Queer Labels - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

I am a part of one of the youngest queer generations, and the lack of willingness to learn is amazing to me. I seem to be the most knowledgeable about queer labels (I am admittedly not very knowledgeable in my history, but I am working on it!) which is crazy to me. The only reason I know so much is from experimenting with my gender. I’ve been through quite a few labels, but still, I have a very limited knowledge of queerness as a whole. Us younger generations need to be better about learning our past as well as newer labels.

what's so striking to me about younger queer generations rn isn't the lack of knowledge about queer history, but the complete unwillingness to engage with it, when confronted with an identity or history they haven't heard of before they react with disgust rather than curiosity. (for example) instead of asking where the leather pride flag came from and what the leather community is and represents they immediately question the need for something like that to exist, not even willing to listen and learn from both elders and peers. this is also more broadly a problem in leftist spaces in general, being reactionary is somehow the default now, and anything that's different or unknown must be an attack and bad. really hoping y'all manage to grow out of this deeply conservative way of interacting with the world.

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5 months ago

Ok that’s it. I’ve officially given up on trying to figure out my sexuality. I know I’m a Demi boy (or genderfaun but wtvrrrr) and that’s good enough lmao. I’m SO DONE with labless

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5 months ago
So Turns Out Im Neptunic!

So turns out I’m neptunic!

I’m a Demiboy (although I might be boyflux or genderfaun but idk) and I’m romantically (I’m ace and don’t experience sexual attraction) attracted to girls and NB people. I know the term neptunic is normally used in a way that excludes the attraction to masc aligned NB people but….. I don’t care! 😀 the queer experience is such a broad one, there’s no way everyone experiences things the same way, so, I’m going to use this label for what it means for me.

Anyways that means my current labels are:





And the pronouns I use are:




Fae/faer (pronounced fay/fare)

Xe/xir (pronounced zee/zir)

Any other neo’s!! The ones above are just my favorite ones!

*read this user’s DNI’s before interacting*

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5 months ago

Idk who needs to see this but-

You’re not faking it

Faking is an act that is done consciously. Unless you’re standing in the dimly lit corner of your room going “oh yeah I’m gonna scam so many people today” while rubbing your hands together like a mad scientist from an early 2000’s cartoon, you’re not faking it.

You can be wrong about your identity but that does not mean you’re faking it.

It’s okay to take time and figure out what makes sense for you <3 don’t be too hard on yourself.

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5 months ago

Hey so just so you know….

You don’t have the right to invalidate anyone.

Anyways that’s it! Carry on.

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5 months ago

“Wow!! The queer community is so cool!! I should research all these labels to better know the ins and outs of this community and how to support them!!! I’m such a good ally that I spend all my time watching queer TikTok compilations on YouTube!!! Mannn…. It does kinda suck that I’m straight tho :///“ -10 year old me

Uh yeah so anyways I’m a dumbass :)

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5 months ago

Haha does anyone else remember standing in front of your bathroom mirror every night before going to bed from the ages of 7-11 saying “I’m not a boy” over and over again because you were scared that if you were trans your parents would stop loving you because they always talk about how glad they are that they have a girl and how they wouldn’t know what to do with a boy and how your dad would say that all queer people are socially engineered by the CIA? Remember that? No? Just me? Oh ok.

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4 months ago

‼️Flash warning

Flash Warning

Reblog to show your blog is a safe space, or don't, no bad vibes your way if you don't wanna reblog <3

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4 months ago

Pronouns do not indicate gender. Someone can be a girl and go by he/him pronouns. Someone can be a boy and go by she/her. Someone can be nonbinary and go by she/he or literally anything else. Gender is fake, let people mix and match. It’s not gonna hurt the community I promise.

At the same time, sexuality is not all rules and stuff. Someone can be a boy and lesbian if that’s what suits them. Someone can be a girl and mlm if that’s what suits them. There’s no reason why we have to be so uptight about this.

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