Rapier - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

What is a Rapier?


A Rapier is a one-handed, thrust-centric sword common to the Renaissance. The word first begins to be used in France in the late 15th century, referring to swords as an “Epée Rapiere,” and it continues to see common use into the mid 17th century, and even into the 18th century in countries such as Spain.

Common sub-types of Rapier include the swept hilt,


cup hilt,




and ring hilt (also called a seven ring, or some variation thereupon,)


and the rapier is likely the weapon which has the most manuals written on its use. Contrary to popular belief, Rapiers are not particularly light swords, sometimes weighing as much as longswords, up to 5 lbs/2.25 kg.

-mod Armet

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3 years ago
A Tiny Kobold Paladin! Sketch Page Commission For DraconisMagnum.Thank You For Commissioning Me!
A Tiny Kobold Paladin! Sketch Page Commission For DraconisMagnum.Thank You For Commissioning Me!

A tiny kobold paladin! Sketch page commission for DraconisMagnum. Thank you for commissioning me!

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4 years ago
Did An Animation For School And I'm Damn Proud Of How It Came Out

Did an animation for school and I'm damn proud of how it came out

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7 months ago

"Ruku opierať" :D Vieš čo, u neho by ma neprekvapilo ani to opieranie ruky. :D Pred Steinom sa odvoláva na toledskú oceľ a eleganciu zbrane, čiže po nej mohol siahnuť čisto preto, že je štýlová. Lepšie sa s ňou vykračuje po meste vo vtedajších módnych handrách. Že ale obhajuje svoju schopnosť narábať s rapierom práve Federfechtským štúdiom, zaujímavé je. Feder by so sebou nenosil tak či tak, keďže šlo o cvičnú zbraň a mala špičku upravenú tak, aby zamedzila vážnym zraneniam. Hmotnosťou, ťažiskom a rukoväťou mal zodpovedať klasickým mečom. Od tých sa už však pri dueloch upúšťalo v prospech rapierov. Nemecká šermiarska škola (okrem obojručných aj tesáky, drevce, dýky, palice, puklicové štíty) ako taká bola postupne vytláčaná tou talianskou (po pôvodnom širšom zábere začiatkom 17 storočia zúženie na rapier). Po tridsaťročnej vojne prakticky skončila pod drnom. Rapier bol totiž nielen švihácky, ale aj praktický a doboví odborníci píšu, že vďaka jeho rýchlosti sa ním možno ubrániť aj strelcovi. Barbarič by mohol zapadať práve do tohto prechodného obdobia. Možno Ďuro len pozrel, kto v Prahe operoval a neriešil, čo sa vlastne učilo. Možno ilustroval práve tento prechod. A možno šlo o to, že si v celej tej napoly potaliančenej Rudolfínskej Prahe Matej vybral práve Federfechterov, pretože podľa ich erbu a niektorých dobových komentárov sa možno domnievať, že šlo o klub šermujúcich pisárov. Mladý študentík práva zakladajúci si na kultivovanosti a nie hrubej sile sa v tom mohol vidieť. A možno iba mali dohodu s univerzitou a/alebo dobré ceny.

My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.
My Collection Of Swords, From A Few Years Back, I Think 2021? A Swordtember Collection.

My collection of swords, from a few years back, I think 2021? A swordtember collection.

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5 years ago
Silver Mounted Rapier, Germany, 16th Century.
Silver Mounted Rapier, Germany, 16th Century.
Silver Mounted Rapier, Germany, 16th Century.

Silver mounted rapier, Germany, 16th century.

from Sofe Design Auctions

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6 years ago

Probably The Coolest Sword I’ll Ever Draw

Probably The Coolest Sword Ill Ever Draw

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6 years ago
I Wanted To Draw Some Weapons. I Chose To Theme Them Around Night And Roses.

I wanted to draw some weapons. I chose to theme them around night and roses.

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4 years ago
Lets Get Our Villain On!!!

Let’s get our villain on!!!

So recent I’ve started creating an art portfolio to hopefully go with a graphic novel and a possible video game pitch! And what’s one thing a video game and story will need the most? A villain~... HAHAHAHAHAHA! So say hello to this terrible two!! I’ve yet to come up with a decent name for them 😑 But I’m sure I’ll come up with something! And yes they look exactly the same except they’re mirror images of each other. I wasn’t lazy and just copied one them I swear 😂😅

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6 months ago
Team CRML (Caramel) + Snow Fairy
Team CRML (Caramel) + Snow Fairy
Team CRML (Caramel) + Snow Fairy

Team CRML (Caramel) + Snow Fairy

While I do love RWBY, the only thing these characters have in common with that show is team names and maybe some outfit references. 😂


Feel free to ask any questions about them, I know these characters like the back of my hand.

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8 years ago
Alrighty, Another Commission Done :3! Commisioned By: Brad

Alrighty, another commission done :3! Commisioned by: Brad

Brad’s Dnd character is a handsome human Bard: called Valdebron Polixenes Danforth Longaville Genevie, or Val for short. He was brought up in a rich family and he excelled at acting and singing, so he started performing.

The Elizabethan era is one of my favorite, fashion wise. So this was an absolute treat to do :)

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1 year ago
First Artwork Of The Year, A Secret Santa Gift For One Of My Lovely Friends Featuring Their Oc Karl.

First artwork of the year, a secret Santa gift for one of my lovely friends featuring their oc Karl. I wish I had had more time but oh well, I'm happy with the result nonetheless <3

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