the links to her gofundme and paypal.

Donate to ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من الموت وخروجها من غزة, organised by فاطمة جودة
My name is Ghada and I live in Belgium. I am collecting donations for m… فاطمة جودة needs your support for ساعد فاطمة واطفالها بالنجاة من ال
Go to paypal.me/FatimaAdel81 and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

By donating to her paypal, the money goes straight to her, whereas withdrawing money from gofundmes usually takes a few days.

These are her social media accounts. Please follow her on Twitter and boost her posts there too if you are able to:

Palestinian Fatooma 🇵🇸
Follow @fatima-adel and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Dive in!
X (formerly Twitter)

On verification:

Fatima's gofundme has not yet been officially verified by anyone, but I have been talking with her for some time, and she definitely seems to be genuine. Her account shows none of the usual warning signs that an account is a scam. She has shared photos, which I used google Image Search for, and all that comes up is her own gofundme. Additionally, if you are still concerned, most gofundmes, including Fatima's, are donation protected, meaning that you can get your money back if anything does turn out to be a scam.

Tag your moots/friends, reblog her posts, and please donate if you can!!!!!!

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7 months ago

I am Abdel Muti , I am 27 years old. I live in Palestine, Gaza. I am married and my wife is 23 years old. I have a daughter, Juri,maroan who is 2 years old and salmaa 6manth. We are displaced in southern Gaza. Our situation is very, very difficult, and I am afraid of losing my daughter and my family. Please, my friends, help me with my campaign so that we can travel outside Gaza from Please don't break the children's hearthttps://gofund.me/f285fe86

Abdel's family is currently at €2,424/€50,000

Please boost and donate if you can.

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7 months ago

Hello My Freind 🌹

I want your support My house was destroyed and I am currently living in a tent with my children 😞

My Mom and Dad who suffer from chronic diseases, They need urgent medical care and medications that are not available 💔


Please help my family by donating or reblog my campaign is going very slowly 🙏🍉


Please reblog and share Mohammed's posts.

His gofundme is currently at €17,370/€50,000 (July 28th)

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7 months ago

Hi, I wish you and your family safety and happiness from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

Please help me by retweeting my post on your account to save my family's life and escape the horrors of this brutal war💔.

Your help will be a lifeline for us and

can save innocent lives desperately searching for survival♥️Please consider donating and sharing our story. "My family is waiting and needing your donations.Your donation of just €5 can make a huge impact on our lives" Here's my account: {https://gofund.me/e6a1e1e9} 🙏🙏

Boost this family's campaign.

They are currently only at £211/£8,000

Donate to Help Musab and his family,my pets survive this war in Gaza., organized by Sohaib  Asfour
Hello, my name is Musab. I am 22 years old and was studying m… Sohaib Asfour needs your support for Help Musab and his family,my pets survi

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6 months ago

Hello my friend🌷

I am from Gaza. I created a donation campaign in order to escape and achieve my goal of reaching safety. Our home and livelihood were destroyed. We were injured and our tent was burned several times due to the continuous bombing. Please help me by donating and spreading the word.🙏🙏


Please remember Every euro you donate will save my family. 💔🙏🇵🇸

Verified by @sar-soor @90-ghost @maoistyuri @apollos-olives @a-shade-of-blue @el shab hussien


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4 years ago
#homelessness #homelesslivesmatter #homelessnessawareness #homelessness #homelessfamilies #rentforgiveness

#homelessness #homelesslivesmatter #homelessnessawareness #homelessness #homelessfamilies #rentforgiveness #rentforgivenessforall #rentforgivenessnow ##rentforgiveness2020 #cancelrent #cancelrentnyc #mortgageforgiveness #cancelmortgage #cancelmortgages #cancelmortgage2020 #cancelmortgagepayments #covid #covid_19 #covıd #corona #coronavirus #bernie #berniesanders #sanders #senatorsanders #politics #politica #politics #dem #democracy #democrat https://www.instagram.com/p/CITbQbWpdqH/?igshid=iroiw6dacmto

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13 years ago

Homeless Hotspots was reported in Wired magazine the homeless individuals hawking the service were recruited from a local shelter and are walking around carrying MiFi devices and wearing t-shirts with his or her general info including the hotspot location and password. Those who wish to connect to the 4G network offer a donation that goes directly to the homeless person (from the Slatest)

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11 years ago
Just A Reminder: For Those Of You Who Live In Urban Areas Where The Weather Is Getting At Or Below Freezing,

Just a reminder: for those of you who live in urban areas where the weather is getting at or below freezing, and there is a homeless population sleeping out-of-doors in inclement weather, these work great to keep people warm in emergency weather situations and i recommend handing them out to those in need. 

Each Sol or Space brand emergency blanket costs about $2 - $4 each and can be found at Army Navy Surplus and Sporting & Camping Goods stores.  I would suggest giving 2-3 to each person as though they are re-usable, they aren’t meant to last long periods of time.

Since they are uber lightweight they can be carried around in your purse, messenger bag or backpack as you walk/bus/bike around the city.

Given it is also the holidays, if you can afford to, add a few hand and toe warmers - you can get a Grabber brand “Big Pack” (8 pairs) for around $10.

We’re all in this together.

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10 years ago

Oh my god - this is real: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/07/anti-homeless-studs-london-block-uproar

Britain 2014: Anti-homeless Spikes.

Britain 2014: ‘Anti-homeless spikes’.

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10 years ago
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour
Secret City Design Tricks Manipulate Your Behaviour

Secret city design tricks manipulate your behaviour


When Selena Savic walks down a city street, she sees it differently to most people. Whereas other designers might admire the architecture, Savic sees a host of hidden tricks intended to manipulate our behaviour and choices without us realising – from benches that are deliberately uncomfortable to sculptures that keep certain citizens away.

Modern cities are rife with these “unpleasant designs”, says Savic, a PhD student at the Ecole Polytechnique Federerale de Lausanne in Switzerland, who co-authored a book on the subject this year. Once you know these secret tricks are there, it will transform how you see your surroundings. “We call this a silent agent,” says Savic. “These designs are hidden, or not apparent to people they don’t target.” Are you aware of how your city is manipulating you?

In 1999, the UK opened a Design Against Crime research centre, and authorities in Australia and the US have since followed suit. Many of the interventions these groups pioneered are familiar today: such as boundary marks painted around cashpoints to instil an implied privacy zone and prevent “shoulder surfing”.

San Francisco, the birthplace of street skateboarding, was also the first city to design solutions such as “pig’s ears” – metal flanges added to the corner edges of pavements and low walls to deter skateboarders. These periodic bumps along the edge create a barrier that would send a skateboarder tumbling if they tried to jump and slide along.

Indeed, one of the main criticisms of such design is that it aims to exclude already marginalised populations such as youths or the homeless. Unpleasant design, Savic says, “is there to make things pleasant, but for a very particular audience. So in the general case, it’s pleasant for families, but not pleasant for junkies.”

Preventing rough sleeping is a recurring theme. Any space that someone might lie down in, or even sit too long, is likely to see spikes, railings, stones or bollards added. In the Canadian city of Calgary, authorities covered the ground beneath the Louise Bridge with thousands of bowling ball-sized rocks. This unusual landscaping feature wasn’t for the aesthetic benefit of pedestrians walking along the nearby path, but part of a plan to displace the homeless population that took shelter under the bridge.

So next time you’re walking down the street, take a closer look at that bench or bus shelter. It may be trying to change the way you behave.

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