Inferno - Tumblr Posts

Professor Robert Langdon from Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series (United States of America)

Commander Maximilian Richter from Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series (United States of America)

Peter Solomon from Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series (United States of America)

Father Patrick McKenna/Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca from Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series (United States of America)

Bertrand Zobrist from Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series (United States of America)

Some Beast Wars redesigns!! Annotations below :3
Edit: wow mobile quality is terrible, i hate you tumble
I went very heavy with the knight imagery, serving his rrroyalty!! Went with a mix between a trapjaw ant and turtle ant because I wanted a shield. He has dual flame-throwers on his back/shoulders connected to the ant-butt because might as well add another mix with the yellow crazy ant, that sprays acid (in this case flammable liquid) through it's rear!
Being grabbed by those extremely strong, extremely fast mandibles of the trapjaw ant before being blasted by a flamethrower to the face sounds like a wonderful time <3
Rattrap I wanted it to feel like an Italian mobster, I think I went a little too on-the-nose but, I like it! He has a fedora-type helmet, with a lovely cigar alongside some hidden suspenders and I tried to make the rat head have a tie - on his wrists he has tools such as lockpicking devices, torch, other things ;)
In my continuity he's primarily infiltration and sabotage, with a heavy preference for explosives
Rampage was fun, I stuck heavily to his BW design but I wanted the mutant freak part of him to be more emphasised. So, the crab has teeth. And 6 legs? I gave him extra arms because it would be quite hard to grab things with those mega pincers, but also extra arms are cool as fuck. He also has spurs and leg-guns because, again, cool as fuck. I love how his biolights turned out!
I didn't want to spend time drawing massive guns but he does still have his rotating grenade launcher thing - it has all sorts: hellfire missiles, acid bombs, napalm grenades, and other nightmares <3
Depth Charge was very fun also, I wanted his colouring to be extremely opposite to Rampage's so he has very muted cool tones while Rampage is blindingly bright. He has twin remora-shotgun things on his shoulders, and I wanted the manta to be more manta, less metallic. I enjoyed doing the gold highlights to add a bit of grandeur and elegance to him.
In my continuity his primary weapon is the Blades of Chaos from GoW :'))
Here’s a quick little first part of YT channels that had helped me be apart of my dream girl journey! Inspo for this is from @dreamgrlarchive
The infamous “sprinkle sprinkle” lady recently but her tips really is tough yet make sense depending on your goal. I like her for her real person and keep in mind she is not a relationship gru but more of a financial advisor to clear things up. Her vids on confidence and how you ARE the prize, I agree with the most.

2. Dear Peachie
This channel is quite popular and for a good reason! It helps with beauty tips to enhance your features and bring the best out of’s like a fairy Godmother on the tip of your finger although their content may seem geared to mainly East Asians, it helps everyone!

3. Wildheart waves
This channel is not so popular but nonetheless it gives gems.This content is focus on trending figures within black pop culture and what we can learn whether good or bad from the situation. She gives a pretty good insight on things that might not be so easily spotted. She’s a bit more dating/marriage based however take what applies and leave the rest out.

4. Free지아
Love her or hate her, she is undeniably an it girl with the rise to mainstream with the hit Korean dating show “singles inferno”. She appear on the show like a femme fatale and self confident in herself. However her page,especially in Q&A’s she helps her fans with confidence,image and overall how to be you and feel happy about it.

That’s all I have for today but I hope these channel can help!
"L'amore è come il diavolo. Fa dei patti con le persone per poi trascinarle all'inferno e bloccarle lì per sempre."
francesca by hozier is easily one of the best love songs out there.
the fact that she is suffering an eternity of torture which includes being stuck in a hurricane but still loves paolo just as much as she loved him when they were alive
the fact that hozier said in an interview: "there's no punishment in spending an eternity arm in arm with the person you'd die for"
the fact that she admits that she would do it all again (go through a terrible death and then litreal hell and torture) just to hold him for a single minute
the fact that the song ends with the lyrics "heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i" and were the song played on repeat the end would flow perfectly with the beginning in order to mimic the hurricane
Minimate Mini Nate kills me.

X-Men “Inferno” Marvel Minimates Box Set (2025) Diamond Select Toys

I would rather work here than anywhere in the US (or anywhere) right now or ever, serving the sexy trash man

If someone other than Shishou makes Fran cry, then only the deepest pits of hell shall await you. The guillotine was created to punish the likes of you. But even the guillotine is too merciful for such inhumane people like you. The deepest pits of hell await. Like Judas in Dante’s Inferno, you shall be gnawed on by Satan for all of eternity. Until the heat death of the universe; Until the end of time; Until the end of eternity.

PHOTOGRAPHER: jego-alterego
You’re just... you’re staring at me," I said in a voice much quieter than I meant it to be. A muscle feathered in his jaw. He swallowed. "I’ll stare at you if I want to.
Sophie Gracewell and Luca Falcone, Inferno
"When my body craved your embrace, When my mind recalled your grace, When my heart, revoked its craze, And when my soul was set ablaze.
You did not know, how my my heart did blow, how my soul did glow, when i realized that you're this cold persons inferno." - ||=||
I'm bored
So I'm going to flip to random pages in Inferno and post the first sentence I see
Part 1
He jumped at the sound of Caleb's voice behind him.
Part 2
Simi passed a hungry look over him.
(Look at the tags)