Red Alert - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
This Is A Red Alert For Net Neutrality

🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨

Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.

We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.

Here’s what you can do to save the internet:

In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.

Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.

This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 

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8 months ago




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11 months ago

Night Beat would def figure out who the with was

Also Red Alert with the Corries would be such a good team up; you got the paranoid, anxiety ridden trauma of a mech with a whole bunch of traumatized, overworked, discredited clones. Imagine the stuff him and Fox could do

do you have any more thoughts on the Star Wars and MTMTE crossover?

Due to the fact that these are both my largest hyperfixations, ofc!

I feel like Tag and Bink with Swerve would get along like a house on fire, history would be forever changed the moments the trio began to interact. Rewind has quickly found a home in the temple archives, hanging out and trading data with Jocasta Nu, Riptide hanging out with Kit Fisto and the both of them having swimming competitions.

With the power of both Drift and Cyclonus the padawans lightsaber techniques have never been better, with Fortress Maximus watching over the creche the children have also never been safer!

Ratchet has planted himself in the halls of healing and is not leaving. There is no way these organics are healing people without half of them having no qualifications in the first place! Nightbeat is busy attempting to figure out the true nature of the force, maybe finding out a certain world between worlds?

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4 years ago

turkey and azerbaijan are attacking armenia right now, and it's 1915 all over again because the world is distracted and people are too busy wondering if they're gonna live or die, and who gives a shit about my country anyway? my mum told me to tell my friends and explain to them what's happening and that we are the victims in this war because azerbaijan is spreading lies and people are believing their lies and i told her, what good is that going to do? do you think anyone's going to come to our aid? is russia going to help us? is america? is england? erdogan said they will finish what their ancestors started, and he means genocide. he means ethnic cleansing. he means to massacre every last one of us. and in doing so admitted to the very same thing turkey has spent 105 years denying. i don't know who to tell and what good telling people will do because we're a small, insignificant country, and we have nothing to offer to the people in power, the handful who rule the world. so i sit here with my pain and i feel helpless. i know there's twitter threads and links to petitions and people being urged to contact their senators, and sorry if im being pessimistic, but azerbaijan has been attacking us for the last 22 years, and though we defend ourselves, we can't do anything to stop them. they've violated ceasefires (and geneva conventions) multiple times. i don't think they'll rest until every last one of us is dead.

we just want peace. we just want to live peacefully. we're not asking for a lot here.

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6 years ago
This Is A Red Alert For Net Neutrality

🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨

Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.

We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.

Here’s what you can do to save the internet:

In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.

Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.

This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 

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1 year ago
Hypothetical Scenario?

Hypothetical Scenario?

RA: I am not awake enough for this...

*Scene cuts to a Med-bay full of injured troops*

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9 years ago

Catherine Tate and David Tennant reunite as the Doctor and Donna for Big Finish Audio Productions! During the final days of recording they interview with David and Catherine for a quick chat.

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10 months ago




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8 years ago

so uh you kids like metal gear

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1 year ago
Red Alert Says Stop Your Scrolling And Let The Ducks Pass Through !

Red Alert says stop your scrolling and let the ducks pass through !

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